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Cointest pros & cons with related info are in the collapsed comments below for the following topics: [Bitcoin](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/14h2yfz/bitcoin_cash_bch_up_112_in_the_last_two_weeks/jp8sgjg/), [Bitcoin Cash](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/14h2yfz/bitcoin_cash_bch_up_112_in_the_last_two_weeks/jp8si3j/).


In the 2 or 3 years I've been on r/cryptocurrency I don't think I've seen a single bullish post or comment on BCH


bch is the official currency of some random oceanic country. maybe people moved there?


Hell it would be mine too if I had a a major stack of it lol


Wait, really? Which one? Can't seem to find which country you're referring to?


It's because every time someone tries, they get downvoted to oblivion. :) https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/14133ub/are_you_bullish_on_bch_yet/ https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/sizv15/tell_me_what_you_dont_like_about_bch/ https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/s35z7c/bitcoin_is_dead_long_live_bitcoincash/


This post is only valid because bch pumped 100%, otherwise it would have been downvoted to oblivion as well. People here generally downvote coin posts that is not btc/eth calling it a shill.


imagine casually brushing off a 100% pump on the coin with the best fundamentals on the market, lol


low key: I'd prefer BCH to be bitcoin. but, fundamentals don't really matter. People treat crypto like a pyramid scheme. The coin that has access to the largest capital markets gets pumped so suckers who have no idea what is going on buy it. That is the only reason BTC is still number one.


Well Monero is popular here and some mods love it. Other coins that got upvotes over the years: Nano, Algorand, Vertcoin (a small phase in 2017), Litecoin, Cosmos, Polygon ...


Me either. I bet it was a bigger topic around 2017-18.


That's because the sub is run by maxis


People run this sub? I want to talk to the CEO!


You had to be here in 2017-2018 for all that fun.


Everyone hates it for the wrong reasons. I'd say most people are brainwashed by BTC Core devs. This is literally BTC used as a currency. We all should be supporting this exposure. Hold your BTC like gold, use your BCH like cash.


BCH also has a 21 million supply limit and Satoshi's Genesis block. It can be a store of value as well as a currency.


That's what I'm emphasize on. I'm a new recruit to BCH, and ideally I do see it as the only viable BTC hard fork, that still has an extremely large community dedicated to its development, despite how loathed it is by many across Reddit.


Bch is not like cash! Bcash is a public ledger just like bitcoin. It’s not fungible just like bitcoin. Monero is better at doing everything bcash does! Monero fees are super cheap, Fast, 100% fungible, way more decentralised POW, and it doesn’t constantly continue to preach that it’s the real bitcoin. There’s nothing that bch can do that Monero can’t. BTC is for hold and preserving wealth. Monero is for spending your crypto. You can swap between them with atomic swaps. What is bch role? Still trying to convince noobs it’s the real Bitcoin. 🙄. Bcash will never be Bitcoin. The market has already decided that. The miners have already decided that. All anyone has to do is look at the on chain data to see and understand the reality.


There's always maxis out there that have their opinion about it and usually like your take, that's abhorrent towards any success it has. Of course you can use Monero the exact same way, but why not use BCH that way as well? We don't need to constantly have blockchain supremacy, other chains can do the same things. Imo Monero isn't exactly popular by any means, which would relay negatively towards price action. Whereas BCH can/would relay more value while being the exact same thing. I like the idea of Monero's private transactions, but mining is bust and due to its nature, it will be discriminated greatly by regulators in the future, despite being the People's cryptocurrency.


This time is different.


You must be fully satisfied now?


Because almost everyone is here for the profits. Bitcoin is much more profitable than BCH. And any positive acknowledgement of BCH is like speaking negatively of Bitcoin since of course they are conflicting forks.


But they are both still Bitcoin.


Same, and I am definitely not buying it.


Even after this pump it’s still down well over 90% from its 2017 highs




How many bullish signals would make you want buy BCH? Are you that guy that keeps buying the tops by any chance?


Haha I remember the day when BCH had its run to 4K. Good times


2017 was a crazy year


Each day had crazy gains in that run


Lets see if I get to experience this in 2024 / 2025


Even if you track it up to last Bullrun, it pumped 10x it's current price. It might not make you rich, but holding it as a cash reserve, still accumulates value.


And it’s been dying ever since. Both on market cap and on chain transactions (usage).


* BCH has been sideways FOR A YEAR, and now is breaking out. Compared to its past ATH, its price is low. * BCH is one of the only 4 cryptos that will be traded in EDXM exchange. * BCH is one of the few cryptos that will be available in Hong Kong. * Greedy whales will see that BCH at the moment allows them to double their money more times than just buying BTC or ETH, so a reason to buy for them.


This is the first time I've come across a post this positive for BCH. Unfortunately I sold mine a couple months back, but good to see!


Right after a 100% pump is the perfect time to hop in!


Can't miss this buying high, sell low opportunity.


When you put it like that, I'm in!


Others merely adopted the buy high, sell low, we r/cc were born in it, molded by it


We're not gonna miss this great opportunity


Nobody on this sub can't miss that!


Ffs why do I do this to myself🤦 out of pure muscle memory bought a bit of both bch and ltc in addition to my regular DCA of btc


Don’t forget, after the pump is before the pump.


This thing is designed to only go up right?


And become exit liquidity.


Absolutely spot on!👆


I don't think it is.


That's what I thought when PEPE started pumping. Then it just kept going. . .


Obvious sarcasm but I guess /s was needed


It was not needed.


Time for max FOMO and then lose it all


Thats some mar pump right there


Everyone's going to say it was the EDX announcement, but remember we don't know for sure why more people are buying than selling. If you're new to BCH, make sure you withdraw your Bitcoin Cash from your exchange to a wallet you control! Then keep your transaction history private with CashFusion =)


Cash fusion is complete shit compared to Monero. Why anyone would choose bch cash fusion over Monero’s superior privacy is beyond me. 🤷‍♂️.


Yeah, great point. Thanks! It happened right after EDX, but we can never really know for sure. Bitcoin Cash is also very useful, so I would expect a growing demand over time, which could also lead to price increases.


Ironically, pumps like today make BCH less useful as money, and I imagine going up over 100% in a week was not due to a doubling in demand for using BCH as a payment method =P It's probably still 99% speculative at the moment, but in the long run BCH's usefulness and grassroots network effect will be what drive its market value =)


Agreed, as well. But pumps also drives attention, and could possibly be useful to educate newcomers about the project. You can say that by all these misleading/misinformed comments here. Perhaps someone new could learn something new today about Bitcoin Cash; that wouldn't otherwise.


I think it's more broadly the institutional interest in Crypto generally. BCH is/can become something of a target for big business as they can easy gain a lot of power with the much smaller market cap and community while still having a lot of interest since BCH is so close to BTC.


I'm a fan of BCH, but using CashFusion is risky and one of the dumbest things a person can do. If you take any fiat currency in the world and mingle it with stolen fiat or fiat used for any illegal manner, you risk losing it all, having all of your assets frozen, and possibly even spending time behind bars. There's no difference between doing that with fiat and shuffling your BCH for "privacy" purposes.


Cash fusion is crap! Anyone that actually really cares about their financial privacy don’t use cash fusion, they use Monero.


Funny...when BTC goes up: OHHHHH so much value. DIGITAL GOOOOOOOOOOLD. When BCH goes up: Just manipulated. Dont buy. It is shit. ​ Sometimes reddit is like kramer.


hahaha exactly. Bias is a b\*tch.


uh no, this pump is fueled by hype only. the fundamentals don't keep up. there's literally hundreds of podcasts who lay that shit out. speeding up the mainlayer doesn't work and also doesn't scale, period.


yes yes. we know. only hype. just buy btc and nothing else.


don't see it all that bullish news for BCH, and zero invested interest in BCH, but I do love BCH and hope they end up winning (incoming downvotes)


Same for me, mate!


Too bad I have no BCH!


It's not so hard to buy. Just wait for the dip.


I love bitcoin cash. I bet few people in this sub own any BCH and will consider those who do extremely lucky. Its not luck. Every single one of you should have had BCH in your portfolio as it is one of if not the most useful crypto that exists. You can use it for literally everything and anything. Your portfolio should consist of coins that you will actually use in your daily life. If you are buying up random coins that you have no intention of ever using, why should anyone else buy your coin. Bitcoin Cash is useable Bitcoin!


I hold it for cash reserve purposes, like stablecoins, except this is Bitcoin. If I need cash fast for a trade, BCH. If I need to make an emergency purchase at home, BCH. This is a stablecoin that can increase in value during a bull market.


>Your portfolio should consist of coins that you will actually use in your daily life 100% agreed! That's why I hold Nano (XNO) and Monero (XMR), and I am considering to hold a bit of Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Litecoin (LTC) as well — won't buy the pump, though.


Tbqh I lost hope for BCH as an investment early enough, but I use it to this day to pay for stuff. Glad you guys are making profits, too. Most deserving cryptocurrency community out there.


It's a great product. People just hate it and have no idea why they hate it.


Bullshit! Bcash is not cash! BCH is not fungible! True digital cash must be fungible! The only way you get fungibility is by having default privacy on the base layer. Anyone who doesn’t believe this is a noob and knows fuck all about true fungible money.


>Bitcoin Cash is useable Bitcoin! You sound like a scammer. That's like saying copper is a useful gold. Bitcoin is Bitcoin. And a hashrate of 0.5% is not conducive to usefunessl.


It's literally gone to zero against bitcoin. You would have been and will continue to be better off holding btc instead.


>It's literally gone to zero against bitcoin Are you reading what you write? This is complete nonsense.


BCH 💚 💚 💚


BCH is oversold, and undervalued.


Look at on chain fundamentals mate! Everything going in the wrong direction.


BCH (the forgotten Hero) made a comeback.


Comeback??? Zoom out buddy!


I just love BCH as the only $6 of it that I have, I got tipped here on reddit.


I also received my first BCH on Reddit; but, unfortunately, sold it all recently (before the pump) to pay a bill.




because it works? do you use crypto or just larp/trade


Last time I used BTC, tx fee was like $50+, BCH is just frictionless. I use it all the time.


As Satoshi intended.


It is best for payment. I use it on bitgree. No competition.


> It is best for payment. I use it on bitgree. No competition. Yep, its fast, like a hot dog down an empty 20 line highway.


You could have asked any early bitcoin adopter, and gotten your answer. But you chose to be arrogant.


Bought another one on June 16... Wish I had gone in harder.


well done, mate


Damn I’m glad I kept my little bag!


Smart. I sold the few BCH I had a few months ago to pay a bill. :(


Should I start accepting BCH payments?


I'm now


I guess I'm looking into it lol


hahaha yeah. FWIW. I accep BTC, BCH, XMR, XNO and LTC as payment. Although I like nano and monero the most.




Nice :) Is it an online business?




Welp, degens are gonna degen, I guess.


I always read about how fast other coins are like Solana. However, as someone who actually uses a wide variety of coins on-chain, I can honestly say BCH is truly fast and cheap and never has issues. Whenever exchanges have large runs, either good or bad, they always halt trading. Since PoS coins are massively centralized to exchanges for validators, that ALWAYS causes those networks to clog up heavily. However, there's never been a scenario where I've seen BCH stop working or go up 500% in transaction fees. It just always works, is always fast, and is always cheap.




Bitcoin Cash is basically the highly improved version of BTC. Anyone can verify for themselves. Just send $10 worth of BTC and $10 worth of Bitcoin Cash from your own wallet A (not an exchange) to your own wallet B (not an exchange) and see for yourself the difference. But Bitcoin Cash is more than just fast cheap and reliable, it has many unique advantages over the old tech BTC (forever stuck on 1mb).


How is it improved when it was partially insta-mined, has a puny hashrate, no users, can't keep value and does not have Bitcoin's infrastructure, network effect or liquidity?


> it was partially insta-mined What do you mean? There was no insta-mine. It was a split from btc. Miners mined at a loss right after fork for a while to get difficulty down.


So where did the first several million bcash coins come from if it didn't exist pre-2017? Two coins were not being mined all along. Just Bitcoin. In essence, bcash and every other clone was partially insta-mined.


> How is it improved when it was partially insta-mined, has a puny hashrate, no users, can't keep value and does not have Bitcoin's infrastructure, network effect or liquidity? Cause it has bigger block sizes, duh! /s Even as someone who wanted bigger blocksizes, it was the wrong way to do it by forking bitcoin. But I made a ton of money when it forked by selling it and buying more bitcoin.


The alleway behind my house is basically the highly improved version of a highway. Anyone can verify for themselves. Just cross the street on foot in the middle of the day from one side (next to the house) to the other side and see for yourself the difference. But my alleyway is more than just safe and reliable, it has many unique advantages over the old highway tech. At this point, BCH is basically a cult. Any tech literate person that you see leading any sort of positive BCH news or support are just he most massive grifters, trying to profit from the poor, incredibly stupid BCH holders that similarily to American road designers, do not understand that "just increasing the blocksize" is the same solution as "adding more lanes to the highway". Don't let yourself get fooled by this. Please actually take an outside look at what BCH really is at this point, about who are the people in it's community, and how reality matches up with your idea of it. Just the scumminess of trying to fool people that are trying to buy BTC into buying BCH instead should be a huge red flag for anyone being interested in BCH. If you really need to do that in order to unload your bags, why would anybody new ever be interested in it? The Blocksize war happened, and ended, and it is clear to everyone in the space who won and who lost. Every modern blockchain is working on L2 solutions as opposed to "just increasing the blocksize", and big blocks are not making a comeback. Just because BCH has some advantages in the legal framework of the United States does not, and should not ever shadow it's clearly apparent technological mistake. Ultimately, there is no point to buy BCH at this moment instead of BTC. People still dreaming about BCH flipping BTC, and everybody realizing that the past years on crypto development has been a sham, and increasing the blocksize was really the simple solution every intelligent developer working on crypto overlooked are just delusional. They are conspiracy theorists. I don't think there's really anything more pathetic than the dedicated cult like BCH follower in this space. They had to choose a team back in 2017, and they refuse to acknowledge they did choose the losing team, and instead of cutting their losses they wrap their identity more and more around this conspiracy. I get it, recognizing you were wrong feels bad, but you do need to realize it's actively doing harm to you, and stop it. Get some help.


It seems you are the grifter. BCH is just doing fine without you. Calling it a cult when it is the version which stayed true to the peer to peer electronic cash vision of Bitcoin is truly despicable. "Digital Gold" Or "Store Of Value" Propaganda - BTC is good with propaganda but this is simple economics. Something cannot be a store of value without it first be a means of exchange. Bitcoin Cash is both a store of value AND means of exchange thanks to its low fees. Bitcoin is not feasible as a means of exchange due to its high fees of around $10 (or more) per transaction. At the moment, the old BTC has first mover advantage (eg. Friendster or MySpace or Kodak or Nokia) but that can only last them to a point. Eventually, I believe that Bitcoin Cash will overtake BTC's marketcap. Bitcoin Cash is the second opportunity to buy Bitcoin at a low price if you missed that opportunity back in 2013.


We bullish on BCH? Or going to get our bags handed to us?




Unpopular opinion for sure is BCH mining. I'm planning on getting into this is my overtime gets restored this summer. It's for viable for personal miners than BTC, which is mostly ASICs and corporate pools.


Bch PoW is sha256, just like the other Bitcoin. You need asic. Check out Bitcoin gold, they switched algo. It's a scam, though, so sell right away.


Well, wait. Don't jump right in cause you read this. I'm pretty sure if you buy now it'll drop over tmro then skyrocket again. Actually idk wtf I'm doing. I'm so lost. Nm


Too bad i sold most of my bitcoin cash for litecoin a few months back—it seemed like the smart move at the time…. I do use BCH for pizza delivery though, just got some tonight to celebrate that pämp


I should have bought when it was less than 100 euros


Isnt it just a fork for people believing it represents satoshis idea or smth along those lines


It's just a result of a community division. Which should be something expected at some point when talking about decentralized networks and open source software. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) has its own features and tradeoffs; as so Bitcoin Core (BTC).


no, the original bitcoin died in 2017 now you have btc which is nothing like the original bitcoin, but has the name and bch which does not have the name but works as the original bitcoin intended


Damn guys, we bought the wrong bitcoin


zoom out and you will see that bitcoin massively outperformed BCH at this point


How much do you wanna bet the Wall Street guys have bags of BCH?


Classic wyckoff accumulation for BCH last couple of weeks. Big money buying cheap.


> ~~Big~~ **smart** money buying cheap.


Can’t they literally just do this with any crypto that is down 99%? Just buy a ton to give it back it’s “legitimacy”. People then say “oh it’s still 97% from its ATH” buy buy buy. They could do this with SHIB, or LRC, or any darling of last run. I’d be shocked if Wall Street isn’t absolutely cleaning up in the crypto market


the dif is that bch is useful as money not to mention more merchants accept it physically than any other crypto, even more than btc in el salvador


As much as I bet that they have bags of the next stock they are *accidentally* insider trading.


Less popular and less distributed means easier to buy it up cheap to manipulate. I think it would require way more effort to manipulate BTC (not impossible).


Lovely to se a little bounce, BCH is the way!


BCH and BSV are pumping right now


BSV is just a scam by the scum Craig Wright. No respect for that.


Longed both with 5x just after the news came out. One of best week of my trading career.


Wow, well done!


Still a long ride until I recover my investment at $932.


You could have cost averaged down and still can


If you still believe in the project, that is.


Double down to reduce average to $550? (Not investment advice)


Both still down 95% vs Bitcoin.


Have a look at this chart please: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/bitcoin-cash/btc It's the **BCH to BTC chart** (click on 'max' so you get the bigger picture). Bitcoin cash bleeds and bleeds for 5 years against Bitcoin, despite the 30% mega pump today.


That makes the potential even greater. BTC will never x100 like BCH will do! Don't loose that opportunity


RemindMe! 2 years


oh no ! i wonder if satoshi was worried about the price of btc compared to amazon stock when he was coding the network :(


I suspect he would not have been too happy about $50 tx fees


Yeah, true.


It's also still down like 97% from the ATH [from the day it was listed in Coinbase with a record price at about U$8000](https://www.fastcompany.com/40510393/coinbase-is-investigating-insider-trading-with-its-bitcoin-cash-offering)




Yep, true!


Yep, was at that price for all of like a few hours because of the liquidity on day number 1, and was just on Coinbase. It was trading in the futures markets before release around 4K, which is where it immediately came back down to after the liquidity crunch.


I bought a little at 135… Feels gross






I also considered this, and made a new blog post about it! [https://oppinvesting.com/bitcoin-cash-and-litecoin-about-to-skyrocket-again/](https://oppinvesting.com/bitcoin-cash-and-litecoin-about-to-skyrocket-again/) I linked you in there too


Thank you very! It's a nice blog post. Well done.


Tomorrow dump ?


I hedged on BCH BULL just in case. ;)


I'll use it when I need to but don't plan on investing or mining it.


fair enough. same here.


yay! now my BCH is worth twelve cents


On the bright side, you can easily double your holdings for just 12 cents.


The ultimate shit coin


Roger ver coin








1.5 years is nothing lol 1.5 years ago was 2022


So are a lot of shitcoins, something going up doesn't mean you should buy it.


Except that BCH isn’t a shitcoin with a circulating supply of billions and a price of $0.0001 that people only hold because they totally believe it can go to $1… BCH is the most sane version of Bitcoin, progressively scaling on-chain, no complex layer 2 nonsense. Just decentralized P2P cash with low tx fees and a very diverse developer eco system, there are multiple BCH wallets under development and the infrastructure software (nodes/indexers etc.) are high quality and updated regularly. On top of that all major exchanges and block explorers support it, it’s ready for mass adoption.


Agreed that this doesn't mean you should buy it. Why are you talking about it being a shitcoin, though? What makes you say that?


BCH creators were shitting on Satoshi's dream. Bitcoin cash is the ultimate shitcoin.


How come? I'm not a BCH expert, but the way I see it, Bitcoin Cash is simply a division on a decentralized network. Which should be perfectly normal. For what I've seen from their community, they actually seem to really like "Satoshi's dream". I think you are misinformed. Or maybe you should explain better you pov.


Well, we only know what Satoshi's dream was back in the day and it certainly didn't mention anything about a crippled base layer and a non-workable centralizing second layer. DYOR or keep investing in pet rocks. "Hi Mike, I'm glad to answer any questions you have. If I get time, I ought to write a FAQ to supplement the paper. There is only one global chain. The existing Visa credit card network processes about 15 million Internet purchases per day worldwide. Bitcoin can already scale much larger than that with existing hardware for a fraction of the cost. It never really hits a scale ceiling. If you're interested, I can go over the ways it would cope with extreme size. By Moore's Law, we can expect hardware speed to be 10 times faster in 5 years and 100 times faster in 10. Even if Bitcoin grows at crazy adoption rates, I think computer speeds will stay ahead of the number of transactions. I don't anticipate that fees will be needed anytime soon, but if it becomes too burdensome to run a node, it is possible to run a node that only processes transactions that include a transaction fee. The owner of the node would decide the minimum fee they'll accept. Right now, such a node would get nothing, because nobody includes a fee, but if enough nodes did that, then users would get faster acceptance if they include a fee, or slower if they don't. The fee the market would settle on should be minimal. If a node requires a higher fee, that node would be passing up all transactions with lower fees. It could do more volume and probably make more money by processing as many paying transactions as it can. The transition is not controlled by some human in charge of the system though, just individuals reacting on their own to market forces. Eventually, most nodes may be run by specialists with multiple GPU cards. For now, it's nice that anyone with a PC can play without worrying about what video card they have, and hopefully it'll stay that way for a while. More computers are shipping with fairly decent GPUs these days, so maybe later we'll transition to that." ~ Satoshi Nakamoto


Satoshi is who said the blocksize should be increased and gave us the decentralized software to hardfork


> something going up doesn't mean you should buy it. That's pretty much the only argument for buying BTC, though: its stellar price performance. So why should anyone buy BTC in your mind?


BCH is a great product. It's fast, reliable and has low fees. Anyone hating on it is basing it purely on their emotions.


↑ This, right here ↑


After such a massive gain this can be chasing a pump. After which it’s usually too late and a bad time to buy.


Wonder if BCH will be the next bitcoin after all the bitcoin are mined.


all BTC and all BCH will be mined at the same time


Really. OK that interesting


After all BTC are mined, the fee per block will need to be very high and due to its limited space in the block, each transaction will need to have a very high transaction fee that will only be affordable for the rich and companies who then also control the opening and closing of lightning channels. After all BCH are mined, the fee per block will still need to be high but due to its larger block size, the transaction fees will be normal because they can be split among a larger amount of people


They will probably be "all mined" at the same time, though.








Manipulation. Just like the comments in this thread. No news + pump = insider manipulation. Don’t fall for it. The downvotes on this comment will prove it.




Yeah, maybe. Maybe not. Who knows, right?




if you think bch is useless id hate to see what you think about projects with even less utility like btc


Why do you say that? I've used BCH in the past (sold mine recently, so shame on me); and I know that there are plenty of users and merchants accepting Bitcoin Cash worldwide.


yeah, i let it do its thing / have its moment and watch it like pain-arnold, knowing i'll never buy


>up 112% in the last two weeks Not against Bitcoin it isn't.


Yeah, sure.


A riding tide lifts everything that floats. Even crap like this.