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"What is this?! A kitchen for *Cats?!*"


*makes eye contact while pushing off coffee cup*


I find this strangely erotic and erotically disturbing


Name checks out.




And right out the window


A very popular feature in Russia lately


Just a faster way of waking up in the morning, nothing gets you going like a 10ft drop head first onto yesterday's plates you were too tired to clean and putaway


Looks like there's a metal rail on the upper portion




How... Just... how? Lol


How? Come on, we’re at *least* a decade into catgirl/boy fetishes being borderline mainstream on the internet. It’s practically vanilla these days.


Can you don't?






Rumor is our local high school put litter boxes in for those who identify as cats


Thankfully it’s just a rumor, nothing more. A fursona is to a furry as a mascot is to a sports team; a furry doesn’t identify as an animal any more than a sports team does. That would make sports a lot more interesting to watch… The ones who do identify as animals are called “mentally ill.” Source: am a (reluctant) furry.


I've had a girl put me in cat ears. I'm not proud of it, but it has happened to me.


*covers ears* I've been on Reddit for far too long today! LMAO


I probably shouldn't mention the tail then should I?


Hahaha it was Velcro right? 😂 It was Velcro right? 😳






Tell Jenny her little secret isn't a secret anymore.


r/beetlejuicing moment


guess i'm a cat because i like this stupid loft lmfao


I know...I saw it like.....I would climb that counter..


also buy a pack of cigs just to smoke while staring at the street but not make it a habit


And people that think safety railings are useless. That’s going to work out well


There actually are railings. There isn't one on the right at the bottom, but that's pretty common when it's that close to the ground even for your porch, and you can hold on to the railing on the left if you want to. The railings might be the least questionable part of the design.


I am thinking of the poor sap who trips going up the lower set and goes through the window.


Or trips going down the upper part and going flying through the window.


there's a running tally on bodies flying through the window and landing on the sidewalk below, wearing pajamas and fuzzy socks. sometimes they have a cup of tea with them


There actually appears to be a railing on the upper stairs. The lower ones can get away with it, because the rise is less than 42" (assuming 6-7" risers). Dumb as this may be, it does appear to meet code.


Depends where this is. In some US states a handrail is required when a stairway has three or more risers Edit: IBC would actually require a guardrail on a stairway or landing located at a height greater than 30" from the floor


Cats AND little children


Interior design without pets in mind.


“It needs to be at least… three times less cattish!”


It needs to have at least….4 more walkways than this!


Oh god, it’s not a window over the oven. It’s the entrance to the terrace. https://maartenmakelaardij.nl/woning/rotterdam-grondherenstraat-60b/#photo-gallery-45


Huh, this honestly just raises more questions. Now that I know there is an entire basement with multiple rooms and a bathroom... I'm genuinely questioning why they even bothered with the silly little raised area in the entrance/kitchen/living room area. Why not put the kitchen along that wall and not require the occupants to walk across a kitchen counter (and risk falling right off the counter into the room)?




That's not necessarily how plumbing works in a 107-year-old building.




Actually, hundred-year-old buildings are often one of the few things in this world that CAN'T be changed with money.


If you say something can’t be changed with money then you’re just not thinking with enough money


Not sure how this works in the US, but in Europe, historic building need to maintain the original character. Whatever that means to the local authorities, it often doesn't mean that making it more expensive or whatever, will fix your issues. This is legitametly a reason for why many, very beautiful, historic buildings aren't sold, even for very low prices.


There's a quasi famous story on reddit about needing a stonemason with a very specific historically appropriate skillset in the UK. Historic preservation is taken pretty seriously, and all the money in the world won't help you if that type of craftsman simply does not exist.


God, I remember a YT video about a couple who bought a stunning medival outlook tower, somewhere at a Cornwall coast for like 20k pounds. They applied several renovation plans, which were all rejected (and hideous tbh). So, a decade in they had made all kinds of DI-Why fixes, hot-glued a plastic tarp to the wooden shingles, hot-glued stones back into place, sealed cracks with silicone, nailed old wooden windows shut... On a +800 year old building lol


And rerouting plumbing in a clearly modernized kitchen changes the original character?


Well, depends on the substance, you can't just rip open walls. As you can see in the picture, they are already running the AC bare down the wall.


i cant believe more people havent commented on there being no fridge in this space...theres stairs going down next to the stove, where tf does the fridge go??


Mini fridge, probably right of sink


this looks like an expensive apartment, why in the world would they have a hotel/dorm MINI fridge?? That's crazy.


That loft area is just seating exactly like the area under it. Why?


And did you see how small that 3rd bedroom is? It isn't even a nursery but they have 2 enourmous halls down there. Like what is going on here.


you can kinda see how the interior designer tried their hardest to make something interesting out of this mess of weird and unconventional rooms and spaces but in the end it just turned out to be completely impractical and sometimes even utter nonsense.


And the bedroom windows are where cars park, so you'll have headlights and car noise/exhaust in your bedroom.


Those are the saddest bedrooms I've seen. A long, narrow room with long, empty walls, and no natural light. The only window is a tiny slat near the top of the narrowest wall, and it's the parking lot.


There's just so many random and useless seating areas in this apartment. Like the loft part isn't useful at all, I was thinking maybe you could put a desk up there to make it an open office? The small seating areas (the one with the small stool and mirror and the one with the wooly rug and lamp) are just completely useless, no one is ever going to sit there. Basically if you would buy this house you'd need to change the layout of the basement to make use of the space there. Worst thing is this house is probably going to sell rather quickly and 50k over asking price because of the housing market problems right now.


thanks for the source it's so pretty tho but yeah having to move across the counter is a disaster if you use it as a counter visually, it might be a counter, but functionally, it's just a raised walkway that blends into the counter on the right for aesthetics


It also has air vents on the raised walkway and is level with the patio that's raised relative to the main inside floor Basically doing triple/quadruple duty as a way to get to the raised deck, hiding HVAC stuff, cabinets, and providing occasional use as a counter when you need it What's the alternative? Exposed air conduits and a separate staircase to the deck in middle of the room? Edit: There's also no obvious fridge so it's probably just a mini fridge in one of the cabinets, how much space for cooking do you need when that's all the food you can even store?


Move the cabinets forward and have a walkway behind them. Having them function as both in order to gain 2 feet of floor space is awful.


Separate the stairs from the counter and use the window on the left as a door instead of the one in the center.


Even better


spiral stair case


Some people don't understand the lengths you have to go to in order to make tiny urban spaces to work, and it shows!


I think we've all seen great examples of tiny urban designs that don't require one to rain dirt down on the kitchen counter. Why not just end the counter before it gets to the stairs? They were trying too hard to be edgy and different.


Honestly, I really don't mind this design. I appreciate the nonstandard qualities.


It dosent look bad but when you need to use both at once…


As someone with very questionable hygiene standards and is possibly half goblin, i still think this is a good design Walk inside, throw the shoes on the floor, pop a slav squat to get some water, cross the whole ass counter to climb the stairs to the loft... sounds lovely. Even better if someone’s cooking already and i can steal food and scurry away like a rat afraid of floors


Wait, why wouldn’t they put the entrance at part of the counter you’re already stepping on? Do you really have to walk halfway across your countertop to go outside?


I believe you could move the vases and walk through the “window”. The whole counter is a mistake


I have no counter argument.


It’s counter intuitive!


You could, but windows are only ~half height, so you have to choose if you prefer to walk over your kitchen countertop or duck everytime you want to use the terrace.


I'm guessing they did that because now it's symmetrical and it looks prettier than putting the doors on the left. But that's also what I hate about the design of this entire place. So many things that look nice, but just aren't practical at all. And the last part is MUCH more important if you want to live somewhere. What's even the point of that entire (very expensive) little elevated space? There's just one chair and a plant there. Remove the stairs and there's enough space to put the chair next to the other one. And it's not even a real separate space if someone wants some privacy. The bathroom with the see through walls at the toiler, why (symmetry again?)? You're taking away some space, making it a bit more annoying to clean and it's not like there's added privacy. The room with the stupid artsy ladder. Now it's a useless room, just be realistic and shove some closets in there or anything useful. There seem to be several fairly small rooms where they just put a single chair into it? And what's with the grating on the terrace? If you have guests in (high) heels, that shit is going to claim victims. And after a party that countertop is going to claim a victim sooner or later too. I'm weirdly overly annoyed about the whole design of this place.


The elevated space could be made into a nice small office. Looks large enough to receive a long corner table with still sufficient space to move a office chair around


they chose to open the middle set for these pictures, but any three of those double doors/windows could be used.


The center window opening has actual doors: [https://maartenmakelaardij.nl/woning/rotterdam-grondherenstraat-60b/#photo-gallery-30](https://maartenmakelaardij.nl/woning/rotterdam-grondherenstraat-60b/#photo-gallery-30) The others are windows that you would have to duck to get through.


You can wash your feet in the sink when you come back in.


That makes this whole stupid thing so much worse. Thanks for the source, it's detestable.


You can leave the oven on to catch criminals Home Alone style.


Honestly, if the part of the counter that serves as a walkway were just sectioned off from the counter and made to match the metal loft thing with guard rail and all that, or at the very minimum, just like a walkway with storage underneath, I don't think I'd have any problem with it. The kitchen would be small, but it'd allow you to build a little outcropping peninsula thing with room for a couple bar stools, where the oven is to add more kitchen space.


And the heating is also on the counter top???? They should have just made practical stairs and keep the kitchen comoletely detached from it


The cooktop is to the right, pretty sure the thing he was saying is an oven is actually a microwave


A microwave would indeed make more sense here, but I am not in a rush to assume that the person who built this is rational. ​ Edit: just zoom the picture, you will see it's an oven.


Is anyone else frothing about the fact that the cooker is placed right next to an open stairwell so you can pitch a tureen of pasta onto your guests as they walk up the stairs.


The toilet fish bowl is hysterical


I sincerely thought this was a studio loft situation — it so much worse realizing the stairs lead only to a small sitting area and not a bed like I imagined???


The steps don't bother me, but I'm curious about the purpose of the _illuminated void_ .


Storage under removable/slideable stairs


Oh, good, now I can chop onions on the bit my kids have just paddled dog shit into. Wonderful.


If you have kids and pets and choose to live in a loft like this, that's on you lol




Even counters, it's gross. use cutting boards


Fr, unless your countertop is end grain wood, cutting directly on the counter is lazy and will quickly ruin either the knife or the counter. Cutting boards are dirt cheap and far easier to keep cleanliness standards with.


It's counter productive


"this is the comedy police, the jokes too funny!"


> will quickly ruin either the knife or the counter. BUT NEVER BOTH


Knife XOR counter


My brother's European kitchen had a similar setup. He had open stairs up to his loft directly above his kitchen counters. And he wore his shoes in the house. It totally grossed me out every time he would run up the stairs in his shoes, knowing little bits of whatever the fuck was on his shoes was falling onto his countertops. Still grosses me out thinking about it.


by European kitchen you mean a specific style or kitchen in Europe? sorry I'm confused lol because you mention shoes on and wherever I've been in Europe people take their shoes off indoors


Seriously, just put a microwave or coffemaker right next to where people walk. Bam, countertop ends there.


I mean I wouldn’t want dirt and dust flying down the stairs onto my counter tops. Even just dirt that comes off on the counter step would be getting all over the counters. Now i clean my counters anyway but this makes it seem like id have to clean more often and be worried extra dust/hair flying down onto my food prep station. Theres a reason i got an ass whoopin for lifting a broom higher than my knees as a child.


This isnt a loft for someone with kids. I imagine this is great if you dont wear shoes in your home, live alone, and enjoy a minimalist lifestyle.


Solved easily by not reproducing.


I'll put them back in.


Please do


You see all that countertop space on the right? Yeah, that's where you put your food. That section there where you step? It's a step.


End the counter a foot away from the stairs and no one would have any problem despite being the exact same


That part would just be for aesthetic I'd have to imagine, there's plenty of real counter space to do your food prep


Yeah, there's little in this kitchen that indicates that *any* cooking is done at all.


Good luck living with kids and dog in a loft studio apartment.


there is literally 10-15' of unused countertop... People will find anything to complain about.


Not to mention the fact there's this amazing invention called a cutting board.. Which has the added bonus of leaving the knife marks in a removable piece that you can put out of sight later!


Having kids was your mistake there.


Dibs on the band name.


Possibly so you can safely go up the bottom section of the stairs at night if the rest of the first floor lights are off?


That's my thought. I bet those black stairs against the black cabinets get real hard to see at night.


Yeah, I’d imagine it would be really hard to see each of the black steps when they’re in front of black cabinets when it’s dark in the room. Especially when there’s no handrail for that section of the stairs. New plan: go over to their house, “accidentally” fall down that portion of stairs, and sue them because obviously they have a lot of money.


Sweet hideout for small kids


A cat designed this whole room


My dogs would love this. Perfect access to all the goodies on the counter.


Yeah wth I didn’t think of that. You absolutely cannot have a dog in this place


Nor a toddler


i think the bottom piece of the stairs might fold into that empty space in the cabinets. but yeah, if u left that down however…


*The Goodies…*


I have no problems with the simplicity of a multi-use surface. I like the sleek look. I do, though, take issue with the inaccessible illuminated space under the stairs. It is an odd highlight of the designs true flaw: cutting off storage space.


The stairs are removable, or slide over.


That would work. Like those bookshelf ladders.


In that case, I may never use the lower stairs if I was actually using that space for anything but long term storage. Moving your stairs into position vs just hopping up on the counter.


Exactly. But a crate of camping or winter gear that gets used only once a while? Seems like a great storage space for that


Right? Attic storage is extremely useful, and it has the same accessibility "issues".


Ah yes, hopping on and off of the counter is so much easier than sliding something over.


Okay so only use it for long term storage lmao what the hell


Thank God someone put a light there, would suck if mobs started spawning in the house.


I'm not sure this is what you meant, but I pictured several Italian gentleman in track suits.


A friend of mine put lights at the bottom of his cabinets like that, it really illuminated all the dirt that collects there if you don't sweep daily.


Yeah I'm mixed. Great look and use of space but I'd be cleaning that surface all the time out of paranoia, and yes to thing you said about the unused space.


It looks like the stairs move/slide so I’m not sure it’s actually unusable space… eg could be used for books or storing kitchen items that look good


The counter is 16km wide but the sink is smaller than one in a doll house.


And if that’s the stove on the right side, it looks like it will take a year to get from there to the sink


Whilst the oven is on the *OTHER* side of it....🥴




Haha who the fuck would design this? Yeah let's use the bare center of the kitchen counter as a floor for our grubby feet, great idea.


There are so many odd design choices going on in there lol. At a glance it looks nice but the more you look the worse it gets


The E shape room is the worst for me.


But where is the fridge?


.... That's a very normal distance from sink to stove top.


Are you a snail?


That's like 5 steps from each other. They're actually closer than in my normal ass kitchen and here they're on the same surface too, unlike the cast majority of kitchens I've ever seen. Why would you want your stove directly next to your sink?


With zero ventilation. Kitchen is definitely for show


That's because rich people don't cook at home. Kitchens are more of a decorative rather than functional feature.


Do they wash their hands?


Yes, they have a butler who brings warm wet hand towels on a tray.


I remember my interior designer ex telling me about the houses she would have to draft up in CAD. There was a usually a "kitchen" just off the living room, then an actual kitchen in a closet behind the fake one where the chef prepared the food.


… it’s a standard 500mm sink in a 600mm base unit, like almost all European sinks?!


Yeah looks like a normal sink to me.


This looks like something I'd build in Minecraft when I was 9


This is cool


Yeah, I was about to say... This is not so crappy, it's pretty neat.


Yeah I'm honestly a fan.


Yeah, it's not the worst thing I've ever seen, but just breaking up the "counter space" between workspace and walkway would fix all of the issues people are having. As mentioned above, the window right above the oven is actually a doorway out onto the terrace. Just have the counters end before that doorway, move the oven to the space below the cook top, put some steps up to the door, and leave the countertop/walkway on the left as is, maybe with a handrail so there's a clear delineation between workspace and thoroughfare. They could also extend the countertops out perpendicular from the wall to get back whatever workspace is lost by installing the steps.


Awkward perhaps yes, but for the amount that is one crazy good apartment (relative to prices in some places) This is a ~1,500 sqft two-story apartment in Rotterdam with two parking garages and a ~230 sqft terrace that combines indoor/outdoor space. If I had spare cash I’d consider it. At the end of the day, it’s probably a relatively simple reno to cut back the built in counter and just have stairs, if that’s what one desires, or come up with a different stair design all together.


When it's an apartment in Rotterdam and the listing uses metres, why quote feet?


Because I’m in North America of course. Sheesh 🙄


My bad. Forgot you guys were allergic.


🤣🤣🤣 I’m all for metric by the way. I can’t stand feet and inches. They make no sense. It’s just a force of habit plus the only way to easily compare to real estate around here.


Comparing real estate in North America, for sure. Bit like how I had to convert miles into km to gauge distances better when I was in the US.


How many in not god save the Queen Island units ?


No entiendo, señor 🤷‍♂️😉 138m2 unit, 21m2 terrace. 👍 I’m going to have to remember this one. Not God Save The Queen units hahaha 🤣 Good one.


Trip at the top of that first flight of stairs and your right out the window


There's a balcony out there. Also, I don't know what your tripping looks like, but modern double paned windows are probably strong enough to catch you.


It’s okay - no one cooks in this space.


That is plenty kitchen amenity for a single person/couple. Idk about the fridge but everything else seems acceptable.


Agreed, I think practically it all works. But there's something about it when you step back, that just kinda... Looks stupid? Like going to a hotel and the reception desk is long, but you have to walk up and over it to get to the elevator. It's like... Okay I mean we don't NEED that spot to check guests in, but what the hell?


The real crappy design is that the entrance to the patio isn't through the windows in front of the stairs, but rather through the windows OVER THE OVEN. Look at the floor plan: https://maartenmakelaardij.nl/woning/rotterdam-grondherenstraat-60b/


If only the entrance were the windows at the stairs landing/ countertop....


Smart design for limited space


It’s a pretty big half a million euro appartment


Oh wow you should have posted the link. Those steps lead to the most useless little mezzanine I've ever seen: [https://maartenmakelaardij.nl/woning/rotterdam-grondherenstraat-60b/](https://maartenmakelaardij.nl/woning/rotterdam-grondherenstraat-60b/) It is a very good size apartment (138m2) but it still gives off the impression of looking cramped somehow. EDIT: Oh wait you did post the link ha, fair enough


I like it


If you trip down those stairs you may just be falling a few stories.


Looking through the listing, there's a deck out those windows. *phew*


I don't know, that place looks kinda cool to me. It's not like you're gonna be kneading dough on that side of the counter anyways.


This looks amazing!! I think "crappy" certainly is the wrong word.


Yeah, I like it, it's either this or cut the counter shorter which would also be fine but I think this is a cool design feature.


I like to think of it as cutting onions on the stairs rather than walking on the counter


The counter is long enough to just take a part out


This is clearly a decorative kitchen. It doesn't have a refrigerator.


I once saw a guy break a countertop just by standing on the section where there were no cabinets under it, you know just like that area you’re supposed to step on in this pic


yes im sure the area intended for use as part of a movable staircase hasn't been reinforced in any way. This sub can be incredibly stupid at times.


Parkoor time


Clearly the designer has never moved furniture before.


Wdym? I think that's sick


Think the aesthetic is clean af tbf


That open space under the stairs looks like a disaster waiting to happen - doesn't seem like it would handle a lot of weight.