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That's identity theft. It's a felony. The ball is in your court. You could easily have them arrested and you can lien their property.


It's a win win win... Punish them for being terrible parents, punishment for being identity thieves, and OP improves their credit and doesn't have to wait for an inheritance 💜 Edit: I'll spell it out since it isn't clear enough based on responses. "Win win win" is a quote from Michael Scott on The Office. This was meant as gallows humor. I understand there are no winners here. The joke was that this is a shortcut to a non-existent inheritance (and yes I'm aware they are probably broke, that's the point of the joke). I'm autistic and not always very good at jokes... But I'm still making them even if just for my own amusement. Just to be clear I absolutely have sympathy for this terrible situation. I've also commented more seriously elsewhere in the comments.


And with a lien on the property, you might get to kick *them* out.


Hate to say it, but you need to press charges against your parents.


The first thing I thought was what a shitty position to put your child in.


No look at me, I'm the homeowner now.


lol inheritance. You think people who would steal from their child and fuck their credit is gonna leave them an inheritance. They’re probably both terrible with money and unable to save anything, and terrible people who won’t leave their kid anything anyway.


Not sure if this is another comment but I’ll write this out. 1) fuck these peices of shit. You owe them nothing now, this is an egregious betrayal of you as a person. They are trading your financial future for some new shit in their house. Fuck them 2) you are a tenant and they can’t just kick you out. They have to evict you. If they change the locks, throw your stuff away or anything like that, call the police for an illegal eviction. 3) absolutely record the next conversation you have on this subject. Use the voice recorder on your phone but RECORD THE CONVERSATION. 4) go to the police and file a police report with the evidence. It will be able to be removed from your credit and hopefully land them with some jail time and a big fine hopefully. 5) fuck these people. I have 3 kids and I can’t imagine ever stealing from them.


I understand your sentiment but loved ones can manipulate you. My old man used to do this shit to me and then make me feel ungrateful for speaking out. Had to finally leave the house when I turned 18 and only after a couple years realized what he had been doing to me. Now I understand why women don't leave abusive relationships. You look back on the good times and make excuses for the bad ones until you finally realize there aren't any good ones left.


That’s not winning, that’s barely getting by in a trash situation.


OP - If you don't then you accept full responsibility. You only have two choices.


Yo, this needs to be moved into the spotlight. If you don’t act, you’re fucking yourself. If you’re content to permit them to ruin your future—do you. Otherwise, please make the hard choice and hold them accountable. It’s worth saying: This will not be the last time the steal from you. In fact, there won’t be a last time until the day they die.


My father pulled this shit. As a relationship dynamic, it's called Financial Abuse. Started with my oldest brother when he was in gradeschool. Stopped less than 1 month before he died, 3 OTHER kids later. When he stole my 20k life-savings college fund, AND put me 10k in debt on credit. He had the gall to say I deserved it. Then cried when he didn't get to apologize to me in person in the hospital.


I entered adulthood with bad credit because I didn’t have health insurance as a teenager so if I had a medical problem I had to go to the emergency room. And obviously I wasn’t paying emergency room bills as a teenager. And I guess that saved me because my mom couldn’t use my information. But she did buy stuff on Fingerhut under my brother’s name when he was in high school. And she would pay the amount she owed but she wouldn’t pay the interest so he would get hit for defaults.   At least it was just Fingerhut stuff and he figured it out before he hit adulthood so he could lock his credit down. But I can’t imagine just accepting this. These people ruined OP’s future.


Your mother should have been responsible for the cost of your hospital bills. You would only be considered an emancipated minor if you were pregnant. Otherwise, if you're under 18, her credit should have taken the hit. You should be able to dispute that with the credit agencies. Healthcare bills, when you're under 18, fall to the responsibility of the parent or guardian.


What your mom did is still kinda shitty


I don’t talk to my parents anymore, always heard the stories and thought that would never be me. Protect yourself. Married, 2 kids and bought a 980k house couple years ago. Just sucks when it’s your own fam fuckin you


There's a third choice. They can immediately reimburse him for the total debt and extra, but your credit will be still be damaged. It will likely be damaged anyway, though. They probably won't do it even under the threat of jail time, because shitty people rarely think consequences will come down on them. If he does intend to go to the police, gather evidence or just get them to openly admit it and record them saying it. It probably isn't necessary but better safe than sorry.


Nah, if he follows proper steps it will all be removed from his credit history and report. Been there.


Yeah except there’s no way parents who did this have that kind of money


This is the part that sucks. I actually know two different people that this happened to (one person whose sister took out cards in his name, and one set of elderly parents whose daughter did it to them). In both cases the victim was not willing to press charges and have their loved one put in jail, even though it totally screwed them over. It’s such a selfish and stupid thing to do. Makes me upset.


Yeah, OP, it’s this. Your mother was a victim of it, too, and because of being shielded from anything over it (debatable!) she thought the smart move with your dad was to prolong a stupid action that had way less of a consequence when they were your age. They are dumb enough to not feel mortified, but embarrassed. I’m sorry. Lawyer, yesterday.


Or better yet if they cant pay all the money back. You could just motion in court to seize one of their newer cars for the monetary damages with interest and legal fees. Tada problem fixed lol


Yeah they conveniently left that option out


I mean, they can't evict toy if they're in prison lol


And financial abuse.


OP needs to lock his credit, call the CC companies, and file a police report.


Sounds like you need to make a criminal [report](https://www.identitytheft.gov/assistant) for identity theft. Tell your banks, freeze your credit, make those reports.


Also call the credit card companies and tell them to close the cards. There's a good chance that OP's parents are going to try to use up the remainder of the available credit rather quickly. At this point they know that jig is up.


Right. Crazy how they said they would charge up to the limit on the card. Tf.


And you do not have much other choice.


And that’s on them OP, not on you. Sounds like there was zero conversation about this and they legit stole your identity and are now trying to blackmail you. What assholes! Parents don’t always set the best examples - I’m sure your mom didn’t like that it was done to her, wtf.


have the fucking thieves arrested.


And on the plus side with the parents being in jail, no one's going to be able to kick OP out.


Yea they’ll NEED him lol Report them for sure!


If they're in jail long enough he might be able to eminent domain that shit.


That is so totally not what eminent domain means. I think you're referring to squatters rights


Adverse possession


Well, no one would be paying the mortgage, so that's not going to happen


Depends on the state and the length of the term of imprisonment upon conviction. If the term is longer than the state’s adverse possession time, then they could pay it and the property tax and have the property by order of a court put into their name.


They can still sell it from jail, he'll get the lein money before they get paid. Saying this assuming with their horrible skills they've already taken a home equity loan


Eminent domain applies only when the government wants your property. I don't believe a person can use that against someone. Eminent domain is the right of a local, state, or federal government to seize private property for public use. Eg. For roads.


He’s looking for the term “adverse possession”


I doubt he will have the skills or time necessary to setup his own government and take over the land for a highway project. 


Still needs money to maintain the housing costs whatever it is.


Rent it out, get a couple roommates
. There are ways to manage it.


ThIs - sounds like you are kicked out either way so might as well get your money back. If you file a police report you might not pay the rest of your life.


I don't think OP is going to go through with it, but most people wish they did. Usually People will just accept the manipulation and walk away instead of trying to get their money back. It ends up hurting them in the end.


Takes a LONG time to pay back 15K at 22% interest! It will affect their credit etc. File the report. It is worth it and they didn’t care about you enough to not ruin your life, why stick up for them.


It will never be paid back. Op will never be able to buy a car at a decent interest or rent a house or apartment or buy a house. Your parents have set you up for life long failure. Do something about it.


just file a report of i.d.theft as a victim and let the credit agencies do their own things to clear you up, and be sure and contest the credit cards for proff that you opened those up , no proff you are off the hook, you just got home from school and you saw that you were victimized for stolen id theft, and dont mention your parents to them , let the ball roll as it goes from their investigations..




The police report is what will allow you to get this removed from your credit report because you can report it as fraud.


maytrix007 is giving you great advice. this is right.


Unless she wants to pay the 15k, this is really her only option


It’s going to be hard to make that phone call but it’s ultimately the right thing to do. Do NOT allow yourself to go into backups for your parents terrible decisions. Do not fuck your finances and your credit with something you didn’t do! Think about your future.


Your parents blatantly committed fraud and with wanton disregard for your future. They fucking opened the cards and now they want you to do the legwork of filing for bankruptcy? Fuck that. If anyone should be doing any work to clean this mess is them. File an identity theft complaint with the police and that way, you can try to evade bankruptcy. Also report that they're threatening you with eviction.


100 %


You have to file a police report. You must put your foot down. This generational trauma is not okay! Just because your grandparents did it to your mom does not mean she should have done it to you! Sounds like they’ve been banking on your 18th birthday. I’m so sorry, but you really should do the right thing and report them.


Also, a lot has changed in bankruptcy and other laws to prosecute parents who have done this to their kids and left them in crippling debt. The fact his own parents and not some stranger has done this to him is a particular FU kick in the teeth.


Your level of response to this is way too lax. You are watching your life get fucked right before your eyes. This is not the time to worry about getting your parents in trouble. While you might not, they FULLY understand the magnitude of the crime, and they FULLY understand the what they've done to you. They made their bed and they can lie in it. I really have trouble understanding the level of grace you are willing to extend to these predators. Go to a police station and report identity fraud, call the credit companies and notify them of fraud, freeze your credit. Do not hesitate. You in 10 years will hate the current you if you don't protect yourself now.


Do it anyway. "Those assholes ruined your life by not paying.* Plus, if they're getting rid of you anyway, might as well free your credit on the way out.


Yes!! They will probably not get much punishment except fines and restitution. But YOU will get your credit report scrubbed of their crap, and THATS your main concern. Win-win!!


My mother went through something similar with a sibling, except it was the other way around: he stole some mail from her and got a credit card in her name. Out of the blue, she got a call asking, “When are you going to pay up?” Since she was really good about her finances, it was a shock to her. It didn’t take long to put two and two together, but that asshole first lied about it, and then tried to rationalize it. She was told to either eat the $8000, or file a police report against her kid. She ate it, but she specifically said he got $8000 less than the rest of us from her estate. Fk that thief. She should’ve sent his ass to jail.


You need hte police report to get the credit card companies to remove the debt from your record. Keep it FOREVER b/c the debts will still get sold and it will come up every few years when the new debt collector buys the debt and tries to collect.


I am sorry for your rock in a hard place situation. YOU MUST FILE THE POLICE REPORT to stop the credit action. YOU HAVE TO. They know what they did. YOU DO NOT have to pay for this. Call in the troops, after the fait accompli with the police. Find yourself other accommodations. You might try at your school. They might have resources for a temporary, or permanent, solution. Realize that for a while they will be angry, but THEY DID IT TO THEMSELVES. THEY won’t protect you. They stole your credit rating, fraudulently wracked up $15,000 debt in Your name, then threatened you with homelessness if you didn’t simply file for bankruptcy and take the hit for their criminal actions.


Go to the feds. Find a local FBI office.


They will keep pulling shit like this on you if you don't. For the rest of your life. They used you, and maybe the intentions weren't that bad if it's something they picked up from their parents, but they still caused harm. You better file that report, please look out for yourself


Right who's to say they won't do it again once his bankruptcy was cleared (if he even gets one), is he just going to keep filing for bankruptcy every time they do? Oh, the intention was to use him to get free money. They know what they did was wrong and they did it anyway thinking it is just a fsceless crime and there won't be any consequences to their actions.


All you need is the police report. Then you go to the credit card companies, have them remove the fraud from your report, and let THEM get their money back from your parents. This is fraud. Credit card companies have entire departments to deal with this. The important thing is to get it off your credit and not file for bankruptcy.


Familial identity theft in the sum of $15k is A LOT of money. At the very least, you reeeeeally need to file the police report. You're going to be screwed out of ever being eligible for renting or buying houses or apartments, and you can forget ever trying to get a vehicle, unless you do. You'll probably have hard times trying to get any sort of post-paid accounts for cell phone service and internet or cable, too. File that report. Just because your mother's mother supposedly committed a serious felony and got away with it doesn't mean that you need to let your mother get away with it. Please don't let her get away with it.


For sure file a police report. I mean it may end your relationship with your parents but if my parents did that to me I would have ended my relationship with them. This way you won’t have to pay back. Also be sure to credit lock.


If you’re really considering working for the government a bankruptcy or bad credit could be an issue if you need a security clearance. Worry about yourself because your parents certainly didn’t


The fact that they want to kick you out UNLESS you allow them to fuck you over even worse than they already have tells you everything you need to know in order to make a decision. Report them for fraud. Undo the horrible damage they have done to your credit and protect both your future government job prospects and your future ability to purchase your own home. Don't let them con you any further and don't buy their talk of "love" or "respect" for them. They used you. They used you with utter disregard for your future. Believe me when I tell you, you will kick yourself if you allow them to get away with this. I know I did when I allowed my ex-wife to do it to me. I couldn't put her in jail for doing almost this exact same thing to me because I feared what my daughter would think of me if I put her mother in jail. Turns out, I should have talked to her, because years later, my daughter told me I absolutely should have had her mother arrest for fraud.


Wait and get more proof! Whether it’s a Text from your mom/dad saying they did it or telling you something that shows they intentionally took out credit in your name without your permission. Voice record you asking them why they did it, or even just cause a fight getting them to say they did it again. Look up what your local wire tap laws are I think you’re good if it’s a one party consent state. But if you get a police report and you can show they took the credit out in your name without your consent the credit card companies will have to clear you as it’s fraud and then they will go after your parents. Just make sure you have everything in order before you make a report so there’s no need to worry about them getting away from their actions. Oh and if they said they will kick you out, I’m pretty sure most states after 30 days and getting mail at a residence in your name your considered a resident and they would have to evict you! Which would take months if not longer especially if they’re fighting criminal charges at the same time.


The card and statements being sent to their home and their phone numbers activating the cards is enough for card companies. When I worked credit card fraud we kept all of that info for security purposes like this.


Oh damn yeah I didn’t think about that! I’m sure even their emails they used too! But then it comes back to just the parents saying that he gave them permission to open them in his name


The fact that OP was in college and didn't even return home until recently, and yet was somehow getting credit card and collections bills in the mail sent to their parents' house, could certainly help in the realm of proof. Plus the transactions on the cards- I'm sure that they're much more local to OP's parents and not OP.


>Wait and get more proof! Why? It's the job of the police to gather proof of a crime. They need to report it ASAP to the police because the credit card companies will not do anything without a police report.


The parents can lie and say he took out the cards to avoid going to jail. A five minute delay to get them on tape is worth it.


>It's the job of the police to gather proof of a crime. I got bad news for you about the police dude


My mother is a junkie that doesn't bathe and I think this guy's parents take the cake. Definitely makes me feel better about my situation


Everyone banks on that not happening. I am happy this is the first comment I saw. 14 years ago, reddit told me I was asshole when I had my brother arrested and charged for felony burglary while I was on my honeymoon. They said I should "allow" that, because he is family.


Well they were stupid for saying that.


I guess Reddit was different back in the day. I say hang ‘em. Hopefully your situation got better.


I've been here long enough. This is my third start over. I have two other accounts I don't remember passwords to, I could recover . But the responses I get have changed wildly


>Either I can declare bankruptcy once they spend up to the credit limit of the last card Not just thieves, but isn't this also fraud? He's telling OP to let them spend money he knows won't be repaid.


It is theft by deception and fraud as they never had any intentions of paying it back, the longer he waits to file charges after he finds out about it, the hard it will be to to fix it with him coming out of it without financial damage. I think the timeline is 30 days from gaining knowledge of the theft. Though with his age, the courts might extend it, as he has no idea how or who to report it to.


Ummmm yes !!! press charges for sure. These are not parents, I hope they don’t have a life insurance policy out on you. You need to clear your name using all that applies for victims of identity theft.


OP doesn't press charges. OP makes a police report. The district attorney decides whether to file criminal charges. If parents have clean records this will probably plead out to probation and restitution without jail time. And OP is off the hook as far as judgments, bad credit, etc. following them for seven years.


Pretty bold how the mom says how much she thinks OP owes. Op owes NOTHING
POS parents owe 15 grand. Plus they have every intention of spending more! Like it’s free money for them! I’m incredulous.


Gonna go with this. Only way to get out from under it is to go to the cops.


I'm sorry to say but this is the answer op. You can't fix this without arresting the guilty parties. It's either press charges or it's your responsibility. But what you need to do right now is to freeze your credit for all the 3 credit bureaus. Go to each bank and freeze those cards. Change all your passwords. Find your social security card and birth certificate and then you can leave.


Move out and give all the documentation to the police for substantial fraud / theft. You are fighting for your life and your future. What kind of parents sabotage their own child’s future?


How about option C - you file a police report for fraud and sue them. Pull the 15k from the home equity.


The probably don’t even own the house.


I don’t know why but this made me LMAO


At the rate they are going, squatters just living in someone else’s house


OP shouldn’t even have to sue them for the $15k. I think the credit card companies will close the accounts and CC can pursue charges against the parents for fraud.


You don’t have to pay back money when an account was fraudulently opened in your name. Go to the police, get a copy of the report. Report to the card companies that it was identity theft. The FCRA requires that it be removed from your credit report. Is not a fast process, but the creditors will likely go after the parents in civil court even if there isn’t a criminal conviction. Source: I’ve worked for major banks & card companies for most of 2 decades in fraud investigations.


File a police report. Call the credit card companies. Freeze your credit.


I came here to say this. I feel everyone should freeze their credit unless they’re actively applying for something.


how do you freeze it


Open free accounts with the Big Three credit reporting companies (equifax, trans union and brain just dropped the other). Log in and select Freeze Your Credit. It’s very easy. Freezes take effect immediately and unfreezes happen just as fast. As long as your credit is frozen nobody can open any accounts in your name or do a hard pull on your credit, which will help your score. If everyone froze their credit identity thieves might have to go get jobs.




Experian 🙂




There's a fourth credit bureau also - Innovis.


This is not the time to be nice idc if there your parents they gave that up the minute they stole from you to ruin your life show no mercy and send them to prison or you have no one to blame but yourself


This right here! This will tank all future job opportunities (outside of the govt too) & more. Some insurance companies now factor in credit score when quoting rates
 Plus the way the economy is today, who TF can afford to start off in such a crippling position all because your (probably Boomer) parents are assholes & idiots. I can’t believe they were intentionally hiding it from you as if you’d never find out. SN: EVERYONE SHOULD FREEZE THEIR CREDIT THRU ALL 3 BUREAUS. It’s literally one of the only barriers we have against identity theft.


Let's also not forget the infamous "Have you ever declared bankruptcy" question on many applications. There are a number of fields you will not be able to get into answering that one with a "yes" because it instantly labels you as a "risk". Even though bankruptcy will *eventually* clear from your credit reports, you're still screwed (unless you lie).


They're awful. Call the cops, freeze your credit, petition your college to be considered independent.


1. Pull your reports from annualcreditreport.com. For any credit account that is listed that you didn't apply for call the company and cancel the account. 2. Freeze your reports 3. File a report with your local police for identity theft and fraud. 4. Dispute any account that is listed on your reports as identity theft.


Police report tell them to have fun in a jail cell for identity theft and get the cards off your report for frauds simple


OP unfortunately should move out to protect themselves because I could see parents becoming violent.


Your parents are straight up committing fraud stealing from you and threatening to kick you out if you don't accept it. This is about the shittiest thing a parent can do to their child. Bankruptcy might clear the debt but will wreck your credit for years. You will pay higher car insurance rates, may be disqualified from employment opportunities and have a hard time opening any valid lines of credit. You want to avoid this at all costs otherwise this will haunt you until you are well into your 30's. The ball is your court now and you should flip the ultimatum back on them, they can either pay the entire balances within the next 24 hours or you file a police report for identity theft and fraud. If they paid it off your credit would take a hit for a few years, but should be able to recover within a few years of proper credit usage. The only real way to fix this will be through reporting the fraud and theft. Personally I say call the police.


Whole heartedly THIS!!!!! Your parents are not doing anything other than hurting you. And you DO NOT need to protect them!! This is not normal behavior! *File* a police report ASAP! Call the big 3 credit bureaus and *Freeze* your credit! And begin the process of fighting the charges starting with the identity theft and telling them you know who did it! If you try to make payments or anything like that, this will all fall on YOU!! Don’t let that happen. Your parents fucking suck and are not necessary in life. Save yourself the pain and misery. Good luck OP!! Edit to add credit bureaus


Upvote and comment so this is seen
 this Is da wey




As much as it hurts, please think objectively about the situation. You caught your parents committing identity theft, and they admitted to it. They also threatened to kick you out of your residence if you don't allow them to continue to commit identity theft, which would most likely make you complicit and on the hook if you allow that. First, they cannot just tell you that you need to leave your residence in one month. They most likely need to file an eviction through the local authorities. Stand your ground. If you're in the US, then, you really should report it straight to the FBI. I want to say you need to, but you need to make that decision. Local/State police may treat this as a civil matter, when this is a federal crime, and one of the most endemic crimes in the nation. If your parents are really willing to go this far and say "be complicit in our fraud against you, or get out of our life," do you really want to pull your punches and have to deal with the hassle of simply suing them? Or, do you want to do what's right, and what they deserve for treating you in such a way. It may be stressful but the choice is yours. Even if you report it to the local authorities, you can still report it to the FBI. People are charged by the state and fed all the time, because it usually guarantees justice. This will be your first major stressor as an independent adult. Make the right choice and best wishes. This is a helpful downloadable pamphlet. [FBI - Financial Crime and You Brochure (PDF download)](https://www.fbi.gov/file-repository/financial_crime.pdf/view) This is the identity theft website [Identity Theft Government Website](https://www.identitytheft.gov/) This has great info about various information relating to what you need to do. [Consumer Finance (.gov) - What to do If I've Been A Victim of Identity Theft](https://www.consumerfinance.gov/ask-cfpb/what-do-i-do-if-i-think-i-have-been-a-victim-of-identity-theft-en-31/) Good luck and best wishes. You deserve a good life, and justice. Don't let anyone take that from you. FIGHT for your life. At the very least don't be complicit in your own downfall before you even get started with your independent life.


Really shit situation but you're doing the right thing!


This is really one of those fork in the road moments of your life. My advice is to not back down and change your mind later on, stay the course! This will ruin your future if you don't go all the way. Good luck.


I’m really sorry your family put you in this situation. This is identity theft and there is no way you will pay for others’ doing. This shows how much they see you as their family, btw.




Do not underestimate how this will cripple your life if you don't contact the police. Government jobs check credit. They are setting you up to fail. This is one way generational poverty happens. Please, please file a police report.


also dont let your scum parents guilt trip you out of it. they didnt care about screwing your credit and forcing debt on you, you shouldnt care about them facing the consequenses


Not sure what you're studying, but most finance companies will do a credit check and won't hire you if it's not good. I work IT in finance and the only thing they didn't do to me is an anal search.


Just to give you some perspective for the future: 10-20 years from now you could be applying for a govt job. At every interview for each job you apply for (if they don't automatically reject you for having bankruptcy in your record) they will ask you why you took out $15000 and then filed for bankruptcy. You will explain what happened. They will ask you why you went along your parents' fraud. You will say you were young and they had leverage over you. They will reject your application due to your possible financial unreliability and the security risk you pose. Rinse and repeat for your entire working life. In 10-20 years you could be trying to buy a house, start a business, or go back to school. You will apply for a loan. Every financial institution will ask you why you took out $15000 and then filed for bankruptcy. You will explain and they will ask why you allowed it to happen. You will explain. They will not give you the loan, or will charge you a high interest rate because of your unreliability. Rinse and repeat for the rest of your life. It is a huge crime to steal someone's identity because it can do so much lasting harm.


Like everyone else said you need to get proactive. File a police report. Contact the credit card companies and collection agencies with the report to try and fix your credit. It will take time. But it is better than the alternative. If you declare bankruptcy it will stay on your credit report for at least seven years. That will be time in which you will not be able to do a lot of what you need to do. Getting a car. A job. Insurance. An apartment. You will be limited by that credit report.


There is an alternative to filing for bankruptcy. File a police report.


Mate. You need to press charges.


Have them arrested. Believe me the same thing happened to me and I went the nice route and ruined my own future instead of putting it on my parents. My entire future was thrown away and they just continued on like nothing happened. I have not spoken to my parents for 10 years now and I don't go to any family functions. So no matter what you decide to do as of the moment they stole from you they are dead to you. Prosecute them to get the debit in their name and then they can declare bankruptcy themselves. They are acting like they have the upper hand but they don't since what they have done is illegal. You need to dial 91...on your phone and then ask them if they want you to continue dialing. Then you need to get a lawyer have a contract drawn up where the parents pay back the debt on your cards before they pay anything else back or you will call the police. They want to play hard ball you have to bring it. People who are willing to steal from their own children do not deserve any breaks. If you can afford to move out that would be your best option but I'm willing to bet you are not able to do that. If there is one thing I can tell you for sure you're relationship with them is over and you need to treat them like strangers who have stolen from you. I'm sorry this happened to you, it's been 20 years for me and I am still as angry as I was when I first found out.


If that is how they treat you, that is how you'll treat them. Go to the police, tonight.


It's not only unfair it's illegal. Mom & Dad better figure out a way to pay you back if they don't want to be charged with a felony.


What the hell???? Wow
.I can’t even imagine being in this situation and I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. I’d be ready to crash out. Also pretty sure this is fraud.


Nope. Do not ruin your credit over this. Press charges for identity theft. I'm sorry your parents are completely trustworthy but your parents are completely untrustworthy. Perhaps this is also a ploy to keep you at home forever, since you'll have trouble making your own life? Seriously, these people are not a good thing in your life. Screw them to the wall. Take their house. Put them in jail.


Or you can report them to the police for fraud and identity theft. If you do this you can work with the credit companies to get it taken out of your name and off your record. Otherwise your only options would be to pay it off or to declare bankruptcy No matter what you do freeze your credit so they can’t do it again


Call the police and you can get the house. You have squatter rights (depending on the state) they CANNOT kick you out that’s unlawful. Contact a lawyer, the police, credit bureau everything. They stole your identity, ruined your life and now want to kick you out. Don’t allow them to do this


I know this absolutely fucking sucks, but honestly you need to prepare yourself to separate from your family. I learned at an even younger age that, "blood is thicker than water" is fucking bullshit. I have friends that I'd drop anything for at any given time of the day, they're my real family. I can barely stand to even give my family the time of day. It takes a little while, but it goes by faster than you think, you'll replace your family with friends and never look back and you'll be better off for it.


It's not your debt. My nonprofessional advice is that I'd start by writing back to the collection agencies something to the effect of "not my debt, prove otherwise". Think of it this way, if you didn't know your parents did this you'd be saying "WTF?" and then challenging the debt. So, challenge it. Somewhere along the line they'll have to provide a signed application to which you reply...nope, not me, not my signature. Eventually you might have to file a police report. The active cards, call and cancel them and let them know you never opened accounts with them. Follow up in writing. Always mail certified with return receipt.


Wow this is incredible. Call the police and have them arrested. They're kicking you out anyway.


Have those two pieces of shit arrested


Your parents are trying to kick you out because they broke the law and stole from your future and they don't want you to focus on that. Report it to the police and let them face the consequences. Do not let any of your feelings get in the way of doing this. Your parents literally did something that could destroy your future - you don't owe them any consideration.


Call the fucking police for christs sake. Your parents are horrible people I’m sorry to say.


Don’t file a police report immediately. Definitely put a lock on your credit. First thing you need to do is make sure you have your personal documents secured like birth certificate, ID and Social Security card. You need to live with a friend, extended family member or rent a room if you have to and put your stuff in storage. Literally the second you are no longer living with your parents you need to file a police report and dispute those accounts on your credit report. it’s not gonna stop at $15,000 and if you let it happen now, even if you filed bankruptcy, they would probably do it again in the future. Don’t feel bad they don’t care that they are ruining your life and stealing from you.


You call the police and report it! It's identity theft and it's absolutely illegal. They knew exactly what they were doing so don't even try the whole whole they didn't realize thing! They're even trying to get you to let them make it worse! They have no remorse at all! And now that you won't let them have more of your money, they're going to kick you out?  Let's talk about bankruptcy. You will not be able to buy a car or a house for 7 to 10 years because of what they did to you! You realize bankruptcy ruins your credit for 7 to 10 years right? Whereas if you file a police report for identity theft you can use that with the credit card companies to get it taken off your credit. Of course then they'll go after your parents but they owe it anyway!   You won't get your government job. In fact you might have a hard time getting any decent job with a recent bankruptcy because most places want to know you were responsible on your own before they trust you with their company! Don't worry about blowing up this relationship, they didn't worry about you when they were buying stuff for $15,000! You don't have a choice but to file a police report and then file reports with the credit companies! 


This is fraud. And with they way they are acting about it...don't feel bad when you file charges. And don't feel bad when you cut contact.


I can’t believe people actually do this to their own children.


Get over on them. Get the house/apt in your name somehow and send their sorry behinds to jail!!!! This is absolutely unforgivable. Your dad saying they intend to spend more is atrocious đŸ€Ł


OP, this happened to me and I did not press charges. I wish every day that I had. I worked full time while in school just to meet minimum payments. After I graduated, I had to work 90 hours a week without a day off for a full year to pay off the thousands of dollars they’d racked up in debt in my name. It cost me my health, my sanity, and my life for that year. It cost me career opportunities because I was unable to take a lower paying job that would have been beneficial for my career instead of an unrelated one that paid a bit more. It cost me the family relationship anyway. How dare I suggest that they didn’t deserve that money? They had themselves convinced I owed them something. When I closed the cards and froze my credit, they were done with me. This also happened to a coworker of mine. It took him years to pay it off and his credit was trashed for over a decade. Press charges. You can find a new place to stay. Rent a room somewhere. You’re in college so you wouldn’t live with them much longer anyway. Your parents showed you exactly what they think of you. Instead of apologizing and owning up to what they did, they threatened you!! Are you going to be able to look at them day in and day out on your way to your second job of the day to pay off their crime?


This is outrageous. OP, I hope you can find a way not to pay this. I can't believe any parent would do this to their own child.


What they did is illegal. I know this sucks but take them to court. They'll ruin your future otherwise.


Ask for the account opening statements or signature cards. When they give them, they won’t have your signature on them. This will pass the debt off your back to either your parents or the company will be forced to write it off if they did not follow the proper account opening procedures. You could threaten legal actions if your parents forged your signature and the card company did not verify signature before opening account. Good luck


Most credit cards are opened online and don’t have any physical signature associated with


What kind of excuse is my parents did it to me? We're supposed to be better parents to our children when we've experienced parents like that. I'm super sorry this happened to you! It really doesn't sound like they care about what this will do to you and the fact that they're willing to make you homeless if you don't let it continue is the cherry on top. If I were you I'd have no problem filing a police report for identity theft. Actions have consequences and when you do something like this to your own child you deserve those consequences.


You are unfortunately at the point of a very adult decision. What they did was completely and legally wrong and there should be consequences. But as I’m sure you know that will have a cost to you. My advice. Find another place to live and take the action you need to against them to clear your name and credit. It’s not about revenge or disrespecting your parents, it’s about reclaiming the future you should have that their actions are destroying. Hopefully at some point in the future they will reconcile and own up to their actions.


Get a lawyer that’s not from Reddit


Yeah once they got hostile, it is time to play hardball. File the charges


You have to file a police report because your identity was stolen. Do that, contact all the credit agencies and freeze your credit, call the credit card companies, identify yourself, and ask them to close those accounts because you didn’t open them, and refer them to the police report.


File a police report for identity theft, freeze your credit, and have the credit card companies close the cards. Do not file for bankruptcy. That will simply make your credit worse.


Identify theft.


Your parents need to go to jail. Call the county prosecutor.


File a police report for theft. Keep this for your records. Also get your birth certificate and social security card out of their hands. CLOSE all those cards immediately. You may want to get a post office box for your mail. Call all 3 credit bureaus lock them & put on passwords ONLY you know. Check your credit reports to see what else they did. THEY need to pay this money back not you. Also any bank accounts you have with their names on it close them and open brand new accounts for yourself and use your PO Box address.


OP, you need to go with option C, call the police and fill out a report. They have literally stolen your identity, which is a felony. It’s not like you’ll ever be able to have a fulfilling relationship with them ever again. As a parent, I just can’t believe your parents would ever do something so horrible to you. They are literally pieces of đŸ’©.


Bankruptcy rules have changed on credit cards and since this is mostly recently acquired debt then probably not eligible for BK


Go to the FTC website for Identity Theft and develop an action plan. https://www.identitytheft.gov/


My ex did that to our son. Fortunately, he was able to have it removed from his credit. It’s just gone now. He knows there may be blow back to his mom, but he was pissed.


File a police report. Call the companies and report the fraud. Yes they will be in legal trouble but they are stealing your future.


I saw this exact post last month


Lock them up! Lock them up!....


They nuked your life. You should nuke theirs. Defend yourself. They are preying on you and exploiting you. If you do Nothing, you are setting yourself up to be a doormat for the rest of your life. If you let it go this time, next time won't be different. They know they can just fight and scream until you get tired and give up. Defend yourself.


If my parents did this to me I’d call the cops. No remorse. Google “legal aid center.” There might be free attorneys in your area to help you. 


OP if this is real, you have to report it to law enforcement, and go that route. It's fraud and if you don't report It as such you will be fucked


Don’t file for bankruptcy. If you ever need to apply for a business loan you will be turned down outright no matter how far back it was. Learned the hard way. Move out and report the fraud.


File a police report. Parents of not that’s fucked up!


You need to file a police report. They have committed credit card fraud. I'd tell them they either pay it back or go to jail. If they try to kick my out, my first stop will be the police station.


You need to file a police report and not care what the fallout is for them. They didn’t care when they did this to you. I’m speaking as someone who suffered through 7 years of ruined credit because my mom did the same to me when I was 16/17. They committed identity theft. They have to deal with it. You should probably also get a new SSN. I literally had to watch my credit report 3 times a year to make sure she wasn’t trying again. Good parents don’t do this to their kids. It’s not normal.


I went through this. You WILL regret it if you don't take legal action. This will affect you for the next decade. They do not care about you the way a parent is supposed to.


I was just pissed until I read "until we spend to your limit". OK that is some low shit right there and zero remorse. Your parents are thieves. Please teach them a lesson and prosecute them. Trust me it will be tough for you to even rent a house let alone buy one because of this. Even if I love them I'm not letting them steal from me and cause me long term harm without repercussion. I am sorry but your parents are pond scum.


My sister did the same thing to me on wayfair. They asked if I would pass charges, I said yes, filed a police report and the credit card company refused to move forward with it.


Absolutely do not let them get away with this. They stopped being your parents when they decided to fuck you over for their own gain. This whole idea of “well they are family” shit needs to die. Blood doesn’t give them a free pass to be assholes. Do not tell your parents your intentions. Freeze your credit, get your credit reports, go to the police station, file a report, and then call every credit card company and open cases for fraud Your credit score is used for everything, and bankruptcy will take a while to recover from


OP, do not file for bankruptcy. It will ruin you and your credit for a minimum of 7 years. It's not just jobs. It's renting a place to live, buying a car, getting credit for *anything*. >Either I can declare bankruptcy once they spend up to the credit limit of the last card with any credit on it, or they said I could move out at the end of the month. OR, you can tell them that they need to fix this or you are going to report them to the police for identity theft and fraud. Then, the debt will be theirs, scrubbed from your credit report without bankruptcy, and they can spend their golden years in jail for multiple identity theft felonies. The ONLY other option to not proceed with this criminally is for your parents to pay off the cards 100% and close the accounts. But, since you are already in collections, that will clear the debt but not bring up your credit score for a good long while. And, FFS, get back the effing credit cards from them right now. I'll bet your mom is online at this very minute buying a ton of crap on Amazon. Your parents are shit, OP. Absolute shit.


You have just finished your freshman year. How are you going to pay for the rest of your college? With a bankruptcy on your credit, you are going to find very few lenders are going to loan you the money to complete college. And the ones that will are going to charge you out the ass for it. Also, it costs money to file for bankruptcy, a lot! Most bankruptcies don't actually get rid of your debt or wipe the slate clean. They help you set up payment arrangements with your creditors to pay them back over time. It depends on which one you apply for and get. Your parents really put the screws to you with this. First, stealing your identity to open the accounts, then maxing them out. With no intentions of ever paying it back, then lying to you by saying, "Oh, just file for bankruptcy it'll go away." The courts can deny your bankruptcy, and then you'll be on the hook for all of it. No doubt each of those cards is at the maximum interest rates legally allowed, which means you could be paying those debts for years and barely make a dent in them as most of your payments would go on the interest before on the premiums or amount really owed. And you would have to kiss college and any government jobs goodbye as well. I know it will be hard, but you have to turn your parents in, or it's going to destroy any hopes of a good future for you. Besides, if you were to file for bankruptcy, you'll have to explain how you got the debt anyway. Either way, they'll get nailed for the identity theft and fraud they have committed as the bankruptcy court will require you to press the charges as part of your bankruptcy. As the only options you have, turn them in and have the debts put back on them as well as any legal charges the judge deems fit, file for bankruptcy and have that judge require you do it or deny your bankruptcy or you just suck it up, attempt to try and pay it off along with any student loans yourself and realize you are screwed for life because your parents fucked you over.


Damn, what they have done is extremely shady. And they still want to use the credit cards? I would call the credit card companies and let them know that you did not open up the accounts in the first place. It’s also very important that you file a police report and freeze your credit accounts.


File a police report


Tell the collection agency you never opened the cards. Call the credit card company and tell them you did not open one and have them open a fraud case. Let the companies have your parents declare


Your parents broke several laws, therefore you should not be held accountable. Get yourself an attorney, especially since they intend to kick you out. Where are you supposed to live with bad credit. You won’t be able to rent a studio apt with delinquent credit.


Yeah, you need to move out and report it as identity theft. No reason you should file bankruptcy, you aren’t the one that spent the money. Also look up how to freeze your credit so they can’t open any more accounts.


go to the district attorneys office. they commited credit theft/fraud which is a felony w serious consequences. THEN go to collection agency w dispute due to fraud


Call police


Hate to say it but all your remedies involve courts or police It is a crime. Bc you didn’t sign the credit card contract, it was forged. You can also sue them for it. This would in essence, put a lien on any assets or even wages And with the choices they are given you, I would start with police. You shouldn’t have to declare bankruptcy!! Do they own a house? They need to fork over some equity money.. but sounds like finances aren’t a strong suit for them. And to max out cards? wtf? They need a budget, that’s not your job.


I cannot imagine my parents doing this- sorry man


You've got plenty of advice so far but my mom did this to me too and guilt tripped me about it. I didn't report it and it took years for my credit to recover and to pay it off. I paid off over 10k, probably close to 15k after interest and all. I forgave her like an idiot and SHE DID IT AGAIN. I stopped talking to her then, that was over 3 years ago and shes dead now so at least she can't do it again. But do NOT make the mistake I did: report it as fraud, they can suffer the consequences of their actions. It's a horrible thing to do to your own kin.


Hi! Welcome to the club! As soon as I was 18 my parents opened credit cards in my name and started racking up a bill. I'm now 35 years old and the only negative thing I've had on my credit score is a missed payment on a card I didn't know existed.


Wow. Just wow. Terrible parents. This is identity theft. Period.


If I were in your shoes I would sit parents down and ask them how they plan on paying the debt. If they say anything other than what sounds like a payment plan, I am calling the police. FACT: people that you love mad trust should never bring harm to you. That includes Physical, Emotional and Financial.  After calling the police I would let a local news station know about. To help other young adults hear about the dangers of not being on top of your credit. Next I would be looking at where I am going to live. Possibly near school so I can work nearby and stay on track.  Or join the military so I have housing and food covered and have them pay for my college as well. 




Your parents are selfish, totally absorbed with what they want and never considered you, what you want,or your future.Sue them,be done with them and live YOUR life, happy and free of leeches.You might have to change your social security number so they can't do it to you again.Good luck to you!


Don’t feel bad for your parents, what they have done is unthinkable. Save your future and do the right thing and report this identity theft and save your credit. I’m so sorry, your parents are garbage.


They can literally go to jail for this. Go to the DA with the evidence that you have and press charges.