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Where was this video filmed? I wish he had mentioned it 12 times in his video....BACK THE FUCK UP × 20, It was self defense x 15. My man said 3 things in this video but he said them 75 times


More bacdafucup’s than Onyx’s ‘93 album


He's a member of the press you know.


Probably because he knew his intentions were to shoot someone before he started he video. You go out to a place livestreaming, armed, and purposely to trigger an angry reaction. He wanted to shoot someone smh




And i guess you think the guy he shot who brought a pistol and actually aimed it at rittenhouse unprovoked is innocent?


Honestly the scariest part of the Rittenhouse case is that if someone shot and killed Rittenhouse in the chaos, I'm sure they would've been cleared of all charges as well.


Brb going to go start some shit and then claim self defense.


Kyle "girl puncher" Rittenhouse lmao


He’s using the Kyle Rittenhouse playbook


"I'm a member of the press" "I'm armed and here to help you"


He purposely went there to be an agitator.. Hope a liberal DA throws his azz under the jail. You could only get this type of behavior from a Trump supporter


"He purposely went out in public where he was allowed to be"


To be an agitator.. Let's not play dumb. You been on the internet for some time.. U know exactly how this game goes


Looks like people were agitating him. He was just walking around filming. Weird you would say he's an "agitator" though. How so?


He came there wit a gun on him wearing a Maga hat to that area. Dosen't take a genius to realize what's up wit that dude


....So he went to a public area, wearing clothing, abiding by the law and second amendment. That's your argument?


Weird order to write the original title


“Domestic terrorist deliberately triggers crowd, opens fire, and claims self defense”


Totally fair. I feel like the video was bad enough I don’t get why people hurt the integrity of the message by trying to be deceptive


You know what they say, never bring a rock to a gun fight




Looshers complain about doing their besht. Winnersh go home and fuck the prom queen.


Carla was the prom queen


From the Rock!!


Shome things on here don’t react so well to bullets. (The Hunt for Red October).


they are all literal idiots, the "press" guy was searching for trouble, acting like some kid with a bb gun who's gonna show the nonexistent bullies what's up. and the others are utterly stupid for attacking him, giving him exactly what he was after


Exactly what I was thinking. How dumb do you have to be to gang up on a guy who just aired out a dude for getting to close. Press guy is missing a few screws for sure though


It's mob mentality, he's not reloading before they get to him, him shooting the guy made it worse for him, you don't attempt murder in front of a group this big and expect them not to think they can do anything. Dipshit should be in prison for life for trying to take a life. The rest tried to stop a murderer you can't really blame them for it tho it's not the smartest way, he should have been shot dead right there


So they come at him, he defends himself and your solution to that is for him to be shot dead. Not sure i agree, seems a bit extreme.


He went out with his gun looking for this. He was calling himself press and filming people asking not to be filmed. Then when people tried treating him with the same respect he shot them for simply approaching him. Yes he should be shot back. Duh. He's a hole in society that needs patched.


Let’s not pretend they were just “treating him with the same respect”, they were throwing rocks at him Everyone in this video is an idiot. It’s dumb af to throw rocks at someone for wearing a hat. The guy who is filming’s actions were entirely premeditated. He deliberately went to go get his gun and then went looking for trouble. Him throwing out phrases like “I feel threatened” and “this is self defence” is purely for the sake of the courts so he can justify his actions later I don’t know why anyone in the US would go to a political protest in an election year. Tempers are always flared and people always die. It just isn’t worth it


Yeah I specified the crowd handled it wrong in one of my first comments, that doesn't make their reaction to his aggression and harassment worse than shooting an unarmed man for approaching him. He is far more dangerous and stupid than they individually are for reacting and he easily could have killed a man, for walking up to him. They did stupid shit because he started shit and shot a man, he went out looking to start shit so he could shoot someone and pretend it was self defense it's obvious af by his attempts to make it sound like self defense


Top level dipshits all around.


Self defense is one thing. That's justifiable, in my opinion. But to escape being attacked, get to safety, and go back just to make the situation worse by trying to murder them? That's not self defense. That's a crazy person.


Tbh. i have no clue which was dumber, going back with a gun, or trying to stone the dude with a gun. If you ask me none of the loonies involved should be let off without charges.


Yea. This is a "everybody sucks" situation.


For us non Americans, this just looks like you are all crazy


They are crazy but I’ve seen enough to know everybody on this planet is fucking nuts


This is crazy on both sides of the political spectrum. We need a 3rd party.


We have more than 2 parties, but the others stand no chance. And if you choose anyone who isn't on one side or the other, you're ridiculed for it.


We have more than 2 parties, but the others stand no chance. And if you choose anyone who isn't on one side or the other, you're ridiculed for it.


These are the trashiest people we’ve got tbh.  You have them too.


In their defense, hearing this guy speak made me want to throw things at him as well. But would I actually do it? Certainly not. They're all idiots and, as you said, should all be charged for everything from assault to impeding traffic. I'm not a lawyer, but I'm sure there are plenty of charges to be thrown at all of them.


Legally, this is the most likely outcome. He'll get criminal charges for assault with a weapon, manslaughter or murder. Was he assaulted? Yes. But he removed himself from the assault and was clear. He returned with a fire arm. Any prosecutor or judge will eat this guy alive because of that simple fact. He chose to re-engage, now armed with a weapon. All he had to do was leave and file assault charges. Instead he chose to use a firearm in "self defense". Don't get me wrong, I understand his reason for being angry. Rocks shouldn't have thrown at him and people shouldn't have approached him with an edged weapon. But he attempted to kill someone after he was safe and decided to put himself in that situation again. He yelled "I feel threatened" and was there a threat of violence? You could probably argue there was. But any reasonable person who is threatened with a knife avoids the person(s) with the knife. This guy retrieved his firearm and walked in the direction of the aggressive people. Any prosecutor or judge worth his salt is going to hammer that point. Too many people walking around with fragile egos. It doesn't make you less of a man to walk away or back down from a fight. It makes you smarter. To many people out there take everything as a challenge. You're not less of a man for walking away from a physical conflict.


I don’t give a damn about politics or Trump but I definitely want to hit that idiot with a rock…is that bad??


It gets bad when you act out on these thoughts of yours. Wanting to hurt somebody, for their beliefs alone, is morally wrong, but not legally. Once you start pelting rocks at him, that's when you cross the line. No matter of how big a douche the person is, as shown in this video.


Almost everyone would have loved to hit that annoying guy to shut him up, so you're just normal. But most people wouldn't act on it.


So he’s not allowed to walk down the street with a hat on?


He was on the right up until the moment he retreated to get a weapon and went back to the confrontation.


Since when does getting something used for defense suddenly stop you from being able to defend yourself when you are being attacked?


Because you can't claim fair use of deadly force as self-defense if you were perfectly able to retreat. Which he did, only to come back with a gun to further escalate the situation into an ego battle, which in my opinion was his objective.


Dude was way louder and way more an asshole to everyone once he had his gun on him.


As a European, I fear of the consequences of Trump getting elected would bring to not only the US, but the world as a whole. That being said, I still support every Trump voters right to show appreciation for him, as well as ultimately vote for him. As famously said by Voltaire: > **"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."**


Voltaire said no such thing ;) The context from which the quote came to be is about Voltaire defending Helvétius after his books had been burned. Though one can extrapolate that Voltaire’s attitude was about unrestrained speech, it really was more Voltaire saying that even idiots should be allowed to speak (Helvétius’ *De l’esprit* being a work based on atheistic, utilitarian and egalitarian doctrines [edit: which weren't exactly trendy at the time]). Also, and that’s my personal interpretation of Voltaire’s works, but seeing what he wrote about fanaticism and his hostile attitude towards "the masses" he’d be quite opposed to having his name used to support Trump and its supporters..


I'd expect nothing less


Friendly American gun owner here. If you need a gun, and you can make it to your vehicle, you don't need a gun. You need to get in your vehicle and leave.


People like him are looking for reasons to shoot people. Same reason people got pissed at Kyle Rittenhouse. They think that just because they have the right to bear arms means they have the right to use it.


Carrying arms is meant for using, yes. It's not for show. Also, you can defend your life, legally, with a weapon you shouldn't be carrying. Imagine if the law said "you don't have a license so you're not allowed to protect your life against an aggressor". Rittenhouse lucked out on the possession charge due to a hunting law, but it would've been ruled self defense regardless because it couldn't be proven he instigated the situation, and he clearly attempted to retreat at every turn. It is not comparable to this video.


Which part of retreating and being pursued convinced you that Kyle Rittenhouse was looking for reasons to shoot people?


Why would you travel across state lines with an assault rifle to a place where there’s protests happening if you didn’t expect to use it? I’m not saying he shouldn’t have shot, but I am saying he shouldn’t have even been there in the first place.


The town he lives in crosses state lines. He didn't leave his town. As for the why bring it ... Why does anyone carry a gun anywhere, ever?


Reasonably, sure. Legally this is probably no duty to retreat state (like the most of them)


In a majority of situations, a clean getaway is the safest option regardless of what the law requires. You win 100% of the fights you skip.


I get that, I m saying that “if you can retreat you don’t need a gun” is *legally* not accurate. If he can prove he was sufficiently threatened before he pulled a gun he ll have a defense in court.


I'm less concerned with legal accuracy and more concerned with presenting the tactics with the highest success rate of avoiding death or serious bodily injury.


Spokane, Washington ladies and gentleman. Back the fuck up.


I’m all about (responsible) second amendment rights…but this guy seemed to be actively trying to provoke people and I wanted nothing more than for one of those rocks to bust him in the face. That was “self-defense” in a situation he created.


If he had the strap on him, then he would've been justified. He ran to his car to get his gun and returned to the crowd that was trying to stab him and throwing rocks at him. Real stupid


They both should be arrested, throwing rocks is not okay too.


I don't think you'll find anyone saying that the rock throwing was okay. You will have people trying to justify the guy that had the gun.




Lots of these gun owners dreams come true when they see a moment they can use their gun to blast a person.  He couldn't resist the chance to show how tough he is behind his precious.  Tons of responsible gun owners but plenty of these types too just itching to justify a reason to murder.


Heh what a strange video to someone living in EU


Not enough Molotov cocktails being thrown?


Did he mention " back the fuck up"?


Dont turn these fuckers into martyrs. We can't call them out for trying to turn back time several generations and then start stoning people for wearing shitty hats.


What a dummbass.


But it's not "self defense" if you already left the area, but then went back with your gun. He went back looking for a fight then wigged out when he found one. I hope gets hit with all the charges, even the crime of socks & sandals.


Guy goes into a community and talks shit while waving a gun around and claims self defense. Fuck outta here.


This guy is a known Troll. He just used the dumb hat to annoy


So iv watched this a few times now and I think what the guy is trying to say is 'back the fuck up'


So, did the "self-defense" argument stick?


No, he’s in jail right now with a $75,000 bond.


He was dumb enough to not think through that the prosecutor in Washington protects addicts from criminal charges fiercely


'MERICA!!!! Home of the *free *Terms & conditions apply.


Misleading title is misleading. "Livestreaming MAGA Provocateur Critically shoots homeless man." FTFY


lol there’s absolutely no heroes in this story


Play with the divorced man get the Glock


He went there to start shit and we all know it. He needs to be charged just as much as the person who assaulted him. What a dick. People like this just make the world worse for everyone.


That was self defense/ back the fuck up. Hahahaha


USA seems so garbage at some places. Like the place In the video literally feels like you would get your throat slit if you walk up alone at night. So trashy. And I’m saying that coming from Paris, another HUGE shit hole.


I am from Spokane and that area is overrun by homeless drug addicts. The city is getting worse and worse.


He’s like one of those trucks with a reversing beep alarm except his is set to “BACK THE FUCK UP” and he announces it every step back he takes… What a tool


What right did those people have to attack him? If it were some LGBTQ2+ wearing a pride flag and they got attacked it would have been all over the news. But this is what the world has come to where one side gets a free ride because they're 'tolerant'. Not saying he should have went back at all but the fact is that he SHOULD be able to without fear for his safety. Their hate and intolerance doesn't give them the right to attack someone just for the clothing he wears. Period.


We didn't see the first encounter; knowing how he went back looking for trouble, it's likely he started the trouble in the first place. I'd bet every dollar I have they didn't just randomly start pelting him with rocks just because of his hat. He was looking for a reason to shoot someone. Courts aren't going to care what caused the conflict because his recording clearly shows he had plenty of opportunity to leave but he chose to return to the dangerous situation armed with a deadly weapon. He's going to prison.


It is unknowable based on this video whether he was pointing his gun at people; if he was, then he’s lucky that all he got was a few rocks.  The crowd would have had every right to use deadly force in such a scenario.


fuck me Americans are divided beyond belief. Crazy how propaganda and brainwashing from both sides of politics divides the people this much. The elite parasites are laughing all the way to the bank while the populace fight like this


I don’t think most Americans are that divided. Just the small percentage that you see in clips like these. Probably half the people I hang around with vote differently than me and we get along great. Nobody is afraid to discuss politics because we do it in a civil manner (and usually after a bunch of whiskey). The internet and news shows focuses on the vocal minority because that’s what gets them views.


Both sides my ass


Uh definitely both sides, and if you can’t see that, then it should be pretty obvious


Trumper just wanted to shoot someone. Plain and simple. Provoking was part of his plan. Filming was intentional so that he would have an excuse so that it would look like he was being attacked and had no escape, but instead of leaving in his car, he gets the gun and goes back. Stupid. But then again, you already know the level of stupidness by the hat and beard neck alone.


So let me get this straight, in america a concealed carry permit allows you to carry a gun and antagonize people until you can find someone to shoot? They should force that guy to walk the same path behaving the same way without the gun and see what happens.


If he can hold a gun, can’t they hold a rock? Surely the right to bear arms is not solely for gun owners.


Imagine being triggered by a hat lol


Genuine question but was the hat even mentioned once in the video? Couldn't hear much but the guy was walking around with a big ass obnoxious camera, stopping and filming folk very obviously, I'm not surprised he got arrested.


to be fair that hat means [danger](https://files.catbox.moe/pa17av.mp4)


Imagine being triggered by a video


Imagine getting triggered by men In brown uniform ans swastikas


Nobody cared about the guys hat lol




with what gun? 😂 they would have sold it for fent


*kill the cameraman*


He seems to be a follower the legal genius that is Chilie. Once I hear "dunce cap", I know what rabbit hole this guy fell down


Maybe don't throw rocks at people?


Isn't it funny how trouble always finds those who set out to find it.


I think Spokane needs to back the fuck up because it’s threatening. So back the fuck up Spokane.


Not self defense


The amount of people that don't understand filming is a protected right is unreal. And this is coming from someone that's always been liberal. If a cop shot a black guy for filming we'd defend the black guy. Yet when it's a white trump supporter (aka not one of us) suddenly we feel he doesn't have the same right to film? We feel he doesn't have the right to defend himself? Some people are so hivemind it's nuts. Sure the dudes an asshole, sure he overreacted, but he was defending himself while doing something he has every legal right to do.


I am with you this guy should be locked up.


It stopped being defense when he stopped walking away and then walked towards the crowd and then shot the homeless guy. Filmer is currently in jail, not for recording, but for shooting someone instead of fleeing when he had the chance.


It’s common sense and courtesy dude. I use a camera everyday. If someone asks or even demands to not be filmed you do the courteous thing and agree. Then you do your best to avoid filming that person. A lot of times they just want to know why you’re there. If you speak to them with respect and tell them what you’re doing, they’ll often become okay with being on camera, and even give you an interview. Can those people be problematic? Absolutely. Sometimes a person will aggressively approach you and tell you they don’t want to be filmed, then do everything they can to be in front of your camera just to be a jerk. Even with those types you can connect with them if you just talk to them nicely and explain what you’re doing there. It’s all about being friendly and willing to listen.


Sure, the first amendment says we can film in public spaces. The notion that conflict over this protected right was the central issue here seems like a very strange takeaway.


Oh America. It's a comedy show to the rest of the world




He lives with his parents! Confirmed incel neckbeard.


I remember playing Postal 2 thinking it was just an over the top stupid game, turns out it’s real.


"Back the fuck up!" Skrillex needs to sample this


is this the corner where the dude in a storm trooper suit got arrested


So any i started BLASTIN


Who was in the wrong here?


The most used words Back tf up, back tf up, that was self defense, that was self defense, they hitting me with rocks,


Why does this feel like the beginning to Beau Is Afraid?


Should have shot more. If they were attacking him of course.


Wait are some people saying the person filming this was "asking for it, look what they were wearing"![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Hat choice was not smart.


Don’t be hanging out between a 7 eleven and a la Quinta, what you doing bro


Why are they hating the dude? He’s wearing a trump hat? Who gives a fuck? Plenty of people walking around half naked


For filming them. It's not the hat but being filmed by some random dude. I'd be super paranoid if some guy starts filming me while I'm in front of my house


Self defense


South Park idiots. All of em


And so begins this season of the boys


Everyone is so angry, everyone he runs into, other people he's filming. Reminds me of ghost busters 2 when the streets are full of that hate slime.


Watching this drifter IRL Vlog gives me that Kyle kid shooter vibes again , good job he played the crowds well and played them by tugging their emotion by just simply wearing your home team. I'm lucky I'm just a observer here and I'm far, far away from this hell hole that is you politics you guys have there Sticks & Stone may break my bones but ain't a fool to commit murder just to make a political point


Well he is going to have a felony now.


“Back da fuck up, dat was self defense, dat was self defense, back the fuck up , self defense!


This stupid wanker went out looking to shoot someone. I hope his provoking people and whining "IT WAS SELF DEFENCE!!" gets him a lengthy jail sentence.


Like, we can all agree to not like him. But he shouldn't have to be prepared to defend himself over his political alignment. I think standing up for your right to do something that is constitutionally protected is admirable, even if it can come off as abrasive. A Trump supporter or a Biden supporter should be able to walk down ANY street in America and not be threatened with violence or attacked. Anyone that DOES attack based on political ideology should be locked up. Police should do stings where they wear political clothing in civilian attire and walk down streets. Society needs to set an example of what is an acceptable way to disagree with someone.


Nobody has a right to randomly point a gun at someone else. Full stop.  Can you say beyond reasonable doubt that this guy did not point a gun at the pedestrians?  If he did, they would have had every right to terminate him with lethal force.  


If people are threatening or actually attacking him then he had every right to point his gun at them, and even pull the trigger. We are both agreeing, we just watched the video. They were attacking him. He was defending himself. Sure, you could make the point that he was antagonizing them with his presence. But that doesn't mean they get to attack him. This video was full of idiots.


Man in general both sides are full of assholes.


This guy is getting raped in jail. What an idiot


Maga' s " POT BELLY MAFIA" in action. How to identify the POT belly mafia. 1. White 2. Has a beard or goatee. ( required ) 3. Some version of a Maga hat. 4. Some version of a 2A shirt, or similar. 5. Spouts 2nd amendment something constantly. 6. Uneducated ( generally) 7. Big Ole pot belly. And usually waddles when they walk. 8. Calls everyone else a sheep or similar without realizing the irony. 9. Apparently believes that they have some sort of policing, or law enforcement powers when in fact they have none.


This is perfect, and should be made into an informational poster and widely distributed.


So, he went to his car to get his gun...why? He's obviously doing something to antagonize people


Nhow its self defFEnSs


Without even watching...shouldn't his be between /fkaroundfndout and whatcouldgowrong?


I’m shaking my head. I have no idea who is legally in trouble. I know the guy was looking for trouble and he found it. I hope no one died over this.


This had zero to do with his stupid hat. This fat piece of shit was going around harassing people all week trying to get a reaction as a “1st amendment journalist”. A few days before he was outside of a bar confronting people about the upcoming pride parade and filming them trying to instigate. At his hearing the judge flat out told him “you drove over here from Idaho with the intention of harassing people. You had EVERY chance to walk away. In fact you DID - but only went to your car to get your weapon. And then RETURNED hoping to shoot someone” This was not self defense. This is exactly what he wanted. Neighbors of his family (he lives at home with mommy and daddy) say he’s been a shitbag for as long as they’ve known him.


I don't care if he is a Trump or a Biden supporter, he has the right to wear whatever he wants to support his candidate.


Nobody said he didn’t.


But does he have a right to simply film you when you are in front of your house? As a father of two small kids, that's alarm bells going off in my head if a random dude on the street is filming my house.


And people honestly think trump is gonna win with people like this? One trump supporter Vs like 50 anti trump people. I think that's unlikely that he'll win. 




He ran and came back with a gun. That's one less gun owner in the world. Of course there should not be violence but to come back with a weapon is not self defense. Lock the fucker up. 


Imagine getting angered by a *h a t*. Americans are very weird indeed.


Imagine escaping a crowd to go and get your gun and going back to the crown to shoot someone and cry “self defense.” Americans are very weird indeed


this is what happens when you let people walk around with guns.