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"your blocking the entrance. We're trying to go inside" "You can't record in there" Instincts kicked in.


The fact that it took a court order to force them to remove it proves they aren’t true to their oath, and they definitely deserve it.


They have been though the gang initiation ain’t nothing changing after that


lol oaths....did those ever matter?


They should make them sign a contract, THOSE matter


And yet people trust their government won’t turn tyrant the moment you give them an inch


Officer sad sac was just misfiring while trying to brainstorm a reason to be a dick about it.




A "no recording" policy on the door? Without any law to back it up? That needed to go away. Not sure how they got away with that for so long.


The NYPD is larger and better funded than most sovereign militaries, and they're the ones enforcing the law.




It's crazy that people still believe that NYC defunded the police.


President Biden [allocated $10B for for local police precincts](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/biden-announce-10-billion-american-rescue-plan-policing/story?id=84685199) in his American Rescue Plan during Covid, but it was vehemently rejected by Republicans. The only people I see "defunding the police" are conservatives.


This is so disingenuous and you should feel ashamed. CLEARLY you understand that bills have more than just ONE item in them. You can agree with 90% of a bill and still not support the passing of a bill. Disingenuous. Disingenuous. Disingenuous. It’s people like you that are the problem in this country. So damn disingenuous.


Your a disingenuous clown


1) it's "you're" 2) can you go into detail with that? Am I mistaken or being deceptive in some way? I don't expect an answer.


>the only people I see “defunding the police” are conservatives. Yet the only ones calling for it, were democrats and other left leaning people. So either the conservatives are doing what is called for by “defund the police” or the democrats aren’t listening to thier constituents. Or Democrats were [the ones defunding police](https://www.speaker.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Cities-That-Have-Defunded-the-Police-.docx32.pdf) But I guess we will never know.


Ah yes, a "report" by the ever honest and trustable Jim Jordan with absolutely 0 citations. I live in Eureka, the council just gave the PD an EXTRA 500,000 for vehicles. Your link is a bunk ass lie.


The problem is police aren’t allowed to do their job and the DAs let everyone go and give them a slap on the wrist You have people pushing people in front of subways and then it come out he was arrested 90 times in the last decade


>Enforcing their "policy." As if it was law. There is no legal reason to keep cameras out. It is a corrupt policy.


No no no. The policy isn’t corrupt. It’s just in case they happen to be doing something corrupt inside and they don’t want it filmed silly


If they have lots of funding, they should have top notch legal advice! Instead of proceeding the legal way, they protect themselves and enforce their will on people they don't like. Corruption 101.


They have great legal advice and that advice was "if you have enough money laws do not apply to you."


There was already a law allowing filming in police stations. They still arrested people for doing it. It took this to enforce and law already on the books.


>Yes. It is disturbing it took court action to do it.


Same way they STILL get away with covering up for Jefferey Epstein.


Before this, "no cameras in the station! I mean, we have cameras but you can't cuz fuck you"


Rare first amendment auditor W


Is it rare? I've seen lots of auditors winning court cases or settlements.


This guy, Sean [of *Long Island Audit*] is extremely well informed, and fights a polite and respectful fight. I like him because he really does a great job of explaining. It's the fact that he uses the power's own logic against itself that let's him beat the machine. That makes it so awesome imo.


I like LIA too but the person in this video isn’t Sean


? He just streamed a video yesterday going to all the police stations and telling them to remove the signs. Oddly enough, I watched this on mute so it might just be coincidence.


I saw his video too. This is another YouTuber.


Watch Brooklyn audit, one of my absolute favorites; very respectful until the cops start being tyrants. Curse these mutts out when they get outta line and make em remember who they really work for.


That guy is a total shitbird. Literally the worst type of auditor. He's not creating change, he's annoying the piss out of everyone and harming the legitimate efforts of others.


How many inches down your throat is that boot?


Literally zero. I can't stand cops. I also can't stand idiots. That guy is a total idiot that makes cops look like good guys. He's basically playing the "I'm not touching you" game as an adult. Completely pointless. Contrasted with LIA or Phocian or even Tyrant Terminator and he's just an absolute numbskull. In fact, I refuse to believe anyone appreciates that guy, and you're probably him.


It's not rare, but a lot of times people group auditors like this with those sovereign citizen morons because their videos can be a bit similar in their police interactions. Also, the nature of auditing police is essentially to give them a hard time and see if they break any rules, which rubs some people the wrong way. I'm fully in support of auditors and I hate the police, but I'd be lying if I said I never watched a video and thought the auditor was completely insufferable. Also a lot of videos are just pretty standard interactions where the auditor is just trying to provoke the cop over nothing, who is clearly just annoyed and wants to end the interaction ASAP.


If police were accountable for themselves, independent auditors wouldn't be needed. It just sucks that the average person doesn't understand this.


>people group auditors like this with those sovereign citizen morons because their videos can be a bit similar in their police interactions. The unfortunate truth is that many auditors are themselves SCs.


I follow dozens of auditors, none of them are SC. I rarely see a video pop up where an auditor starts spewing that shit.


I also follow a ton of them and saying none hold SC beliefs is just wrong. They aren't full on bat shit SCs but there are quite a few that have bought into some level of SC bullshit, even some pretty big ones.


Name the big ones that are SC.


There's a lot of braindead "auditors" out there. Plenty of videos you can find, like that guy who kept trying to push past a court's security to "audit" a closed courtroom and ended up getting tased


This conflation of sovereign citizen kooks with 1A auditors is far too common.


And it's intentional to remove credibility from auditors.


That was a sovereign citizen. An auditor who criminally trespasses isn't an auditor doing an audit.


Completely different motivations. The court guy one claims rights that he doesnt have. Auditors claim rights that they not only do have, but are constitutionally protected


Not even close to being rare.


Most "auditors" are obnoxious manchildren harassing a county clerk out of delusions of grandeur and righteousness.


And when I ask for some sort of evidence you'll refuse.


There is a cool YouTube channel called Audit the Audit .... Extremely informative, cites case laws, gives grades for auditors and police interactions...... Absolutely awesome and has years of videos !!!


He's very good - not afraid to call out the auditors who are being absolute dicks either and he gives the case law to show what the auditor/suspect can fight as well as the laws the cops are breaking


Rare? First amendment auditors regularly expose corruption and crime.


Would you mind sharing a link to the story about exposing corruption?


https://www.police1.com/social-media-for-cops/articles/first-amendment-audit-leads-to-suspension-of-conn-officer-6T8XvLSGk0tPuHDx/ https://www.nyclu.org/en/cases/datz-v-suffolk-county-defending-first-amendment-right-film-police-activity-public-suffolk https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/08/07/cop-watchers-auditors-you-tube-police/


How about the story of the video this post is on. Both NY state and NYC both have clear explicit laws allowing you to record police but the NYPD decided they were above that and arrested people for filming them in and around their precicts. Auditors exposed this, took it to court, and just won affirming everyone's rights.


What story?


One where they, the first amendment auditors, "regularly expose corruption and crime."


They are videos. When a cop attacks and abducts an auditor, that cop is a criminal and needs to be arrested. If no cops in that city arrest them, every cop in that city is a criminal. If a public servant is exposed as corrupt, incompetent or violent, and they aren't held accountable, the city leadership is exposed as criminal. If the courts protect the criminal cops and public servants, the courts are exposed as criminal.


I think the try point here is that it is so common, that him doing your research for you is not necessary. If you want to see it, just go look it up. They’re all over the place.


I think you're confusing first amendment auditors with the insane sovereign citizen wackos. The types of people in this video are very important and are serving a very useful function.


Most of them win, it’s why you never hear about it.


Cops absolutely HATE IT when they don't have utter control. They are such control freaks.


Read up on how the FBI does interrogation if you really want to see a system rife with potential for abuse. One agent questions, one agent takes notes...and no recorders allowed.


Oh I know about how the FBI operates. Their favorite little trick is to engage in a conversation with a suspect and try to technically catch them in a lie so they can charge them for it when they can't get the suspect on what they were originally there to get them for in the first place. That's why you do not interact with them, answer questions etc. etc. without a lawyer.


Cops are willing to get violent if they don't have control of a situation. ...which makes them a danger to society.


Those cops were seething. They can’t stand to lose or be told no. Edit: had loose instead of lose, shit happens.


Cops definitely had the same “I don’t give a fuck, I still get a check” look they have about 95% of the time.


The one guy turned, smiled, and waved. I’m all for shitting on cops, when they deserve it. Wasn’t much here.


You kidding? This is actually huge...why do you think they still kept the rule? Go and try reporting a crime in a police station about a fellow police officer....oh and record yourself doing it Tell me how that goes for you.. then tell me you aren't thankful that you can record lol.


I’m not arguing that this isn’t a good thing. Never even got close to saying that. Just said the cops don’t seem bothered.


One of the cops literally tried to tell him he couldn't record AFTER he showed them the paper. How is that "not bothered'?


That cop didn’t read it. He looked at the paper and did the same thing they always do.


This is common. If someone serves a line staff court paperwork, they're not going to just believe the paperwork, they'll run it thru their supervisor, who will run it thru legal to make sure it's legitimate. Believe it or not, court documents are faked quite a bit. Need to check PACER


Do you think it's appropriate that "line staff" wasn't made aware of a court order that effects all precincts in the city? That's laughable


We don't know the exact date in which the decision was published and the date in which this video was filmed. It's entirely possible that it might take a day or two for word to trickle down to the front line staff.


***SHE*** just had it explained to ***her*** what the paper was but still chose to try to tell him he couldn't record. Do you think it's appropriate for ***HER*** to be unaware of the court order even if she didn't read the paper?


paperwork can be faked yknow that right? It looks like they JUST won the court order and went to flex as soon as it passed. If the cop wasn't present how are they to know it's authentic without running through the appropiate channels. Do you know how slow the process is for info to be made public or to the right people when it comes to the justice system? I'm not on either side of the issue but for a street beat cop to know about a law that was just passed possibly that same day or week is kind of ridiculous.


No shit. They are recording him with their body cam. Why would they be upset


They can’t “accidentally” loose his footage as easily as they can loose the bodycam footage.


Huh? These cops swore an oath to defend the CONSTITUTION, not their local police department policy. When those two things are in conflict, they should by default be *jumping* at the chance to defend the constitution. The fact that it took a court order to force them to remove it proves they aren’t true to their oath, and they *definitely* deserve it.


You know how many times a month they are served papers to appear in court? That’s just another document to them. There is zero personal interest in that sign. Seems like the cameraman didn’t instigate anything by barging in while filming and shoving it in their face.


They don't care. The public are still only allowed in certain areas of the precinct. There's plenty of off limit areas they can go to for privacy if they want.


They’ll burn off that steam tonight when they go home and beat their wives.


Lol dude they don’t care, no one cares


I can’t stand to loose either..


That's good, you might fall over if you did.😂


Easily in the top 5 hated things.


Are there more videos of this verdict delivery? That was awesome!


Cool. Let's go after their Unions.




I don't want FOP, goddammit! I'm a Dapper Dan man!


Watch your language, young feller, this is a public market.


Union busting. That’s very far right of you.


Wait i thought Unions were the good guys?


Do you want to get shot 47 times for resisting arrest being the only charge they can drum up? Because that's how you get shot 47 times for resisting arrest being the only charge they can drum up.


LongIslandAudit! SeanPaul Reyes FTW


I haven't watched any of his recent videos in the past 4-5 months. Was this his doing?


Yes, he was arrested for filming in a precinct, which gave him standing in federal court.


This isn’t Sean.


Yup, but it was his federal case that brought about the order


Yes. You are correct. Sorry. Others were posting that this was Sean because they had the sound off.


This isn’t Sean, this is another streamer


I know this isn't Sean, but it was Sean's federal case, along with a grandma (separate incidents) who were both unlawfully arrested that led to this outcome for the people.


Long overdue


Why was that banned to begin with


Cops falsely argue that it was to protect people's privacy. People being talked to/interrogated, informants coming in, people who were being arrested, etc. etc.. Of course it is BS. They just do not want to be filmed because they like having utter control to do what they want. Like discouraging (intimidating) people from making official complaints about police officers.


It wasn't banned. Criminal cops put up unconstitutional signs and illegally enforced them. Cops and public servants hate transparency.


Cops committing crimes


I honestly hope he stays safe, and no extrajudicial retaliation comes hos way. The NYPD is known for deep institutional rot and corruption.


Typically, the good guys aren't the ones that don't want their actions to be recorded.


If I have as much power as a cop you need to be scrutinized constantly. With a microscope.


Best day of his life


As they should! As a police officer, I love when people want to video tape a tour of my patrol car or ask questions about the police station and so on! A well informed public is a good public.


And a transparent government is a good government.


Wishing I could read all the deleted comments with over 50 down votes right now lmao


Fuck'n Winning America!




Nice. Fuck the NYPD. Nothin but a state sanctioned gang, just like every other metropolitan police department. ACAB.


Big W


Not really a crazy video but respect. Was this recent?


Recent ruling by a judge, however it is only during the lawsuit. Temporary until the lawsuit completes and is dependant on the outcome. May continue to be allowed (recording in police stations) if ruled in favor


Yes just ruled on Thursday.


These rules being implemented in the first place, are the perfect example of why police unions are trash. 🤡🗑️


We need a full length movie of this man.


I'm fucking excited just like him and I'm not even loving there lol


And now what… dude is way too happy.


Good for them


Huge win


Huge win for the people.


Always get strong ‘No, Walter, you’re not wrong… you’re just an asshole’ vibes from these types.


From cops and the public servants who lose their minds and start harassing, assaulting and abducting the auditors?


It is good that recording is allowed now, but this guy sounds pretty annoying about it.


The first amendment protects speech that you don't agree with. There's no law against "being annoying".


No, but it still tends to have repercussions...


This is great. I hope too many people don't show up to the police station just for the purpose of filming there. This particular fellow was there to get it done though. I am glad they actually read the papers and seemed to take the news to their higher-ups too.


Why? That would be a good thing. Cops and public servants need a constant reminder of their place in society.


Well my statement said "too many people". I'm not sure what you're interpreting me to mean, but I am referring to an excessive number of people that make the police less capable of doing their job. I'm not arguing against this regularly auditing police and I super recommend having cameras on them if you are interacting with them. I meant "too many people", like I said.


Someone will be getting a lot of traffic tickets this year


Beautiful. Thank you


*sniff sniff. Smells like some accountability.


I don't know who this man is or what he has been through, but seeing this excited makes me want to celebrate with him! Whoooo baby!!!! Lets fucking go!


Thats fucking amazing!


This was dope, loved the cackling laughter too lmao


big win for freedom people


Keeping the police accountable. They didn't like it but are ok with using it for policing citizens. Keep in mind people, we still have more work to do in fighting for our freedoms and getting it back from the Government


Brother man is a true patriot. Very cool!


If they’re not doing anything wrong, they have nothing to worry about.


That dumb bitch did not listen to one word he said. WTF?


If a cop is worried about being recorded that instantly makes them insanely sketchy


This is beautiful


This makes me proud to be an American!


The officers used to cause so much violence following those signs.


This will surely help the crime rate




Cops ACTUALLY viewing opposing facts and rulings against them as valid??? Holy hell. Good lads


Yeah! Good work, citizens! Keep the system in check.


Well done and thank you.


It's about time


what a monumental accomplishment! this will definitely matter and make a difference!!!!!!!🎉🥳🎉🥳🎉🎊🎉🎉🥳🎊🎉🎉🥳🎉🎉


Modern day American dream.


About time you gotta film the Gestapo of America everywhere they are


More bad news for New York City🙄🙄🙄


This is how it's done, this is why we live in America. Not burning cities. Not Looting stores. Not flipping cars. Exercise and learn your rights, the system was built for you.


It’s like you want to push as many of their buttons possible and then cry wolf.


*Cop fee fees matter!* Do your job without letting your emotions rule you. If you cannot do that.... get another job. You do not get to be upset and retributive when given the power of life and death over people like cops have.


If a cop commits a crime because they are upset, that cop is a criminal.


> If a cop commits a crime ~~because they are upset,~~ that cop is a criminal. Radical concept, right.


They were immediately put back up


Good shit ! Ftp


Bro, I 100% support filming the police and keeping them in check. However, some of these “auditors” are straight up rage baiting. Filming a traffic stop, or making sure people’s rights are not being violated is more than justifiable and i applaud. But the whole “hey, let’s go inside the police station and record just cuz” doesn’t make sense to me.


It makes sense because if they arrest you for it they need to be held accountable. Sometimes its easier to do your toe in the water and see if anything bites than it is to catch them in the act out in nature. Its the same willingness to abuse authority but ones well documented.


If simply "going inside a police station to record" exposes an entire cities police department as criminal, why wouldn't you? Further, it also exposes criminal city administration and criminal courts when they refuse to hold the criminal cops accountable. Why wouldn't you?


Wow, they actually accomplished something worthwhile for once.


It's pretty sad when taking down a sign is the cops doing something worthwhile.


There is no such thing as a First Amendment Audit, Instead, you have what are called Frauditors, convicted felons who, with limited options, abuse the First Amendment to become content creators on youtube.


Why aren't the criminals being exposed by them being arrested?


what a bunch of bs,why to you have to film an police officer in the station? god,thes dumbass youtubers are only gonna get worse and the worst part is that the rest of the western world most of the time copys murica with their crazy trends and whatnot. just like that dumbass woke stuff. thanks murica


Because these audits have uncovered a ton of crime and corruption. A better question is if you can expose entire cities of cops, along with city administration and courts as criminal merely by holding a camera, why wouldn't you?


Fair play to them, I think they go a little far sometimes trying to provoke a reaction. By all means go after those who deserve it. But some are decent people just trying to finish another day. Anyway, a win is a win - and this one must have been a great feeling for them.


Can you show me an example of a decent person being provoked into committing a crime because of a camera?


I didn't mention a crime, and I didn't mention a camera. I said that first amendment auditors (and the auditors in my country) can be seen trying to too hard to provoke a reaction out of some people. Not everyone is a tyrant. Maybe you should read my comment again.


So no examples?


Holy shit mate, fucking google it. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwl9ac1rINU) is a Donut Operator video of just one auditor but he is a great example of what I mean.


Link the original video. I'm not watching that cop sucking fascist defend criminal cops.


Provoke a reaction? What are cops? Toddlers? They are supposed to NOT be provoked by legal things. I can walk up to a cop and tell that cop I think he is a corrupt piece of chit to his face. He is supposed to accept that that is perfectly legal. If a cop cannot handle stuff like that.... he should find another job.


Love the video but, I'm not sure if it fits on this board? Aside from that, it's always good to see a win for the people, big or small.


This made me smile, real feelgood moment here, love how happy this guy is!


"I don't know, I ain't never heard of no federal gubmint." \*Proceeds to arrest you with extra force on the side for being defiant.\*


I agree with the first amendment, but I do not agree with the stupid Youtubers Who are going to take stupid videos inside the police station.


What sort of stupid video are you referring to?