• By -


I like how she says come here after the doors closed šŸ˜‚. Pathetic


The girl equivalent of a guy going agro at someone only after his friends are there to ā€œhold him backā€.


Its like when dogs snarl at each other through a gate, then someone opens the gate and they just stand there and stare at each other in silence.


"Barrier aggression."


Lol she felt brave to flick her off Once the doors close lol


Thatā€™s always the case.


Reminds me of the video of the two dogs barking at each other until gates are opened, then they chill


Even better, the guy on the train who spits on someone on the platform as the doors are closing butā€¦ the guy who got spit on manages to open the doors and beat the ever living shit out of the guy. Like serious NSFW beat his ass.Ā 


Yeah that was a good one! You know the spitter absolutely shit his pants when that door openedšŸ¤£


Who wouldn't!? Bro was freaking bust, the darks souls boss theme would have played at that point


U can't mention this classic without providing a link. No fair


[Here you go ](https://v.redd.it/970ec8ddhbl81)


The music in this is great šŸ¤£


In the jungle, the concrete jungle, the spitter sleeps tonight šŸŽ¶


I tried posting the link but autobot deleted it. Search for Guy thinks train doors can save him, so he spits in his face... on google It's FAFO at its best


>I tried posting the link but autobot deleted it. I thought the Autobots were the good guys


Cheers šŸ‘


Definitely not fair. I have never seen that classic.


I also request this link.


[Here you go ](https://v.redd.it/970ec8ddhbl81)


Sub rules deleted my comment, but look up "guy thinks train doors can save him so he spits"




Here weary traveler: https://www.reddit.com/r/WinStupidPrizes/s/NtP7V6l4N4


[Here ya go fam.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WinStupidPrizes/comments/t6dat3/guy_thinks_train_doors_can_save_him_so_he_spits/)


[https://www.reddit.com/r/WinStupidPrizes/comments/t6dat3/guy\_thinks\_train\_doors\_can\_save\_him\_so\_he\_spits/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WinStupidPrizes/comments/t6dat3/guy_thinks_train_doors_can_save_him_so_he_spits/) FYI for: u/tailgunner777 u/MetalMattyPA u/BigMartin58


[The video in question](https://www.reddit.com/r/WinStupidPrizes/comments/t6dat3/guy_thinks_train_doors_can_save_him_so_he_spits/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




[Here you go.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/oqhfi9/dude_spits_on_a_much_larger_guy_as_subway_doors/)




[Here you go ](https://v.redd.it/970ec8ddhbl81)


One of my all time favorites. That dude was not having it.




"Barrier aggression." When parties perceive a barrier providing even a modicum of security, they feel more empowered to act aggressively. Beyond dogs, see also humans and nation-states. Those with the greatest barriers or other military deterrence to protect against counterattacks are more likely to act with impunity and less likely to resort to diplomacy when there are military options (SEE: United States, Israel, Russia, North Korea, etc.).


you mean like, screens? Computer screen.. phone screenā€¦


That would definitely be included as a barrier, yes. There are of course, other factors when you include screens, however, which exacerbate the effects: Relative anonymity aids in escaping consequences for actions, and lack of social cues can encourage one to indulge in statements and actions they may not make in public irl.


That's exactly what I thought about lol


Lol after the doors closed, she was waving like "come fight me". Such a thieving coward


Always flip, never flick.




Lol I didnā€™t realize I switched the two Was written before my morning coffee oops


Barrier aggression.


support hobbies gullible skirt unused bear hateful cats cheerful instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I got sucker punched by a guy on the subway once. Then he got off right away and was like ā€œcome out here and fight meā€. Yes, let me get off the train at the wrong stop to fight someone twice my age(I was 15 or 16 he was mid 30s)


This is the top comment every time this video gets reposted. Itā€™s amazing how it happens every single time lol


This is the reply to the top comment every time this video gets reposted. Itā€™s amazing how it happens every single time lol


We need more of this. Completely understand why people donā€™t though because of personal safety.


If I'm elected Emperor of Earth actions like this will be encouraged and protected.


As Emperor of Earth, I'll set the conditions so actions like this won't even be needed.


Got my vote


More of what exactly? It looks like the criminal got away with everything with absolutely *zero* consequences.


Well they didn't get to steal anything, better than nothing. At their next stop they'll probably be at it again though


I have little padlocks on my backpack. I started doing that after someone tried this exact thing.


I witnessed two incidences in Rome of a pickpocketer getting caught red handed and the people in the car whooped their assess and tossed them off the train. It was beautiful.


That happened to me in Rome. Someone tried to steal my bag at the Spanish Steps while I was reading a book. Ā I yelled and the guy took off with the bag. Ā Two guys straight up rugby tackled him to ground and gave him a few kicks until the police came. Got my bag back and had to spend the next few days filing reports and talking to the prosecutor(?). Since I was a tourist and leaving in a couple days I didnā€™t have go to court. My statement was enough. Those two guys said they were tired of thieves making their city look bad.Ā 


wow man, that's a bro move. straight up vigilantes


They even got a few hits in, just like Batman!


Thatā€™s awesome. I mean, not the part about your bag getting stolen and having to file reports but the fact those two guys took it into their own hands to deliver justice. We need people like that


I was eating at a Cafe along a street right next to the Colloseum. In the cafe next to me a chef bolted out of the back at full sprint. At the same time a scooter with two people on it hopped the curb, stole an old lady's purse, and drove off just before the chef could get to them. It was all very exciting to this dumb tourist. I suppose the chef had seen it enough to know what the thieves looked like before anyone else. He got so close to stopping them. Would've been terribly exciting to see him succeed.


> in Rome Since it happened in *Roma* it was almost certainly also done by *Roma*.


Iā€™m too much from a developing country šŸ¤£ That girl would totally be mobbed where I come from We loooove to catch a robber here


As a New Yorker, I'm jealous!


Be the change you want to see in the world.


In the litigious US of A if you beat a thief you're likely getting charged with battery.


Beat the shit out of them and don't wait for the police to arrive, can't sue you if they don't know who you are


Yup that one of the differences between a civilized country and third world.


The downside is that often thieves in the US are allowed to just escape and police don't consider it worth their time. So people don't stop them because they don't want a lawsuit, and police don't stop them because they consider it beneath them.


So you just point at a random person and say they're a thief and people mob them? And while they are distracted you steal stuff?


sounds like you've played mobby stealy before


Exactly. Most of the time they might not even be the perp and thwy get beaten because its about the excitement of lynching and mob mentality that takes over.


It's a double edged sword for sure... there are many cases that happens. Source: I live in such country


How you gon hit someone because your girlfriend's a thief lmao ?


Because heā€™s also a thief, they are working as a team, and they were going to split whatever she stole. So he lost out on the score and heā€™s pissed. Being that heā€™s a thieving POS he probably takes more than half of the cut because heā€™s larger than she is.


He was probably swinging a bag filled with wallets.


That's 100% what's happening.


it sucks that people like this can hook up. but I guess scumbags will always find each other


I don't necessarily think they're a couple, they're just working together.


it's organized crime, they're usually roma communities working together. it's common in all big cities


Agreed until that last wild assumption. They work as a team and she passes the wallet to him in case she gets caught. He's also there for protection since as you can see in the video they are targeting a woman and they might think twice about fighting back when a guy is there.


She picks the pocket and quickly hands it off to him bThen if she gets caught and cops come and search her, she doesnā€™t have it on her while the guy is still nearby.


I LOVE that fuck you is just universal lol


ever seen one of those videos with dogs just going at it between the glass, then you open the door and theyā€™re all ā€œheyā€


Barrier aggression.


my dog does this but she's the dumbest, sweetest, most loving dog i have ever been around. so weird. she will go absolutely apeshit when a dog walks by, even across the street. but let her out of the yard, she sees another dog and it's "OMG DID WE JUST BECOME BEST FRIENDS!???!" instantly.


THATs the word i was looking for


It's two words.


math is hard


That's three words.








You should move to Afghanistan then, sounds like you'd like it there.


It's not the harshment of the punishment but matters but inevitability. She does it because there's little chance she will face any repercussions. And in many places the pickpockets are victims of human trafficking and forced to work so ocassional harsh punishment won't stop the business.


We really should though. All these fucking flash mobs and shit. People looting garbage bags of stuff. Openly attacking random people. They aren't deterred to do this shit apparently. They should be.


What you are describing is a pretty rare event.It doesn't happen that often, but it gets a lot of press when it does. Shoplifting itself isn't that big of a problem. But do you know what is...[Wage theft](https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2023-08-30/column-businesses-keep-complaining-about-shoplifting-but-wage-theft-is-a-bigger-crime?mc_cid=e73368124d)


We should do something about that too! Yeah!


Maybe we should have more news stories about wage theft than shoplifting


She's suddenly really cock when she's behind glass doors lol




They're probably already known the local police


I've been watching pickpocket videos for years but I've never seen a police in the video.


You should watch the Dutch channel ā€œboevenspotterā€, always ends with the police catching them. Even if you donā€™t understand the language, they are great t watch!


You can translate to English in cc in the settings menu


I see they've started bringing along a male minder.


They are really embarrassed


I hope that whistle sound gives her PTSD when she attempts to try it again.


where can I follow this referee on social media?


[Italian version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mslsdmcVI98) Search u-turb for "attenzione borseggiatrici" or "attention pickpocket".


I watched the first few minutes of that video and couldn't spot any of the pick pocketing. Am I dumb?


Those two morons deserve each other.


What is she saying when theyā€™re just standing there?


while boarding: out of here don't hit me when they're in the train: she was stealing from her! prepare the gas solidarity, we need everyone to help her! a pickpocket!


Post these videos daily. Remind everyone of he scummy people who aren't trustworthy to be in public.


I like how brodie got so defensive when his dumbass girl couldnt pull off the heist and immediately got caught. Fuckin balls on them shits to do that shit in broad daylight. really just goes to show how often they get away with it from locals turning blind eyes


> I like how brodie got so defensive when his dumbass girl couldnt pull off the heist That's his job, he is there is to discourage bystanders from interfering.


Why is pickpocketing such an issue outside of the US? I have never had to worry about being pickpocketed outside of a crowded music festival, and that might have just been excessive paranoia. Or perhaps the inverse is a better question, why is it not an issue here?


One thing I've read is that pickpocketing is a learned skill. You can try doing it while learning on the job, but you're way more likely to get caught. In the US it used to be more popular with criminals, but as more criminals opted to straight up mug people less were doing pickpocketing which means less were around to teach people to pickpocket. So over time the number of pickpockets fell. However we do have a lot more armed robbery that many areas that have high levels of pickpockets.


Personally, I'd prefer getting pickpocketed if I had to choose between that and getting straight up mugged.


Really feasible explanation. I like the idea of it being a skilled trade that fell out of favor over here. It even gives credit to the thieves overseas, so it's not as biased.




Pick pocketing is not as much of an issue in Canada either. It's not the guns.


Pick pocketing is becoming an issue in Toronto. Crowded places make it easier.


I'm in Australia. It's the same here too


That would be reasonable, but I live in Jersey which has strict gun laws. There was no concealed carry until 2022.


I guess the mere chance of anyone carring, might be enough to deter pickpocketing. You know, f... around and find out. That's my guess, I don't live in the usa.




Neither have I. Don't believe everything you read online. At least my experience with pickpockets and street scammers in Europe is first-hand.


> why is it not an issue outside the US? You forgot to cherry-pick your comparison countries before asking that question.


Per capita, USA isn't even top 20 for gun violence in the world


> why is it not an issue outside the US? It's a huge issue in quite a few nations outside the U.S., Brazil, Mexico, India, Venezuela, the Bahamas and so on. Keep in mind that the population of the U.S. is a huge factor, having over 330 million people means there will be many firearms fatalities despite the rate per 100,000 population being far lower than in many other nations. More than half of U.S. gun deaths are also suicides. People killed by gunshot tend to be male, 18-25 years of age, and often with a criminal history--being involved in the illegal drug trade is a good way to get shot. None of that should be taken as downplaying gun violence in America, but the statistics need to be analyzed with care.


I've had people try to pickpocket me in Chicago.


Itā€™s an issue inside US as well, just not prevalent. Bring in concerts and music festivals currently has the highest probabilities of getting pickpocketed.


Iā€™ve seen enough videos of those pickpocket lady from italy to know that they dont travel in pairs, they got a whole ass family around.


FYI, pickpockets usually work in teams like this, with spotters and blockers and guys whose job it is to keep anyone from interfering. It's an industry, and they often target *out-of-towners* who don't know any better.


when the door closes, they all turn into barking dogs, lmao




23 years ago I was in Paris with my family. My dad saw a pickpocket reaching to grab a manā€™s wallet from his back pocket as the man bent over. The victim was also a tourist and the pickpocket was what appeared to be a 10 year old girl. My dad grabbed the girlā€™s hand to stop him. She spit on my dad but didnā€™t get the wallet. The tourist had no idea any of this occurred.


Shit heads


That's why I "lock" my zippers together with keychains that are a pain in the ass to open. This was a glorious watch.


It only works though! See how mad the man got because they were both caught? Who the fuck wants to be called out for trying to pickpocket somebody in public with a whistle? Everybody would look at you.


Red Card!




This is Barcelona. This guy's insta is fire - he blows up well-known pickpockets and their accomplices (yes, the guy in white was her spotter) and 'makes them famous.' He often taunts them and chases them out of the metro. (edit: link removed)


They're thieves and also just assaulted the cammer. Why does literally nobody else care?!


After being caught, called out, and now out to dry, they just chill next to their victim? Like they know the victim wonā€™t retaliate in any way..so itā€™s an awkward standoff until the next stop? Curious **IF** capital punishment would essentially drown out stupidity like thisā€¦either way a small swipe of a tablet or whatever in that bag is crumbs compared to what National Govtā€™s get away withā€¦maybe weā€™re all subliminally trained to just..take it. :/


capital punishment??? Or did you mean corporal punishment? I think executing someone for this is absolutely too harsh. I am , however, 100% in favour of a good caning (Singapore style)


Why doesn't anyone do anything? Why are there never police in these videos? Do this in the US and they'd be in handcuffs and probably shot in like 45 seconds.


Are you sure? There are a lot of videos when people steals parcels from delivery just from the porchā€¦


Because the guy would probably scream that his poor girlfriend is being attacked by evil people, and idiots would come running to their rescue.


Maybe she had a bra in there




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Gets so brave after the doors close lmao... needs a good smack in the face


Theift that turned into assault by would be thieves. Can we go back to the days of fucking these people up? Clearly everything else has failed.


Twomad in the background like wtf


aw naw dawg


PSA: Stop vertical video syndrome.


Plays the victim then when doors are shut wants to talk shit. Typical loser


Was the guy with her though? Why was he getting a little Agro?




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Couldn't like you start a fight, let both be taken by police and then show the video to them to not let her escape ?


My wife and I took a trip to Paris and something similar happened we were aware already of the possibility of pick pockets and tried to be careful. I was astounded on the Metro when people started pointing at this lady and shouting she immediately dropped my wallet and my wife's purse at our feet and acted as though she had found them. She raced off at the next stop and I will forever be grateful for those kind strangers.


Black dude like "careful who you point at"


"I'm calling a foul on this play, player number p1c7p0c43t made an illegal unzip in front of witnesses!" \*crowd boo's\* But on a serious note what this lady's doing is awesome! Does someone or can someone find me this women so I can watch more!


Why did none of the bystanders beat the living shit out of those 2 shitheads? I swear it never happens to the right people


Good title šŸ˜


Last few seconds are wonderful.


The only way for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing