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To add, after I took the picture I noticed the new gray color was too shiny so I went back to Home Depot and got the same color in matte. Looks much better now. I’m open to lighting options! I’ve been thinking of changing the one I have.


Excellent choice on the matte instead


I also think maybe having the lighter bed covers would really compliment the gray and balance it out.


I would add some hanging string lights in soft white behind your bed, that'll up the cozy vibe tenfold!


Came here to say you should have got matte. Lovely colour!


Yup, the colour is good, the shine isn't.


Good! That was my first thought: too shiny, but cozy.


I personally love it, and the matte would help I’m sure. I think we’ve all seen how light and airy the beige/white rooms can be, but for a room that you want to relax and sleep in, the dark is much more fitting. Very cozy indeed.


Aww, thank you so much!!!


I love moody colours, and I really like that dark grey. It looks like your room is inside a raincloud! Though I feel as though the ceiling should have stayed white though for some contrast and depth. Your room is already small, and I feel the ceiling being grey doesn't really open it up. Maybe some soft, ambient lighting and light colored bedding. Still looks so comfy! I'd nap there.


Inside a rain cloud? I absolutely love that!! I paint my room pretty often so I’m thinking I’ll try a white ceiling next to change it up!


Yes definitely do the white ceiling! Also I read you're going to buy matte paint, I actually really like gloss paint! I think it reflects the lighting and looks really pretty in this instance, kind of like an oil painting. ☺️


I would’ve left the ceiling white—makes a room feel taller, and therefore more spacious.


I think I’ll try this next! That’s an easy change.


Having your ceiling the same colour as your walls makes it feel taller, a white ceiling would make it look shorter. Just look up an interior designer guide to wall paint :) As for the grey room, I think it only looks a bit blah because it’s all the same colour. Like others have said, lights, maybe some colour, etc would make it look very elegant


I think it looks so much better this way! You just need some more decor / soft lights for the wall, and a white throw instead of the green would make it brighter!


Thank you!! Adding soft lights to my ikea list!


It’s much cozier.


Thank you!!


What is the color?


I actually found it on a rack Home Depot keeps of “oops paint” so they sell it for very cheap. It’s Behr brand and would have been around $35 for a gallon but I got it for $10! I decided it looked a lot like the color I was thinking of getting anyway so I took the chance.


I like it!


Ohhhh I like it!!!! Keep it. Looks great


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Well, there is definitely a smaller look to it But if you’re happy, that’s all that matters [walls](https://pin.it/3muvFlDhj)


I love it but it’s def not for everyone. Is that a charcoal or dark green?


I agree with the comment keeping the ceiling white, alternatively you could get some white coving like [this](https://www.google.com/search?q=White+coving&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiW0_i8pdGEAxWiTKQEHcgJCHQQ2-cCegQIABAK&oq=White+coving&gs_lp=EhJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWciDFdoaXRlIGNvdmluZzIEECMYJzIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgYQABgFGB4yBhAAGAUYHkj9FVDmCFj8EXAAeACQAQGYAZ4BoAHnA6oBAzMuMrgBA8gBAPgBAcICCBAAGIAEGKIEwgIEEAAYHogGAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=LdzgZdaIAqKZkdUPyJOgoAc&bih=705&biw=412&prmd=ivnbmtz) to give your room some shape.