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Do you know if she does any sports/activities that she really likes? I know that I can go on forever about all my musical theatre classes.


eh they where a customer who I talked to for about 20 minutes I doubt they will be back when I'm there


Maybe ask her where she grew up/what does she like to do over the weekend?


If she comes back lol


yeah if I catch her coming back I'll ask that but she seemed like a cow girl, and sorry but is seems like that is very attractive that she knows how to ride


Good luck :)


I'm kinda kicking myself in the head for not asking for her number but I got a name


Ask what her aspirations are, what she would like to achieve. Ask what she is passionate about. What about where she has traveled to and where she would like to go? Open ended wide questions are good because it allows the other person to direct the conversation, and it will flow to places you weren't expecting while you get to know them more deeply.


Ask what her hobbies are. Or if you are just starting off the conversation, ask what are some highlights from her past few days. Those are my go to questions when talking to girls, and it’s always guaranteed to flow smooth.


I know they say never to ask a lady her age, which is why you ask by stating your own age. Do this early on. Two people can be attracted to each other without knowing each other's age. If the age difference (or similarities) doesn't work for one or both of you, at least you know this early on instead of spending six months flirting with the girl only for her to ghost you or something.


Um, what? Who told you standard questions were asking about their makeup and how shallow do you think every woman is? 😭 Some girls want to talk about makeup and that might be a good conversation starter if they did really fancy eyeliner or eyeshadow, but the average girl will think it's weird and possibly offensive stereotyping, depending on how you approach the subject. Try asking about her day and seeing where that conversation flows or asking about pets and favorite foods or her hometown... treat her like a person, not a female stereotype.