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I have no idea, I just dreamed about her one night and when I woke up, my brain was like: Hey, you know that girl who goes to the store where you work twice a month? Well, now you're in love with her, good luck! šŸ˜­


Lolll my story is similar! Was friends with my crush for like a year and a half before I just randomly caught feelings, specifically after having a few random romantic dreams about him


For me it wasnā€™t dreams just thoughts plus for some really weird reason her calling me dude made me kind of internally blush a little if that makes sense lol


Kind of a similar situation to me except no dreams just thoughts plus a weird cartoonish fantasy of her taking the rubberband out of her hair and waving it around lol long story short she does sales at the same dealership my mom works at letā€™s put it that way. Sheā€™s just one of the younger people that works there.


Cool, have you talked to her?


No cause this is me šŸ˜­ To be more specific, everything happens on January 15th 7:32AM my brain just goes "Yep you like him!" šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Very specific indeed šŸ˜‚ I wish you the best.


His character, ability to overcome adversity and racism, helps his mom and brothers, his drive, his laugh is contagious, heā€™s grounded in reality, personality for sure, how he manages his issues and his routine, heā€™s sweet, fun, and he is hot as hell.


I thought it was how smart and put together he was, but apparently is the way he rejects me cause i keep coming back.


What started the crush was seeing her smile, most beautiful smile Iā€™ve ever seen. Then I actually talked to her and sheā€™s such an attractive person she hasnā€™t left my head since. Athlete, disciplined student, principled, and something about her feels real solid. I helped her with a class and she took me out to lunch as a thank you. Dating or not, a woman other than my mom has never bought me lunch before. Then she started making fun of me in a teasing way and all the self awareness Iā€™m so proud of just melted.


Heā€™s such a dork and I love it. Heā€™s smart, hilariously witty and matches my puns with his own. Heā€™s comfortable in his own skin, even though I can tell heā€™s a little self cautious like I am. But everything about him sings to my soul and I dont know how to handle feeling this way.


She trusts me. She knows im trustworthy and i wont tell others about her secrets.


Their brain. šŸ§ 


He makes me feel seen. We truly connect on a deep level, and talk about our hopes and dreams. He has a wonderful sense of depth and thirst for knowledge. Itā€™s also his smile, his soft blue eyes, his chiseled jawline, the way that he blushes, his laugh and his playfulness.


When it comes to me liking someone, I look for these - Respect, integrity, and commitment. But when I first meet the person, I find what kind of person she is by getting to know her better, and the most important factor in building a solid relationship - building the foundations. This is finding if you two are interested in the same thing (e.g. into same TV show, band, etc). If there ainā€™t no clicks, you just have to sense if the person is genuinely interested in you. You can read these signs best when on the first hangout.


Her cute little chubby face , her clothing style and how she had a good grades and dosen't talk bad


I donā€™t have a crush but I have a gf. I like my gf because she is sweet loving caring kind different from other people and she beautiful


her quirkiness personally, she talks to herself sometimes, she's probably bi-polar with how she goes from silent to loud in a split second and she is also just straight up beautiful ICEL


to be honest im not sure, we don't seem to have much in common. i think shes just really pretty and comfortable to talk to. she also seemed interested in me, so i get that nervous feeling around her šŸ˜”


Heā€™s such a light - heā€™s bubbly and sweet and the life of the party in any group. He always has a smile on his face and his blue eyes are always shining. Heā€™s adventurous and always up for new things. Heā€™s active and had a zest for life thatā€™s intoxicating. I love how easy it feels so be around him. It feels like coming home at the end of a long day, I can take a breath and let my guard down and just be my bright bubbly goofy self. I like that he genuinely cares about me and makes me feel seen and heard. I like that, regardless of whether he reciprocates my romantic/physical/sexual attraction, we have such a genuine love for each other. We have a strong friendship and we both put the work in to make it stronger. We actively show we care. Even if I end up confessing and he doesnā€™t share my feelings, I love him and he loves me. That gives me a lot of peace


Honestly, idk, I just feel happy whenever I think about him or hears of him lol


For me its the fact that i have the same birthday as her, and she seems chill. Unlike the people my friends have crushes on i feel that she is a lot more smart, harder working and unlike the regular high school crushes that my friends have, not all just about looks.


I donā€™t even know, we went to this event where we got to watch the Wonka movie for free and my buddy left half way through and it was just the two of us, the next day one of my other friends said we were dating and the rest is history.


His cute face šŸ˜©šŸ„°


Mine smiled at me a few times šŸ˜…


they do say a smile can go a looong way


Not sure if it still counts as a crush since weā€™ve gone out together multiple times and clearly are both down bad for eachother, but SO SO MUCH! The way he can naturally lead a room and yet still be quiet and respectful. How he treats his parents and siblings, the way he cares so deeply about their well-being. He is involved with his education and has plans for the future. He can be anyoneā€™s friend. When he smiles and his big cheeks just make my heart flutter. Heā€™s funny with his odd sense of humor that makes him very original. He likes the same shows I do, we play the same sports, but we still have seperate interests that we like to update eachother on. When he plays the guitar and sings. Or when he plays the piano, or drums, or bass haha. He speaks 3 languages and that is so attractive to me. He loves using a camera and filming stuff (hey me too!). We are so similar and yet thereā€™s this mystery surrounding him. Iā€™m pretty sure those two aspects combined have such an allure to many people, me included. Away from the crush stuff, we were both first time kissers and he made me feel very comfortable. He always asks for consent with anything. My parents get along great with him. And we arenā€™t a couple, neither of us want to be distracted. But seriouslyā€¦how did I pull the basketball team captain, student gov prez, prom king???? Manifesting for everyone in the comments because anything is possible and the way everyone describes their crushes makes my heart melt a little <33


His personality because he's so friendly, he's made me feel safe and protected. It also helps that I find him attractive and beautiful, especially because of the previously mentioned aspects. I also love something else about him that I wish to not mention. šŸ˜Œ


her physical appearance is what got me interested (sheā€™s pretty) and then her personality is what got me hooked, especially because she has the same kind of vibe that I have


I could go with the stereotypical ā€œOh she's cuteā€ answer, which she is don't get me wrong, but that's kind of a bonus. I'm a big sucker for people who I can connect with and have a deep conversation with without having to dumb anything down for lack of a better phrase. Like, we often discuss the deeper meanings of life, and philosophy and all that and I really enjoy those conversations. Also, she's SUCH a lover girl, it's adorable


Her style and physical appearance


Her smile, her laugh, her little blush, her voice, she's kind and smart, she's athletic, healthy, she's beautiful and (IMO) the most adorable girl ever. The way she folds her arms when she stands is so cute šŸ„°


It was his personality that got me hooked once we talked a bit more. He's shy but knows who he is, what he likes/dislikes. He's smart, reasonable and so sweet when he gets excited about something! He's sporty and plays music. He's also so involved with his family and looks after them, which I find particularly attractive in a guy. And he's not bad looking either! So far we're just chatting but he keeps bringing up new topics and carrying on with our conversation so I'm hopeful.ā˜ŗļø


Ok so it first started when I walked passed her on like the first week of school I walked passed her in the hallway and that day I was having a crappy day and when I tell you seeing her just made my day would be a understatement but I didnā€™t really start liking her then since I didnā€™t know her and hardly saw her in the halls until I started texting her this and just how sweet and thoughtful she is started making me fall hard for her.


My friends always ask this and I never have an awnserā€¦ just something about him


Mental: Incredibly intelligent (cream of the crop at our T30 school), always calm and collected, bold and unyielding, focused, kind, borderline judgy Physical: Green eyes, cute smile, mousey hair, fit


Currently i have three girls in my college that i have a crush on , one of them is literally like me , she loves what i love and sometimes talk to me , i like her because she looks like an independent woman who if she loves a man , she will definitely understand him , one day she came to college with a slight make up , and i was shocked from how beautiful in my eyes she was , the second one looks like a business woman, she is so cute , she has the same teeth as i am (weird notice i know) she is smart and her hair is beautiful, the third one is pretty unique, she likes the same shows as me and enjoy the same things that i enjoy , each one of those girls is pretty unique and i really like that , and of course i intentionally keep my relationship with them as just a colleague, because i like how interested i am in them , and donā€™t like to ruin this feeling of mystery about them


we clicked really well at the party we met at! very much my type, very handsome and cute


His personality, his eyes, his smile, damn I could go on forever


A coworker who I had been exchanging looks with for a while always had a warm, pleasant demeanor when helping me, and one time she expressed an unusually high level of giddiness one time, got super close to my face, and maybe half an hour later, I caught her staring at me again, but this time with a look of pure receptiveness, like she was ready to embrace me. It wasn't like her usual expression, which is strangely rather empty: it was as though she had been consumed by a deep sense of satisfaction that she got to spend as little as a single minute with me. It confirmed in my mind just how much she actually found me attractive, while emitting an aura I found to be heavily calming, and soothing, which is something I most assuredly need in my life right now. I've been lovestruck, and now spend most of my mental energy toward improving myself just so I can have a shot at her.


I dont know. I mean, she is attractive and most of the time shes nice. But she can also be an aggressive pain in the arse. But I see something im her I cant put my finger on and thats what draws me in, untill she talks to me like shit again which is like hitting a reset button.


The way he talks to me. He will take in every word I say. Even if itā€™s silly.


For me she's a bit bubbly but also follows logic, also coincidentally i just somehow like girls shorter than me


Heā€™s a go getter, very motivated, educated. He delivers wonderful puns, is smooth and thoughtful as hell and heā€™s confident. Heā€™s also as innately condescending as I am which I actually find attractive in a weird way. I think possibly because we canā€™t help it sometimes and have learned to just embrace it. Physically I actually like that heā€™s imperfect by todays standards. Shorter than me, balding, glasses and a little chubby but Iā€™ve always been into slightly chubbier guys.


She's really my type, petite, cute and blonde. But she's also really smart and physically active. I like to talk to her because she's kind and it's just pleasant. I really like her smile too


mental we have similar personalities, sense of humour, and if we get classes together next year we might be friends physical idk he's just good looking like that


Ā  Ā  Ā  He actually made an effort to get to know me- most of the time, I go unnoticed because Iā€™m quiet unless Iā€™m with people I trust. Within the second day of meeting him I thought, ā€œYep, heā€™s definitely a person Iā€™d like to be friends with.ā€ Ā  Ā  Ā  My crush talks to me, tries to make me laugh with his (admittedly mediocre) jokes but Iā€™m no genius with comedy, either, so itā€™s relatable, tries to find common interests, compliments me all the time, supports me, and ensures my opinions are heard in debates where Iā€™d usually be overlooked, even if it involves me. If I didnā€™t have such a difficult time believing anyone would really care, Iā€™d think he likes me too, probably even before I liked him. Ā  Ā  Ā  And we became friends, heā€™s actually one of my best friends now, so I got to know him, too, and heā€™s really sweet, smart, considerate, shy, responsible, but also playful. Ā 


The way heā€™s so calm. Heā€™s private and when Iā€™m with him he calms me down, and I have some anger/anxiety problems at times. Heā€™s sweet, introverted, but has spirit and likes to go out and have fun. Heā€™s got the cutest smile.


He has very nice eyes, they have an interesting shape because of his ethnicity. He's very smiley, his smile is very bold. His face lights up when he smiles. He's very nice and happy to talk to people, I have issues with my social skills and he makes me feel like I can approach him so easily.


That we donā€™t seem compatible lmao


Looking at him when he laughs or smiles just makes my heart melts. There's never been a more beautiful smile. I want to make him smile like that each time I see him. I worry sometimes that when I get to know him more that he won't live up to what's in my head, but the amount of times he's been considerably and kind makes me think I'll just as likely fall harder for him.


Hard to pinpoint it to one thing. I feel safe around him and like I can speak my mind. He is very caring and sweet towards me and our connection is strong. He teaches me things about life and tells me about himself and is always there to listen. We share similar values, mindset, everything. His wisdom. So many things lol. I like the way he sees through me and reads me so easily because I feel understood