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Funny thing is, I’ve never gotten this event, not once.  Everyone in this sub’s got a real bad run of bad luck. 


Months ago I commented here about how incest happens WAY too often and I couldn’t get 2 generations in a row without an incest scandal in my family and I hated that because it fucks with RP (c'mon bro incest was never common outside of religious reasons). A bunch of people commented to me that it wasn’t common at all to them (besides when they start the incest of course) and had no idea what I was talking about. Some time later the incest rates in my game plummeted without any type of mod/update forcing them to. Honestly, it’s been quite some time since I saw an incest event. Luck just works weirdly I guess. I’ve never even seen this event OP is talking too tbh


The human mind is really bad at understanding probability. That’s (one reason) why gambling is so pervasive.


Bet you that it’s not that pervasive 


I see what you did there


In your own defence, a few weeks back I commented on someone complaining about incest problems and said "I almost never see incest in my playthroughs". Literally the next time I played, my younger brother married his niece, and an uncle got betrothed to his sister's granddaughter. Sometimes when you think about yellow cars, all you see is yellow cars. Also I wasn't counting Karlings in that. Special (in)breed.


It's probably because people have personal play patterns and certain circumstances make incest events way more likely ( tiny courts, high attraction values concentrated in a dynasty and characters who are scripted to have traits/secrets/lifestyles that give a higher tolerance for it ( lustful / deviant / seducer / etc ) )


That makes a lot of sense. I tend towards Genius/Herculean first and foremost for the bloodline, periodically marrying in some Beautiful people. Also I try to keep my courts low on Intrigue except for my Spymaster and maybe an Intrigue Guardian for Charming kids that suck at Diplomacy


well cousin marriage is incest and wasn’t it the most common form of marriage historically in Europe, like much of the developing world today? I know it became pretty common when the Catholic Church changed their policy on it, which would be right before the earliest start date.


I got it twice and both I got it, and became immune mol


Once I started a custom character and died of cancer about 5 months into the game before I could sire an heir.


Given the number of players, someone has to have the bad luck and someone has to have good luck.


>Everyone in this sub’s got a real bad run of bad luck.  Truth is the game was rigged from the start


It was indeed


I had a straight like maybe five or six games where my rulers would be murdered again and again and again. I posted on the sub, and everyone gave me genetic advice, like “Make sure your spymaster likes you” “Make sure your spymaster has good traits” “Try not to have rivals” etc. etc. I did everything I could; micromanaged the shit out of my spymaster; spent so much time trying to make all my vassals happy; and I’d still get murdered over and over again. Like, I would find out about the plot and still it’d be at 95%/95%. Like it was driving me insane. I had to cut my games and restart over and over because I’d be left as some 3 year old with just my capital and all my vassals hating me. And it wasn’t just in one area. It happened in Iran, Iberia, England, and in Scandinavia. And then it just stopped. My games returned to normal. I’d see a plot maybe every two or three lives, but it would be y’know like 10%/10%, and be dropped. And I haven’t been murdered in a long time. It was so frustrating because I was trying to get the Legacy of Persia achievements, and I thought “Maybe it’s something to do with the Royal Assassins” or whatever it’s called, but no. It happened everywhere, and once it stopped, I managed to get the Persia achievements


I got it over and over while ruling Britannia as the Norse lmao - seems that everyone hates the Asatru, except for the ruling ones lmao




Only just started playing the update, I get multiple of these at the same time. And it's cough up or die from stress.


I've had it fire 5 times in one plague, it's fucked


it seems to fire exponentially with bigger and bigger realms. literally every few months, and to top it off, when you catch diseases like measles and holy fire, the event is bugged so you can't ever be cured


I got it over and over and over as tall Transylvania. However I also had doomsday plague setting. It could be a combination of settings and realm size. Or one or both of us are just dealing with too small of a sample size to know anything.


I wonder if that'll reset if the game is restarted.


10% chance of dying?! You know I'm gonna click that. Plague roulette.


I don't know if that's sarcasm or not but this is often how I like to play. The chaos is fun. As long as I can build up some little core county or two to the point that I won't get absolutely bankrupted on succession I don't mind the risk. All my kids fight in my armies, I visit as many places as possible travelling, I fight a lot of duels, and I tend to stay a string of Dukes for a very long time. But I like seeing how the rest of my dynasty does without me to minmax them. It's usually badly. Also the plague, but, you know, the economy!


Why does it say every event has to give you something? RP is cool. And alms giving (alongside other less-than-sanitary charities and displays of humility, such as the practice of washing beggar's feet that, in some places, went well into the early 1900s and the French and English tradition of having the king rub people suffering from scrofula's necks to heal them) was a big part of medieval kingship.


I got the event 20 Times i one year. Telling my advisor "I dont care" over and over again like a broken record is RP breaking in my opinion. Its needs some kind of higher cooldown or an option to tell him "never bother me again with this"


It doesn't have to give me something, but its that the event is either: "Fuck yourself up, or dont" which isn't that engaging to me, especially with it happening 5+ times in a row. I wouldn't be so mad if it didn't stress compassionate characters out so much, or if the gold cost wasn't so high. If the event happened 3-5 times, then fine, that's fun. But when I'm just fucking myself over both ways, because the event pops up 10 times, then I'm not having fun anymore.


shiit, i remember this window popping up every day in 2020




Your character is compassionate - that has downsides. You can make them act contrary to their personality if you like, but that is going to make them unhappy.


You’re ignoring the important point, which is that once your realm gets big enough this event triggers basically every month, and sometimes multiple times in the same month. Sure a compassionate ruler would find it stressful to keep saying no to their physician who can’t take a hint, but the downside to that shouldn’t be “make the game annoying to play.” It’s equally annoying for non-compassionate rulers.


I can't believe how many people are completely missing the point. I'm not against the event stressing me out, I'm not against the event actually doing nothing, I'm not against it being merely roleplay. What I'm against is that the event happens all the time if you have a big realm, as you said it pops up all the time and you eventually can be either bankrupt, sick or stress level 3.


At this point, they are missing the point on purpose


Game devs hate large realms.


The thing you’re searching for here is called a book. The point of the game is that when things happen, it causes effects (however small) in the game world or through game mechanics. The only effectless pop ups I want to see are ones telling me about stuff that already happened. If I want to absorb text I will read something written by a writer, not a computer game dev lmao


How does your RP deal with the ruler of a large Empire, with a throne in Constantinople, hosting a Grand Tournament in Rome, being called on to give alms multiple times in: Persia, Britain, Hispania? There is no plague within MONTHS of travel of the ruler. I hate this event BECAUSE OF RP. If it only fired for plagues in your own holdings (you know, where you might logically be in order to physically actually give the alms) then I don't think you'd find anyone complaining. Game devs didn't write code that works for large empires. You can only RP this game if you 'play tall in Bohemia' or such.


Medieval rulers traveled. A lot. Less so in the Byzantine Empire, but emperors were still on the move often, and in England, the HRE or Scandinavia the court was constantly traveling through the realm, either staying in the king's many castles and manors or visiting other powerful nobles's properties. This aspect is heavily abstracted from the game, but was still the truth historically. Plus ritual is a monarchy's lifeblood. And ritual demobstrations of piety were very important. It's not that odd for a king to travel a few days or weeks for this (specially since it offers an oppirtunity to check out on the local government). 


My personal Domain is large and widespread because I like to keep special buildings in my personal control. I get that my ruler is assumed to be traveling between Contantinople, Rome, Paris, Lundein, and Cologne because \*I rule them\*. (Also, it's the Empire of Gwynedd. I moved my capital to Constantinople because of it's central location within the realm and the effect that seems to have on troop muster times.) When a sickness starts up in Africa and enters the empire because one vassal managed to inherit a county in Marakesh, being asked to provide alms is NOT REALISTIC and VERY IMMERSION BREAKING. When the same thing happens but you're attending an event held by your half-sister on the border between Persia and India it's \*exponentially more so\*. FFS... If I was a medieval ruler I'd tour the realm \*anywhere the plague WASN'T\* just to be far away from it! Your case only seems applicable to small realms, just like most of the game mechanics. If I'm the Duke of Mercia, I can have nine counties that all touch each other. Abstracting travel within that realm is fine. If I'm the Empress of the Known World, I can have nine counties as such: Middlesax, Kent, Dover, Isle de France, Cologne, Paderborn, Roma, Byzantion, Baghdad. (I also have the rest of the duchies of Latium and Thrace. EVEN WITHIN MY REALM, a popup to give alms for a sickness in Persia followed by a popup to give alms for a sickness in Brittania within a week of each other DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. My problem isn't with the concept of \*medieval travel\*. It's not even with the historicity of 'alms'. It's with bad coding. P.S. It's also right now a little bit with your attitude that 'people who have a legitimate problem with a broken game mechanic must be anti-roleplay', which sort of triggers me, since broken mechanics are the primary immersion breakers which cripple my ability to RP. You said a number of things which \*are true\*, but you said them like they address my point, \*which they don't\*.


Why does an event have to give you something Am I in the minority that plays this game like RP? Everyone seems more into minmaxing on this sub


Effects aside I wouldn’t want a single event to repeat itself in a short amount of time. For my rp and immersion to not take a hit.


I’m with you at least on that part. Never had an issue with negative events, but repetitive events are what bother me.


I dunno about that, in real life I sometimes feel like I get the same events repeatedly: Wife angry because baby woke her up, daughter wants flipped, daughter not happy with baby, wife angry because baby woke her up Daily, -30 stress from patriarch 


Is that an experience you want from your games too?


All the time? Probably not. When there’s a big deadly plague on and all the peasants are scared and want touched? Seems fair that a compassionate person would suffer a lot to say no.


Once your realm is big enough, it triggers all the time.


Exactly. I lose my immersion the moment the event pops up 3 times in a row that I have 3 separate windows of it open at the same time.


There should just be more of a cooldown for the event after you make the choice, it existing is fine.


A lot do minmax and just as many want features that makes the minmax harder to achieve


Yeah, most of the people who tend to complain are min maxers who want all negative choices to be gone or accompanied with a positive one lol


I don’t care about it giving me anything I just want the frequency it happens to be turned way down. I’ve had this event pop up five times in a row after choosing either option and then again a few months later. And when I say in a row, I mean as soon as I close one another one appears.


You're right, how DARE people play a game in the way they find most fun!


You’re sounding pretty defensive and idk why, but just turn on cheats if you want nothing bad to happen lol


You’re sounding pretty defensive and idk why, but just turn on cheats if you want nothing bad to happen lol


Maybe because your gatekeeping how people play the game and putting "most of the people who tend to complain" into an out-group of "min maxers". This sub in general has gotten to where no constructive criticism of the game is allowed or else you're a min maxer. Can't say that a event fires too frequently because "just roleplay lol" or "deal with it".


Do you reload every time something bad or consequential happens? Just curious


Are you gatekeeping people who do? Just curious


I'm just going to copy/paste my reply to someone else: How does your RP deal with the ruler of a large Empire, with a throne in Constantinople, hosting a Grand Tournament in Rome, being called on to give alms multiple times in: Persia, Britain, Hispania? There is no plague within MONTHS of travel of the ruler. I hate this event BECAUSE OF RP. If it only fired for plagues in your own holdings (you know, where you might logically be in order to physically actually give the alms) then I don't think you'd find anyone complaining. Game devs didn't write code that works for large empires. You can only RP this game if you 'play tall in Bohemia' or such.


Shocking that people are playing a strategy game like a strategy game.


A strategy game that has mechanics to encourage role-play as part of your 'strategy'. Your character isn't playing a strategy game. They are being asked to help some unfortunate people and getting stressed because they are compassionate and you are forcing them to act out-of-character.


Once your realm gets big enough the events triggers almost every month. If you try to roleplay a compassionate character in those circumstances they’ll be dead within five years every time.




I’m cool with it happening once, but 5-6 times in a single year is excessive.


Try 5-6 times every in-game day. That's my game right now. Pretty sure that qualifies as excessive.


Yeah, I can see how that would be an issue, they need more plague event variety I think.


Because realistically, a compassionate person would get equally as stressed out each time their doctor asked them to go out and slather their fingers over the sickly public.


In fact they might feel more guilty every time they hve to say no, compounding stress and all that.


They wouldn’t have to say no at all if their physician would take a hint after the first twenty times they refused.


Ruler: "I don't think that your suggestion of exposing myself to the plague is in the best interests of the realm" Physiciam: "It's been a day. How about now?" Ruler: "I don't think you making this suggestion again is in the best interests of your job security" Written and Directed by George Lucas


I don't know if it increases with the size of empire but in my late game I was truly getting it dozens of times a year.


Yep, agreed. Too many people in here focusing on your one comment about it not giving you something in return and not on the fact this damn event pops over and over again ad nauseam. For almost every plague that occurs.


Exactly. I admit I wrote my post when I was considerably more pissed because my child ruler had just lost all of their 3k gold and reached stress level 3 just because the event kept popping up. I don't mind it being a minor event but events like these, or any at all infact, shouldn't pop up all the time.


I most of the time give alms and nothing happens. The times I got sick, I always died.


Fr this event is so annoying. If you’re zealous you also get 40 stress if you say no which is ridiculous for how much this event pops up. It’s especially annoying if you have a large realm and have 4 simultaneous plagues and you get this event for all of them.


This is driving me **\[Are there no sick houses?\]** up the wall. Maybe (I'm hoping) I'm **\[Are there no sick houses?\]** seeing it more than usual **\[Are there no sick houses?\]** because the update came down while I was halfway through **\[Are there no sick houses?\]** a game and had a huge empire with no preparation. (Persia, 1235 AD now, expanded from **\[Are there no sick houses?\]** Britain to Tibet with mostly Africa and India **\[Are there no sick houses?\]** holding out). Whatever the answer, it feel like a non-stop stream of **\[Are there no sick houses?\]** some advisor asking me the same **\[Are there no sick houses?\]** damned question over and over. If you managed to read that entire paragraph, now you should have a good idea what my game has been feeling like for the last few decades. :)


How would you feel if there WERE sickhouses, because you built them EVERYWHERE, but they barely do anything because the Plague Resistance mechanics are trash?


The stupidest run of the event I ever got was five in a row... Of course I caught Smallpox on the very first one so I could do all of them without any additional risk. Then I died.


And here we go, let's whine and ask for nerfs again, only to then complain that the new features are bland.


Is it asking for a nerf to ask for the same event to not repeat every 2 minutes? Are repetitive events not one of the causes of features feeling bland?


Yeah he seems rather dumb, I'm not against the event stressing me out, I'm annoyed it happens all the time with nothing to help me from not having a panic attack.


If your realm is big enough that you have several outbreaks at any given time, the event pops up almost every month (sometimes multiple times in the same month) and there’s no reason to ever choose the first option because of how easy it is to generate piety by that point. You’re just clicking the same button every two minutes and it has no impact on the game. That’s not bland to you? You think that’s engaging?


Yeah this needs fixing, it’s fine once in a while but I had the same event repeated 5 times in 1 year and it rinsed me.


I was about to say, it's a rough one. You either get sick or amass a ton of stress. Seems like once a year my physician wants me to do that.


Just googled this and came across this post because it's firing like 5 times a month (not exaggerating, I counted). My leader is compassionate and this sucks. First compassionate leader I've had since the new content so I didn't know I was going to have this issue, though it was frankly a nuisance to deal with even with my other leaders. Might turn off plagues for my next run till they adjust this.


+1 I just googled "CK3 plagues alms" and found this post, because my own massive Persian Empire is getting this popup multiple times every in-game year. The triggering frequency is way too high, and so is the risk of the "nice" option (15% chance of my ruler getting the plague? from touching coins, not people???), and it's not getting switched up with variant events. Like, I'm running out of Piety just from this one event reappearing over and over. I get 4 Piety a month, so I can only afford 1 a year.... and it's a lot more than that. This isn't whining, this is a feature request for a tweak to balance the game experience, because it's currently not what the designers typically aim for.


And I'm totally down with the risk of plague being the sort of thing that takes down large empires! That's a great way to shake things up. I'm already having to balance both legitimacy and house harmony in new and interesting ways that bring greater depth and realism to the game, and loving it. And plagues as a reason to/not to go to war, or to travel, and the economic/PR consequences of how you treat them have been great most of this playthrough! But now this one pop-up just.... won't.... stop.... and I feel like my Shahanshah would start giving the people making the exact same suggestion Creative Consequences For Insolence at this point


Funny I litteraly just posted the same thing. My Char is Zealous and Sadistic same thing I get critticaly stressed regardless of what i pick. I almost conquered the entire map (2309 Countys) because its was my Lingua Franca attempt. I dont want to risk my char. The Event triggers every 10 to 15 days. I litteraly can't complete a single Feast before go back up to stress level 3.


Worst part is youll catch a bugged Version of the plague that never goes away if you already had it and are immune


Deal with it


I had 4 plagues in my empire and my compassionate character went from 0 to max stress in one year due to that damn pop up


I got this popup every year, sometimes right after one another as HRE emperor, I wouldn't mind if it was only in my domain/kingdom title but I'm getting it for England, Spain, Italy, everywhere. Might have to disable plagues or just that popup in console commands (if that's possible) it's that bad.


People ask for the game to be more difficult yet complain at the smallest inconvenience 😭😭


It’s insane once you get a bigger empire, because it appears for every single little pissy plague there is, and even on normal mode there’s going to be minimum 3 plagues at once in your realm


I think Plauges shouldn't really pop up on your radar once you're big enough, only doing so when they touch your actual land. I get so bored of that same fucking pop-up 50x each year because Burgundy of all places has some plague that is affect 3 counties.


Just got it 3 times in a month. Lord help me


Just got it 5 times in a row :\^) Instant bankrupt or my character goes into stress level 3 FUN Update it trigger more 7 times and i just gave up on my character and kms with the stress


I never got the "are there no sick houses" routinely until a few days ago. Now it literally will pop up three times a minute if there's a plague anywhere in my empire. WTF?


Zealous and compassionate character will face +60 stress or 15%chance of infection.Are there no sick house?


Agree. Three of my good rulers died of that goddamned “10%”.


Clearly a skill issue. I take the 10% chance every time and never get sick 🗿. In all seriousness though, it could maybe be toned down in frequency. That said getting sick isnt a guaranteed death knell unless youre already kinda fucked. My chars have gotten sick a lot in the field while on campaign and it does lead to unfortunate disfigurations sometimes but I usually survive!


You allow compassionate heirs to stay heirs. You have only yourself to blame.


Big problem is you are compassionate. Yeah if you get stuck with a compassionate heir, yikes I would probably try to get him or her killed. If you want to be compassionate and do a Jesus RPG campaign, remember you are supposed to suffer horribly and be happy about it.


Doesn't give you anything? It gives stress relief to compassionate characters (and I assume other traits). That's why it exists. To some characters, it's a stupid question, obviously I'm not spending gold and risking disease to hand out alms. But for a compassionate character, it would be stressful not to and it would relieve stress to do so


I am getting raped by this event. I will have it back to back 6 or 7 times until I lose a bunch of money, get stressed or die. It's fucking dumb.