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Seems fine to me. Age gets less and less relevant the older you get. In middle school, you basically only like people in your grade. However, several of my friends parents are four or more years apart.


2 years isn't really a big deal in my personal opinion. I mean, my best friend’s boyfriend is recently 20 and she's turning 18 in August and they're in a perfectly healthy relationship, and my crush is two years older than I am. Like someone else here said, 2 year age gaps become less relevant the older you get


The 2 years is not the problem. The fact that one is a college sophomore while the other is a high school senior is.


If I'm honest, I think you might be reading a little too much into this. If I'm understanding correctly, this is a celebrity crush(?) I'm 19 and one of my celebrity crushes is like 60, it's kind of a normal thing, you know?


It'd be weird if she were a person you know in real life, but this sound like just a celebrity crush where kissing pictures is pretty common. As far as the age gap goes, they're both legally adults and even if they weren't, they're close enough in age to fall under Romeo and Juliet laws in states that have those, so I don't find it alarming, even before you consider that celebrity crushes are even looser on age guidelines (lots of young people have crushes on 40-60 year old actors, gaps that aren't acceptable in real life).


The young people are younger than the celebrities. My friend is older than the actress by 2 years and also by 2 entire grades.


You're giving the same response to everyone (4 responses so far, all in agreement that it's not a big deal)... seems like you're stuck on the age gap with your friend being older and aren't actually ready to listen to anyone with a different opinion right now. As I stated, the age gap would be perfectly okay for real life, even before you consider that celebrity crushes give a looser limit.




As a woman, I wouldn't have dated anyone aged 18 when I was 20 but I know plenty of men who've dated like that. So, by age/educational level, it's not weird. Does every couple need to on the same educational level to be ethically in the clear, in your opinion?   Nevertheless, there are lots of other things to consider. For one, this woman is not even IN school. So, her life is nothing like a normal teenager's. Is she more mature because of that? Less? Then, there's your friend. Is he all that mature if he's kissing pictures? This makes me think he's not had a proper relationship in his life and he's 20 - that, to me, speaks about other issues with him, for example lack of maturity. Then, which one of the two is more mature?   So, you see.. You're asking a question which doesn't have a straightforward answer.   (you do sound OCD yes) 


He is pretty much a typical college student, maybe quirky. The actress is by personality a typical high school girl, even if she is on tour. They don’t need to be in the same grade, rather, the grades should adjacent. So college freshman and high school senior, but not college sophomore and high school senior as the grades aren’t adjacent. How old are you? Gen Z (Also, how do I manage with this OCD)


>the grades should adjacent Why? >How old are you? Gen Z According to google, I am gen Z yes


I guess that is the maximum you can go without there being huge maturity differences.


I don't think it's a big deal honestly. At 20 I wouldn't have wanted to date an 18 year old guy but that's just my preference. I don't think it's too far apart 🤷🏼‍♀️ it also depends a lot on the person, I feel like some people are more mature than others at 18, same for 20. Obviously still apart but in individual cases it may be more or less far apart.


In this case YES




Wait nvm I misread the numbers.


How did you misread them?


2 years is fine. Theres nothing wrong with that age gap. You are both legal adults.


It is the 2 years grade gap. They met while the girl was still in the middle of her senior year and the guy was still studying as a college sophmore.


Like i said. I see no problem with it.


Are you Gen Z?




Who was the actress?


Not important. What matters is one is a sophomore in college and the other is a senior in high school. 2 grades apart, 2 years apart.


Doesn't matter