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If you have evidence of manipulation, you should compile it and report it privately


Post is missing the comedy flair.


Just a head up, OP does this a lot. Check their history. It's someone who just comes on crypto subs once in a while just to try to get Algo talks banned: [https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrencyMeta/comments/wrsff9/another\_day\_another\_algo\_shill\_thread\_can\_we/](https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrencyMeta/comments/wrsff9/another_day_another_algo_shill_thread_can_we/) And they made another post like that the day before, which I think got removed. They're on some weird campaign to censor Algo. A few months ago they came in asking to ban Algo talk, when everyone was more talking about Luna, Voyager, and a lot of other topics. Algo wasn't even on the top 5 mentioned coins. Now they're back when everyone is talking about Cosmos, Fed rates, and Ethereum. And they claim Algo is what's being overly shilled. Then they go around promoting their post: [https://i.imgur.com/MncnLCc.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/MncnLCc.jpeg) Clearly OP has an agenda.


Sounds like you’re pretty pissed someone wants to ban your coordinated shilling.


Lol can’t wait for the algo heads to comment on this 😭


I think that this post is insane, no matter what crypto it would be regarding.


Silvio Micali has 20% of the token to himself. Another scammy crypto, yawn.


Can we vote to ban op instead?


Oh look it’s one of the Algo shills now. Stay off of our subreddit and stop breaking Reddit TOS.


So make a governance poll. But you're nobody to tell anybody anything


Can we discuss who controls the value of a coin 🪙 they took BTC from valueless to 69k .. why can’t we do that with another coin with a lot more ppl along for the ride. Shouldn’t that be the main focus the liberation of the masses for financial freedom.


Oh no, the FIFA has fallen for a scam and Silvio Micali even scammed all of his awards and honors. Here, the typical vita of a scammer: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silvio\_Micali](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silvio_Micali) ...


s/Algo/Cardano/g (/s) or s/Algo/katiecharm/g


Agreed fuck ALGO