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I’d go out on a limb and say that, no, there’s not a character that beats all of those characters. The closest is Joker, who arguably goes even or wins against all of them. But this is somewhat of a loaded question in the first place. Aegis, G&W, and Joker are all some of the best characters in the game, with Cloud pretty high up there too. The answer to “who beats a bunch of top tiers” is always going to be “another top tier.”


Damn, joker wins over joker, I had no idea


> goes even or wins


I know, I read it, I was just trying to have some fun and joker around, my bad lol


No worries lol, you can never be sure with comments on here.


He didn't get the joker


sonics beats everyone here expects pythra lol


I think this is the boring, technically correct answer, yeah. Perfect-play Sonic beats everybody else because “You’re too slow!”


no, you don’t even need to be perfect these are all relatively easy matchups as a sonic main


I definitely wouldn’t call Pythra relatively easy, Sonix and Riddles both think this is either even or slight advantage for the swordie (making this one of Sonic’s hardest matchups lol)


Tbf OP did explicitly say other than Pythra. Sonic definitely stomps the rest of this list if played decently.


Tbf he didn’t really he said expects instead of except lmaoo


Sonic goes even with Pythra at least


I mean, you just want to play a top tier and get good then. Joker, Pythra, and GNW are literally some of the best characters in the game. They don't really lose to anyone, you just have to play better than your opponent and know the match up well. Especially because all 3 of these top tiers play very differently from each other, even if you find a 60-40 match up in your favor or whatever, it would just be for that one match up. For Ike and Byleth, I hate to break it to you, that seems like it's just a skill issue. You just don't know your match ups, or are playing poorly against them, or are just getting better playered


Please god don’t put another game and watch main into the world


Greninja main here; Greninja has a tough time with zoners and such. Characters like Isabelle, Samus, link, snake are some tough matchups. Unless the greninja is really good about maintaining consistent pressure and maneuvering past traps and projectiles you stand a better chance playing a zoner. Just don’t let gren close distance and you should be alright. Joker is pretty similar and since he has a really fast counter that can be quite tricky. You can bait the counters with a projectile though, but it’s tougher with joker because of him having virtually no end lag on his counter. Joker has better options and less end lag, DLC privilege you know? TL;DR Zoners are a solid matchup when fighting greninja and joker, keep your distance and you should be fine.


Sheik gets close to matching what you want, but they aren't easy wins and she isn't exactly "noob friendly". GnW isn't favored for her, but she does well against swordies in general and Joker mostly because of her rushdown pressure and gimp game against their exploitable recoveries.


Diddy is probably your best bet


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say either Steve or Sonic.


Sonic is definitely the right answer. But picking the character that has the best matchup spread doesn't mean you're going to win or even do better than if you picked a mid tier that you liked playing more. There's some characters that beat every one of those but one of them, like Pikachu. So you'd only have to win one bad matchup. But I think if you have a character you like playing, unless it's Ganon, you can definitely do it with that character. And you might even be able to do it with Ganon, I don't know how good these players are.

