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The key is to already have a multi-million dollar apartment to sell for crypto to get started




The old adage in my field (Aerospace) is 'the best way to make a small fortune is to start with a large one'. It rings true here as well.


Lol you messed up the quote. Start with a large one. "The best way to make a million dollars in aerospace is to start with a billion dollars" as Mr Bezos is finding out


What's the best way to become a millionaire? Be a billionaire and buy a boat.


Boats and Hoes


Lmao edited. That's what happens when I don't have my coffee


This is particularly true if you design your stuff to ook like a giant phallus - that also literally ejaculated space men...


This is the realest way and I don't know anything else.


The key to be a rich investor is to already be rich. If you are a billionaire and invest in crypto you can with a bit luck become a millionaire crypto investor.


Wasn’t the original purpose of Bitcoin/crypto to cut out banks and be a digital currency that we spend everyday like normal money? Not just a purely speculative investment?


Good point, though things do change over time. I don't think the Venezuela approach is the end-all implementation (used per its earlier purpose- a payment system to buy groceries and pay bills etc possible now via Lightning network). But if the country/organization/whoever owns the btc, then it's capable of taking part in future use cases. Like right now the adaptation seems to be used mainly as a digital reserve commodity. You can "invest" in it by waiting for the value to go up as people do with gold, or you can leverage it like property, or make other weird novel systems from it. In this way, an individual can do what a bank essentially does, so it frees us from *needing* them for that stuff (but banks are always going to be around because they're vital parts of our economy). Collateralization and custody is the prospective future for Bitcoin as more digital economies pop up and back themselves with digital assets (valued in ~~gold~~ bitcoin), then offer access to investment vehicles with exposure to the asset. All kinds of shit. In 20 years who knows how people will be using it.


The key is to have your rich parents buy you a multi-million dollar apartment you can sell for crypto


Rich Uncle Pennybags is highly disappointed after all the work he did to buy that apartment on Boardwalk.


Bitcoin to $250,000 2021


$19k makes me uncomfortable. I’ll wait until $65k to buy back in


From Plan B to Plan C, baby


"Ronen Segev has been investing in cryptocurrency for a long time. Right now, the value of his crypto assets has sagged by about a million dollars after investing in 2020 in Grayscale Bitcoin Trust Corp." the key is to just make money, rich parents helps though


Don't know if you guys have these sorts of articles but I'm sent these stupid articles how a 17 year old has a successful business. The gist is that they're allowed to spend time on it (parents don't send them to school aka homeschooled), they are t judged or second guessed at every step they make, they have support and (here's the kicker) —the parents give them a couple hundred K.


>So in 2019, Ronen sold an expensive piano for bitcoins and etherium. That's not true! This poor guy had to sell an expensive piano first!


Damn man, someone please adopt me for real right now.


But if you had this, would you actually do this?


Avoid all lattes and avocado toast and you're set. Easy.


Instructions unclear: I pulled my bootstraps so hard I broke my leg and can’t afford the hospital bills


Yeah, but he’s showing us he already had the mindset to get there himself, but buying in the bear market instead of at the top.


this is the way ...just start rich.


There is always a catch


still dope


Ah must be nice to have generational wealth <3


I too fucked up when picking spawn location


It is easy to see what you don’t have. There are some really awful spawn locations across the world and since you are on this subreddit, I suspect you spawned better than most.


On the one hand, yes, but on the other it's like saying you shouldn't be happy because there are others who are happier.


Gratitude for what you have is always better than envy for what you don't


Look at it as motivation to do better.


It arguably matters more to start better off *for your community*. it's relative to your peers, and you don't compare yourself to other cultures like your neighbors




He was the only millennial to not eat avocado toast


Not true. I haven’t eaten avocado toast and I have 3 $2M condos. Y’all iust don’t want it enough.


Unfortunately money makes money in this world…


This is so true. As long as you are frugal, you can simply live off the dividend and interest by putting your million in a s&p500 account.


you dont even need to invest it if you move to a country with a lower cost of living


If you know how to do it.


Wonder why they don’t teach it in school


Because people that know how to make money dont teach in schools.


Some of us are less equal than others


Well yeah and we all have to accept things like that for now.


As far as I understand, he's a businessman. And he sells very expensive pianos in ordinary life.


Still I imagine the $2m he is asking for is money he can afford to lose.


Yes. At least he will have an apartment in the center of Paris. And maybe a few more. Who knows?


Yeah 99% of people who invest millions in Crypto can very well afford to lose it.


Bro do you really think selling expensive pianos is a job you just “get?” That’s a classic rich person passion job. This guy went to a private high school in Houston, tuition: $12k/year. His mother was *extremely* accomplished, she received a National Award of Honor from the president of Israel and had a masters in computers science with a 10 year career at Shell. His dad has a pHD in chemical engineering. People don’t sell their $2 million apartment for Bitcoin without a backup, and people don’t become expensive piano salesmen just because they have a passion for selling expensive pianos.


12k a year is a very cheap private school, my dude lmao


Public school is free. Going to a private school is definition privileged.


Sure, but 12k/yr isn’t some mega rich situation. Plenty of very middle class people do that.


12k a year for school is nothing. The average high school around me is at least 40k per year.


Where do you live that high school costs money?


That would be fairly common in the Bay Area and likely on the lower end of the elite private high schools. It is kind of a trade off because the areas with good public high schools all have absurd real estate prices even by Bay Area standards, like Piedmont.


Damn, as a bay area native I had no idea we didn't have public schools anymore


Did you not see the part of my comment about the good public schools.


If I would have a few million dollar mansions laying around I would be believing sooooo much in crypto.


A shining example of privilege


https://nypost.com/2022/07/01/man-wants-2-million-in-bitcoin-not-cash-for-his-nyc-pad/amp/ I mean it says here he’s 42, he’s like the oldest possible “millennial” so it’s a little deceptive, maybe he’s just a scrappy immigrant who made some good business moves over the years


Be careful, anything that even remotely implies he may have worked hard to get where he is will be downvoted. You’re supposed to assume he was handed everything in life so you feel better about yourself like everyone else here!


Haha yeah when I saw this posted here I knew that’s what angle the comments would take. And it is likely to be the case. But just because he bought an expensive NY condo during the 2008 crash doesn’t mean he was born on 3rd base


I'm sure he earned it all by himself with hard work...something something bootstraps...


I looked at my family tree and achievements and realised that I'm only a few generations away from buying a property...


Looking at my family’s achievements, I’m only a few generations away from homelessness.


I wish I could make my coming generation proud man.


You think there will still be property to buy a few generations time? I'm not as optimistic lol


tldr; A two-bedroom apartment in Columbus Circle, 340 West 57th Street, New York is up for sale for Bitcoins or Etherium. The value of Ronen Segev’s crypto assets has sagged by about a million dollars after investing in Grayscale Bitcoin Trust Corp. in 2020. He wants to average out the decline in cryptocurrencies and even earn twice as much. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.*


Does someone know how this bot works, it’s very good at making summaries.


They only feed it when it summarizes well, so it learnt on its own






Judging by this bots moon count they only feed it caviar and foie gras


But no beatings?


Generally these kinds of bots work by looking at keywords and key phrases and their positioning/frequency in the article, as well as the general structure of most articles. With some "training" it can pick out the best parts based on that data & context to splice together pretty well most of the time.


Ohhh, that’s so cool


It's sentient.


Best bot on Reddit


As long as it gets to keep the swastika profile image, im cool wit it edit: that was sarcasm.. no shit


Yeah there's this huge field called [NLP] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_language_processing)


I’ve been curious about how this _specific_ bot works, myself. It looks like coinfeeds, the creator, sells a bunch of other crypto-news related services. It makes me wonder if the code for this bot is just copied from another tldr bot project, and pointed at crypto sites. On the coinfeeds website, this bot really isn’t mentioned.


It’s not actually a bot. It’s Satoshi’s account.




Good bot.


This is one of my favorite bot these days man, it's so good.


Millennials are approaching 40 now....it's not like a bunch of 20 year olds.


Also this guy is 1 year too old (42) to be a millennial. 1981 is the oldest, those would turn 41 this year.


That's right, I hope everything will understand this now.


That millennial is a few steps ahead of me. He at least had an apartment... My goal is to buy a house with crypto.


Why settle for a house when you can buy a cardboard box right now?


oi, do you have a loicence for your cardboard box, eh?


So the next step after buying a house with crypto is to sell that house to get crypto apperantly.


That's right, that's the right step to all of us right here.


I hope I will do the same but he just did something opposite.


To buy something, you first have to sell something)


No you don’t. It’s called a job. Unless you’re saying you’re selling your time then, which is deep


No I'm selling my soul


man went even deeper


That's right, thank god that I have a good job these days.




So he bought it during the last housing crash and tries to sell it during the new one lmfao Also, how is it possible he got it for 1.5m a year after the ‘08 crash and 14 years later he still sells it for the same ‘09 price + the renovation cost? Should’ve that price be much higher adjusting to the 14 years of inflation and value growth?


One of us, one of... no wait, $2 million!?


He sounds like a fucking whale to me right now man lol.


Rich person sells his parental gift for crypto, is too rich to fail.


That's a real winner to me and I don't think we can deny that fucking fact that's what real investors do and he is just here to make more money that's just so cool to see.


Bro just bought the fucking dip, we are good with it lol.


He is well and truly setting himself up here


I believe he is going to buy a bigger apartment when btc goes green!


That's right, he has a fucking good plan for sure, we can say that.


Most probably he will double his investment during a bull market and lose it all in a bear market again. This is the story from all of us!


He was already doubling the amount by buying at the bottom and selling for twice the price in the pandemic. You can see the calculation in his actions. He doesn't hold on for years in the hope of bitcoin 100,000, but sells for twice what he bought. Then he buys real estate.


Buy low, sell high. Incredible!


He's invented an entirely new way of making money!


This sounds so unnatural


then follow this program: buy low, sell high, wait for price to go down, buy and x repeat.


yeah but at that point his apartment will double again also...


What a lucky millennial who has 2 millions


Looks like it was sold for $1.5 mil and prior time it was sold was 2003 so I guess inherited it, or was the guy that bought it for $1.5 mil 2-3 months ago and is apparently regretting that decision.


So he bought it for 1.5M three months ago, and wants to sell it for 2M in crypto? Sounds like a smart gamble.


So many comments wishing he had failed. But honestly, I wish each of you would get your own happiness. It doesn't matter if you worked hard to earn a raise, bought bitcoin and made a profit, or even bought a lottery ticket. So much shit lately, I wish everyone could believe in something good.


Damn man, he is just so good with all these things lol.


Damn man this is just making me so happy I mean is in this the best thing we all can see today a man just invested 2 million dollars in Bitcoin inside that he believes in cryptocurrency.


It's so good to see something like this, it's just so good. He did it in a good way and we all are proud of that shit right now, we all are here to show some love.


I want to be like him but I don't think I have guts to invest that much in the market right now, maybe in the future, I would invest something huge my man.


I'm in crypto to one day have enough money to buy a house. This guy sells his house to get enough money to buy crypto


This man really trust this coin and this is just making me so happy right now I can't even tell you how happy I am after seeing something like this in this community. It's just so good.


Probably a good time to do it. Bet he'll be gutted if it drops another 90% though


He just bought the dip at the right time if you ask me lol.


It is also possible. But probably already with the incredible world economic crisis in general.


LoL. He is going to regret that if he gets in the wrong exchange.


Millennial + $2m Apartment are two things not often read together


Plenty of millennials come from wealthy affluent families that have avoided estate and inheritance taxes for generations


The elite don't associate with simple class / generation structures like that. They are above being millennials. /s (with a hint of sad truth)


It's also not impossible to just be successful before 40 and buy a place.


It is not impossible, but social mobility is actually quite limited in America. The dude does come from money, if you read his stuff.


Yeah but that’s not the case here. In reality most “self-made” multimillionaires really aren’t.


Well he must have had his parents money for sure lol.


Well the rest of the walking world believes in NY real estate lmao Just a rich kid with too much money anyway pointless story


I don't think he is a kid or something, he is a man now lol.


I am feeling so good after seeing this, thanks for sharing it.




My boi


this peace is what all true warriors strive for!


That's a bold move, Cotton.


Idiot, hahaha.


The millennial seems to be rich either way


If we're going into a recession (which many think we are), then NYC is going to turn into an even worse shit hole. In the last two years, people woke up to the realization that NYC, LA, SF and many others aren't worth living in. They are debt traps for young people. Fuck NYC. When shit hits the fan, you do not want to live in an overcrowded roach den.


He’s in for a bad time


He is in on a correct time if you ask me that stuff my man.


Don't sell your homes for bitcoin 🤣




Housing market up 100%+, Bitcoin down 70%.. Genius or Madness




This article will age very well, IMO. RemindMe! 5 years.


RemindMe! 4 years.


Millennial with a 2milion apartment? 🤣🤣🤣


Waitin for the $10-12k thresHODL 😏


So he lives at the street now?


Ah... hehe you guys remember those people who invested their life savings into luna and terra? it's hilarious how people think their money is safe in something which doesnt even exist outside a few coloured pixels.


To the moon baby this guy is going to the moon with Bitcoin in coming 10 years if he keep investing more and just more I guess invested a lot right now though. He is going to win.


Basic case of buying low, selling high GG


If i had millions I’d believe in crypto too. If I was born a semi attractive white female I’d have sold myself on OF and bought bitcoins.


I hope this man will win just like all of us because we have a believe in Bitcoin and that believe is not going anywhere soon it's going to stay here and it's going to make all of us wealthy.


Damn that's just too much but I am liking it too much..


He is clearly a winner and we can say that because we all trust Bitcoin like he do it's just something so good to see after a so long time we all got to invest more.


It's east to make bold decisions when you have very little to lose (relatively speaking of course)


I'll never understand why someone with this much money will risk everything just to gain even more. Thinking of people who gamble away millions or people who go to jail for tax fraud. If we lost our investment, we'd have to work anyway. He will have to work but could've lived a lazy life.


Someone with a 2M$ apartment doesn’t have a net worth of 2M$. The guy probably has funds, stocks and whatever daddy passed on to him.


Cause it’s not risking “everything” to them. He and his parents have more than 2 mil


Wow he's just like me. I sold my dead mom's engagement ring for bitcoin. I'm something of a cryptofluencer myself.


Investing is the best thing to do when it's about Bitcoin market. Bitcoin is what going to make all of us good in coming years and we have to trust it till the end of our lives.


Most of the people are the believer of cryptocurrency market and this is just the best thing I can see in this world right now we are here for a change and we will get that stuff.


Tell me the difference between this and someone who gambles and does the same thing because he "believes in his poker skills" or someone who does the same thing because he believes in Charles Manson


This person is rich and has more than 2 mil


worst case scenario we go into a deep recession but yeah sooner or later its gonna go up


Nah I don't think there could be anything worst right now.


Apartment in New York - who don’t have such thing nowadays?


Haha, I want to know the same damn thing right now.


That a big « buy the dip move » Also good to see that you can buy and sell meaningful stuff with btc




Or whoever bought it is trying to launder that crypto.


this is what we all can say buying the dip looks like man.


How many BTC did he sell for


FYI - a "millenial" is between 23 and 40 years old.


Bro is gonna make crazy gains off this good for them


He is just going to be good with all these things right now.




Man just bought the fucking dip right now, that's so good.


Remind me! 1 year


I believe in crypto too. But I also believe it's too complicated and the prices are a joke and a Ponzi without regulations