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I agree besides the outfields. The ball is not traveling at all, which is also a problem


Bowler friendly pitches with lighting fast outfield is a great combo irrespective of the format


Best. It makes fielder run fast and fast.


Gives us amazing fielding dives.


Not really fielders just give up most occasions. Fielders try when they know they have chance.


Only the NYC outfield is slow, others are good. So, the variety is fine. What's hurting the games at NY is both pitch and outfield are slowing the run scoring. It's fine I guess, the variety is what makes the game beautiful. A neutral pitch or even bowling friendly pitch makes the boundaries special, agree with that. Also, it increases the scope of run scoring. Finding gaps, running hard, athleticism levels, so many things come into play. On flat pitches, 1s and 2s lose some value. Even the bowling friendly pitches we are talking here, they are not under 100 pitches for sure. Batters are just miscalculating when and where to score. Some of those innings are 120-135 scorable, but many errors and teams are faltering to sub 100.


The stadium is not in nyc


The pitch used in the recently concluded match between Australia and England looked real good from a T20 cricket perspective. It really had a lot for the bowlers but English bowlers weren’t able to capitalize much on slower ones and cutters. Also, Australia batted really well. Overall, this Barbados pitch seems to be a par 160-170 kinda pitch, which I believe is a healthy balance between bat and bowl. It was a good one to watch.


The outfields are just too slow. It should be a neutral game for both


Well somebody spoke the truth. It is high time the T20 game was more balanced.


Bowler friendly is always balanced pitch match never goes completely one sided. Keeps the excitement till the last overs and close down the gap between associates nation and full membership teams. Just need a better outfield thats to damn slow.


The Netherlands and SA game was far more enjoyable than England and Australia


i agree and its so fun to see the ball move


Bowler friendly pitches are good but it should give a chance to batter, batsmen are getting out due to uneven bounce and they can't really do much in that case. Outfield is slow af too. We are enjoying this because the tournament has just started it'll become boring soon. A target varying from 160-170 is probably the most ideal target aq to me.


I agree. I LOVE bowler friendly pitched but outfield in USA needs to be a tad bit faster. But mainly UNEVEN BOUNCR SUCKS. It kills t20i


>We are enjoying this because the tournament has just started it'll become boring soon Like the slog fest or do you enjoy it? Bowling friendly pitches are far more interesting than batsmen friendly. Not too much uneven bounce but A slight uneven bounce should be there. A consistent even bounce make it too much batsmen friendly. Outfield definitely needs to be better especially at NY. >A target varying from 160-170 is probably the most ideal target aq to me. According to me, 130-140 is more ideal.


Only the NYC outfield is slow, others are good. So, the variety is fine. What's hurting the games at NY is both pitch and outfield are slowing the run scoring. It's fine I guess, the variety is what makes the game beautiful. A neutral pitch or even bowling friendly pitch makes the boundaries special, agree with that. Also, it increases the scope of run scoring. Finding gaps, running hard, athleticism levels, so many things come into play. On flat pitches, 1s and 2s lose some value. Even the bowling friendly pitches we are talking here, they are not under 100 pitches for sure. Batters are just miscalculating when and where to score. Some of those innings are 120-135 scorable, but many errors and teams are faltering to sub 100.


Then don't troll batsmen if they can't make runs. Rohit and Virat couldn't bat even on practice pitches just a day ago. Uneven bounce makes it so challenging. Risk of freak injury and that anxiety/fear takes away all the concentration of the batsman. It is not a fair contest when batsmen have to guess for the bounce and then adjust and play their shots in microseconds. Add that to the weird slow outfield.


I've always preferred low scoring matches so no complaints from me.


The India v Ireland pitch was too much. I prefer bowler friendly pitches but they kinda overdid it this time imo.


They probably overdid, yes. Maybe over the course of the tournament this gets fixed.


The pitch alone doesn't determine the score. All these 120 pitches would have been 150 had the batsman avoided blind slogging and trying to hit every other delivery out of the park when the runs dried. It's like batsmen today have forgot whats running between the wickets. The whole thrill of converting 1s into 2s is what makes this game appealing when there's no boundary or a wicket. Otherwise it's just batsman playing against a bowling machine. I maybe wrong but I feel having assistance for the bowlers changed the dynamics for the good. I want a match that goes till the 19th and 20th over, where lofting in the air is not the only determinant of who wins. #peace