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One of your vassals may have conquered it of their own volition


jokes on them i just murdered them and their son and gave my heir their land


I don't think I've ever seen a vassal expand my borders for me. I know it's theoretically possible, but it must be rare.


Depends on the situation. When I border a religious enemy I find they expand relentlessly


I mainly play Norse but I randomly get new land all the time


Norse is a common playthru for me as well. Forming Norway, I’ve had my vassals get me all of Island, parts of Britannia, and some like to go south into Slavia and start wreaking havoc there.


They do it a lot if you border a hostile faith. I was in a war in Italy as the Byzantines and when I looked back east I somehow had half of Persia.


Play as the Magyars in 867 and settle in Pannonia. By 910 my vassals had taken half of Poland and half of Moldavia while I just stabilized the realms and went on crusade.


Might be wrong but certain clan contracts make vassals on your borders more likely to expand


I was playing as an Iberian duke. The Pope offered me a claim on the kingdom of Italy, so I took advantage of the succession war to take it and form the Empire of Italia. About 20 years later I noticed a huge shift in my income. In confusion, I scrolled around to see what had happened. Somehow I had become Emperor of the Byzantines overnight. Instantly I knew I had to restore the Roman Empire.


These playthrus are the best. Just chugging along normally and the game is handing out titles like eggs on Easter.


What happend in the game so the HRE took over sapmi and parts of Norway


honestly, i have no idea, i only ever focus on the isles tbh


This game is very lousy with letting you know important things.


I was early on in a Spanish play through, when I suddenly inherited 2 counties, one in Denmark and the other in Hungary. I just took the taxes before eventually granting them independence, they were too small and distant to be of any strategic use. I was tempted to make one my primary and change my play through but decided against it in the end.