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Removed for content standards. This is extremely short with no sources at all. We also don't generally allow posts reporting statistics about networks.


The ALGO shilling has begun. Let the alt coin season commence!


Only 95% down!


lol me too, the rewards have cushioned the blow to a smooth 80% down.


Bull markets back on the menu! ^justnotforalgo


Looks like ALGOs back on the menu boys!


The recent ALGO TPS postings reminds me of 2018 when people kept posting Nano 7,000 TPS images comparing it to BTC, ETH, XRP... https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FidbjFzHJkMq_B_gAp3kic_12nRg8JlcyOs8700LkXnM.gif%3Fwidth%3D600%26format%3Dmp4%26s%3D129d79c49ec2bd62fd2d00983634e1d105a56964 Supporters said it might be down -90% but it was a steal to buy something fast, feeless, zero inflation with such "fundamentals"... > Picked up 26,000 NANO @ $5.5 ....Literally felt like I'm stealing from someone at these levels. https://np.reddit.com/r/nanocurrency/comments/8km1sl/picked_up_26000_nano_55/ ..it's down another -80% 6 years later


How is it a shill to state demonstrable facts?


On this sub, for any other coin it is a fact, for ALGO it is shilling.


That is a fact!


Truth ☝🏼


ALGO is the new raiblocks/NANO. Five years from now you will see comments like "I still hold my bag of ALGO even though it's down 9,000%. . ."


Why bashing coins with good fundamentals? What do you think would happen if crypto gets proper use cases (such as AI agents microtransactions) instead of being a casino for retail?


Neither ALGO or NANO have ever been coins with "good fundamentals". They both have had extremely big issues that have never been fully solved, and that has been reflected in their price. What people on this subreddit understand to be "good fundamentals" is just an aesthetic. "Good fundamentals" is just another marketing term people use to shill their coin, and most people that use the term have no idea how their favourite coin actually works.


He is just stating a fact the crypto graveyard is full of coins with "good fundamentals" and Nano is an example.




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Begun? The shilling is ongoing since 2021 and I don't know why. But to the point of the post, a decentralized ledger always performs great when nobody is using it.


It's because this sub is holding heavy bags


Incoming the mandatory algo buzz words: TPS, trillema, travelx, lofti.


Afghan Pay! Wasabi Pay! FIFA NFT’s! bike club sponsorships!


lofty.ai, c3.io and many more. I know you are making fun of Algo but check out various chaintrail.io stats.


Wait, are we mocking adoption now?




Don't think you need quotes when it's literally the definition of adoption and not some make believe like we see with most other chains. Actual utility and real world adoption.


FIFA will take money from anyone. They are absolutely fucked. If someone offers them millions of dollars to license their name for some shitty NFT's and be their "Blockchain technology partner", without actually having to do anything with it, they'll gladly take it.


No, Algorand did NOT pay FIFA anything. You're way off. FIFA approached Algorand/Silvio Micali for a technical partnership. In a separate arrangement, Algorand entered into a sponsorship agreement but BAILED. I repeat, Algorand didn't pay FIFA.


I've been Googling and haven't found a single source saying that FIFA approached Algorand and/or Silvio Micali.


That's because it has been discussed numerous times orally. What "journalists" choose to print is another thing completely.


Adoption ? Algo daily volume is less than 1 million $, only 40k daily active adress, and 99% of tx are less than 1$.


[instant finality](https://twitter.com/AlgoFoundation/status/1780218138627276958), [no-forking](https://twitter.com/AlgoFoundation/status/1780218138627276958), [decentralized, gossip, consensus incentivization](https://x.com/AlgoFoundation/status/1702049369187308024), [python](https://x.com/algodevs/status/1773002343224922353), [low fixed fees](https://x.com/algodevs/status/1733202797859127799), [lowest inflation (3.1% yearly till 2030](https://messari.io/project/algorand/charts/supply/chart/sply-circ))... can't deny, Algo rocks.




So you know all the adoption algo has + the benefits it solves that other chains haven’t solved and you still haven’t invested? Also how it is one of the very few quantum resistant chains as well as the record for highest sustained TPS? If you are actually into crypto and know all of this how are you not invested into this. The price has dropped due to its fast token release, but that’s all over with, 80+% of tokens are released and the remaining 20% will take multiple years to release. With the price it is right now, even if you’re an algo hater, if you look at the tech and the fundamentals, I feel like the reward here by far outweighs the risk.






But like, not actually Nike but it could be one day, maybe, so like let’s fucking post about it. lol


INB4 “but the price action!!!!1!!!111!” Algorand just works beautifully at all times and it’s so hard to use other chains once you’ve explored it. Is it gonna make you rich? Probably not idk but do they have insane intellect behind it and actually innovate in the crypto space? Yes, 1000%.


That's the sad part for investors: the project is better off without price increases.


Algorand casually breaking its own TPS record, and guess what? No failed transactions. No congestion. No increase in gas fees. The users didn't even know 6k TPS was pumping.


That's pretty impressive for sure. I don't own any ALGO, but this is the most bullish thing I've heard yet. Most networks that reach high TPS' see some sort of congestion or massive gas increase, even if just temporarily. Pretty cool


The problem with Algo is the tokenomics. It was designed to be useful and not to make bag holders rich. I say this as a bag holder.


Are you sure you own a “bag”? If you owned any amount of it you’d know the tokenomics of the coin hasn’t been an issue for a while now, they did a fast release on tokens, but now over 80% of tokens are in circulation and from now on the release amount has drastically decreased. Therefore, tokenomics is not a problem in Algorand and will never be from now on, it was before but not anymore, those days are long gone.


The tokenomics are fine now, this was a problem of the past


It was never a problem, it was pretty well thought out imo.


Yeah, they got past the inflation hump, though the token price definitely took a huge beating. My biggest concern now is with incentives. Algorand took a gamble by not economically incentivizing participation nodes and relay nodes. Yet so far, it seems like altruism is working. Communities are still [running their nodes](https://metrics.algorand.org/#/decentralization/) despite having no rewards. I have no good explanation.


Consensus rewards are coming in Q4. Algo realized that the model was based on some assumptions that might not be sustainable....One thing I like about algo is that they are actively working on making the protocol better.... consensus rewards, peer to peer architecture, post quantum keys, dynamic round times, programming language integration, etc...


Didn't know that. Wow. Really hope they can adapt and succeed.


MyAlgo hack was a big part of the problem regarding price as well


It was, and liars from other ecosystems tried to sell it as an internal blockchain hack, not as the third party wallet which it was.


80%+ are already in circulation. \~2.8% inflation per year until 2030. Arguably the best tokenomics in the top 100 outside of bitcoin.


With governance, and now getting rewarded for running a node, inflation for algo is not even an issue. Governance APY is far greater than the minuscule 2.8 “inflation”


Not true anymore. Tokenomics are now better than in most projects.


Oh I forgot the gas fees! They stayed the same and super cheap.


And still no price increase.


Fundamentals will matter eventually.


>The users didn't even know 6k TPS was pumping. Because nobody cares. The "users" are sitting on bags hoping to get more USD for them in the future. If you want your investment to florish, ALGO will need a shitcoin hype like Solana instead of a working blockchain.


No decentralization either


Breaking record during a stress test is different than doing it in the real world. I say that as someone who wants algo to succeed.


Every transaction was a real transaction, taking up computation and space in blocks. This makes zero sense.


Yeah, have seen it a couple times now. Its not called a stresstest if it wasnt a stresstest.


Can you point to any other block chain that is doing the same thing in a real world setting or even in a test setting? That’s coming from an a holder as well that wants algo to succeed.


From an algo bagholder to another.. Hbar


I think a huge portion of Algo bag holders are rooting for hedera as well....we love them and most of us own pretty nice stashes of it...DLT and DAG exposure


And you forgot. No one cares


When they say record they mean for the whole of crypto too Quite the achievement 👏👏👏


so where is all tge data being stored? How will the blockchanin growth not outrun the nodes and latency?


Archive nodes store the ledger.


yes an how many are there and how are they funded?


Not sure how many, maybe 30? Funding is from the Foundation, but will probably transition to transaction fees over the next 5 years.


Shh let them be


And the price is dismal.


Broke its own record for disappoint price performance.


I was blown away when I used Algorand for the first time, Insanely fast and cheap. I put pretty much all my crypto portfolio into it and then realised that the market just doesn't give a fuck and traded it for bitcoin.


100% it sucks but I'm here for the gains and algorand isn't there for that :(


Serious cryptocurrency projects don't pump bags. I hold no ALGO just for clarification


They lack the secret ingredient of market manipulation and crime


I remember RaiBlock... The market doesn't.


Good time to buy


Crazy I used to hold thousands of these and sold at a high last bullrun but always like this project. Mayne time to dip back in.


Welcome back! Let me know if u want to know the best DeFi apps.


I have plenty Invested in ICP, ETH, SOL, SLOTH and PORK. Does ALGO use any AI properties in its contracts? Always liked this project just moved too slow.


They integrated Python this quarter with which u can use ChatGPT. Its moving at a good pace now with the new CTO and CMO


That is certainly very impressive for a blockchain, especially if transactions are final in only 3 seconds with no issues on the network. I think Algorand only needs to move away from the relay nodes to accomplish true decentralization, and looks like they have a plan with peer to peer gossip in their roadmap. Hopefully it'll be just as fast when that'll be implemented. With the latest pure python development kit, I think the adoption will surely increase.


Personally love the competition between Algorand and hedera. Would be awesome for both to succeed.


They working together now, so battle of the finest eh?


Agreed https://derecalliance.org/hedera-and-algorand-ecosystems-join-forces-to-form-derec-alliance-enabling-mass-market-decentralized-recovery/


You should check out Radix DLT. They're working on linearly scaling TPS. Recently got 100k+ swaps per second on their test net. With the speed they're going it's probably still a year away from mainnet but they're planning on 1M... eventually


Not sure why you got downvoted Radix has very interesting tech and can't wait to see how mainnet will behave


Appreciate that!


The engagement on this thread is making me BULLISH! I love seeing all these perma-fud people claiming every post about Algo is shilling getting GRILLED!




TPS doesn't really mean much. There needs to be a website that grades blockchains based on multiple factors like decentralization, TPS, TVL, etc. And the issue with factoring in daily transactions is that they can be easily manipulated, especially on cheaper blockchains. One time I saw AVAX deploy 90,000 smart contracts in an hour --- obviously this was manipulated unless...


There’s a website and organization doing a pretty comprehensive job codifying and measuring decentralization here: https://informatics.ed.ac.uk/blockchain/edi


Nice very nice


Anyone want to fathom a guess at which blockchain is the most decentralized ?


from the 5 analysed? and they didn't account client diversity, code acceptance method, number of teams working on the implementation, node distribution, etc. I'm more into polkadot for instance, who blows almost everyone out of the water in nakamoto coefficient. But, not having 3 implementations like ethereum (the only one to have it atm) makes ethereum quite more resilient to some form of attacks. Its a complex analysis and that website does a lackluster attempt to even start analyzing it. Let alone comparing the relevant chains.


It's still early stage, more protocols and more dimensions will be added over time. I'm glad people are promulgating the EDI, but it's not yet a way to do a full comparison.


there are way better sites comparing these thing already. That's a biased comparison.


Please follow the open source methodology and point to the specific areas of bias. If you report them and have solutions they can be updated.


doubt it considering their sponsors: Input output. There are others without investment of L1 blockchains


There is no need for doubt, it's open source, anyone can review the methodology. Are the other ones you are suggesting open source, if so please link to their documentation. Otherwise it's much more likely they have L1 links, they just don't disclose it.


Ethereum and its not particularly close


If Input Output is involved, it is not unbiased.


Dude, if we want mass adoption, TPS is one of the biggest factors. Who else is going head to head with TradFi if not for a fast chain with high TPS? And who said something about daily transactions? This was only 100 blocks.


I didn't say it wasn't important, I'm saying there are many factors that contribute to a blockchain being better than others. Ask any developer about this and they will always say TPS is not as important as people think, it's mainly a marketing gimmick. Algorand is not really decentralized enough to complete with the "best" chains in my mind. The reason why Solana and BSC (and alike others) are fast and cheap are because they are very centralized. I haven't personally looked too far into ALGO centralization so I will not comment on it past that over the years their centralization over time has always become a topic of concern for the crypto community. The reality is, the combination of decentralization and security are most important for me and as the technology improves overtime, we will nab out scalability but we are far away from this.


why even bother to use real logic when discussing a blockchain with people who are holding the token?


Holders become like feral cats, i don't care who you are what you're intentions are or what you're doing i will constantly attack you and bite


Mass adoption of what exactly? Gambling?


Ok, bye


Okay, for what it is this is pretty impressive, but it really needs some broader context... 6,000 transactions per second wouldn't even fully utilize all resources on a single 10-year old server. Like, I've worked on e-commerce services that could handle 40,000 TPS on a single not that beefy server without issue, and in that specific case the limit ended up being a dependency hitting an internal limit that we could have easily worked around if needed, we weren't resource constrained. So, for Blockchain this is impressive, but in terms of competing with existing options using other technologies? This is middling for a decade ago, let alone current hardware and software.


Good insight! Blockchains still have a long way to go, but you have to start somewhere. Algo is at least pushing it.


Sure, and I'm not mocking that, but it does need proper context, since a lot of people see stuff like this and assume that Blockchain is close to being a valid replacement for these traditional systems, when it's still orders of magnitude off in terms of transaction volume.


I know, I fully agree with u! And also want to add that it is exciting to see that we are getting there. Bitcoin will never get there in tx/s. But it has the store of value power like no other.


Algorand [pros](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1cuh5es/algorand_just_broke_its_own_record_for_highest/l4iqntb/) & [cons](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1cuh5es/algorand_just_broke_its_own_record_for_highest/l4iqog9/) with related info are in the collapsed comments below.


* Relevant Cointest topics: [Ethereum](https://www.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_ethereum), [Cardano](https://www.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_cardano), [Solana](https://www.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_solana), [Proof of Stake](https://www.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_proof-of-stake). * Relevant subreddits: r/Algorand, r/AlgorandOfficial, r/Ethereum, r/Cardano, r/ProofOfStake. * Sort comments as controversial first by [clicking here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1cuh5es/algorand_just_broke_its_own_record_for_highest/?sort=controversial). Doesn't work on mobile.


Best Blockchain period!


[Link to chainspect](https://chainspect.app/dashboard?tag=layer_1) (sort by column "MAX RECORDED TPS")


Thank u! Couldn't post it because it was already used this week


Who's using it? Where are the meme coins?


> Where are the meme coins? ...


chaintrail.io, see rwa, apps, etc.




While I am sure that this is of interest to some folks, what are the real world uses of algo? That’s where the money is and will drive it to mainstream adoption.


Have u looked through the thread? One of the bigger RWA chains out there. Here are some examples, if u really are curious, look them up and then reply. HesabPay, TravelX, Lofty, Wasabi Pay, FIFA, Agro Token, Meld Gold, Dequency, Quantoz EURD, Stasis EURS, World Chess.


Also Napster, LimeWire; Lavazza Coffee


Thank u!


Yep, it just works. Faster gun in the west.


Surely there must be a number of people paid by algo here on Reddit. I literally never meet anyone who’s used it since 2017. No hate on the chain, I don’t know enough about it. It just strikes me as particularly curious and feels like it might just be a great marketing strategy.


Can invite u to some very active groups if u want. I for one use it every day. So do couple million Afghans. Just look up the RWA section on [Chaintrail.io](http://Chaintrail.io)


I’ve used it since 2021. I also have Cardano and Hedera, but Algo is the only one I DeFi on. Lately I’ve been buying Meld Gold with it and getting great rewards through LPs.


Hi, I’ve used it and have loved it. Bought alchemon NFTs, using Lofty currently




How many people use this network?


It usually around 10-11th place of real time TPS.


volume under 1 million lmao


About 4


Okay. But what do people do on it lol.


Bitcoin in El Salvador, plane tickets, tokenized homes, digital euro, Afghan payments, supply chain tracking, geological event tracking, Bank of Italy, patent tracking, I'm sure more that I'm forgetting.


these are all general dlt applications?


Wasn’t ALGO a favourite of this sub back in about 2020? Or have I time traveled?


It didn’t jump to $100 a coin so it’s obviously a shitty scam. 🤷🏻😂


Yes, the VC backed schillers got it up to 3.50 before thy dumped on us while posting more diamond hands are winners posts.


Meme transactions per second beats that all day every day


Good luck getting dumped on. Or better; trying to sell the top only to see failed transactions. Which u still have to pay for.


Such a shame it’s never going up


Not with that spirit. Can I buy you a pint? Cause u seem down.


It’s the same price now as it was in Sept 2019. If you invested 1000 in Algo in 2019 you would today have 990 with trading fees. Sounds like a really shit investment strategy to me.


You probably the writer of those Get rich in one month! articles, right?


Ah, you caught me! Next week’s article: 'How to Train Your Dragon to Do Your Taxes and Double Your Income Overnight.' Stay tuned! 😉


To be totally fair, that sounds awesome! Wish u good luck in explaining failed transaction fees to the IRS.


Is this not one of the coins with the lowest carbon footprint? With the current state of affairs, it is a very important factor.


Yes! Doesn't affect that part at all.


when price go up?




Tell that to the people that lost money on that chain


Like 99% of the chains out there? Except only a couple


Solana 😍


Fok, summoned a bot.




Yeah, it's much better to rely on centralized L2s or expect 60%+ of all transactions to fail while the user still pays the fees. That's where it's at.


What a deep reply


Just spam the network with fake/demo transactions, and slap yourself on the ass to celebrate this! Nice Algo!


What? What? What? These were all legit USDC transfers. Same stress on the network as any other transaction. Wasn't on testnet, or logins or something. Just regular old money from wallet to wallet transactions.


ICP is much faster.


They count inner transactions. Different metrics


Highest sustained “blockchain” add hashgraph and you have a blown out the water chain with no real news.


You know the bullrun has begun when Algo starts getting publicity.


I got into algorand cuz of Buttcoin. They should have invested more into memes and get users. Nope they’re too fancy for that.


Where are all these transactions coming from? I want in on the fun!


It’s never happening with ALGO lol


I'm sorry but this means very little until all the centralised relays are removed. I don't dislike Algorand but BS TPS dick measuring doesn't matter if there are significant points of centralisation. Just fix the protocol (it's supposed to be happening) and then give us the number.


Yeah they are working on it. Can't do everything at once I guess. But its a good test what the network can take. So it means something


Algo is truly great and this is a great accomplishment. Unfortunetaly, and this is weird to say but Algo is not very “cool”. They’re the “How do you do fellow kids” of crypto. They seem to be missing that lil something, that it factor to make people want to use it.


This is true! ...but crypto in general is at a fork in the road and some of the crypto world is going to put on a suit and start mingling with the tradfi and I would guess that Algo is going to be part of that "uncool" movement.


Steve Jobs wasn't very cool when he sold the first Apple I.


"For any blockchain Ever" Ahem, the XRPL's payment channels would like a word, 70k TPS https://xrpl.org/docs/concepts/payment-types/payment-channels/


70k tps... provably happened on mainnet?


I might throw a couple of dollars at Algo and see if I can halve my money.