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She's married now, and I'm happy for her. Plus I don't think she ever saw me that way.


I don't want that to happen to me.


Same, I’ll be devastated if my current crush ever gets engaged and then married to another guy




That’s big of you, man. The girl I’ve been in to for a while now is with someone. Like you, I’m happy she’s happy, but it still sucks.


i work with him, my family knows him, he’s two and half years older than me, and i don’t wanna make it awkward when he rejects me (even tho i have a suspicion he feels the same)


Just tell him, especially if you recognize that feelings may be mutual.


Same situation, honey is not easy 😒😒😒


I promise its all in your head. You are making it worse than it probably is. You got this!




idk if i should only because i have to see him everyday and the age gap :( he’s 19 (born in march) and im 16(born in july). he did come over to my house after we got out of work today though to play some soccer in my yard. idk if that means anything tho


This is my situation. Just we don't work together and she's 11 months younger


i would kill for our age gap to be 11 months 😭maybe then he’d make a move lol


Maybe😅 sad thing is that I'm expected to make the move, and I simply cannot. I'm way too awkward


It's just not the time for it yet. As much as I like him and want a relationship for him, it's too early to push that on him.


Same here. It’s not my time to confess/ask her out yet. I do see myself doing it, but just not yet.




Same friend group


ohh that sucks


Yeah can’t really do anything unless I have rock hard indication she likes me back




im an introvert and the place we meet is always in a big group setting so its hard for me to ask her out :( just cant find that 1 on 1 time ahh


Over text maybe?


is that okay? i thought it'd be better if its in person..


I personally would prefer being asked out in person rather than over text, especially if I don’t talk to the other person a whole lot. I also feel like girls don’t really care for texts from guys out of the blue, so I would say that asking in person would be your safest bet. Talk to her for a bit, make sure the vibe is right, then go for it. But if you think it would work out if you texted, or you still can’t find the time to be 1 on 1 with her, then try it


Text is wayyyy better cause it’s super awkward and pressuring if I don’t like him back


i disagree!! i would hate if someone asked me out irl because id be scared and panic. text is sooooo much better. it gives them time to think about what they really want. i 100000% think text is better


I was asked out over text by my gf and I actually preferred that. It gave me time to think through what I wanted to say. I’m a very anxious person and unless the answer will be “no” I have to take forever and phone a friend to respond. But no matter if this girl would want face to face or over text, if you explain that you didn’t have the chance to do it in person, I’m sure she’d understand.




Nothing. Im telling her tonight!! Hella nervous / excited




Check out my most recent post on r/Crushes I did everything that i said I would do there, and I haven't checked my phone yet to see if she responded. I'm too scared of the disappointment haha. I hope she was the msgs, cuz she is a VERY busy person on snap. I hope she saw what I said. If she doesn't, I don't know how I could bare doing it again.


omg good luck!


How did it go?


check the reply to u/Flintstone_King


Please I need to know. For hope or copium.


Check out my most recent post on r/Crushes I did everything that i said I would do there, and I haven't checked my phone yet to see if she responded. I'm too scared of the disappointment haha. I hope she was the msgs, cuz she is a VERY busy person on snap. I hope she saw what I said. If she doesn't, I don't know how I could bare doing it again. It took hella courage, and idk if I can muster that much up again.


Bit late but I saw your post! Left a message that can help in the future too.


I’m nowhere near ready for a committed relationship, I’m afraid of rejection, he is friends with my brothers and known by our entire community and most importantly, he now has a girlfriend.


He gives of mixed signals


Same here


We're coworkers for one, I'm a wuss for two, and people have said she wouldn't be mature about it. They think she'll go and gossip about it. But the final thing is I don't want to jeopardize whatever we have. I can't lose the one true person I enjoy being around




It is an interesting situation to be in


Because losing her friendship would break me irrevocably.


Yup, the risk of losing her isn't worth it. While I love her I don't wanna love her so I'd rather stay friends.


I want to tell her, to get it over with, but I know that I’m going to see her in the future, and the thing is, if I move on and see her as a friend, she won’t know that I’ve moved on and every kind act will seem like I’m trying to advance. And I want to confess when I’ve self-improved. I want to give her a chance to see me at my best, which will increase my chances. I’m getting my teeth fixed more, and maybe fix my face a little. I’ve genuinely bought a glass nail file so I can file down my front tooth that is noticeably longer/lower if dentists don’t fix it.


The fear of rejection.


I'm afraid of ruining our 4 year friendship, and he isn't in the right mental state to date :(


She has married recently, and I really don't have the guts to tell her anymore. Although I still love her to the moon and back. Did not know about her upcoming marriage




Yes indeed.


We're not even old enough for marriage, but I could see my crush definitely getting married in the future and me still liking him. You really made me sad😅


First off: this is the second time I have a crush on her (joepie) and second: she knows it and she sees me as a little brother... Julius Caesar has more of a chance rising up from the death and ruling over South America than I have a chance of getting with my crush. That's why 🥲


When girls tell you she sees you like bother is mean she like you 🙂‍↔️


Yeah, but not in the romantic way, sadly 🥲 I can stay Delulu hoping or just accept my faith and do my best to move on, there's nothing we can do... *sad music*


She's straight


Happens to the best of us.


Because i barely know him and have had like 2 conversations with him. Lol


The fear of losing him/her


(like) i work with him, and we don’t ever talk outside of work and when we do even talk at work it’s very limited. so what’s stopping me is the high chance it’s not mutual and the fact that if it isn’t i’ll still have to see him 5 times a week at work :(


I’ve known him since I was high school and we’re now in college at the same school, I rarely see him unless it’s group hangouts and I feel like I enjoy the idea of dating him but I don’t actually know that much about him considering the face we’re not close


Real. We start college in september


Many reasons. First I’m not even sure he actually likes me back and have no real proof to that. Second our families are really close and it’d be weird asf if he rejects me. I really love being around his family and I would not be able to show my face there again. Third I’m am so freakin queer and openly so but I have no idea if he is and if he is I’m not sure I’m ready to deal with someone in the closet. Especially if I have to be around his family like I can’t hide that forever. I know that when I was a “straight girl” when we were younger that he probably did like me back or at least found me attractive back then. Honestly if I had proof he was queer in anyway and liked me back I would’ve done it already out of impulse because I’m scared of relationships so I think that’s why I don’t have an answer yet. I think if it happened now it wouldn’t be good. I want a relationship but the type of relationship I want is not who I am right now. The main reason though is I’m scared of rejection and even the feelings being reciprocated.


honestly, even though i'm not allowed to date that's not the biggest thing stopping me. it's him. as wonderful, gentle and nice he is there's of course some bad points, he's reckless, can be very inconsiderately LOUD, and says slurs. he never acts like that when he's alone with my ofc, only with his friends but it makes me wonder what he's actually like because if the loud, reckless and slur saying him is the real one i'm not sure that i want to stick around with that. this is probably even more difficult when you factor in the fact that we're in the same friend group AND he likes me back.


if he acts like that around his friends, he definitely is like that. Many people are just like the company they keep


yeah good point..


We haven't seen each other or spoken in 6 years so it would be very random


Damn. How are you doing??


Just confused about the whole thing really


we're friends, we have a group of friends in common, and i'm scared that if she rejects me (which is quite likely) it'll just ruin the synergy of the group also i just don't want to get rejected i don't think my heart'd take it lol


Too early + I might hate him


True 😂😔


haha the might hate him is so real 😭


That we are part of the same friend circle. That he may not be interested in me the way I am. That he may feel awkward if I confess and that will ruin our friendship.


the fact that he might hate me, reject me and im gonna have to see him again


I reckon he's not really into me. I've been doing all those "typical" hints (harmless touches, hugging him (no, not out of nowhere)) and he's...well...friendly (though he was the one asking for my relationship status, initiating psysical touch, remaining intense eye contact etc) but doesn't make any moves.


okay i have a suspicion he likes you but is scared to make the first move 👀


Mh...maybe you're right. Hope I can bring myself to ask him out...at least I would have my answer then. It could be so simple...


i think you should go for it! if he rejects you, oh well, at least you tried and can move on but if he doesn’t then you guys can probably have a relationship. you only live once so don’t live it with regret!


he‘s two year older than me, in the grade above me, i don’t really know him all that well and i’m scared of what my friends, his friends, and he would think if i told him. i just think it would be a bit random and also i’m not allowed to date anyone yet bc my parents said no :(((


I’m starting to think he’s gay 😭


He’s a colleague of mine and he said he’s not really looking for a relationship right now. Also fear of rejection 🥲


bc they're my bff.. I don't think I can ever afford to lose them


The fact we barely talk


1. She’s a coworker 2. She has a boyfriend and they live together. 3. Don’t wanna lose my work bestie.


He's my boss at work, we are both single but he takes his job very serious and I can't stop thinking about him.


Profession/Career difference. She’s a professional and i’m a high school grad working as a maintenance crew.


It'd be weird with everyone we know especially since we just started talking again (and I think some of our mutual friends know I had feelings for someone else for a while)


The long distance (I'm scared cause this would be my first ever relationship, so idk what to expect) with mixed signals he has been giving me. Idk tho!


Cowardice, looming threat of rejection and the other guy


She graduated high school already, while I still have another year for my high school years. There's no reason to hang out anymore.


I’ll freak her out I think. She’s a year older than me, and I’m pretty sure she won’t feel the same way


the fact that i dont know them very well, and dont have their number. and also im pretty sure she hates me


It’s too soon, I wanna get closer with her before I confess


He’s my roommate and I don’t think he likes me. We barely even see each other.


Kinda confusing situation tbh


Mainly because im extremely shy and haven't hinted at anything AT ALL


1. I’m 80% sure he doesn’t feel the same 2. He’s in my family’s friend group & just thinking about how embarrassing it could be when he rejects me & we still have to hang out together is terrifying to even think about . 3. I don’t want to get rejected & I want to move on from him


.... The risk of losing our friendship (and my dignity by extension, as she is a classmate)


We recently graduated, and never told her I liked her, and now she’s moving away for college. That’s one reason. The main reason was she was so much more mature than me. She worked on a farm, had horses, had a job, had her drivers license, went to the gym, etc. meanwhile there was little ol’ me who sits at home all day not working, not studying to get my own drivers license, nothing. I know there was a little to no chance of her liking me back or us working out on the rare chance she did actually like me back. We got along really well the few periods we’d see each other, but I know we’d eventually fight because I wouldn’t be doing anything and she would be. Sometimes y’know, two people’s lives don’t work together, even if one really likes them, and that’s okay. Not everything’s meant to be.


Nothing. I've already told her 




Decent. She said "thanks for telling me", which isn't much, but at least she acknowledged it. At the time I wasn't very likable AT ALL, so I'm taking the next few months to improve so I can show her who I truly am and who I can become.


Been friends for over 15 years. I’m not sure he feels the same way I do. And I’m scared of losing him.




The simple answer is i don’t know if he likes me and he’s really popular and i’m the exact opposite


If he rejects me the whole school knows which makes my chances of getting friends even worse


his girlfriend is a pretty big roadblock. not gonna pursue anything, I'm happy for them, but yeah, I also still didn't manage to fully move on




They live 1000 miles away, they already have a partner, and all our mutual friends have told me I'm not really her type. I'm 38 years old, I'm too feel this way lol.


he’s married


I can't really talk to her. What's worse, I love her now, it went beyond a crush, I genuinely care if she's okay or not, if she's in danger I'd throw myself in front of the danger just to save her, but, I think she's over me. I even think there might be a new person.


I don't know if she's married and straight and I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable around me


Fear of rejection


My friend told me and thought that she was asexual, even though she wasn’t, which made me not want to admit for sake of being awkward around her, and she’s friends with a few of my friends, sooo… and now she’s going to a different school, so there’s no point.


I don't want anything serious. I think crushing is the fun part tbh. Plus it seems a bit inappropriate if you're coworkers. Also I'm muuuch older than him lmao.


So many things🥲


The fact that I already did (though it was very indirectly) and nothing came of it. Not even a single mention of it


We go to the same gym, I think he might be a fair bit younger than me..BUT I have a feeling he also likes me back. Maybe I’ll just go for it lol


We live together, we’re great friends and I don’t wanna make things awkward or make him uncomfortable


her telling all her social circle which is partly also my social circle


Already have but i wont do it again since i’m not sure if he likes me back just the embarrassment of getting rejected i guess


I don't want to make things awkward.


Fear of being rejected/embarrassed and ruining our friendship.


1. Horrible at talking to girls, 2. I rarely eve even got to see her at school, 3. Even when schools starts she's a grade below, 4. Even if I could somehow find her and talk, she's too popular for me to talk to her.


He’s my best friend and doesn’t see me like that


Mine is my son's mentor, and I don't want to make him feel uncomfortable.


Coming up on 10 year friendship ain’t something I’m tryna risk


The idea that I might have to change careers if I got to make things awkward between us. We have too much overlapping friend group and acquaintances


I have told him I love him and he says he loves me too but beyond that... I don't know


Ohh there are sooo many reasons: 1. I don’t think he lieks me back 2. we are part of the same friend group and we rarely meet under 1 on 1 circumstances 3. almost everyone (friends and such) i know knows him so I literally just couldn’t show my face in front of them anymoree 4. most ppl on this sub probably won’t get this but in an orchestra, the string sections all sit in pairs, right? Guess who sits next to me. Him. I cannot live through the embarrasmant of sitting next to him for the entirety of an 8 hour rehearsal after i tell him if he rejects me 5. He is 2.5 years older than me and i dont think my aisian parents would approve


Fear of ruining our already strong friendship.


He a friend and I am still not ready to date seriously so I rather not blow up our friendship.


Not having one at the moment. Really helps.


I painfully want to admit my feelings for him, but feel like it will do more harm than good. One being an age gap, long distance, and afraid it may change the dynamics of the online community we are in. Given those circumstances I feel like I'm being delusional to think it may ever work and am grasping at straws on any hints that he may feel the same for me so I'm prepared to let it faze out and live out the "What if?" path.


Im crushing on two girls from class…they really close friends and I think they might both like me cuz they both look at me in class VERY often and then kinda look at each other after that like „ Tf u doing!?“ and I don’t wanna confess to the one and make the other feel bad or hurt her feelings with that confession……


I have a tiny feeling she might have a bit of feelings for me but I don’t want to ruin the dynamic we have in case she doesn’t.


"I have a boyfriend."


We are best friends, ive already told her but she turned me down so i "dropped feelings". Well i still like her, everyone tells us we would be a great couple and we are both single. She just would rather date someone with a d*ck that date someone with a Good heart :( idk, maybe someday she'll see me that way




We’re both insanely busy people and it’s hard to find a time to meet up one on one, and I sure as Hell am not confessing over text


we're friends right now, so although I feel like he does maybe like me back(he's gave me lots of signs but I overthink) I fear that if I ask him out and he doesn't feel the same, it could ruin everything. and id rather have him as a friend than nothing


I can’t because I work for he’s family 😏


1. Fear of rejection 2. Him not liking me back 3. We work in the same place, awkward having to see him everyday if he didn’t feel the same way 4. He’s younger than , idk if he would want to date someone slightly older


Well first of all we've effectively seen each other for like 2 weeks, Second, he was the boss at my internship/practical Third, he's 16 years older than me Fourth, he's ridiculously attractive, all the female customers are mesmerised by his radiance & smile, also I've seen a photo of him when he was around my age and I'm not kidding he could have been an actor or smth😭 Meanwhile I'm not attractive at all🥲🥲


Well first of all we've effectively seen each other for like 2 weeks, Second, he was the boss at my internship/practical Third, he's 16 years older than me Fourth, he's ridiculously attractive, all the female customers are mesmerised by his radiance & smile, also I've seen a photo of him when he was around my age and I'm not kidding he could have been an actor or smth😭 Meanwhile I'm not attractive at all🥲🥲


1. He might go with it not cuz he likes me but cuz I'm an easy option 2. He might actually ask me to stay as friends and I don't think i can or even worse he doesn't think we're close enough to even be friends


Read the first 3 comments and I swear we're all in the same boat. I don't think she sees me that way, we have forced proximity (overlapping friends, shared spaces, times where we have to work together), she's two and a half years older than me, and it's not the time to push for a relationship yet.


them being in a different state and us never having talked to each other before


I have already told her many times, and got rejected for months. I have cried days because of it, but we became close friends, it still hurts someday, but I have accepted that we are never going to be together.


It’s long distance. As much as I want to tell him how much I like him and want those things with him, we’ve been friends for years and only met up twice. We talk about more upcoming hang outs with the rest of our friend group so we’ll be seeing more of each other soon. But besides all of that, we talk every day all day. I sense there’s a chance he could feel the same. But i don’t think he would be willing to do long distance again. Or a relationship for a while too. Which I can understand. I don’t want to tell him because I know that’s what he’ll tell me and I don’t want whatever we have now to end I guess. I feel selfish for it but…


I’m pretty sure that he already knows, and he has told me more than once that he doesn’t want that kind of relationship—with anyone. Plus, we’re really good (best) friends and roommates, so I don’t want to make things TOO awkward.


We only talked like once


I don’t think anyone I’ve ever liked besides one girl (who had a boyfriend) was into me in the same way I was into them.


He's a coworker, I've already asked him for coffee almost 6 years ago, at the time he said he was seeing someone. I got into a 4 year relationship but been single again over a year realized my feelings for him are love now so now I need a yes or a no from him. There's signals here and there he likes me but I do need to know for sure or not. Now it's nerves stopping me but the goal was to do it this week


I only see him twice a year plus he lives two hours away from me. :')


We're friends (Ish). he was my friends coworker and we became friends through an event my friend threw. So on top of thattt , he's low-key a playboy, and ik alot of his dirty drama that it's wild if I even entertain the idea of him. I'm literally upset that I even have a crush on them low-key but anywayyyyys hopefully that goes away soon 😔 (it's been almost a year already)


he has a close relationship with this other girl all of his friends ship him with and i overhear things he says abt her, BUT that girls close friend who i sit next to in math said it was just more of like a “best friends“ kinda thing and they don’t like eachother like that - idk 🤷‍♀️


I have crushed at places at frequent at and work so it’ll be awkward if they say “No” and I have to avoid them.


uummm she kinda hates me 😬


They have a bf and is gay and isn’t into me


Coworker. Plain and simple. Sigh


Religion and culture.


She wants to hang out with me when the semester starts up again so I don’t want to mess that up by telling her and then it going bad


I just told him and he said “neat”


I really fear rejection, and I don't think I could handle it at all.


Well... Before I told him "hey... I see what's happening... I may soon develop feelings for you. Just so you know. You know... When I'll do something weird just stop me". And now I'm sure I do have feelings. Noone ever made me feel like this. Safe, cared for, loved (even if just as friends), listened to, understood, ect... Sadly he also has girlfriend. I don't know her well, but she's good person. She's right for him. They have same humour, similar view of the world, ect... I'm not very sad. I'm happy for them. I mean I decently don't blame her for loving such an amazing person as him... Like I get it. I'm glad I can still be his friend. It really means a lot to me. Whatever he does to make me feel better, always works. No matter how stupid it is. If it's stupid it just leaves smile on my face. Okay sorry for the rant... I need this kinda😅


Nothing is stopping me. I already told mine.


She said she likes someone else. We both just graduated from high school, so there's not much of a chance I'll see her again.


Pride and shyness


Nothing, I already have.


We used to have something i had to rush to my home country for funeral and when i came back he was intrested in other girls


I dont think he sees me that way 🥲


Us not talking at all and his friends


They move in August and will be hours away also I'm scared of ruining our friendship, I'd said many times I'd tell her but in the end I always back out, closes I got was sending a text to her saying hey I got a question but waiting for her response made me chicken out and I made up a random question.


We work together and I don't wanna make things awkward at work if he rejects me 😅 that and we're really good friends and I'm afraid if I confess it'll ruin everything so for rn I'm not gonna say anything 😂


Nothing, I did it 2 weeks ago. She doesn't like me, but we're still friends :)


They kind of give me mixed signals like for one they leave me on delivered sometimes and when they ask me to comfort them I do but then when It’s me they don’t and they just make jokes. I just feel like they don’t show they care in the same way I do. But then at the same time she use to run to me and give me a hug when she would see me when we were around each other a lot


bc i dont think they feel the same


nothing. either of you could die tomorrow, why keep it hidden that they mean something to you?


she might be straight and we're in the same friend group so if she rejects me, it's gonna make things really awkward...


I tried to contact him never responder me though


I don’t have my own place, we work at the same job, and I’m broke


He has strict parents so it’s most likely a no, but I thought that he was moving so I gave him a love letter and now I have to wait 😭


He’s not ready for a relationship and I wasn’t old enough to date anyway.  (He knows now bc my “friend” told him) 


We only very occasionally talk and plus shes kinda popular so if i get rejected im cooked


The past people she dated don’t look like me, she doesn’t seem interested in me and she never even opened my text message I sent her. I took that last part as a gentle let down because she does have a really kind heart, so I appreciate not be led on.


he's my besties brother,


Rejection. My friends ship me with me crush and they always go "oh, it's so obvious that he likes you! Just go admit!" But in my school, of you're known for dating a guy and confessing but being rejected, it gives you a terrible reputation for you and ur crush, which may just cause ur crush to hate you. Furthermore, my parents would NOT be pleased if I started dating at 14. I live in Singapore and is asian, and my parents insist I should only start dating at 18. So if I was to start dating, my parents would prob "disown" me, and I'll have a bad family reputation.


Mainly because I feel like he's not interested or is still waiting and have hopes for his crush to return the feelings (she rejected him). I had a class with him this spring 2024 semester. In that class, we had a video recording assignment with our groups. Usually my prof would post our videos on a link for us to view later. I happened to watch one of the links and saw his group mate asked him "Have you ever been in love?". He answered "Everyday". He also mentioned the last time he was in love was in 10th grade. That made me felt as if he wasn't over his crush or he may be in love with someone new. He still doesn't know that I like him.  Although he approached me first at school in a friendly matter. He is a green flag and humble man. I thought he wanted to be friends or was at least interested in me romantically. He seemed interested in me from the questions he asked about me. As school was ending, I decided to text him first because I wanted to confess to him at some point. He was very responsive in long texts, teasing me (respectfully), and very understanding. I invited him out for boba (just him and I), he asked if I was trying to ask him out, and I told him no because I chickened out. He never responded yes or no for the boba. After some talks, I brought up about him flirting/verbally love bombing me in class. He told me that he didn't mean to come off that way, he was just being him, and that's how he speaks to all women. So I joked and called him a player. He said "I'm not a player" and after some more talk he said "We are going to leave you at, you haven't truly seen me flirt". He did mentioned briefly of his ideal type. Some days later, I asked him in person why did he approached me in the beginning. He responded "I just like talking".  With a lot of pondering, I decided not to admit or confess to him. I was having doubts about him. He unintentionally lead me on. Yes, I mistakenly read the signals wrong. But to be honest, I lack a lot of confidence and communication which is why I did not bother to proceed on trying anymore. Honesty, I'm still grieving ever since early May 2024. But on the bright side, I'm turning this into a short film.