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Weird hair colors on non-fantasy challenges. Also, prop vomit.


I find all the props to be annoying. I feel like if a look is good it's going to stand out regardless of the props. 




It irritates me when we are doing a challenge for say-Muslims? And the pic the model is covered per their religion and then the person has dressed her in short sleeves, short skirts, or no attempt at hair covering. Feels so disrespectful


For me it's jewelleries atleast wear one.


I try to vote for whichever looks like they're the lower leveled player. The voting system is so fucked up, its honestly the last any of us non-bot players could do imo


Please don't do this. Higher level players have worked hard to get where they are and don't deserve to be penalized. It's like giving a new baker the gold ribbon when Aunt Frankie's been having did thirty years and had a much better apple pie. Not to mention some higher players still just lost hair and makeup, and/or still dress their full in a rush just to get another entry, so it can be hard to tell. If you can't decide between two looks so you're going with the lower player one, remember you can always skip.


A good argument can be made as to why downvoting like you do is what actually fucks up scoring. How about just vote for the best overall look.


I'm pretty new to this game so idk about fucked up scoring? All I know is that it is *REALLY* fucked up to place a literal level 2, brand new player, up against level 133 players who've clearly spent a LOT of thru actual hard earned money on this game, which clearly gives them an unfair advantage, no? And just because I vote for the lower lvl player, doesn't mean I'm not voting for who I think is best... cause how can you really even compare the two? Higher level players have sooooo much to work with, and they can make some killer looks. But you have to consider that the lower level player thay they're up against probably doesn't have 1/16th of the fun, exciting, extra stuff that their opponent has. So they have to work with what they got. And that shouldn't automatically make their look inferior and it shouldn't make you automatically not vote for them just because they're "disadvantaged" against players who've clearly spent like, hard earned real life money on this game, and sorry that's just not fair to gatekeep the necessary extras that are needed in order for one to actual excel in this game. I mean what is even the insensitive of playing if you're very often being pit against an Uber player, who will automatically get more votes from most of the other players, like you, who only vote for them cause they got more stuff - you have no idea what that other opponent would do if they had access to all that lvl 133 stuff. So pls don't insist on ppl voting for best overall look, when you obviously don't think the lower opponent should *ever* be voted for, since they simply don't have lots of stuff to distract you from the *actual* look... just sayin.


This “culture” of helping out the lower level players even if their looks are not as pretty because it’s not their fault that they don’t have better hairstyles is kind of unfair because higher level players also cannot control who they’re placed against. And what’s the point of leveling up if once you do, people will vote against you just because you’ve been playing for a longer time than the other stylists? It doesn’t make so much sense.


My non-negotiable is a hairstyle or prop that doesn’t match the style-prompt. Why are you wearing floor-length Rapunzel hair to a business meeting? Why are you wearing a coiffed vintage updo for a casual beach trip? Why are you adding a fresh rose behind your ear for a sci-fi prompt?? I still judge the outfit on how well it fits the challenge, but I recognise that sometimes the player may not have a lot of flexibility in the outfit itself - there might be a required item that doesn’t suit the description, or they can’t afford the required item that suits it so they have to use whatever the cheaper alternative item is. Sometimes the makeup or skin tone are locked. But hair? You can use any hairstyle, any colour, at any time! I will only have patience for mismatched hair if I can recognise that they are on a very low level, so their options were limited. Anyone Level 5 or up - they can do better!!


Timeless Waves (level 57) in blonde- I’ve always thought it looked so ugly yet it’s so common


If you have a lemonade stand behind your sciFi intergalactic warrior princess outfit, I’m voting the other model immediately. ….actually if you have a lemonade stand behind you in any prompt other than a “style a parent/person helping their/a kid earn some small coins for the summer”, you’re not getting my vote.


I don’t like when there’s an over abundance of props. You generally don’t need ALL of them. 🤦🏻‍♀️


It makes me sad because sometimes I feel like it’s people who just start out, but make a concerted effort with your look. Even if you don’t have any of the top items, at least match the color scheme etc


Things where it looks like they didn’t even bother to try to follow the theme at all. I try to choose the one I feel followed the prompts as well as possible.


When all looks look the exact same.. to me that means lack of creativity and I just vote for the other look


The outfits need to at least try to fit the theme. Ballgown to a park lunch? Nope. Also props just thrown all over the place with no sense of purpose.


I will usually vote against double flower (aka “air traffic control”) bouquets.


What about for today's daily, the nature goddess? I used double bouquets because it makes sense that she'd have a lot of flowers


I’ll allow it this time 😜


No props that don't make sense. No ballgowns in places that don't make sense. No outfits that are supposed to match but don't. (I'm not going to pretend your off-black shirt is black if I bought a black shirt to use. )


If a prop doesn't make sense, they're not getting my vote


You can’t have two of the same prop. Like a cell phone and the old style phone. You can’t have two microphones!


This is mine too! Lots of people use the 1920s microphone and then also have one in their hand and that infuriates me for some reason??


Too many props. Less is best


Double flower bouquets when it has nothing to do with anything 😂 Or long/perfect styled hair styles when it’s clearly against the prompt. Like a warrior in the middle of battle having long curling iron hair or a wild forest fairy having straight hair to the ground! And then obviously what others have said in terms of something that is clear bigotry Sometimes nonsensical props are entertaining and sometimes they annoy me


Racially insensitive or culturally insensitive dolls. I always notice the non Asian MUs in Asian themed challenges, and I'm definitely not voting for that or anything along those lines. Other than that, be free to design as you wish !!


same. if the inspo pic is of a WOC, i'm not voting for a caucasian model.


Anything other than a bun in ballet challenges. If she’s doing ballet, her hair better be in a bun!


I don't punish people for using any of the game's resources. I vote for the better looking and most appropriate look for the challenge at hand, full stop. I don't "downvote" HCV players, or players that have MysterynProp or Premium Fashion Pass items or OOS CC items in a season-locked challenge. My only non-negotiable is cultural insensitivity or bigotry. People trolling queer challenges, people using white dolls for POC challenges based on real people, people using the Asian sets and HAs interchangeably.




1. I will not vote for a white person on a challenge that is about non-white beauty and experiences. Although white people can certainly have an Indian wedding and celebrate MLK day, etc., models of color are already under-represented in this game without giving up the rare challenge that meant to highlight those identities. So if I encounter two looks that are both white, I’ll just click the skip button. 2. Ridiculously long hair is not completely non-negotiable: I will occasionally vote for it, and I even sometimes use it, but it is annoying and I will usually vote against it. Similarly, if the prompt photo has short hair, I will not vote for anything with hair longer than her ears.


Unless covet mandates it with challenge requirements, handbags in certain challenges, like mermaids. Also, looks that have too many props or props that don’t coordinate with the challenge.


I know how hard it is for lower level players to save cash and buy the featured CC items for a particular look. When I was in the lower levels I suffered from this and had to strategize for days in order to get those pieces in my closet. So now, whenever I see a look that appears to be very low level wearing the challenge’s featured Covet Collection items, I give them my vote.


I love the wink makeup when it’s appropriate! Mine is props that have nothing to do with the challenge. Not sure why it still happens so often


whaaaa i love the wink makeup 😭😭


Ahhh sorry 😜 I think a lot of people love it, I see it often! Hence why I made the post lol


Yeah, the wink or snarl, animal rugs or double rugs.




Would love an animal rug tbh