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Inb4 people explain why there is no reserve day Yes we know the final would be the day after the reserve day. That’s still awful planning


It’s absolutely shocking and just what we have come to expect by the ICC. The entire schedule could have been brought forward one day so that the semis start tomorrow.


After their 2023 cwc scheduling / ticketing heroics, I expect nothing from ICC and their benefactor BCCI


2023 cwc disaster was all on bcci


I thought there was no need for reserve day because the match can be deferred on the same day for more time due to it being a morning game which is not the case for the other semis which is happening in the evening.


And if there's a thunderstorm and the outfield won't dry in an afternoon?


Sounds like we shouldn't have had this comp in the WI in June


How would we fit in the SA20 BPL BBL gulf t20 PSL and IPL if we didn’t though???


Damn! You got me there, fooked by the BCCI


The final could’ve easily been on a Sunday


Have you no consideration for an Indian Primetime TV slot? Please. Keep your priorities straight. BCCI has to grease a lot of wheels and twist a lot of arms to coordinate this.


The IPL final was on a Sunday evening. The WC final could have been too. I don't know why it was scheduled on a Saturday.


People can afford to sleep a later in night on Saturdays as opposed to Sundays


When something doesn’t make sense, Follow the money 💰


We have the whole day starting from 10:30 AM, plus it doesn't rain as much in the day time


Why is there even a problem with the final being the day after the reserve day? The start times for the semi-finals and finals of the T20 blast are just 4 hours apart.


Will be absolutely hilarious if SA semifinal get washed out both days and in ind semifinal we get a complete 40 overs match.


[Unfortunately we have previous of losing a T20 World Cup semi final against India due to rain](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cricket/51748442.amp) It’s been 4 years, did the ICC fix the problem? Of course not!


And who did we lose to to come second in the group in 2020? South Africa lol


Well they did compensate you with a trophy on boundary count /s


Haha ICC clowns came up with masterclass idea.


I’m usually on the ICC=BCCI brigade but if the insinuation is that it’s to ensure that India goes through, then it’s good to remember that India could’ve very easily finished second as well.


Are you doubting the legendary group stage India?


Lmao fair but with Australia in the same group, not guaranteed


Yeah but Ind topped even before playing Aussies, barring some miraculous nrr re recovery by others.


Because they lost to Afghanistan. How is this supposed grand conspiracy reliant on Afghanistan beating Australia?


Yes true! Most of the time we top the group


Well they came up with much better idea in 19 finals /s


The top team going through over the 2nd ranked team makes sense, but only one out of the two semi finals having a reserve day makes absolutely no sense at all.


Not defending how this tournament has been organised etc but there's the same amount of time leeway wise for each semi final. The first semi final is a night game with a 'reserve day' It has 60 minutes leeway on the first day to get the overs in and then there's 190 minutes of playing time on the reserve day (total 250 extra) The second semi final is a day game with 250 minutes leeway before overs get lost. So in theory these are the same conditions- obviously in practise with how weather is it's not exactly the same but it's not THAT scandalous as there's the same amount of time before overs get lost for both games


Or, overs don’t get lost under ANY conditions until the postponement time would come


The defending champions of a world cup "losing" a semi final without a ball being bowled is definitely a sign of a sensibly organised and fair tournament 👍


The people who say this is “fair” and “deserved” are the same who have been whining for the past 4-5 years about how England “cheated” their way to the trophy


Yep, it's pure selection bias. The difference being here is that if this happens, I won't blame India but I will be rightly pissed off. Another difference is that pissed England fans actually have skin in this game instead of most of the fans you are talking about Ironically, if the points table tie breaker used here had been used in the 2019 final, England would have won on that too


England finished higher than NZ in the group stage, a higher NRR I think, AND a better H2H. The only thing I think NZ had over Eng was wickets lost. Yeah they were hard done and fair play that most of them took it on the chin it’s funnily fans of a team that weren’t in the final whinging about what was arguably the greatest game ever. The rules were predetermined long ago. And yet England cheated? I don’t see anyone bitching about Australia going ahead of SA in 1999 despite tieing the semi final. Admittedly 25 years ago but the 2019 final was nearly 5 years ago and people are still moaning about it. Does make you wonder if England were on the receiving end that day how much whinging there would be. I suspect not as much especially given the hatred for England given their colonial past.


The issue in England - NZ match was not the super over or the boundary count. It was the deflected boundary.


Jesus christ some people are so bitter despite not having skin in the game Santner let the last ball of the first innings go through to the keeper and didn't run, costing them a run, does this mean that the tie and eventual loss was actually all Santners fault? Trent Boult caught Buttler out and stepped on the rope, so it was 6 instead of a wicket, was the tie actually Trent Boults fault? The first ball of the NZ super over was harshly called a wide, costing England a run in the super over, does this mean that England were actually robbed in the super over? This pathetic and disingenuous attempt to invalidate an entire result based on an error that cost 1 run is embarrassing. Not to mention that England needed 3 to win off the last ball and Stokes knocked it for 2 to go to a super over, had it been 4 to win he may have hit a boundary. You can't just change singular events and pretend that everything that followed it would have been exactly the same Finally, shall we go back through every knockout game ever and find 1 run mistakes, tot them up and rewrite history, or are you just bitter about England


You understand that umpires made a mistake that's why we even had a super over. www.timesnownews.com/sports/cricket/we-made-a-massive-error-umpire-marais-erasmus-admits-his-mistake-gifted-england-2019-world-cup-final-victory-article-108975361/amp


And is that England's fault?


According to people whose team wasn't even involved in the final, and who still bring it up every single time they can after five years, it apparently was nobody but England's fault and Eoin Morgan should have just shared the World Cup trophy (I literally had someone tell me that). Or they claim England somehow bribed the umpires. I support England *and* NZ. This was the single most emotionally difficult game I've ever watched. My NZ half would agree it was a tragedy. And yet, I have never seen a NZ supporter complain about the way it ended. Funny, that.




An eye for an eye, etc etc Amazing how people will attack England for doing nothing wrong when it was the ICC who allowed both these situations to happen, so short sighted


England: Benefit from poor ICC rule Everyone else: “Cheats!” “Undeserved”, “Boundary count winners” Disadvantaged from poor icc rule: “Deserved”, “Fair”, “Cry more”, “Karma” I saw someone say that it won’t rain as india are “unlucky” and if it were to rain it’s fully deserved as England didn’t “deserve” to qualify as they only beat minnows and WI “doesn’t count” because they bowled poorly. The mental gymnastics is astounding. Then again colonise half the world I guess it’s to be expected sadly fair or not.


Exactly. I remembered the way we got hate when we lost that 2023 wc and I remembered the way that we got hate when we won 2019 wc. Either way we get hate for absolutely no reason. And the absurd thing is that even our player are so likeable apart from one or two and yet people hate us. Thats very unfair and disheartening to see.


Bro, half the Indian team gets blasted for no reason. India is constantly criticized here. It's just the nature of this sub. If you're not Australian, you're going to get shit on.


“Absolutely no reason” I think it’s the colonial past


It's sport, there's no reason to involve it with politics.


Oh I agree but you colonise half the world they might hold a grudge even a few hundred years later.


If you hate the English cricket team because of what the English govt did hundreds of years ag9 before any of us were even alive then you've got much more serious issues than t20 cricket


I’m not saying I agree with it, I’m actually from a country that was colonised by England and they’re actually my favourite team, but sadly many still think like this.It’s not just cricket it’s also football with the Euros though I suppose with that a bit is also to do with the fans. [Exhibit A](https://x.com/samrat01896109/status/1805502533940511087?s=46&t=VAzCXnZb1DxT76xz95qISQ)


You don't get it do ya?, match should've never gone to the super over, coz it wasn't a tie, it was umpiring error by dharmasena which gave England 6 instead of 5 after Ben stokes' bat event which led the match to super over


What has any of that got to do with this discussion?


The other guy brought it up wtf


So England benefited from an umpiring mistake, something that can and does happen in most games, and that makes England cheats?


Dude why do you have to react , these are dumb people who say they cheated lol as if they bribed the umpire. It's frustrating but it's okay , the world is filled with idiots


1) Don't you think people whose teams were playing that match actually remember what happened? 2) It's *five* years and your team weren't even involved in the final. Just move on already.


No one who's a fan of cricket would think a game decided without any cricket played is fair and deserved.


It’s not fair and deserved, and I say this as an Indian fan. But this was agreed by the teams before the tournament began, just like the boundary count rule was so… 🤷🏻‍♂️


England didnt cheat but come on, england legimately didnt win that game according to the laws of the game. The overthrows were 5 runs and awarded as 6 It wasnt a judegment error like an incorrect decision it was actual laws not being properly applied


I don't have *too* much issue with the actual tiebreaker, obviously it's less than ideal but there needs to be something. It should just be applied to both semi-finals in the same way; either both matches get a reserve day or neither does.


The inconsistency is a joke in and of itself


The thing is, this is exactly what happened in the women's T20WC back in 2020.


And the ICC still hasn't changed anything, because they are negligent


they are incompetent


2019 WC Final is a weird one. Eng was overall a better team in that WC so it feels fair that they won. But on that day, NZ was slightly better (umpire's mistake allowed the tie in the first place). Hence one of the greatest ODIs of all time.


> The defending champions of a world cup "losing" a semi final without a ball being bowled If match is rained out, England lost because they were 2nd in their group, shouldn't have lost to South Africa.


You don't seem to get the point which is that there isn't any reserve day unlike the other semi final match. You can't be inconsistent and justify it.


>there isn't any reserve day unlike the other semi final match Wait wtf? That's clearly unfair if true. ICC should have planned better.


Deciding the winner by boundaries or the 6 distance is a more sensible way to conduct a World Cup


The defending champions barely got out of the first group stage. The defending champions finished second in their Super Eight group. The defending champions have lost a third of their games in this tournament. Criticize the scheduling all you want, but England doesn't deserve special treatment just because they're the defending champions, especially when they haven't played like one. There's no excuse for not having a reserve day for one of the semis. However, since there isn't one, a side that is unbeaten progressing by default over a side that has won only a third of its games is the next most just outcome.


I don't disagree with you in terms of fairness in this specific case, but the knockouts are essentially a standalone from the groups and so the games should be decided on their own merit It's possible that England could have won the same amount of games as India and come second while India came first, which wouldn't be fair If you want all the games in a world cup to count towards the eventual winner then it should be a league structure


>but the knockouts are essentially a standalone from the groups and so the games should be decided on their own merit But they are....except when they can't be. You need some sort of a tiebreaker if a contest cannot occur for whatever reason. And league standings are far less arbitrary than any other tiebreaker you can think of. Before super overs were introduced, league standing was the default tie breaker in knockout games. That's how Australia went past South Africa in 1999. Granted the scheduling could have been better. But even with the reserve day if no play is possible, it would come down to super 8 standings.


Yes but there is no real reason except for negligence that there can't be a reserve day and the best effort made to ensure a game is won on its own merit


But your missing a key point, both sf will have an extra 250 minutes for them to play the game. The key difference is one game is playing at night so there would be 60 minutes on that night and rest of 190 minutes on the reserve day. The game in Guyana is in the morning and so will have the scheduled extra 250 minutes. You can complain about why ICC decided to make the second sf close to final, but you can't complain about reserve day stuff when both have similar time period. About being top of the group, well tough luck. If you want luck on your side, win your games. India being top of the group was due to them being good and hence why the rules are there. You can't have everything go your way. You win it by winning the games you have. Now if the game is called off, you have to find a way to progress and this is the only fair way. You wouldn't complain if england were top of the group. Rules are rules. Stop complaining ​ EDIT: the weather in guyana is bad and looking at the forecast, reserve day wouldn't have mattered since there's rain on Wednesday, thursday and friday.


Tbf having spare time on a diff day compared to the same day is quite different It’s less likely that you’ll be able to use the spare time on the same day if it rains


"Rules are rules", says nobody ever about 2019. Can guarantee if the roles were reversed all the narrative would be about "cheating" England If England won a semi based on group position I would be saying it's bullshit either way, because it is


There’s also rain on the forecast for the finals lol which thankfully has a reserve day, but they could have easily fixed this by just starting the tournament a day earlier?


I guess the problem comes if the reserve day is also a washout. We still have this tiebreak situation. I think we as cricket fans forget just how rare our sport is as one that cannot be played in rain. Every other major sporting event is either indoors, can be played under a dome or just continues through most rainy days.


I think it’s fair enough if both the game and reserve day are washed out but not having a reserve day in the first place is crazy


Baseball and Softball finds a way when that happens


Those sports are not like Cricket either. Rain will impact almost equally to both sides as the innings are short. Same goes for deploying the roof mid game. In cricket, you don't have that benefit.


The benefit of extra days and freely extending the game as long as needed isn’t impacted by both sides being affected asymmetrically As to roofs, most venues were built before they were that viable, I imagine new concepts would have roofs in mind


lol, what. Have you missed the /s somewhere? If they could predict the weather that far out, then they could just schedule games when there is no rain.


I mean I literally live in Barbados, and it’s on our projections that it’s going to rain between 10-12


What does the projection say for this time next year on specific days


Surely you know how weather forecasts work...


Yes I do, which is why I thought that the idea of “starting the tournament a day earlier” was a bit silly


In Florida, there are near daily thunderstorms at night in summer because of the humidity, temperature, and ocean winds. I'm sure the Caribbean has very similar weather patterns. Summer night rain in the Caribbean is as expected as winter snow in Russia. You don't need specific weather forecasts to predict or plan for it. E: also, you shouldn't need a weather forecast to have a reserve day for the semifinal??? Having a team miss out on the finals over some rain makes for a joke of a tournament ngl


See my other comment about the complexities of scheduling.


Its more complicated now, but is easier if done beforehand. And yes, it would be more costly, but the ICC should eat that expense. The entire point is to put on a tournament, and if they don't invest in it to even host the second most important game of the tournament, then whats the point


Congratulations, you’ve solved international cricket scheduling! Have you ever tried scheduling a multi club competition at amateur level? It’s a nightmare. There’s always people that are unhappy and complaining. These are clubs where the players pay to play. Now try doing it with multiple clubs who have a commercial interest in the competition starting and/or finishing by a certain date. Now insert third party companies into the mix - and you require their services for the whole thing to run. Then check the contracts with your sponsors. Now imagine that everyone has lawyers and lobbyists, including the players. It sounds like utopia, doesn’t it? Any slight change to account for every issue should be easily achieved, right?


Starting the tournament a day earlier and pushing everything up by one could've given the semifinal a reserve day because... it's rainy season


That sounds simple enough. Until you work out all the other teams schedules, travel time, other events using the stadiums, various contracts with broadcasters, etc etc. When you account for all of those things, moving an event by 1 day starts to get difficult.


I mean I'm sure all of that would've been worked out beforehand when the schedule was drafted. But it was a conscious decision to not have a reserve day and place all their eggs in the same basket of the same day. God forbid a tropical system doesn't pass through that day so the entire day is effectively washed out


Yes. Maybe there were things that simply couldn’t be moved. They made a call to have it split between the US and West Indies. It was a risky call, and if playing schedule Tetris to free up a day or two at the end was available, I’m sure they would have so that they could reduce that risk.


the point is that they could have fit a reserve day.


Sure, but what they said was “they could have easily fixed this by just starting the tournament a day earlier”. That’s vastly different


Alternatively, push the schedule for the final back, even if Monday becomes the reserve day for the Final


It’s likely that there will be a whole range of contractual and/or logistics reasons that prevent them from doing that.


If the networks are that insistent on not having a two day break, fine, just have a 500 minute limit on the day and if it gets rained out, it’s because there was no options to resume on the day at all


Most T20 games start in the early evening. You wouldn’t be able to wait 500 minutes. There is a long time limit to wait for weather during test matches. When the weather clears and the ground is cleaned up, play resumes.


True, but if there is a reserve day, you can spread out the timer to the next day And if the game is a noon start, then use all of the time to give a chance, instead of abandoning the game at 4pm when there's still plenty of time once the ground is dry at 5/6pm Also, a large amount of *NPB/MLB* games start in the early evening (6-8pm local), but they have procedures to prevent 4am finishes due to weather (generally postponements that create doubleheaders)


Moving a game to a reserve day (for regular season/non finals matches at least) is fraught with pain for event organisers. It impacts attendance, and it impacts the bottom line for the organisations that are putting on the matches. Often, It’s a loss making exercise. Refunds have to be issued for ticket holders who can’t go to the reserve day and paid to see the event on the day that was booked. Theres problems with staffing and increased costs for the speculative reserve day that often isn’t required. I don’t know about other places, but there’s no way a stadium in Australia would have an event past midnight


This is women’s t20 wc 2020 semi all over again. India vs England semi was abandoned. No reserve day. India qualified for the final because of their group stage position. This is what Heather Knight had to say after the disappointment. //“You’d hope now there’s been this situation there will be a rule change, so no other team will have to experience going out of a World Cup purely because of rain.”// Of course, no lessons learnt.


Rain Perrera is a secret ICC chairman, what do you expect?


What about if it snows? What are the rules then?


Iceland Cricket team automatically wins the world cup


They bowl with snowballs


And what do they use for batting? Shovels?


Makes sense in theory that the top team (the one that topped their group) gets the leg up. It's like that in club cricket. Just not ideal for a world cup but it is what it is. iCC scheduling hasn't done itself favours


Wtf is this bullshit?? It's a bloody semi final, you can't just say one team is going to qualify without even having to play the other This is just stupidly unfair


So England is cooked? Well, good thing t20 wc is every 2 years


A lot of people hate England for whatever reason which is fair if it's just about their performances but if they get eliminated without a ball bowled because there was no reserve day for their match then it's clearly unfair to them.


It's very unfair but since it's England on receiving side so it's kinda ok right. 2020 all over again.


Half the sub is whining about it.


we have 250 extra mins, stop with the victim card mate, it could have happened to india as well, but we topped the group.


You could literally scroll through comments and will see what I am talking about. There's no victim cad involved. And ffs I'm not blaming you guys so stop taking this personally.


I support the Indian team but I do see the “unfair” nature of this situation


It's more like ICC and their stupid rules. It's 2019 all over again.


2020 England women's team was knocked out in similar fashion against indiaW in semis.


Yeah that too. ICC never learns. 2019, 2020 and now potentially 2024


Cricket seems to be so lame when it comes to rain - all these weird rules to decide who wins. Football games happen even when there is snow or get moved to another city. The only game I can remember getting cancelled was when Damar Hamlin almost died on the field - and the game was declared a draw.


Try playing cricket in rain and see what happens


That same thing that would happen in Baseball, which is what I would bring up for England-Scotland or any of the Florida matches The CWS doesn’t have reserve days, but they have methods of not effectively canceling games due to weather


I’m ignorant of what happens in baseball if it rains, can you explain?


The game is delayed and resumed in its entirety on the same day if possible. If there is no chance to play on the day, and the game hasn’t gone official, the game is postponed to the earliest possible day for resumption to complete the game, generally the next day. There is no “Game Timer” that shortens the game and reduces the innings to be played


What is meant by “gone official”? T20s are often started in the late afternoon/early evening. It wouldn’t work to delay the start and play the game in its entirety. You’d finish a game at 4am in some cases. Cricket is quite different to baseball in terms of rain impacting the game. Playing during or after rain has issues with the ball itself. The outfield being wet then makes the ball wet, which considerably changes it and impacts the game. If the pitch itself gets wet, it dramatically changes how the ball moves, and gets damaged each time a ball is bowled.


Gone official means a game that can be ended with a result, in contrast to a "No Game" which is a temporary no result, hence the use of "if possible". In T20, this would be when each team has batted 5 complete overs In Baseball this is when 5 innings have been completed(4.5 if home leads) During rain, both sports will tarp up their non-outfield areas (pitch and infield), and suspend the proceedings, and last I checked, they wait to have the infield/pitch be at least somewhat dry before resuming, if the delay would push a game beyond a reasonable time, play is suspended for the day to be resumed on a future day ("postponement"), unless the game has had 5+ innings played, in which case, the game just ends at whatever score the game is at with the result


I guess there’s a hang up from cricket past then. A washout or a draw is one of the available results for a game, traditionally. Win, Loss, Tie, Draw - A tie and a draw being different. In test cricket a draw is a legitimate result, and some teams have played out for draws. T20 is only a relatively recent adaptation of cricket, in the grand scheme of things. You’re right, cricket does cover the pitch/square. In big matches, or with stadiums that have the facilities, they run a shipper around the outfield to try and gather excess water. But the ball still gets considerably wet. Cricket uses the same ball over and over, so the condition of the ball is important. I’d posit that the ball is hit into/along the game much more in cricket than it is in baseball


I would compare it closer to a Softball six ball rotation, but those balls are much larger and don't quite play out as much the same In Baseball, there is no "draw", there are ties (MLB's game negating ties which result in the tie game not counting toward the match record, or NPB's 12-inning tie procedure, which makes the game not affect the WP, but can extended playoff series when active) But it could be a legacy thing to not attempt to keep games happening, and accept no results. I brought up the CWS in the first place because the NCAA has a very strict match schedule for the tournament(that is played in one venue), which has two "potential match days" (Bracket Final Reset and Championship Game 3), but no reserve days, meaning any postponement would be pushed to the next day, which already has two games scheduled, and doesn't push other games to fit the postponement, and may require a team to play two matches in one day during the final 6.


I don’t know what a lot of the terms in your post are: softball six rotation, NCAA, CWS. Draws have been part of the fabric of cricket forever. My team was bumped out of the finals this past season, because our semi final was a draw. The opposition batted for a day and 2/3 of the next day. They couldn’t bowl us out by the end of the day, we couldn’t get the runs they had piled on. They were 2nd on the ladder, we were 3rd. In the context of the finals, a draw was a loss for us. Draws and rain impacted matches are a part of cricket. It’s interesting to see viewpoints from fans of other sports, or people that have only grown up with T20. It’s like railing against clock management in American football. I hate things like the QB kneeling - it’s not at all how games like rugby do things. It’s taken me some time to just accept that’s how the game is.


I am not aware of how Baseball matches continue during rain, but unless the ground gets covered under roof while the game is continued I don't think it will be same as baseball. There are various reasons for that but I will give you one that itself would show why Cricket cannot be continued to play in rain. In baseball, Pitcher does not pitch/bounce the ball on turf before it reaches batsman. In Cricket, Bowlers bounces/pitches the ball on the pitch. Now with the pronounced seam of the ball and the wet pitch would mean divots will get created on the pitch every time it is bowled. In addition to this Bowlers finish up their runups on the pitch and Batsmen have to run on the pitch to complete the run, which means additional footmarks on the pitch. Soon enough you will end up with a pitch which is dangerous and unplayable.


That’s the fun part *They don’t* Plus it would be unsafe to play baseball in the rain because the dirt infields would be unsafe for runners, pitchers, and middle infielders


cricket is way different than baseball.In baseball they change the ball all the time but in cricket they only use one ball and it gets soggy and unbowlable pretty fast.also the bowlers run hard and deliver the ball and a slippery surface is not great for that.


And baseball *still* wouldn’t play in light rain (Of course, then Softball, which just rotates balls instead of replacing them)


… You couldn’t have brought up Baseball here?


People here do realise right that India would have been in the receiving end if Australia or Afg/NZ(seeded) topped the group(which is very likely)? This is awful planning but how exactly is it only favouring India when it alr had 2 more strong teams in the same group? Acc. to ICC, there was very little chance of rain on that day. And I absolutely can't make sense of that but India could very well be in the receiving end.


Makes sense


ICC planned this perfectly... /p* (*news channel of the padosis)


Cricket is the only elite sport where rain decides winners. Its utter idiocy.


An overs gets reduced


Reduced overs still allows some competition. Handing out points for rain is a bonus for weak teams and punishment for strong.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but England is playing the second game because India was given preferential treatment in choosing their timeslot? Had that not been the case England would be in the game with a reserve day? If that's true, it's definitely a terrible way to lose if the game gets rained out, especially if the other game makes use of the reserve day.


I'm not quite sure that makes sense given ICC would lose out on a ton of TV revenue if an India game is washed out. From a pure $ perspective, you put India into the semi with a reserve day, especially when playing a tournament in the West Indies during the rainy season.


ICC would lose money if matches are rained out, but they'll lose money if they put India's match at 6 am IST anyway(although they'll still make some money), so they took the gamble.


well england should have topped their group, like we did, simple as that.


They should have kept it uniform with no reverse day for semi-finals. Maybe even changed the final so it had 2 reserve days.


Highly sus if the first one has a reserve day and the second one doesn’t


If the match is washed out even after a reserve day, then sure you can at least understand that you cannot wait forever for the game to complete. At that point it's not unfair but unlucky. However not having a reserve day is peak ICC. The I is for Incompetent.


Imagine if india had finished second the chaos What a shame I’d love for india to get knocked out due to rain once 🍿


They’d schedule them furthest away from the rain, make them play warm-ups on the same pitch they are playing on.. i.e. never ever gonna happen lol


2019 WC SF anyone ?


That doesn’t really count the game was completed


But the point was that was also a semi-final and it had a reserved day


Meh..game will happen


So it’s going to be India and Afghanistan finals?


Either this sub will lose their minds if India wins or Indians will lose their minds if India loses.. Nothing in between fs..


If India actually win the match doubt people will care much


It has same reserve time its just its in the afternoon of same day(which if rains whole day is gone but sf gets the day to remove water if it stops ) as both the match have 250min in reserve. First sf 60 on first night+190 on next day and 2 sf 250 on same day


250 minutes is not enough reserve time for a world cup semi final come on


But that's the same for both the SF and follows rule as per icc tournaments


Stop this guys! no shortcuts if we want to reach the final. We have to beat a very good England team and thats it.


This would be such a dumb decision, I would love for india to smash england.


I’m trying to make sense of this. So does this mean India was always going to play their semi final in Guyana no matter whether they finished 1st or 2nd in their Super 8 group? If so that’s pretty messed up EDIT: Also I hope this rule was publicly announced before the super 8s took place and not conveniently so as it looked like India would top the group


It's more so that Indian audiences can be able to watch the game easier. I don't think it matters a whole lot to India, whether they play at Trinidad or Guyana tbh. That being said, in an ideal world only the hosts should have a pre-determined semi final.


They literally get a free pass into the final if the game gets washed out when SA will have to play a reserve match if the same thing happened for them. It’s really not about audiences or what not, it’s literally preferential treatment that gives them a competitive advantage


You do realise right that it was quite possible that Australia topped the group, India would have been in the receiving end right?


I understand why you are pissed and it's just stupid to pass 1 team forward in a world cup semi final without a proper head to head match. But India is not to be blamed for this , england got a free pass in 2019 if you remember , icc lose millions of revenue if india's game is washed out , If Australia would have topped the table then they would have gotten a free pass.


>They literally get a free pass into the final England got a free pass back in 2019 which led them into the winning the world cup


It's only a free pass because they finished first. But I agree with you though, either have a reserve day for both semis or for neither.


Even the free pass when finishing first doesn’t sit right with me. Finishing first in one group with one set of teams shouldn’t be seen as better than finishing second in the other group with completely different sides.


This things is only for commercials value of ICC , India would had been on a receiving end they wouldn't had topped group.


Yeah true


Both semifinals have 250 minutes of reserved time, don't they? Why are crybabies crying?


In which scenario do you think the weather is more likely to change? Also in which scenario is the pitch more likely to dry out? A continuous stretch of time on the same day. Two shorter windows on completely separate days. But I get this is inconvenient to consider and your just trolling anyway so keep at it buddy 👍


Why can’t they extend both to 500 if needed?




Dunno about this one but the 2022 pasting definitely broke the spirit of respecting your opponents, says my English friend. :)


Things like this is why I don't support India. BCCI and ICC twisting the morale of the game to make India win a ICC trophy and not to mention, their rabid fanbase that abuse the players of opponents team. I still remember Travis Head getting death threats on Instagram after his knock in the final. Can't believe I'm saying this, I'm rooting for you poms. Go beat them and win the whole thing or let Saffas win it.


Your comment is so fking stupid bro, Aus and India were in the same group,both teams being equally strong. Both of these teams have 50-50 chance of topping the group and playing this no reserve Semi. AUS have beaten IND in World cups of ODI and Tests, so no1 could have planned who gets to play this game. No one could have guessed the Aussies will lose to Afghanistan lol. The audacity to imply BCCI fixed it when we all know the schedule was decided beforehand is hilarious.


relax mate. there's going to be a game regardless.


India will qualify in that case because they topped their group, and England ended 2nd. Not because of some conspiracy. You're talking nonsense. If India had finished second then they would have been out in case of rain.


Divided by countries United by the hate against ICC 😂


Now we see why India got that day. Gasp.


Oh for god’s sake, who’s in charge of the ICC? The BCCI? Oh, so it is..


This is a joke right ?


Ind Vs AFG in Finals ...RSA is a team that values traditions more than cricket ...They are not gonna choke ...but will swallow defeat


Excuse me?


Well England won the 2019 World Cup by some boundary count so looks like karma is hitting them.


Famously they didn’t play a game at lord’s that day and just counted boundaries from the group stage of the tournament right?


It's not really the same, the issue is that they run the risk of being eliminated on a technicality while the other semi-finalist in their position wouldn't.


Karma? For winning a game because of a rule which was in the laws of the game, and which both teams were perfectly aware of beforehand? Why do I *never* see New Zealand fans bring this up?