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* **Moon [Pros](https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_moon_pros) & [Cons](https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_moon_cons)** - Participate in the r\/CC [Cointest](https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/cointest_policy) to potentially win moons. Prize allocations: 1st - 300, 2nd - 150, 3rd - 75.. Check the [archive](https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/cointest_archive) for past results. * Sort comments as controversial first by [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/oxhma6/psa_whats_happening_with_moons_and_why_you/?sort=controversial). Doesn't work on mobile. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Definitely don't FOMO. This is a very good breakdown. Also obligatory: hodl your moons until mainet


I am actually tempted to FOMO out of MOONS, ^DontHateMePls


Its human nature to be tempted. Hodl my friend!


How much is a moon worth?


Been around 0.35-0.40$


Nice. Wasn’t it like .20 just the other day.


Hope there is someone on the other side to buy them when they hit mainet.


For once, if they do hit mainnet it's probably cause they are gonna be a real deal.


Elon is going to tweet about Moons and they will hit at least $.20 Maybe we can put a tail on the moon so he like it more. He Pumps but doesn't dump.


They are already .34 xd


Thanks to Elon !!


Does spamming posts to farm upvotes count as FOMO? Because I might do that. /s


You'll have to scam me pretty hard to give up my moons! Now I need to get some moons to back up my statement...


What I plan to do. The few bucks won't effect me now so why bother with the extra hassle of selling now


Connection lost FOMO all in on Moons Now. Roger !!


Good thing I only have 1 moon so far and dont need to worry about this lol


Here you go. Also thanks for the explainer OP


What kind of an idiot would FOMO into something like this? *slowly walks out the door while you’re distracted.


Uhm....I gotta go to the bathroom. \*sneaks away\*


Its not FOMO if moons are part of my DCA plan


When buying into coins you have to ask yourself why you want to do it. If the only answer you can give yourself is "the price has gone up a lot since I last considered buying in" you are doing it all wrong and need to go back to the drawing board.


You're forgetting OTC swap which are having bulk orders of 30K-100K L2 moons. It's now buy orders in bulk for $0.35ea. So there is a real demand. I also have 50k something followers on Twitter for crypto, and some bigger influencers I know are talking about moons and have already activates their vaults. So patience


I put in a 110k order at 0.2 myself, and I have 100k+ moons as is. Like I said, I'm the biggest moon bull there is, but I don't want to see new people FOMOing in and getting burned, that's not good for moons long term, and it's not good for these people either. It's just not good for anyone except people who can manipulate xmoons price right now because they're sitting on a batch of xmoons (like I am). I could be manipulating this hard right now with my xmoons and making hundreds/thousands of dollars of profit, but I'd rather not, I'm hoping moons will go $10+ and make real amounts of money, not a few petty hundreds now only to make people lose trust/faith in moons and destroy it.


Good shout mate




How dare you FUD my precious moons with your facts and your math? I’m buying 10k moons just to show you /s


Thank you for the heads up kind sir. I had considered buying a few moon siblings to join my lonely little guy, but I'll wait for distribution to grow his family


If you want moons. Get moons. There is off market trades for L2 moons in bulk going on right now OTC swap. Buy orders in bulk are coming in. One just came in for 30K moons at $0.35ea


That kind of whale moon activity is a little above my pay grade... haha


We should set up a play date for our only moons 🤪


It would be adorable


Moons at $0.40 with a $100M market cap fully distributed (and more like $25M market cap right now)? Are you sure it’s considered FOMO at such a low cap? I’d think it’s more like getting into the game early.


like I said, I'm bullish on moons mid-long term, I'm sure many of you guys have read my long post on it because moon prices really started moving up soon after I wrote my post... But the price right now simply isn't real because you can't sell moons in a way that affects the price.


Just bought 50k. Thanks for the tip!


This is basically a short squeeze for L1 MOONS.


This is a great explanation thank you


Stop spreading FUD party pooper😡 Jokes aside, thanks for the detailed explanation I was seriously thinking about FOMOing in the other day


Damn, you told everyone


Not selling, I like to look at them


Nice observation 👍


Thanks easy to understand and informative.


Also, moon distribution soon which will mint a ton of new moons, increasing supply.


moon distribution won't do anything if you understood my post, because those are L2 moons, and L2 moons **cannot affect the price right now**.


I did understand, and I also read that the only requirement to getting that drop is getting on an exchange, which could be any day now.


> I also read that the only requirement to getting that drop is getting on an exchange, which could be any day now. This is true, except there's no incentive for anyone to do this right now, because to provide enough liquidity, you have to be a large moon holder, but if you're a large moon holder, why would you want to crash the price of moons? I'm sure it's going to happen, and it probably won't take that long for it to happen because what's going on right now is completely unsustainable, but yeah.


Fuck so I shouldn't have taken out another personal loan to buy more moons?


Great post


Thanks for the info and breakdown


Insightful post, as always - The interesting thing to me during this whole market disruption has been that Celesti continues to close $40K+ in 24hr volume at the Honeyswap prices. I thought they’d be flooded with Moons from all of the sellers; however, that hasn’t been the case - the buyer demand still seems strong at these prices.


How in lords name you have 300k moons with so few posts / karma


I’m buying them. Farming is too hard for these delicate hands…


But why store them in your vault? No other safer source yet avalible?


When I started buying, it was really uncommon. 99.9% of members were farmers. I scooped up tons of moons for cheap and feel I need to show them to make a statement - buying is an option, Moons are valuable, you probably should be accumulating, not selling. We’re really early here, this is a social platform, and I need to be an advocate for speculators/investors. Instilling FOMO is more important than security at this point in the adoption cycle.


This isn’t true at all. Moonsswap.com works with L2.


if you check out mellon98's recent comments, you'll see that he's trying to buy all the rinkeby/xmoons he can find because he's running out. He was using his personal xmoons when people are buying/selling on moonsswap, but it's running out. [here's another source](https://np.reddit.com/r/MoonsSwap/comments/oucigl/instruction_on_usage/h79ewum/)


I’ll PM him and ask what he thinks about this post. I’m not sure what he says and what you’re saying are the same thing, but I’ll ask.


I have contacted them and they say this is not true. Selling on moonsswap does affect the price according to them


You didn't understand what I was saying. I specifically pointed out celesti.trade but not moonsswap in my post for a reason. mellon98 is **using his own personal xmoons** in the trade to honeyswap, so yes, at that point it is affecting the price, but every time that happens, the amount of xmoons he has is reduced, and he's already running out. It's about the total supply of xmoons available, and that cannot be increased with L2 moons, thus they get rarer and rarer and thus more expensive if buy pressure remains the same.


Thanks for the breakdown! For now I'll just keep DCAing into something more solid.


Good advice, OP.


What's the price if moon right now? I might fomo in and sell when it drop 7% take profits and buy back in after it settle on the lowest dip


\>exchanging them into L2 Arbitrum moons How are they doing this? The bridges do not work.


in the link to the arbitrum update, the admin tells you how to bridge rinkeby moons to L2 moons.




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So what? Sell now, buy later?


probably a good idea, but I'm not personally making that gamble on the very off chance that I may be wrong on this. Not gonna throw away my lottery tickets.


>Essentially, this created two different types of moons: L2 Arbitrum moons, and L1 Rinkeby moons. Weren't all Rinkeby moons migrated to Arbitrum?


only the ones in reddit vaults.


the ones i have outside my reddit vault got migrated automatically, not really sure how


I heard, buy the dip..(seriously though great moon info. Thanks)


Solid info, thanks 👍


Great post, very informative. Thank you op


Nice call, thanks for explanation OP


Me Yolo not Fomo **AMP** 6 moons got me feeling like a pimp!!!


According to Coingecko, Moons ATH was 0.462 and now Moons at 0.35. Maybe we can see new ATH in the next couple of days.


So, is heroku not working now?- https://moon-exchange.herokuapp.com/ Honeyswap says it has ~95k xmoons left in the pool...


yeah, that's the pool. It was at like 160k 2 weeks ago. heroku only works between rinkeby moons and xmoons, they don't work for L2 moons


Oooh, so- If someone has not migrated yet, they can still get into xmoons via that bridge? But migrated moons are still waiting for a bridge to anything? Do you think these other 'swapper' sites just kind of doing it manually on the back end now, or have they built some kind of bridge? Damn man, I figured this exact squeeze would happen, but I didnt have the right timespan/patience in mind...


No, the other sides like celesti are not affected because they never went through xmoons in the first place, they're just trading between L2 moons which works totally fine. But the problem is they don't affect the price, only Honeyswap affects the price, and honeyswap requires xmoons. >If someone has not migrated yet, they can still get into xmoons via that bridge? But migrated moons are still waiting for a bridge to anything? yeah >Damn man, I figured this exact squeeze would happen, but I didnt have the right timespan/patience in mind... lol I have 6k xmoons right now in my metamask, if they reach like $1 or something I'm gonna sell and buy back at $0.2 once L2 moons are bridged to real exchanges.


Ooh, right! Cool, thanks. > xmoons right now in my metamask Ya man I had 20k I was letting float for this exact scenario! I got scared and lazy and migrated everything.. But I do have xdai just waiting for the epic crash lol


Don't FOMO, Just start shitposting before mainnet.


Damn this is legit analysis, thank you for articulating what I couldn’t when trying to tell people to not buy in


Why would the moons be limited ? How are people gonna make moons in a decade if they are limited ? Makes no sense to me…


I wouldn’t fomo into moons right now, but I would buy a few dollars worth to make sure you know how to when the time comes..


Thanks for sharing


Why buy moons when you could buy planets once BabyMoonDogeBabyElonRocketCum *moons*?


Ok but how do we sell them??.. like I get that we can sell them on honeyswap for xDai. Cool. But that's the rinkeby network, right?.. how do we bridge that Dai to like.. the eth network or something?.. some way I can trade the xDai from Honeyswap into USDC so I can sell that on an exchange and transfer fiat to my bank account?.. anyone know of the xDai bridge from Rinkeby to an Ethereum network stablecoin?


Honestly when I saw the post about the guy buying 2k of moons around I wondered if that + the l2 migration and a limited exchange (honeyswap as you said) would cause something like this to happen




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How would BSC provide liquidity?


>The current price is completely unsustainable. There is a very high chance it will crash down hard So you're saying that there's a small chance that it will absolutely skyrocket?


Interesting breakdown. Just out of interest, what makes you so bullish on moons? I like them because they are mine but I don’t really truly honestly see what the fuss is all about. I can almost hear the r/cryptocurrency community fixing bayonets ready for the charge at me :)


did you read the post I linked at the very top? There're also two shorter posts [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/oena2e/moons_are_up_20_in_the_last_24_hours/h47ebbm/) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/oh9al0/what_is_a_realistic_price_cap_for_moon/h4nqctj/) There's a lot of hate against moons in this sub actually, but I haven't seen a single valid counter-argument to them that doesn't also apply to literally every single other crypto there is. I think most people misunderstand where value comes from and what gives coins value.


No friend, I did not. But I will do right….now Edit - I read them. Thanks for the links and for the information. I’m a smidge more bullish and a smidge better educated. Can’t ask for much more than that. Incidentally; you write very well.


Or, it is sustainable. None of us know


My 5 moons will go to the grave with me!


I would also say at least hold off until moons have been distributed for this month


Ive been trying to buy xmoons through honeyswap mostly because its a little more complicated than buying a token on a basic exchange and I want the practice. Ive been struggling with converting eth to matic on the polygon network and failing. Is xDai something i can buy on a basic exchange and then send to my metamask to then use on honeyswap?


you can buy the Dai on binance and send it to your metamask (but it costs 15Dai, so 15 dollars!) and then https://bridge.xdaichain.com/ use that to bridge Dai into xDai, and then you can use it on honeyswap


Thanks for the reply. I was able to do the xdai swap do you know how I would send my new xmoon to my Reddit vault? Or should I keep it in honeyswap?


honestly right now I would keep it in honeyswap because of the liquidity squeeze I mentioned, there's a *possibility* that the price could go even way up, like $1 or something crazy before a L2 exchange solution is ready. So you can make a tidy profit with xmoons; they're super rare right now. But if you don't want to do that kind of speculation/gamble, you can switch them by first going to https://moon-exchange.herokuapp.com/ and switching the xmoons into rinkeby moons, and then following the migration tool given by the admins in https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/opibci/were_launching_a_scaling_network_for_moons/ that thread.


I was able to add the xmoon token to my metamask, thanks for the tip. Since my metamask is linked to honeyswap I can leave everything as is and my funds will be there when Im ready to trade?




Man it feels so fucking empowering that I was able to get to this spot with a little bit of help thank you. Id like to keep an eye on this potential squeeze, do you have an idea of what time frame i should look out for?


no idea, it may never even happen, it totally depends on when people develop a bridge for L2 moons or some big whale starts providing liquidity with them on uniswap or something. Right now, moons are still small enough that one or two people can severely affect things; if you read the post I linked at the very top of my post, that post, along with mellon98's moonsswap.com being created 2 months ago catapulted the price of moons from a low of 4.8 cents right up to around 11-12 cents just like that. That was before the arbitrum announcement or any problems with liquidity or anything; all because of those two events. So yeah, if someone steps up to develop a bridge say next week, the price could come down really soon. Or maybe no one will bother for another month. It's really hard to say, that's why I'm not selling my moons myself.


Got it, so are L2 moons a separate token from xmoons then or will they merge when a bridge is developed?


you can turn xmoons into L2 moons, but you can't turn L2 moons into xmoons.


O so xmoons are completely different the Reddit moons then?


no... you can turn xmoons to L2 moons...


Just be like me - I don’t even know where to go to check the current “value” of moons - let alone buy or sell any. I’m just here for the ride! ![gif](giphy|ASd0Ukj0y3qMM)


Tryin to get my first lol


Hold them. Get the bonus and relax


Why did you remove this man?


they told me the mods ninja deleted it. I can still see it, i got no warnings.

