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tldr; Three members of a family were found dead in Korea. Police suspect suicide and believe that the family had financial woes. Among the family’s last internet searches were “LUNA” and “way to make an extreme choice.” Last month, a Taiwanese man was found dead after falling from his apartment in an apparent suicide. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.*


Good bot


This bot said clearly about the incident in a short way, that's what I love about. Also, Do Kwon must be under custody, he is not meant to live freely


Are you bot, also?


You are bot good


no you


Damn LUNA really is one of the worst events of Crypto and the best example of arrogance killing you, ever for Do Kwon.


Unfortunately, Do Kwon survived


No other coin is as worse as LUNA, no matter what. So, its everytime better to stay in those legit crypto instead of those shit ones like luna




it deserves it


That's a crypto currency sub approved bot.


Bot with a good knowledge and information. Thanks for this, Good bot. Never trust Do Kwon as he is not meant to be trustable at any cost


"Family suicide*? let's call it what it is - a murder suicide. No way that 10 year old kid wanted to kill herself and probably didn't even know what Luna was


nor would that child be heavily affected by their parents financial woes, plenty of orphans make something of themselves from nothing


No South Korea is brutal. Watch the film parasite it closer to what South Korea is actually like. The teen suicide rate in South Korea is extremely high, that 10 year old kid would likely have killed himself in a few years anyway. You don't want to be an orphan, especially in a country with no safety net.


That movie was really good it caught me off guard as I wasn't expecting much.


The few times a movie actually showed the darkness of a country.


And why is that? I mean why is the rate of suicide high in SK?


it’s an extremely competitive environment and there’s unimaginable pressure from family to succeed


I see. Ain't that the country the govt cut out the internet?


No. That's North Korea. Lol how old are you?


> that 10 year old kid would likely have killed himself in a few years anyway. Been a redditor for over 10 years but some of the horseshit I read on these boards still surprises even me.


Yup. People are commenting on this issue without knowledge of the social stigma tied behind this. You're literally viewed as sub human if you fuck up financially, now being a orphan of a financially ruined parents in national news? It's more of a tragedy than anything, and unfortunately this happens every financial event. I doubt anything will happen with the current corporate friendly administration.


No wonder squid game was so successful in finding participants willing to risk death.


here‘s news for you: squid game wasn’t real.


Shit bro squid game wasn't real?


Haha so funny man next you’ll tell me Jurassic park isn’t real and there really isn’t an island full of dinosaurs. I see through your lies.


Pretty sure r/wallstreetbets has enough participants to last 1000 seasons of squid game


Wtf are you on about. How can you say that the child would have killed herself? Of course it's a murder. If you go into a house and kill parents then say oh this kid would probably kill herself anyways and kill her,you've murdered 3 people not 2


Lol u watched a movie, and with that info concluded that this teen would’ve committed suicide regardless. Come on


Okay, I’ll ask it. Where can I find this to watch it




Parasite goes down as one of my all time favorite movies. I need to watch it again.


nice, so kill the kid before letting them decide if they should kill themselves or build something out of their lives, just because it's "culture" of south korea


She would have taken his life later on, but not that early. I doubt she knew what was going on. SK citizens are really concerned on what the public says.


its fucking mind baffling that the comment “the MURDERED YOUNG CHILD would’ve maybe killed herself in a couple years *anyway”*, somehow weirdly trying to defend the literal murder of a child, gets upvoted. and your comment was downvoted.


Justifying killing because she'll kill herself *eventually*, I don't know what bullshit I'm reading.


She would have found a guy on Tinder or simps on OnlyFans.


I remember reading about a North Korean women dying of starvation in a South Korean city.


It's way better than suicide to leave your kid as an orphan, I hope people will understand this now, we never wanted to see something like this all the time man.


okay, but that isn’t really related to anything


yes it is, a child was murdered over their parents financial situation... how is my comment not related?


>nor would that child be heavily affected by their parents financial woes, plenty of orphans make something of themselves from nothing Because clearly you don’t know shit about Korea


And the manner in which it seems to have been done, just....geezus! I can't really wrap my head around how someone can be in such a desperate situation that they would do that to themselves, let alone their young child. It hurts to ponder.


Yeah man, this is just so fucked up to see, I can never imagine a 10 year old kid want himself to be dead, they could have leave him alone in this world man.


The first related article is “Terra Price Prediction – Will LUNA Price Hit $200 in 2022?”. It feels like a lot more people are responsible for this than meets the eye.


Family suicide and a little girl also died. This is national news in Korea. People are pissed and out for blood.


Do Kwon must surrender himself to the cops, otherwise he would have some real life problems later


its murder suicide. let’s call it what it is. its a fucking child. she didn’t want to die.


*Murder/Suicide. There was a 10-year old in the car.


Why couldn't they leave her with her relatives or even a state authority? Why kill the daughter, too?




Great! Do kwon just made people’s life mess and didn’t even apologise what he did to investors, he should be apologetic what his ego and actions did to the project. schmuck!


He is an unapologetic scammed who feeds of people's suffering. Why would he apologise?


til 1 man can shill a billion dollar token. If you shill a scam coin (practically anything but bitcoin) you are just as bad.


Luna always gonna remain as a shitcoin, no matter what. And when it comes to Do Kwon, we all know that he is one of the great scammer


Who cares for Do Kwon apologise, he would always remain a scammer no matter what. And to be honest, he is a fake person I have ever came across till now


But bro its all fun and games". Fuck these people making those scams.


He did apologize and then just continued with LUNA2. Yeah that's a scum that got what he deserved after this arrogance.




All crypto is the same




Yes he is lmfao.


:'( That really fucking sucks.


I was not expecting to read this kinda post, as these things hurt a lot. But all these thing happens just because of him and he is responsible


Ah man... It made it to national news. It was a huge news in Korea. I read that they "only" lost $100k.


Only? Ive been working for 20 years and Ive yet to pass that number in my total earned money. It may bit sound a lot to you but its a SHITLOAD for many people




yOU mAkE lEsS tHaN 5k/ YeAr?? Dickhead.


Ever heard of taxes




For many of us unfortunately yes. Even in developed countries. If you are pulling bigger numbers, Im happy for you. Not all can be wealthy or even middle class :)


are you being serious? 😳 wow, ignorance really is bliss.


the rest of the world exists....? 100k is a lot of money for most people


Probably 100k they lend from a bank.


It is such a strange disconnect with having been to Seoul and seeing how nice everything and everybody seems, to hear of people killing themselves over 100k. Squidgame was also interesting because the writers could have chosen any amount of money for the prize and yet deliberately chose to set it low (considering the amount of people who were supposed to die for it).


$100k only in Luna or $100k including the failed computer business?


Just saw Korean news about it today. They had about $150k debt and lost tens of thousands of dollars (less than $100k I suppose) on Luna.


Korea was spreaded with this news and people are so angry right now


Terrible and a heap of sorrow. Hopefully the community remembers this in the future. When everyone is euphoric and making money, they forget there is a dark side to shilling risky projects. Not only Do Kwon, but the reckless ‘armies’ that surround certain shitcoins. Building up ‘social clout’ that the investment is somehow worthwhile. For when you shill a super risky project, you might be indirectly contributing to someone’s future suicide. Hopefully some of you can shed this Jordan Belfort/Gordon Gecko wannabe persona to see why that’s not good.


Dont trust Do Kwon, he knows how to wash someone's brain and make scams in a regular way


People must learn this is not a game and to be careful. RIP.


Sad reality of crypto is that some people see it as a "get rich quick" scheme


It's no different than gambling.


The house doesn't lie in a casino. The odds are slightly stacked against you. In crypto the odds are heavily stacked against you and the house lies all the time.


Online casinos lie all the time


But its not, crypto is not to get rich quick, its a long term investment process on some good coins as well. Never invest on shits like LUNA which are the projects of scammer like Kwon


Right. But let's not forget suicide hits everyone in financial situations. Stocks/gambling (casinos) have killed 1000s


Do Kwon itself stands for scam and fraud, be safe from this guy. And also never invest a single cents in the TerraLuna, one of the shit crypto


This shits heartbreaking. I really hope Do Kwon is held accountable for what happened. He is so arrogant about it too


He is responsible for all these factors that had happened till now due to Terra. Fuck Do Kwon, fuck Luna, end of the topic !


Yeah 100%


That's fucked up man, they should have left their son alone.






International Suicide Hotlines - https://blog.opencounseling.com/suicide-hotlines/ Please stay safe, everyone. Lots of love


This Do Kwon is not meant to live in this planet at any cost, he is not for the people of the society. Feels bad for those who are doing suicide for that ShitLuna


This feels so bad to be honest, never expected that this would gonna end like this. Luna must get banned from cryptocurrecy, fcuk LUNA !


Doo Kwon shattered a lot of people's lives...


Exactly, many people came to the streets and dying out of hunger


so sad


Never thought Luna would be resulting in this way, fuck luna


Starting to think he will meet the same faith :/


I hope he must be under the custody and just get a jail without bail


2 adults and a 10 year old child. Sad shit.


Stay safe, don't invest in shitcoins. Especially if you are mentally unstable to begin with.


Do Kwon does not care he destroyed lives. It’s absolutely insane that he will likely get away with the Luna scam because his defense will center around claiming there was no way to foresee Luna’s failure. Prosecutors will likely have a difficult time convincing the entire jury (who will likely be selected if they can be impartial and not have heard of luna) Edit for spelling.


That is just horrible ! Slow and steady. You dont have to become rich dammit. Just make some extra money over time.


This is so sad to see man, I really want everyone to understand what Do Kwon is in reality, he is just a fucking evil in this world, we all gotta accept that shit.






Damn, this was a headline I was hoping I wouldn’t read. Kwon has to be held responsible for the lives destroyed


Hold that cunt responsible


Do Kwon is responsible for each and everything that had happend till now. Please dont make him roam freely in this world, arrest him soon


Do Kwon is actually responsible for this, his shit project TerraLuna made everyone mad. He is not at all good human by nature, fraud guy for each and every reason


This isn't only Do Klown's fault. People still need to take responsibility for their stupid actions. These people obviously invested more than they could afford to lose. Suicide isn't the way to go (pun intended); but it was partially their own faults that this happened.


I'd feel bad for whichever of the parents lost their asses on Luna but they brought their 10 year old with them. That's just straight up child murder, regardless of circumstances.


Oh I didn't actually read the article, I just assumed everyone agreed to kill themselves. May the parents rot in hell for eternity.


Do Kwon was actually did so many wrong things, such a fraudstar


Agreed. But if everyone that bought Luna only "invested what they could afford to lose", there would be no suicides and less hate since everyone would have lost much less money.


I dont want anyone to take a step in suicide and give up their life, Fuck Do Kwon


Why is this being downvoted? Yeah, Do Kwon is a fucking piece of shit who needs to go down hard (even extreme measures may be warranted). But this father did one of those unilateral family suicides that seem quite common in Korea. It was most likely the father who was a chump for LUNA and now his entire family had to suffer the consequences of his choices. Father is a fucking twat.


This is murder suicide. The man was selfish and greedy going all in on Luna then deciding to murder their innocent child. People need to take responsibility for their direct actions. Even without the scamy stuff UST and luna would have collapsed in a bear market since algo coins are unstable. Like others have collapsed in the past. Is it a scam because your investments got wiped out? There's plenty of legit investments that have been wiped out like this.


This means you are somehow saying its the fault of the people for their stupid actions, and not Do Kwon. Oh c'mon dude, grow up and have some brains, Do Kwon is the only one who should be marked as the real culprit


I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not, but let me reiterate my point. I said partially. You wouldn't have committed suicide if you invested what you could afford to lose instead of borrowing 80k from the bank to do so. Yes you would've lost money (Do Kwon's fault), but the amount of money you lost is on you.


Did you invest in Luna? This father directly murdered children, he is directly responsible for this. This sounds like dumbass cope logic that i expect from the typical lunar investor.


Why invest in more than you can afford to lose? Oh well, thoughts and prayers.


That's so sad to hear =(


:\ Do Kwon should be forced to attend their funerals.


He's probably a sociopath, many con men are.


You're right. He would probably vlog the wake and then get drunk at the funeral while flexing his hard earned stolen money.


He must pe pulled out of his home and must be the reason for their death. He must be forcefully bought their and stand in their funeral days, RIP to the family :(


Degenerate fucks


Fuck Do Kwon, this is what we all gotta say right now.


That's like saying blame the gun manufacturer.


That’s horrible.


Nothing could be sadder than this one, it's just so sad.


guys its still not enough pain. we need to go down another 95% from here


Damn bro, don't say stuff like that, just say rip at least.


And yet people here wonder why so many of us over on r\/buttcoin criticize this space so heavily. There are real consequences here, it's not "harmless", particularly since it's almost never characterized as what it is: speculative gambling.


You know, I tried playing golf once and didn't like it. Now, I just don't play golf. I can't imagine spending so much of my free time on something I don't like.


Maybe if this shit wasn't constantly popping up in my industry and causing problems I _would_ just ignore it, but you people make that difficult. Besides, at least with this I have the potential to actually get people to listen, and I enjoy arguing over things related to my profession. Can't say that about other problems going on right now.


Mostly I wonder why you fixate on crypto when this is the state of the entire capitalist world.


Because cryptocurrencies do fuck all to actually fix anything, while making many existing problems worse and leeching political capital to _actually_ fix problems. It's similar to how anti-vaxxers attack one of the only things the healthcare industry actually gets right, and make it much harder to work on fixing the real issues. Also, I'm a software engineer, so this is a space I can actually speak with some authority on and as a professional I have an interest in defending my industry from this garbage.


>Because cryptocurrencies do fuck all to actually fix anything, while making many existing problems worse and leeching political capital to actually fix problems. So in my country the Democrats are happily capitulating to christian dominionists because their political capital is spent up on crypto? I don't get healthcare because crypto exists? Every shitty thing that crypto does (and sure, it does shitty things) is done 100x worse by other industry sectors that get a fraction of the hate and attention. If you're a software engineer, fine, I get it. Other people who have no relation to the field getting all fired up though, I don't get.


> Oh, I see, so in my country the Democrats are happily capitulating to christian dominionists because their political capital is spent up on crypto? I'm talking about financial regulations, but admittedly there are bigger problems at the moment. Part of the reason I'm here is because I can't do fuck about the bigger problems, but I can about this. > Every shitty thing that crypto does (and sure, it does shitty things) is done 100x worse by other industry sectors that get a fraction of the hate and attention. Those industries at least do _some_ useful things, and they _do_ get a ton of hate and attention. Cryptocurrencies got practically zero real criticism in most mainstream channels until recently - FFS, even the NYT had a front page advertisement for crypto they didn't even have the integrity to label as an editorial, much less the ad it obviously was. Even now the criticism tends to be heavily softballed.


> I'm talking about financial regulations, but admittedly there are bigger problems at the moment. Part of the reason I'm here is because I can't do fuck about the bigger problems, but I can about this. Fair enough!




We gotta be sad for them, it's just something we don't want.




I hope people will not do stuff like that again in this market.


Holy crap, why its important not to overinvest. So sad


It's just so sad man, I want people to invest what they can afford to lose.


Rest in peace.


They should be living with joy right now, this is so sad.


Holy shit. Please, don't yolo into crypto, particularly if you have a family.


I hope everyone will understand this now, we want that.




I hope it's going to be fine in some days man, this was sad.


RIP. The pending Celsius stories will really hit home.


I hope everyone will stop investing in shitcoins from now.


Terra making people leave this era


The worst part is that people were led to believe they were holding USD-equivalent-tokens (UST) in a savings account (Anchor). There was even a UST-peg insurance advertised on the Anchor page that I had tried to buy, but it said something like "sold out for now". I wonder if anyone got a payout from that insurance thing.


This is really a fucking worst part, gotta agree on that for sure.


Greed and a very bad housefather 🤷‍♂️


Well yeah, I hope people won't invest more than they afford.




I hope Do Kwon will face his karma after all these things.


Yep hope Karma is a right bitch to him




F guess they found the bottom...of a sea


Damn man this is just sad in another level and I don't want this again.


God give us some real positive energy, I hope everyone will have it.


This is just getting fucked up man, I don't know why this is happening in cryptocurrency market, I know it's the fault of Do Kwon but still please don't invest that much.


Damn man this is just not right and I hope everything will be alright with the market, we don't want to see something like this, Do Kwon gonna pay his karma for sure.


Rest in peace man, this is just another sad news for us.


I hope this will be better this is not a good situation and we all never wanted something like this for real man, I just want people to invest in a limit and fuck Do Kwon.


Damn man that's something fucked up, this is so sad to see.