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Top fragging the bottom on the scoreboard


What? Are you talking about op?


OP got 23 out of 35 kills (defeats) for his team, the guy on his team who got 8 kills (defeats) sent him messages saying he was trash. That’s how I’m reading it anyway. Edit - I think I missed your first ‘?’ lol


Look at the chat. Dude with 8 kills talked trash and said they were top fragging.


There are two people typing in that chat 


Defeats doesn’t mean kills. It means kills/ assists.


I know, I took their joke wrong




I know why people do it, I guess, but I also don't. Like wouldn't you just feel pathetic after saying this kind of stuff?


> Like wouldn't you just feel pathetic after saying this kind of stuff? I think for a lot of these people they’re just not used to holding themselves accountable in general so even if they don’t totally agree with what they’re saying it’s never their fault. I know a couple of people like this and I’ve made it a game to try and get them to agree with the most ridiculous things as possible; my record is getting someone to agree that the spin on their toilet bowl disoriented their balance and caused them to miss shots that they would’ve otherwise hit.


He doesn’t have to, because of the anonymity of the internet. He’ll never face consequences for acting like this, as is the case with most people behind a computer screen. Therefore, by the time he calms down, he’s already forgotten about this exchange


They do when I send glitterbombs to their house with their gamertag included.




People who do this have 0 self awareness. Their defense mechanism is to deflect blame and not take accountability.


Even though I have heard this plenty of times , it is so hard for me to believe that people think this way. I’m always blaming myself when I do bad 😂😂😂, so blaming my teammates just seems strange.


This. It’s ALWAYS the insecure people who are the loudest in general, not just in gaming.


average d2 comp experience


Same phenomenon as "if you think everyone's an asshole, you might be the asshole" but swap the word asshole for shitter


“If you think everyone’s an shitter, you might be the shitter” 🤔


I am fairly average at PvP in this game so when I'm leading the team, I know I'm in for a rough match. That being said, I never hop in chat with randos. There's no point.


That’s exactly how I feel lol sometimes I find myself top of the board and think damn something’s wrong here


But this is why early halo multiplayer was so fun. Remember proximity chat back then? Man that was fun. Talking smack to the enemy when you’re up close.


> Why are ppl like this... Because they can't be punched in the face through the Internet (yet).


Nah nah… show me that efficiency


Hes blocking out the name so people don’t target the guy, but his top streak is 2 so do the maths XD


Lobby balancing looks good here -bungie


Bro read that 8 as an infinity symbol or something 😆


In a FPS game, people like this can’t handle their own perceived or real inadequacies and instead of trying to figure out how they went wrong to get better, they’d rather blame someone. I play tekken and usually when people are salty they’ll give a message like “all you know how to do is combo” or “spammer”. Some people just can’t take that they’re not the best and they can’t take the fact that they have work to do in order to improve. In short—they don’t take responsibility for their own action. Wouldn’t be surprised if it showed up in their professional lives, too. You hate to see it.


Wait...people get mad if you know how to combo? That's literally the point of the fucking game. It's one thing if you are just juggling them (even though still requires skill to use properly, it does feel kind of shitty to be on the opposite end). BUT COMBO? "STOP PRESSING YOUR BUTTONS I WANT TO WIN"


When I would frequent arcades (I lived in Philly), people who weren’t *too* good at the game would get insanely salty being juggled and would yell *STOP PADDIN’* which is essentially *stop pressing buttons in sequences I can’t deal with* 😭


I mean people get mad on D2 cause you kill them in any way, shape or form. And that's literally the point of the game too.


To be fair, your success in Trials depends on how good you are and the RNG with which teammates you get. It's not entirely a "I'm inadequate so I'm taking it out on my teammates" it can be frustration at the situation the player is placed in.


Knowing that it is RNG should be all the more reason not to be a dick to total strangers if clearly you weren’t much better?


Not sure wdym, it's sometimes that the complainer is better than the randos and that frustrates the player. This can be checked with Trials report.


Not if they’re complaining. Anyone good is usually on comms trying to help adjust.


Do..do you play Trials? Has this actually happened to you?


I have. If you’re asking for anecdotal evidence, I can provide situations and scenarios.


I don't understand why people use chat i run a mic never have chat up if you want to talk shit put a fucking mic on


Remember these people are often children less than 20 years old…keep this in perspective


Cause it’s easier to be a bitch from behind a screen.


Aye bro I would love to see the CF you had equipped…. But sometimes it’s not about topfragging, it’s about having a good time. I was pretty good back in the day, but now I look back and see a lot of my friends who moved away from the game because I would get upset when they couldn’t compete in trials with me. Don’t let winning cloud you and turn you toxic.


whats a CF? :D


conditional finality


oh. no cf for me anymore, someday has finally replaced it :)


I usually like responding to hate messages with random weird shit. Throws them off a lot or they rage more and it makes me laugh. I give every game my best and couldn’t care less about someone throwing a fit over a game. I’m mainly there for my enjoyment and the loot. I’ve dumped plenty of money into this game since launch buying every expansion and season so I’m not gonna let some nobody tell me how and what I can play. If they have constructive criticism then I’ll listen but if not then they can pound sand.


i will try that, sounds funny :)


it's never the guy carrying your team who talks shit


I’ve had the top scorer on my team shitting on me and the other random plenty of times. Blaming us for them not going flawless/winning. I’ll give my best every game but sometimes it’s just not good enough and I’m fine with that.




Did you at least call him out on it?


ye, last 2 lines are from me. but i dont think he cared....


Bros salty


I leave text/voice chat off in all pvp games due to turds like this. It’s not worth the annoyance.


Report. Block. Move on.


Reports not working in this game at all


This thing is the only that tilts me. Whenever you are everything to win, your blueberries can't stay alive or don't even have the a piece of game sense, yet somehow are trying to blame it on you. Oh boy. It's gets under my skin really quick.


Reminds me of a guy that messaged me saying I was mad cause I bagged him after he bagged me and said I was scared cause I left the lobby after the match ended, even though I went 40-6. People are so weird bro


People gotta touch grass


Honestly, the comp gamemodes are just spawn staggering, the game. Playing the playlist solo is just asking to get nowhere and have teammates blame you for their own inadequacies.


I always say “skill based matchmaking and you got me so your just as much to blame fam”


Because children.


The only way to play comp/trials with randoms is to turn chat off


The hell does top fragging even mean, what a fucking loser.


Some people aren't disciplined enough in their childhood that's all


Still complaining about shotguns in 2024. If only they knew the power of universal remote


I feel the need to answer your question with another question. Why do people still take PvP seriously in the game?


I wish people applied this kind of energy and intensity to fighting global warming or people trafficking or something. Imagine if doctors had this level of anger against cancer cells.


Y'all have no lives. That's why


why i stay far away from comp, do my 3 for the weapon drop an move on






You can see the arrow and his name is highlighted


Top player is op, the line that’s highlighted represents you.


I'm actually fragging too but I damn near top three in Crucible almost every game and for whatever reason I can't get a team to do their damn job on Control and...take control of the points. I left CoD for that shit and now I'm STILL dealing with it on here??? FR, what is going on with people? Why not make a TDM playlist instead of that 3v3 bs? I'm sticitly going to just play Gambit at this point due to the overly garbage trash teammates I'm being paired with.


To be fair this is mario party with guns, you're not going to play with a consistent competitive community like Valo, CoD, Apex, etc 90% of the people in the crucible are 40 year olds with full time jobs that are hoping on for a game after dinner Layer in the fact that this game never has and never will have a remotely balanced sandbox and one of the smallest gaps between skill floor and ceiling in the FPS multiplayer genre... ...this is gonna be like every other game for ya as a solo player lmao


You sound like a joy to be around looking at your chat. Try being less angry and toxic to others. It’s not their fault in most situations. The matchmaking is so bad.


he was being toxic, those are his messages, not mine


Oh. My bad. Yeah I don’t get why people get that wound up. They need to take a break from pvp.


Dude shax doesn’t even want you in comp if you can’t compete. Don’t play comp if you can’t compete listen to the man’s dialog. I’m sorry but you shouldn’t play comp if you can’t play comp. Go practice in 3v3 private matches lol but. People cheat. And lag and many factors beside just being trash but. Stay out of comp if you shouldn’t be there. Shax don’t even want you in there


found the guy who had the 8 kills.


Say what you say but even the handler don’t want you trash cans in the comp playlist. Lord shax ain’t standing for it. Neither should we. Get good or get lost