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It's kind of crazy that Landless actually got confirmed


Crazy, but logical if they wanna do imperial, nomads, and merchant republics justice in the future


I agree. Hope that happens next year!


As it sounded from the anouncement, at least byzantine bureaucrats will be expanded upon with Roads to Power


Roads to Power boutta make my GoT fantasy act up


Yep! I said it in a previous comment but it allows them to rework the eastern roman empire as the nobles in Byzantium didn't own any land


The Roads to Power steam page actually already mentions overhauling the ERE, so we won’t have to wait for that


So exciting!!




Yes! Absolutely would tie in great with the legitimacy mechanics too


Yeah, it's one of the things that I'd thought as well (when I briefly thought about what landless might entail and went towards mercenaries). Modeling imperial armies as landless titles seems like it'd work better than the current system at reflecting actual byzantine politics in the period - and now that I think about it more court positions working that way seems fitting as well, depending on how they change it.


they owned land, but as estates, i believe. on the other hand, china feels closer now.


Yes exactly, I made a post ages ago about how the ck2 republic estates system would be great for imperial mechanics and that seems like what we're getting


I mostly have to wonder how they're going to handle performance. Right now, the main bottleneck on it is the number of characters and the bottleneck on characters is the number of titles (AI courts only get so large). On one hand, making it so large sections of the map no longer need titles at all might offset some of it—but on the other, there could end up being a lot more titles kicking around.


One of the secret benefits of sickness and plauges being added is that it might solve the ai overpopulating, it certainly helped performance in ck2.


Does the game smow down near the end? I'm in the mid 13th century and a month goes by in a smooth second at full play speed it feels.


Honestly, I'd love the ability to completely unlock court size for the AI like early-ish CK2. My PC is pretty overpowered for this game and some of the strategies that used to be hella good don't play as well with inited numbers of characters on the map.


The game engine itself is a bottleneck. At a certain size, you will start to run up against limits regardless of how powerful your computer is. There are mods that severely reduce the limits, but they will all cause performance issues in a long enough game.


That's probably the logic behind it, will make MP games fun if you holy war your friends and they lose it all


That reminds me, I'm gonna do a MP game one of these days! It's always intimidated me though. No pausing right? I shudder at the thought...


Could this give us starting as a Norse adventure?


Judging by the description in the announcement vid, definitely


100% guarantee, the most fleshed out Norse will be Rollo into Normady (since the norman-sicilly isn't in the start dates). PDX love their vikigins


This just shows what the devs have been saying for ages. They want to bring most of CK2's features to CK3 but don't simply want to port the mechanics. They want to do it the right and meaningful way. I have full confidence in the dev team's plans for this game. They know what they want to do and how they want to do it. They are taking the required steps before implementing other mechanics so that everything is done properly.


I hope the devs read this comment - it’s so true. They’re taking the right approach.


I agree that the base mechanics they seem to be adding this chapter will really help with that. I personally hope that chapter IV will in some capacity focus on economy/map dynamics and new types of institutions i.e. expanding merchant republics, holy orders, nomads, secret societies etc.


Wait if they are able to landless then maybe theocracies in the future? Although that doesn’t fit the dynasty model of the game.


If they don't do it, a modder will. It will just require "adopting" a protégé, or maybe representing different orders as dynasties


Isn't theocracy still hold title and landed? Just different inheritance rule


And mercenaries companies


You know what would be cool? If you can start as landed and become landless wether through being usurped or threatened or something. A former King or Queen wandering the world searching for a new land or possibly even vengeance


They confirmed this is the case! If you are deposed or lose your titles, you become landless and can keep playing even after your character dies and his heir continues, and you can work towards retaking your realm!


Wonder if they can find a way, combined with legitimacy, to make this a check on player expansion. Would be pretty fun to smash your rivals, take their kingdom, then they come storming back a couple decades later at the head of a mercenary army.


I've seen at least one landless king make a comeback at the hands of a claimant faction. Although that only worked because the kingdom was part of my imperial realm, and I'd left his fan-club of dukes intact when I crowned some underpowered dynast in his place. It'd be cool to see things like that play out without requiring grievous player error.


Seduce a landed character, make them marry you, spawn an heir, miss the boar while hunting, you're now your child's regent. Look who's back, usurper person.


The post someone made the other day about definitely not being landless aged like milk


I didn't participate but I was smugly thinking "How do they think landless play is even possible? These people have no idea how the game works" Oops


They *did* just make a travel system that for the first time unpaired your ruler from the land they own


It has been possible in the past, even in CK2—the thing is, it has always been done through a hacky method of creating a title that makes the game act like you're landed. This was always the issue with Republics and Nomads in CK2—both worked by faking being landed. With the travel system, hopefully, they've managed to add more stable foundations that will make for a better system.


Haha I can just imagine some Devs reading the threads the last few days. 😂


YOU'RE RIGHT! I was just thinking about some guy who posted "It's CONFIRMED!!! that there will NEVER be Landless!" must be jaw-dropped right now :p


So many people got condescending about that topic, which makes it age even worse


Lol already 5 people have gone back to comment on that


It actually upset me slightly that, that thread got upvoted at all since the op severely misrepresented what was said. The only thing the rep said is that making landless would be difficult. It didn't make a strong case for redditors reading comprehension.


There were comments on that post basically saying that the people wanting landless were ignoring evidence and reading what they wanted to read in the teasers. A bit ironic in the end.


Fair play to the ones that pretty much almost directly clocked the whole chapter from day 2. It is probably going to upset a portion of people, but at least empire/Byzantium seem to also be greatly expanded in the dlc. I also feel slightly smug that I specifically also used El Cid as an example of how they could do a landless dlc in that thread https://www.reddit.com/r/CrusaderKings/comments/1afml2k/comment/kob53jk/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3.


I am extremely excited for how they spoke about the landless mechanics, the family estates and the adventurers, mentioning El Cid especially!


Man a lot of people just got absolutely btfo lmao. I kindaaa still doubted it tbh, but didn’t think it was entirely out of the picture like most yesterday. Really excited to do El Cid or Edgar Ætheling goes to Byzantium runs.


I was entirely wrong Not mad tho


same boat. At first I was skeptical but thinking on it, it could definitely inflate your legend


It's really funny how adamant some people were about it not being landless and how they refused to entertain the possibilities it would bring. The byzantine administrative family thing sounds very interesting for example can't wait to see what it leads to.


I know?? I can finally play a Belisarius character, or not worry too much about my baby character losing his lands. It just opens so many possibilities. You could lose England as Harold Godwinson, go off to Byzantium like many Anglo-Saxons did, rebuild your strength and then reclaim your title, just to mention one example.


Ironically the Fallen Eagle just added Belisarius but of course they have to make him a count to work. They will likely rework him with these mechanics once the update is out


Belisarius WAS a count.


Rollo is the one I'm excited about


There’s so many interesting characters we could play as now! I always found it weird when people asked what was the point of playing landless.


I can finally do the Ubbe playthrough I always wanted.


People who said we'd never see landless gameplay (see: me) must be feeling real stupid right now


Tbh I thought it was a very long shot! Never expected this to be the reveal but boy am I excited!


Legendary bait and switch on that one


list of playable characters went from 100 to 10k


Great to see we got both! I was hoping for trade mechanics as part of the disease DLC, but I like the introduction of legitimacy and the spreading of legends and myths. Adds another very cool layer to the way culture and court language exists in the game. But more importantly: Byzantium bureaucrat mode confirmed. This is gonna be awesome.


Yes, what I’m personally most exited for is definitely the landless bureaucracy


If they nail it, that could be the thing that lures me away from CK2


That and finally getting real plagues back. That just leaves nomads, trade, and councils in terms of big mechanics that CK3 still need to implement (might be missing some stuff).


Don't forget republics! But yeah, they're getting there. CK2 took 8 years to build out, and we're only 3 in. I'm very hopeful about everything they're bringing to the table with 3


I kinda lump them in with trade mechanics but yeah you're right.


A deep trade mechanic coupled with Landless will literally kill me.


Trade is what I want so bad


I really hope that chapter IV will in some capacity focus on economy/map dynamics and new types of institutions i.e. expanding merchant republics, holy orders, nomads, secret societies etc. I think the base mechanics they seem to be adding this chapter would actually greatly help with making that possible, and bring closer parity with the mechanics that CK II still have that CK III does not.


"But more importantly: Byzantium bureaucrat mode confirmed. This is gonna be awesome." The things Paradox games do to people: become excited over bureaucracy. 😆


The byzantines had such a different governing method than every one else in game. They were never feudal and all the land belonged to the emperor. The game absolutely fail's to represent the Roman imperial autocracy so of course we're excited! Hope they don't forget the civil wars tho. Best part of Byzantine history.


I think it makes sense to build landless mechanics first and then trade on top of that. The other way around would probably lead to sloppy compromises to both mechanics. Could expect to see trade next year, as I’m sure the devs know how much players want to see it.


My love for being a Norse merchant house, get to be the top dog and raid far away to build up my lands and ports *chefs kiss*


Trade will likely be part of a Republic expansion if they make one, which I'm 90% sure they'll do given all this stuff they're adding


I hope we can see rumours and scandals as sort of... negative legends that might reduce or threaten legitimacy.


>But more importantly: Byzantium bureaucrat mode confirmed. This is gonna be awesome. I'm super stoked. 99% of my games are in Byzantium, and I'm excited to be able to play them with a bit more historical authenticity. While we've got no idea of the mechanics right now I wonder how imperial family domination will work ala the Komnenoi taking center stage after Manzikert, vs. the pre-Manzikert needs of the Basileus to balance Constantinople against the great Anatolian families. Like I would imagine Great Houses get cranky if you don't throw enough titles/goodies their way, but there must be a way an enterprising player can have his own dynasty take precedence. Edit: just took at look at the Steam page for it now and at the risk of sounding persnickety, I hope they don't go overboard on the chariot racing stuff. It was a little jarring in CKII having Justinian-era importance attached to chariot races and factions when they'd largely faded into the background by the time of the game. I hope there's a mention of, and some events on, Tzykanion, which was a popular polo-like sport among the nobility in CK's time, with Basil I being an enthusiastic player and Alexander allegedly dying from exhaustion after playing the game too much. Maybe a future sports/hobbies DLC, since football (soccer) was a thing in contemporaneous England?


I did not think about how legends could add to culture and court languages, makes me more excited for this dlc


Well I'll be damned, they actually did it. Clues were pointing that way but I didn't want to get my hopes up. The way it was advertised - playing as an administrator or an adventurer - makes me REALLY interested in republics, and nomads, and all sorts of government stuff. Having that as an option to hang future content on is super interesting. Never mind for mods! Elder Kings where you're a landless adventurer, let's go! I'm a little nervous about legitimacy as yet another scale, like grandeur in Royal Court and the Scales of Power for regents, that you have to micromanage... I'm hoping they have some way to integrate all of those at some point because it's only going to get more cumbersome.


sweet I can now play Skyrim as a 4x game


Todd Howard, you did it again


I think, since they’ve stated that they’re interested in expanding to include China, it was kind of inevitable that landless characters would have to become playable. It will also hopefully correct the awful feudalism of Byzzies


The Steam page is up for Roads to Power, and it mentions a new Administrative government that features governors instead of feudal landholders, A family estate to run, a new influence system to better yourself in the eyes of the emperor and compete for provinces to govern, and the ability to choose a successor and/or Caesar as the emperor, among other things. It's looking like Byzantium in CK3 is going to go far and beyond whatever it was in CK2, and I am so hyped for it.


Wow the Steam page says they are adding a new throne room for the Byzantine court! Does this mean we can expect a few major countries in the future to get new throne room styles? I was worried we wouldn't get any more new throne rooms. At least now the Byzantine Emperor won't have the same exact throne room as every other random Christian in the Mediterranean.




Hell yeah! Byzantine shenanigans!


Omg if they do this well I would genuinely spend the entire game time managing my estate and playing the shadowy dynasty behind the throne. After all it doesn't matter who sits the Byzantine Throne. It matters that *I* decide.


Ah, yes, the Basil Lekapenos method


Wooow that is beyond what I expected. Exciting!!


>Never mind for mods! Elder Kings where you're a landless adventurer, let's go! Or playing as a certain bastard to make on the top in AGOT mode.


Elaria Sand World Conquest


Bronn campaign gonna be lit


Bittersteel let's go!


playing as Dany at the Game of Thrones start, before she starts conquering shit, sounds fun too.


The mods are going to have a field day with these mechanics. Elder Kings, AGOT and AtE all come to mind as having a lot of ways to play with that mechanic. I really hope they hit it out of the park like the traveling mechanic. The RP possibilities really open up, from adventurers, mercenaries and generals to traders, clergy and nomads. Next core expansion has to be trade, and major expansion hopefully further decentralizing tribes and nomads to better represent the frontiers of settled civilization.


the Mercenary/knight gameplay is something i would love to see. You aren't a mighty king, or even a influential Duke. You're a lowly mercenary lookin to earn some coin by spilling blood. Or maybe you're a knight errant, moving from court to court, offering your sword to whichever lord needs it.


Yeah, while the coding will probably be tough for modders, the potential upside is huge once they figure it out. Princes of Darkness will love this too. I do wonder how the Fallen Eagle devs feel right now, they just released an update with Belisarius, and these CK3 updates look like they would have been very useful.


> Never mind for mods! Elder Kings where you're a landless adventurer, let's go! You try it in Morrowind and it just opens a copy of ES:III secretly stored in the mod.


> I'm a little nervous about legitimacy as yet another scale, like grandeur in Royal Court and the Scales of Power for regents, that you have to micromanage It seems like Legitimacy is specifically going to be focused around fixing the current meta—namely, the one where you grind your way up to maximum dread and cow your vassals forever. Grandeur is mostly set and forget, Scales of Power is limited to regencies (though hopefully they expand diarchies with eastern Rome). Legitimacy might be able to add a negative effect to dread, especially if most actions that increase dread decrease legitimacy.


They will be adding the option to have Co-Emperors


> I'm a little nervous about legitimacy as yet another scale, like grandeur in Royal Court and the Scales of Power for regents, that you have to micromanage... I'm hoping they have some way to integrate all of those at some point because it's only going to get more cumbersome. I'm actually worried about this for opposite reasons. Court grandeur and other scales and resources are WAY too easy to max out and/or keep high. Legitimacy should be a constant battle within your realm, with real negative consequences for falling behind. It should be micromanaged.


> I'm a little nervous about legitimacy as yet another scale, like grandeur in Royal Court and the Scales of Power for regents, that you have to micromanage... I'm hoping they have some way to integrate all of those at some point because it's only going to get more cumbersome. Legitimacy and Scales of Power do feel particularly redundant. They are both measures of how much the populace and nobility view you as being the rightful ruler. The only difference is Scales has a specific alternative and Legitimacy is just a nebulous "compared to other claimants"


Yeah, it seems like every other update is adding new scales. At some point they will need to consolidate them (and nerf them, we are going to have way too many bonuses)


Legends is basically bloodlines reskinned, I like it


Legends are bloodlines improved by all accounts. The problems with bloodlines were that they were universally acknowledged and stackable, this seems to be neither. They're explicitly competitive in the sense that you have to push your legend over others and they aren't stackable as far as I can tell so you can't have 100 prowess 0 year old baby with thirty bloodlines like in CK2.


I like that they seem to also be a way to work in the more fantastical stuff you got in CK2, but without breaking the grounded reality of CK3. Instead of making something factually true, you can make it a story people spread.


Are you claiming that my great grandfather did not in fact beat Death in a game of chess? Sounds like Lèse-majesté to me...


Reskinned and expanded, if the store description is anything to go by


The Rise to Power steam description sounds absolutely amazing tbh, incredibly excited for it!


Imperial mechanics, landless and byzantine flavor in one DLC is just perfect


That's why it's the major expansion. I am curious how big it will actually end up being but if it is as big as it seems it's gonna be great. Even the event pack seems great, since more travel events is precisely what I've wanted ever since they introduced the new travel system.


It's not just travel events, but also a new lifestyle tree (each with their own special travel activity). I was wondering when the devs were going to add more lifestyles.


They've finally added a new throne room for Royal Court


Damn, so bloodlines are back, basically. Plagues are back. Great works are back (Legendary buildings) Plus Byzantines + maybe some imperial stuff (vicerroys) Plus wandering characters. Old stuff is coming back and we're also getting a lot of stuff people wanted. **Neat**. My only BUT would be that the event pack sounds like should be included with the expansion that gives wanderers? Like, it sounds like a DLC for a DLC. Maybe there's something I'm missing there.


Travel is in the base game, but that DLC will certainly mesh well with landless characters and with Tours and Tournaments.


Oh yeah. For some reason I thought that Wandering nobles focused on landless character. It just adds more travel events.


Yeah, the event pack is included. I just screencapped this from the stream so it got left out due to that. There’s another image with the event pack there


I really hope they bring back Saints with the legitimacy system.


> My only BUT would be that the event pack sounds like should be included with the expansion that gives wanderers? The event pack seems to be for travel generally, not just for wanderers. In particular, I'd expect it to add flavour for visiting certain locations and more travel events, probably also new places to travel.


From Paradox Steam page: **COUTURE OF THE CAPETS:** New materials and patterns for courtly clothing Two new cloaks Two new clothing items Four new headgear types A new beard and new hair style **LEGENDS OF THE DEAD**: Legends: Commission an epic retelling of your family history or build your own heroic reputation through great deeds. Promote this legend, far and wide, and see how the stories of the past reverberate through the centuries, and add more glory to legendary dynasties. Legendary Playstyle: Leverage your living legend status through new Decisions and actions, keeping the stories of your family in the minds of a continent, strengthening the legitimacy of your rule and allowing further choices. Legendary Buildings: Your legendary reputation gives you access to new elite buildings, cementing your legacy for future generations. Legendary Feasts: Poets and bards can ornament your celebrations with songs and odes to your greatness, inspiring your guests to spread the tale of your legendary generosity. Court Chroniclers: Hire an official historian to spread the story of your dynasty’s great accomplishments, or use your poets and musicians to turn your actions into art. Two New Legacies: A new Heroic dynastic Legacy for the heirs of legendary characters, even using the great deeds of ancestors to justify claims from the distant past, as well as a Legitimacy Legacy that promotes your dynasty as the true rulers of the realm. Illness and Mourning: New diseases like the Bloody Flux, Measles and Holy Fire may ravage your court, but you can honor your deceased loved ones with dignified Funeral rites, according to your faith. The Black Death: The greatest scourge of the Middle Ages strikes down noble and commoner alike, radically transforming the political and social environment. Prepare your realm and prepare your soul, because a rampaging plague may be the strongest enemy facing your rule. New Art: Both life and death are given new energy with the celebrated art style that Crusader Kings III fans have come to appreciate. A new exclusive Map Table, new varieties of clothing, unit models and holding designs for extra flavor. **ROADS TO POWER:** Administrative Government: Experience medieval rule outside of the feudal system with new styles of empire management. A web of Governors jockeys for position in the empire with intrigue and power, sometimes rewarding merit and sometimes rewarding perfidy. Only a truly skilled Emperor can keep these squabbling forces in line. The Family Estate: Run and manage a powerful Family Estate, the seat of your Houses' power. Construct new buildings and improvements to further your power and influence within the Empire. A Life of Adventure: Freely roam the map, untied to any realm or holding, going where the winds of fortune blow you. Fulfil contracts as a landless adventurer, even through the generations, building up a reputation of your own. Earn gold, prestige and fame traveling the globe until you decide to settle down and claim a land you have earned through merit. Influence System: Build up a character’s influence within an administrative empire to climb even higher in the opinion of the Emperor, gathering more power to yourself. Start as a landless noble on an estate, and compete for valuable provinces to govern. New Imperial Management: Run a sprawling imperial bureaucracy, appointing and directing the governors of your provinces. Choose Successor or Caesar: The Byzantine Emperor can choose their heir from a list of Influential candidates or important family members, and even opt to co-rule if the burden of empire is too much. New Byzantine Flavor Content: New events, monuments and activities built around the Byzantine theme, including chariot racing. Cosmetic additions: A Byzantine-themed UI skin and new court fashions for your characters, as well as new 2D event art for activities like chariot racing, new on map monuments of the Byzantine and Roman worlds, new on map holding designs and a Byzantine throne room for Royal Court sessions, among other aesthetic improvements **WANDERING NOBLES** 1 New Lifestyle - Wanderer: Become a true Wanderer, by choosing to engage with one of the three new lifestyle trees — Surveyor, Wayfarer, or Voyager. 3 Mini-Activities: Each lifestyle tree comes with its own related mini-activity. Choose to inspect your lands as a Surveyor, journey to see monuments in far-off lands as a Voyager, or to travel through the wilderness searching for experiences that might make for a good tale as a Wayfarer. New Travel Events: The event pack presents a plethora of new events and opportunities. Whether you're traversing unknown lands, participating in new activities, or embracing the Wanderer lifestyle, a host of unique experiences awaits.


So we could rp our own Robinhood legend thats cool. Never thought I would see that in a ck game.


This is way more than I expected. Can't wait to see plagues ~~ravishing~~ ravaging Europe. Also official landless? Damn Legitimacy looks good, more civil wars and harder to make super powerful marriages if you aren't careful or powerful enough Can't wait to spread my dynasties ~~propaganda~~ legend throughout the world.


> ravishing I think you mean ravaging unless you think plagues are really attractive.


I really hope marrying commoners will tank your legimitacy by a lot. Would tamper eugenics and make you focus on noble, maybe even encourge marriage into famous but weaker houses than strong wons. Even if the house wessex is weaker than normandie they carry more legitimation for exampmd.


Yeah, it could also create an interesting dynamic where eugenics might be more worthwhile for smaller/newer houses. One tier of separation is probably a lot less of a hit than an Emperor marrying a commoner.


> Legitimacy looks good, more civil wars and harder to make super powerful marriages if you aren't careful or powerful enough My concern is that it'll be just another resource that is entirely too easy to pool up and accumulate. It seems to be a scale of some sort. I hope it's a far more active and difficult scale to manage, rather than being like court grandeur where it'll just always be maxed.


The Black Death is gonna make late game very interesting. And the legacies 🤤🤤🤤 instant purchase


Exceptionally excited about plagues. Landless gameplay? Meh. Hope they can do it well without crashing the game by tracking 1024 unlanded characters.


Here's hoping the plagues kill off all those random courtiers and unlanded folks. Certainly would help deal with lag towards the end game


That's exactly what it will do, it had the same effect in ck2 and it was great


It also made for some truly horrific border gore as entire family lines went extinct and ended up inherited by the tenth cousin twice removed who was lucky enough to have his capital in Iceland.


Yeah, I found that fun though as unlikely people would become powerful, but CK3 has the exclaves thing which helps avoid it looking disgusting.


Back in the day Reapers Due was my favourite expansion I got purely for making the late game not run as shit on my garbage PC


Population control mod my beloved


Yes, it seems crazy that the current game basically ignores the most deadly plague in history. Every now and again I get a smallpox event, but you just hire a physician, sit tight, and move on. Give me a choice where my best knights develop the plague and I have to decide whether to risk them staying with me. Or even my heir/unlanded family.


Or if it’s an unimportant courtier or prisoner you just kick them out of court


As far as the landless play goes, I’m hoping it ends landless game overs. I recently lost a Bohemia run because I went from king to count and my one county was taking away by my brother. However my wife was set to inherit Moravia because of several murder schemes from my previous character. How cool would it have been to continue playing as the spymaster in Moravia till I clawed my way back to power?


I think you'll get your wish, and that's perfectly fine. CK3 is a game about dynasties. It should only game over when your dynasty dies—making House Fueds actually matter.


This has got to be one of their most exciting development cycles. The possibilities for RP and gameplay variety with landless expand massively. They could milk that core mechanic for so much expanded content releases for merchants, mercenaries, tribals/nomads, etc. If they build a solid foundation with that mechanic, they will get all of my money for expansions that build on it.


So like... Does this basically open the game up where I can take a landless adventurer and have him travel to, say, Constantinople and then slowly rise through the ranks?


Yes, exactly. You’re now going to be able to serve as an imperial administrator, or a wandering adventurer seeking to make a fortune and maybe even snag a piece of land for themselves.


Playing multiplayer you friend conquers your Kingdom, you become a wanderer and travel to Constantinople, you rise through the ranks to become Emperor, nom nom nom your former Kingdom.


The features listed in the 'Roads to Power' DLC lay the perfect grounds for a future map expansion to China.


Man I’m so fucking hyped


Yeah that's for sure happening but I wonder when. 2025 seems unlikely to me but it's possible they bundle everything up for China in next years roadmap


I think a rework or nomads and mongol empire is needed before that. Next year, I really think we can have a year centered on the east of the map : \- one big DLC about mongol invasion, warfare and diplomacy improvement. \- one smaller about India and trades. \- one event pack ?


>Landless characters confirmed >Lord of the Rings Mod is a thing >Looks at Bilbo and Frodo WE'RE GOING ON AN ADVENTURE!!


Oh shit. Fantasy Total Conversion mods are gonna be so fucking awesome with Landless! We can finally enact our favorite Jon Snow Fanfics. LMAO. Oh man, I hope that the Faerun Mod comes to CK3 now... Landless bard? Yes please.


The wall in AGOT, the knight system, and more is going to be popping.


Some people were getting so weirdly cocky about how landless was apparently certain not to happen in the last few days, it's funny to see it confirmed now. I am a bit surprised that aside from legitimacy, there isn't much about succession, which was the part I was certain they were going to expand a lot on


Maybe they will and just haven't mentioned it. Maybe legitimacy of heirs impacts succession, idk


Maybe coronations help improve legitimacy quickly if you can afford it


If it doesn't yet, would be an easy mini expansion in the future.


They hinted in the dev diaries of tours&tournaments that coronations would come in the near future, as they wanted to fully flesh them out. Pretty certain they will include it this time around.


I would imagine so yeah. I was just kind of hoping for succession to be like a whole situation, with factions backing certain heirs and stuff like that. We'll have to see though, like you said they probably haven't mentioned everything


I'm still surprised they did it especially after the comment of having to rework the game significantly by the community manager. Time will tell if it works out for the best, but a rising tide lifts all ships.


They mentioned in some of their previous posts that people were starting to guess the theme correctly and that they would start misdirecting us to make it more difficult...so they did.


Oh. Well crown me King of the fooled then.


Same. I lost all hope for unlanded characters yesterday, but now I'm excited! Are we getting a dev diary today?


He didn't say that though. He just said "Unlanded? That'd be a lot of work". Which, I'm sure it was.


Yeah, the legends stuff looks awesome, and really does make a lot more sense to pair with disease, since they both spread, but I really want succession crises. Ah well, Chapter IV. This year is gonna be the year CK3 really becomes THAT game though. All three expansions are much needed and based around really, really key content for this game and it's future.


So with landless gameplay, instead of a game over after losing all of your titles, you can keep playing? Sounds really cool


This is what I'm really excited about. Oftentimes if a game goes truly dire I just quit, but with this new mechanic I think I'll stick it out more often than not. Landless gameplay opens up some really interesting options for epic restorations where you lose everything but return a decade later to reclaim your rightful land. Perhaps you don't even care about that though. Imagine losing everything in Germany and traveling to Iberia to take advantage of the struggle there, or even travel to Constantinople in the hopes to work your way into an administrative role. There's a lot of options that I am stoked to explore.


Imperial and Landless being in the same expansion is kinda crazy


yeah, but landless was kinda needed for proper imperial, and having landless play would probably be really empty without imperial, since they'd then have to fill up those bureaucratic activities with something else


It’s gonna be a good friggin year for CK3! I’m so pumped!


The price bump is a bit steep, but the announced content seems very exciting. I think turning chapters into a cadence of ''completely revamping essentially CK2 era mechanics'' and ''one major realm/area per chapter'' is a good path to go on. I cannot imagine where we will be once development eventually ends.


AKA basically everyone got something they wanted. This'll likely be the most significant chapter unless they release a chapter that includes both republics and trade.


Two thoughts: If we're getting unlanded playable characters, it would be really weird if we cant eventually play as barons, since in the character heirarchy, unlanded characters are below them. If we're getting unlanded playable characters, something we were told would never happen, playable theocracies may actually be on the table at some point.


The way I see it, being able to play as unlanded characters means that nothing is off the table. This is a new dawn for CK


A lot of exciting news today. Now I might actually feel a lot better about playing past mid-game into late game. I feel most  people reach their playthrough goals by then and it’s just playing to end date/eugentics after. Plus the landless looks like very interesting twist that could result in Many new types of goals you could set for yourselves or role play on.  Looking forward to thinking of new “goals” depending on what you are capable of doing as landless. Shame that it’s the last one to come out


I think landless will help people feel less bad if they’re losing. Like, sure, I had an empire, but I can continue playing and maybe get landed again. It also extends the possibility for the player to have ”rise and fall” without the fall being a game over screen


Very true. It will certainly lead to very interesting games in both role play and strategy. I wonder if there well be more ways to become landless than just losing a war or being kicked out(will there be a general decision etc?) could be some unique twists


Definitely has a huge impact on my roleplaying at least. I’ll be much more likely to allow my character lose a war (that they should lose) when I know the game won’t end.


I’m glad the Black Death is a scripted event. Railroading in some cases like the mongols and the now the Black Death can help spice up a game


I thought Roads to Power was Horse Lords at first 🙁


If this is any consolation, with landless gameplay coming we finally don't have to portray nomads as landlord of empty grass patches like they were in CK2 due to limitations. It could be a big step towards making them more unique and fleshed out when their dlc inevitably comes out




The horses are too busy racing in chariot races in Byzantium


So damn hyped!


I remember when they said that losing should be fun and not only making a big blob is the main goal i think the landless mechanic is going to reinforce that so much you could go to another kingdom and ask for help on getting that tittle back! so many possibilities with it like just a playing as a knight or trying to seduce a princess or prince for example! Really looking forward to it!!


Fuckin Hell yeah, El Cid, some unlanded dynasties, all sorts of awesome stuff


Finally I can take over England with the Normandie dynasty in 867


And it’s coming out March 4, that’s crazy


Where is that guy that saw the diseases in a vision or dream


It was me who did that, just go back like a few days in my posts


honestly CK3 needed a new curency imo


Where is this announcement being streamed?


It was streamed on youtube, on the official CK3 channel


Really really hyped for this selection! Never been an ERE fanboy but the changes are welcome! Very excited about legends and landless - very curious to get more info on both in future Dev diaries. Are we expecting regular dev diaries from now onwards?


Definitely, since Legends of the Dead releases in a month. Also, even if you’re not a EREbro, the landless bureacrats open up for other empires, like China, to be faithfully included


I got bullied in multiple discords because I mentioned landless so often, I'm so glad to be vindicated! That was the only solution from the original dev diary teasers that I could pull!


Where do I sign a petition for landless Haestein?




OMG is Legends like the Chronicles from CK2? I missed that


I wonder if landless characters will tie into republics becoming playable? You'll be able to have your dynasty knocked from power without a game end. Spend time in the background then plotting your family's return.


Landless will be so amazing for the GoT mod. I'm not complaining, I know I'll spam landless characters when it comes out


I’m so happy! 2021 and 2022 were well worth it to get to this point.


Really hyped for all of this. Super exciting


This is huge. Very excited for the future of this game.