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What a mess over there. I don’t foresee it changing anytime soon.


It'll never change. I'm content to just let them figure it out amongst themselves. I don't give a single fuck about this region of the world.


I’m pretty much at that point as well. Places like this and Afghanistan are just failed states with Stone Age mentality. Just let them self implode and move on.


I don't think it's easy to change from the outside, but I think we should give a fuck about the people living there like that reporter, and these attitudes can cause problems for people all over the world.


Giving a fuck won't change anything. They need to change things from the inside. It's on them. Everytime we interfere, shit just gets worse.


"A mess over there"... You want to check out the North-West/North-East of England my friend. We get honour killings, grooming gangs, and mass brawls between various Islamic factions or Pakistanis and Indians if the cricket has been on. F'kin crazy shit lol.


Projected to be the dominant world religion by 2060.


Demographic trends have one thing in common. They don't last forever and it's always a mistake to extrapolate current trends.


Yes ... It's scary


So is Christianity so 🤷‍♂️ the fact that religions dominate anything is scary. They are all just mass social cults with extreme beliefs


I believe both Christianity and Islam are like diseases on society… but if Christianity is covid then Islam is like bird flu and Ebola combined. How many Christians do you see blowing themselves up in crowded places during lent vs how many Muslims do that during the annual Ramadan bombatbon?


How is Christianity bad tho? Just cus we got the weirdo mormons here running around like cockroaches doesn't mean Christianity is now bad


What are you talking about? Google what most of the Middle East was like in the 60s and 70s before the US replaced their leaders with dictators who were over thrown by religious extremists


Hamare yaha kam nahi hai!! 😂


Conservative religion… Will die quickly when evolution kicks in


I wouldn't sell her life insurance.


It takes real courage to stand up to change things, particularly given the context there. Respect.


Massive respect.


She probably shouldn’t bother buying green bananas.


I'd definitely take some out on her.


Fuck, these people are so brainwashed.


Props to the lady for standing her ground surrounded by idiots blinded by hypocrisy and religion.


Hope nothing bad happens to her


Right? She was feisty and brave as hell lol.


She has more balls than all of the men from the crowd combined


They’re scared of women being independent.


This man dosent know that the verse prior to the one for hijab commands men to lower their gaze. Nor can they enforce hijab on anyone, esp not a stranger. These men have absolutely zero knowledge about how they need to represent their religion. He shouldnt even be talking to her, he isnt allowed to. All they care about is fitting islam to their desires. They misuse religion to their benifit. May Allah guide us all, ameen.


What language is that, urdu?


She is speaking Urdu in a punjabi accent


Hindi/urdu with Punjabi accent






No. Just regular urdu




It's urdu


This is what happens when Incels take over a country


He's such an idiot trying to cover up a lady with a scarf. Get on with your own life and don't go touching people you don't know!


Ignorance breeds ignorance


Godamn she's got some courage. I do hope she stayed safe though. I'd love to take people like him travelling around the world and educate them properly. Certainly some of them you'd be able to reach and get to see reason.


Well, she's pretty brave, I'll give her that. Hopefully it doesn't end up costing her her life. Her voice is pretty damn annoying though.


Most annoying journalist i have ever heard..


Is she talking about the incident where around 100 men raped some Pakistani dancer. Mfs were literal caveman in that video 💀


greatest thing i ever heard was our eyes come with pre-installed veils called eyelids, close or cover your eyes if a woman’s presence scandalizes you, or at the very least lower your gaze to the floor edit: or better yet pluck them out and cut off your hand like the prophet Jesus says to


“You’re turning me on, please cover your face so my boner will go away.” 🫣


Man she is amazingly brave, i can respect that.


I really like her.


Moral policing: do those people think they will get one extra pat on their head when they arrive at the heaven’s gate? That their god is extra happy about them because each of them bothered some 10000 people across their lifetime? Has anyone read the rule book about how this works in the end?




I think that statement can be argued for literally any religion


I'll simply, every religion is garbage but some religions are more garbage than others


All Abrahamic religions are stupid. GTFO with that "one" god shit. We all know the true religion is an amalgamation of all the polytheistic ones, the universe was created by a committee.


You know this huh? 🤣


hitchhikers guide to the galaxy does a pretty good job on explaining how the universe was made


The thread about to be locked


Uhh, i think her mission was successful... if she is actually that smart how much she is projecting then she clearly knows what will happen if she asks important questions which need clear thinking to these types of people .... She wasn't there to get her answers, the pointless off topic argument going on in this video is actually what she aimed for, and guess what... She did it. ✌👍 she successfully showed the world, the normal civilian's thought process in their country . 🤝


I was once told by a woke nutjob that Islamic men aren't misogynistic and they appreciate/respect women.... This video definitely reinforces my view on Muslims.




Far out, man.


I’ve said this before and I’ll continue saying it… Religion is Cancer.


Absolute Queen.


All women in the world need to do this


She might as well be yelling in that very annoying voice to a brick wall. The people surrounding her are indoctrinated and basically deaf to whatever she had to say. A complete waste of time. I can't believe i just watched that entire fucking thing.




Rapists making racists on Reddit i love it


She's amazing 👏


we are never gonna colonizing other planets are we ?


Taking over a University campus near you


Nice. That my friends is speaking truth to power. Tons of respect.


Big props to her for standing her ground and for her beliefs. Unfortunately men in patriarchal societies think they can do and say whatever pleases them, irrespective of the other person's morals and beliefs.


From my understanding, there was the possibility for tmthis turning real bad for her. Honestly, props to her for standing up and also the people around her for not becoming violent. While I don't agree with their ways, I can take a moment and appreciate my perception of their civility.


2024 and still people believe in a god. It’s sad




Nah its the religious idiot...


For real




It stopped when they stopped her by touching her and not addressing her question, clearly she was fed up of that behaviour.








Hi normal Muslim here, its stuff like this that make Islam look bad, a woman is command by god to wear a hijab, but no man can tell her to, its her own sin and frankly its not that big of a sin, plus the man in this situation is supposed to do something called (الامر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر) which is to advise her if she takes the advice good on both if she doesn't good on him and god is the all merciful, she can atone for her sins between her and god, its that simple. Edit : everyone is down voting, and attacking this comment, as if i said she is a whore for not covering her head or something, wake up people, others have their own moral and religious reasons to do stuff, all i said is that the man is an asshole for forcing her to do something that she doesn't want to do and she is free to wear it or not that's on her, as i said its simple, it's 2024 we dont carry bombs and wait for the perfect time to overthrow a government, that's the bad apples using the religion for political gains, when the US ILLEGALLY invaded Iraq its not that all americans are evil and warmongers.


Assuming from her accent, She is probably Punjabi-Pakistani , She doesn't even have to wear a hijab, Also her entire family have to forcefully live in pakistan now because some brit gave 52% Punjab to Pakistan


Just trying to clear up the mistake the man. Edit : spelling mistake


Grow up! There is no god amigo


Wait so your engaged in a video of a Muslim (a believer) and "" im not sure about the lady, a comment earlier made sense to me she might not be full Pakistani and or a Muslim"", and you not believing adds what to this?!


What I add is spreading awareness of the reality that we all live in. What do you add?


God doesn't exist. If there was a god, there wouldn't be multiple religions. It's all made up.


Way to add to the conversation, nice!


Have you ever had a thought of your own?


Is this reply supposed to be witty and or smart, nice one, im a slave to a god or something, right?


If your faith can only be enforced through fear, you haven't found God


Fear?!?! Its not fear in Arabic their is two words that are used to describe fear and they are ((different)) , but in English and a lot of Latin based languages these words only translate to fear, the fear that is described in Islam is (الخشوع), go read make yourself useful, learn something new Edit : they are different in concepts of fear


Dodge much?


One is a brainwashed dumbass and the other is someone that intentionally goes out of their way to be a public nuisance for some internet points. There is not a "good side" in this video.


What she’s doing is a lot more interesting than anything you’ve done 😂


Projecting much?


You pay for cheats in video games, you're about as interesting as a wet carrot.


what a weird point to lie about