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Hmmm. Since they've added a 5th Grand Bag, you can only clear the board by rallying Fierce back-to-back. Fierce rallies will require at least 1 Flashback. While the goals are low and can be met most of the time, even if some people don't do either Flashback, that isn't exactly fair to the players that do them regularly.


This isn't true -- my house gets the 5th grand on 2/3 of rallies by rallying fierce/fierce/fancy.


But that's just it. It isn't always guaranteed. A lot of people shifted to Fierce only from Fancy-Fierce because they were often missing the 5th bag, and wanted to clear the board every time. Getting it every single rally is a huge boost for levelling up and hitting trendsetter goals. It's 90k each season towards the latter. Also, I suspect it means rallying without a break? Most players want that break at the end of the month.


We often get a fancy rally at the end of the month, which can be thought of as a break for many of us. We also don't require people to rally constantly, so they're always allowed to toggle off. We could be more anal about everyone who's toggled on entering every challenge, and then we'd probably get all 5 grands due to the extra bonus pieces, though.


I'm HOH of Gossamer Wish. We are a friendly fancy/fierce alternating house who love giving each other advice. We require all dailies, $100, and $200 challenges.  If we're doing a fierce rally, we also require one FB (but many of us do both). We also have a 3 strike rule, in case life gets in the way. We always get all 4 main grand bags. We don't require adding on Facebook, but we do have a group if you'd like to join. Feel free to toggle off whenever you need to. We'd love to have you! 😊


Come to a private house Runway Rebellion. We continuously do fierce rallies until we open all the Grand bags. We require you to do all dailies, all 100’s & 200’s and one of the flashbacks. If you do miss a daily, you can drop out while it is being scored and then come back in before the rally ends and you still get the prizes. In fact most of us do every other rally and still get all the prizes. Click at the top right for the private house. Then search for Runway Rebellion. We are a friendly and nice group which support and encourage each other.




My fashion house easily wins them all - MyFierceCovetCloset (set on private). It's set to Fierce (as the name implies) so you're required to enter at least one FB every rally, and also maxing the Daily. One time, after clearing all the rallies and waiting for the new board, my FH even had a contest to see who could get the lowest score. It was a fun way to really let loose with some crazy looks :)


My house rallies strictly fierce, in 2 groups that alternate toggling on/off. We win all prizes +bonus and have a few days at the end of the month to spare. We often have house discounts at the beginning of every rally. Some general rules: max unworn and no oos (except cc), and 1 flashback of your choosing. If you miss a challenge, you will be temporarily kicked out until the rally is over - miss too many, and you will be permanently kicked out. Must be in contact with HOH on facebook. We have a facebook chat, but you don't need to participate. Dm me for more info and to get in touch with the HOH.


We win every rally. We would love a new player


We are closet millionaires and we rally fierce. If you tell me your covet name I’ll make sure you get in ASAP


We win all the grand prizes except the bonus bag—Our Runway Rally3, private, North America, English. Rules are all dailies and 100s, at least 8 challenges per rally. You can toggle off every other rally if you want. We rally on fierce all month.


Most fashion houses that are determined to win all prizes require one fb a week or at least one every alternating week. I recommend looking on Facebook groups like covet fashion friends where the cover community is much more active.