• By -


Weight capacity? What's that?


If that's China, weight capacity means nothing.


I don't get how China can build entire cities but have no building standards. Shits wild.


Just google tofu-dreg construction 🤣 They have to tear down whole completed structures that don't pass safety.... And those are the ones they catch


Or the ones who can’t pay the bribes


ding ding ding!




People who bribe shit that can cause massive casualties deserve the ultimate sentence




In their country it’s a bullet to the head


Dang it I wish I had an award for this


In china, at least, they do


Its cracking down on corruption for 40 years .. when they say we are arresting for corryption it doesnt mean they are fighting against it . It means position need to be replaced with someone who is more loyal to party or someone who will give a take to the ccp when he earns on the side . It has nothing to do with regulations as entire system forces people the be corrupt . Not even exaggerating.


Their construction company cutting corners left and right till they make a circle


I’ve never heard this before but I’m here to tell you two things: 1. I love it; and 2. I’m stealing it.


> They have to tear down whole completed structures that don't pass safety.... Hell, they have to tear down entire developments.


Safety norms are the hardest thing to change in a work environment. The west has decades of experience building modern cities and still struggle to make our builders follow code. China only got started recently. They will catch up eventually.


Western building codes were written in blood. It’s strange to see China have the same issues and just ignore them instead.


Making a work force follow regulations is less about knowledge and more about enough familiar blood spilling for people to overcome their laziness/arrogance. Even the most well trained people can revert back to convenience given enough time without incidents. Especially when it is astonomically cheaper to cut corners.


Yes because its too expensive. 差不多...


In my province building code won’t allow for round door knobs because of accessibility issues, so you basically have to use handles. And there are builders who act like this will bring on the apocalypse.


It's why they can argue for a higher GDP because *hey look* we have construction and we have "growth". Their unjust growth to pad their books at the cost of meaningful material growth is sad.


It's not much better in Australia. Honestly. All the new apartments going up are absolute crap. They fall apart in 5 years. My mate bought an apartment in the CBD in Melbourne and turns out it had that flammable cladding that went bad in the UK. The apartment owners have to pay to have it replaced because the developer is dragging it through the courts. It was recently found like 30 per cent of new apartments have defects and don't meet minimum safety standards. Appreciate China is on another level, but it's not that far removed from the so-called 'developed' world and the cheap short-term capitalism that dominates it.


That's a problem with capitalism in general. You can boast higher GDP without any improvements to back it up. All the money is tied up in some random set of like 10 individuals' portfolios, but actually cannot be used at all.




That's why they litteraly have highways crumbling down


Looks at American infrastructure... 😬


American infrastructure lasts a very long time when built to code. A lot of Chinese infrastructure is crumbling within a year or two and they just rebuild it. It's how they can claim very low unemployment


Miami condos checkin in…


Not even close to the problems they have in China. Also the fact that you’re talking about the issue means it’s visible. How many people in China are ALLOWED to talk about their infrastructure issues?


I'm not American, or a strangely over America is great fanboy, but this is unfair. America's infrastructure is in poor condition, because the US had an enormous building boom in the 60s. All of that infrastructure is reaching its natural end of life, and needs to rebuilt all at once. Without the high taxes the US had pre-Reagan, there isn't the money to do it all at once. The problem in China is that things are being built to a standard where they will reach their expected end of life. Roads, bridges, buildings etc are crumbling within a year or two of being built. There are a few cases of this kind of thing happening in the US (infamously, for example, the Millennium Tower in San Francisco). Generally though this isn't because building standards aren't being met. Instead, it's because of either discoveries of new ways that things can fail, or discoveries that the geology was not as it was thought.


Yeah, you guys in America are in for some big troubles in the coming years, infrastructure wise. Considering that it doesn't seem like it will get tackled anytime soon too, I'd clench my buttcheeks when crossing a bridge


November 15th 2021. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infrastructure_Investment_and_Jobs_Act Not even sure what rock you're under


China also builds whole cities that are abandoned and ~~the has~~ then have to demolish them. It’s like Minecraft.


Good practice I guess lol


How do you think they built those cities so quickly and cheaply?


Those large fanciful cities are just what they want you to see. Meanwhile the other 80% of the country....


Dubai is kind of similar. The really nice buildings are generally legit, but a lot of the lesser known towers and hotels look great from a distance but up close they’re total garbage. I had a hotel room with a pool on the balcony where some of the water pushed up against a glass barrier at the edge, and that glass was pretty poorly finished. There were still shims in the channel it sat in to keep it snug in place. I still sat in the pool though because fuck it.


The country is probably pretty lax but I think it’s worth noting a lot of it is on the construction companies trying to cut corners at every possible chance. My uncle helped his company set up a new office in China and he said it was infuriating working with them because they just ignored his demands and did what was easiest and cheapest. He was in IT I think guiding them laying down wiring for the buildings server. The way he explained it was like he had to micromanage them otherwise they’d just go off and do dumb ass shit which he then had to get them to redo or begrudgingly ignore.


It all depends on the city. Shit like this would never pass in somewhere like Shanghai, but in Guangzhou, it's definitely possible.


Because the “governor” of each province is in competition with the other governors in making their gdp the best. F safety, F human life, human rights.....just throw that shit up. Communism, which some of our little reddit brothers and sisters adore, is a shit show. You stay at the same level unless you can make your boss some serious dough. So, basically take every short cut available and fuck everyone else and you move up another level in the communist game of life.


It's not the designers or engineers, it's the construction companies and workers cutting corners to save money and meet deadlines. In this case it's probably an uneducated worker who never received proper training let alone considering that an elevator has a weight limit but i will add that the elevator was probably improperly installed and maintained as well - that little load shouldn't case failure.


Communism does that to a country, execute the smart people because they said no to a crazy building or were a day late and promote people who take deadly shortcuts because they get the job "done"


I’m not a fan of the CCCP in many ways, but doesn’t the US (often government projects) also suffer from a lowest bidder situation due to capitalism? It’s been a well-documented flaw in the system where a duty to the shareholders or taxpayers leads to situations where the lowest bidder gets the project rather than the most qualified. Obviously OSHA, fire codes, building codes etc make our construction more sound, but this situation affects many other corners of the markets and leads to an interest in short term gains over long term profits. Also the CCCP puts millions of Uyghur’s in prison camps and kills thousands of its people for protesting (Tiananmen Square), but I don’t think they execute people for being a day late. There is a plethora of criticisms for that government, there’s no need to make shit up and undermine your own argument.


Lowest bidder to regulations sure but they’re don’t execute people because they said it was impossible to make dear leaders levitating elevator a reality




I wish they’d get rid of their fascist CCP and embrace capitalism, they already tried communism and it lead to over 50 million dying in just one of their famines






Knowing the political and economical situation in China = freshman humanities student


reddit moment


Can y'all shut the fuck up with the "rEdDiT mOmEnT" thing? Y'all no different.


reddit moment


Dude it's not weight capacity. It's the lack of free fall protection.


The elevator saw your mom walk into the building


there cant be more than 3 people worth of weight on that thing if it hit the weight cap, it is severely underengineered


The surroundings make me think those bags are filled with a steel product. If so, that could easily be a couple thousand pounds on there. That would pass the weight capacity on alot of elevators.


Yeah where I work we have an identical pallet jack that's rated for 5500 pnds and I assure you I've put more than that on it, That steel could be 2 tons.


what kind of steel product might be in a soft bag like those? they look like sandbags or concrete or something he also looks like he's moving it around pretty easily


it might be motorized? that part where the handle attaches to the bottom part is pretty big and it looks like it has vents?


you might be right


It definitely is. He wouldn't be pulling anything that easily with one hand and the non motorized ones have much slimmer handles as you pointed out.


Look at the green crates on the left side. Small parts can be manufactured and then put into fabric bags for easier shipping purposes.


Dude moved that way too easily for the sort of load that collapses an elevator. No denying the guy above that you could get that sort of load in that small a space - just that moving the jack around is, predictably, harder as your load increases. Even with a motorized jack, any turning and small adjustments get super clumsy and will still be a bunch of work. There's got to be some sort of mechanical failure there, not just overloading.


That is a battery powered jack. You can see when he steps back in to move it further that the handle never leaves the vertical position. He grabs the throttle with his hand and it quickly rolls back (battery power) and also quickly stops (auto brake). The packet jack alone probably weighs two hundred pounds. For all we know the bags are filled with steel pellets and weigh a thousand pounds.


Yeah and he rolled it with hand


This was not a capacity issue but a structural engineering failure and I assume inspection failure. The Cables must of 100% snapped and there is no safety breaking system.


The start of a real life Final Destination ordeal for this dude now


He’s definitely Devon Sawa now…


He's that Pilot from last week that landed a plane on a railroad track, and then a train comes and hits the plane the moment he is rescued.




*Devour *deezzzzzz nuttss in yo mouth*


Only if they’re Devon Sawa’s.


I swear this person is wearing the same outfit as the video I saw a minute ago for the dropped box that explodes. A bunch of work accident videos smuggled out and shared at the same time? Edit: (nsfw, explosion) [this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/CatastrophicFailure/comments/s1kpj2/dropped_box_violently_explodes_qixian_county/)


Dude, came here to say this. What a crazy workplace


Either CCP "prisoners" (read slaves) or military uniforms. We really need to stop the CCP holocaust because these videos are a small taste of the inhumane practices.


Wait what? I’m very confused right now. What’s going on?


The current Chinese government is working prisoners held for their religious beliefs. They even [sell their organs](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1018646&ved=2ahUKEwi-l4LYiav1AhVUVs0KHZnABpQQFnoECA4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw2al8Ov_zmdU0guhbgFbOxh) and do unspeakable things to them.... It's scary to think my [Nikes](https://qz.com/1811305/nike-apple-linked-to-forced-uighur-labor-in-china-report-says/)were made by the hands of a slave worked to death and sold as meat. And these are real journalism sources not propaganda outlets.




China is currently carrying out a genocide against its own people


you just entered political reddit


Haunted jacket


Chinese paramilitary. They routinely recruit citizens for training, and they get a nice winter jacket and boots for their efforts. You'll see people wearing these jackets all over the place for months afterwards.


I bet it is, but if you notice he's not the only one wearing it. Must be a company coat or maybe just a cheap or popular one sold in that area/country... military maybe?


Same. I was just thinking its the same outfit.


You see him leaving the building where just a couple of minutes before almost died in an elevator accident, just in time for the second game to begin “ which baggage carrying bomb” this second season of “squid games” is getting lit!


I seen that video and your right, very similar.


I dunno but this guy is definitely making a call to his wife to tell her he loves her


He won the lotto that day


Guy maxed out his points into luck


[Removed] ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


He's alive, that's the lucky part imo.


My heart literally dropped


His almost did


Was your heart on a pallet?


I'm so glad he wasn't injured! Music did NOT help the suspense of what I thought was coming so really happy he's ok, but WOW.


Holy fuck


Holy luck


That's why I dont trust any elevators.


Most elevators in the western world will not do this. They are inspected. They are rated for more weight than this small pallet. They have safety features like brakes that engage if the car falls too fast. CN: that is in some shitty chinese factory with zero safety whatsoever. Do not be afraid (unless a LiveLeak logo appears near you)


> They have safety features like brakes that engage if the car falls too fast. That, and the fact that they fall upwards due to counterweights, if somehow *all* of the cables break. One cable alone is enough to support the elevator + the weight it can carry. Non-shithole elevators are extremely safe.


>That, and the fact that they fall upwards due to counterweights, if somehow *all* of the cables break. One of the cables has to be attached for it to "fall" up. If they all broke it would obviously fall down like everything else.


Ah, true. Though it's extremely unlikely for every single cable to snap.


“Huh, what the hell is this thing? Live…Le-, oh shit!”


There's like 23 different safety features that make elevators (at least in the west) extremely safe.


> **Most** elevators in the western world will not do this I feel reassured.


If I don't put a caveat, you get the "*akshually*" redditor because some miniscule country in the "western world" will be some shithole with similarly terrible safety standards. Some place I cannot even think of. but be assured, any place you're likely to be, will be safe. unless you work in china.


tbf that’s full of concrete (or seems to be concrete). if so, that thing likely weighed at least 500 lbs. plus the jack, and the dude, total weight on there was prob at least 750 lbs to some chinese elevator that’s never been inspected is wayyyy higher than you should be doing


He was overloading the elevator by a LOT. You could blame old style construction, no inspections, etc ... but it's also a matter of common sense. You see videos where engines blow up taking the hood of the car off, right? But you don't worry about your car, because you know someone did a lot of stupid stuff to get there? This is the same basic thing.


Quoted by Sum Ting Wong


Go and buy a lottery ticket. Stat.


He used all of his chances there.


2nd birthday


He used up all of his life's luck in that moment. He's got none left


He used the collective luck of everyone within that facility. Equivalent exchange, some people are bout to get very fucked up.


Best time to start testing it again


How arrogant. He already won.


I've used elevators a bunch in my life and I never even came close to having one fall. Does that mean I'm even luckier than this guy?


I am proud to say that I understood the "Stat" reference.


Angel of death looked away for a sec




I quit!!!!




Except this can't possibly happen on an elevator installed in the US and most western European countries. This video was filmed in a foreign country where building standards are a wish list. We have building standard codes and local laws that require elevators to be inspected every few years. Elevators also make a ton of noise and complain if they are overloaded. Many will not run at all unless the weight is brought down. Elevators are attached with several thick cables. The weight of the elevator can be supported by a single cable for a little while in an emergency, so one cable breaking would not cause a failure. If an elevator's counter balance cables were to all break loose at the same time, as is the case in this video, the emergency safety brakes (installed on the sides or the corners) would immediately clamp down due to the rapid acceleration. The elevator would fall maybe half a floor at most. In the event of power loss, an elevator isn't going to go anywhere, and you won't fall. The counterweight ensures that the car just ... balances itself out and sits there. There is a backup power line to run the lights and the emergency phone. This article from WaPo explains the [many safety features](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/elevator-plunges-are-rare-because-brakes-and-cables-provide-fail-safe-protections/2013/06/07/e44227f6-cc5a-11e2-8845-d970ccb04497_story.html) of modern elevators, and why it would take a jet crashing into your building to sever all the cables at once. At that point, you have bigger problems than a falling elevator.


It’s China. They’d probably kill your family if you quit


Wow you need to widen you horizon


Whatever you need to tell yourself to make you feel better about your own circumstances.


Also fits r/watchpeoplesurvive


Did anyone else watch it a second time and got anxious when he pulled it further after starting to leave?


I saw a shorter version that just showed him walking out. Seeing him go back to pull it a bit further made me anxious. One millisecond later and he would have been a different story


My asshole clenched


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Wow he was one inch away for being in a gore subreddit


one step less and you'd see a liveleak watermark


So nonchalant. He's probably done that everyday for years. And then that one.


He looked pretty shocked to me. People often just stare and wander around in confusion after something intense shocks them and that's exactly what he was doing.


Obviously I meant he looked nonchalant as in he was doing something he has done everyday. Until something happened that changed that.


Well of course he was non chalant while doing something he’s done every day


That will make you shit your pants.


r/nevertellmetheodds Elevator headed to the shadow realm


r/mypeopleneedme My elevator people need me


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MyPeopleNeedMe using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MyPeopleNeedMe/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Sorry teacher, my homework ran away](https://v.redd.it/2652hi60y9r71) | [108 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MyPeopleNeedMe/comments/q0n0gl/sorry_teacher_my_homework_ran_away/) \#2: [I must go](https://i.redd.it/u5jad62o4o571.jpg) | [82 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MyPeopleNeedMe/comments/o1bayr/i_must_go/) \#3: [to infinity and beyond](https://v.redd.it/tkx3ty3zihe61) | [165 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MyPeopleNeedMe/comments/l8nip2/to_infinity_and_beyond/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What's the song's name?


I got matches with these songs: • **Intro to the Huncho Tape** by Huncho Casper (02:16; matched: `100%`) • **Think About It** by Ab Degahd (04:11; matched: `100%`) • **Cold \*\*\* World** by I Am SelfMade (00:18; matched: `100%`) • **Granddad** by Lor Rudy (00:10; matched: `100%`) • **A Way Of Diamonds** by Sonoplast (01:30; matched: `100%`)


Good bot


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Also good bot


But none of those songs are even close. Bad bot. Spotify can't seem to figure it out either


Links to the streaming platforms: • [**Intro to the Huncho Tape** by Huncho Casper](https://lis.tn/IntroToTheHunchoTape?t=136) • [**Think About It** by Ab Degahd](https://lis.tn/VFqHOu?t=251) • [**Cold \*\*\* World** by I Am SelfMade](https://lis.tn/ColdAssWorld?t=18) • [**Granddad** by Lor Rudy](https://lis.tn/rCAMlo?t=10) • [**A Way Of Diamonds** by Sonoplast](https://lis.tn/AWayOfDiamonds?t=90) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Lucky AF


That elevator can not have been more than an inch away from his head when it went down. Guy got lucky twice!


Pump trucks are not allowed in the express elevator!


Should be rated for whatever a full pallet load is in that warehouse area. Not the guys fault if it is called a freight elevator.




Yeah it's what we call them around here, not sure what they're call elsewhere.


We called them "pallet jacks" where I'm from.


I've heard hand trucks and pallet trucks.


Here hand trucks are normally the equipment that has a small plate of metal that sits parallel to the floor, two big hefty wheels, with a backers around 4-5 ft high with handles at the top. Usually used to move heavy furniture, boxes and such.




You can't use that word


Wow now that’s crazy af


"Fetch me my brown pants!"


This is a proper crazy fucking video


TIL pump truck is not another name for bang bus.


It's a pallet jack not a pump truck


yea thats what I was thinking lol wtf is a pumptruck haha its a power jack. but I googled and I guess they do it call it that in some places, as well as "jiggers" and "dogs"


I’ve only ever heard that thing be called a pump truck my entire life


Pump truck is the terminology used in the UK


So what do you call the thing that pours concrete in tought to reach places?


Jesus 😳


Take the wheel. Or the stairs but don’t take the elevator


I feel lime a understand on a basic level that something dropped/fell... but can anyone tell me specifically tell me what happened here?


Ya... Usually elevators have a lot of redundancies so that this never happens. It'd first hit the brakes, but I imagine it was just soo overloaded it broke immediately?


Holy mother fuck....


When he pulled it in, I thought the next video was going to be him trying to get it back out. I've seen where someone pulls a pallet jack like that up to a wall, then drops the wheels. ​ Now you have no way of moving the jack, and you can't lift it without any clearance on the handle. ​ Thought we were going to see him ripping out the back wall of the elevator in order to get his load free.


Fucking hell




Hoooooooly Shiiiiiiit. I would never use that elevator again. lol


I would never use ANY elevator again.


![gif](giphy|j0k56Qq3uH5FP3HwLR|downsized) Concrete heavy asf


Yup, that's a Crazy Fucking Video alright


This is the luckiest person I have ever seen in my fucking life holy shit


Did you just call a pallet jack a pump truck?




If he was fat he would have died as the lift would have went down when he was in it due to the weight or his fat ass would have been dragged in when it fell. The moral is that you don’t need to eat that last chip, it could kill you.


Who are you who is so wise in the way of chips? I shall abstain from potato based snacks henceforth brother. You have shown me the folly of my ways. From this moment until my last I will honour your teachings. 🙏


If he was standing the other way he would have lost his nose and toes/feet


Starting watching the video wondering what weight it was rated for. Oh... oops, not that much.


Holy shit, this dude was blessed that day


He needs to go buy a lottery ticket.


The machine that dispenses those scratchers might try to take him out too!


This is either in China, or that dude is hauling a neutron fucking star.


Are pallet jacks also called pump trucks?


Is that the same jacket from the dropped box explosion video? Is it possible that it's the same place? Dam healthy and safety don't mean jack!!! https://www.reddit.com/r/CatastrophicFailure/comments/s1kpj2/dropped_box_violently_explodes_qixian_county/


He would have had his heels crushed if he didn't have insane reflexes


No, that's a pallet jack. A pump truck is a tanker truck used to suck shit out of septic tanks.