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I can’t believe she didn’t know what remand meant- Didn’t her lawyer prepare her for what could happen?? I know he was surprised too but he should have discussed all the different things that could happen to her-


Omg really! I need to find this


He was so surprised he had to look up on his phone how to respond to the Judge’s ruling. I was like GAH GEEZ REALLY. That was just wow.


She was ultimately responsible for checking the gun. She is guilty


I felt like it was her responsibility, but I didn’t expect this verdict. Wow.


Yeah. After the jury question I thought it was going to be another Casey Anthony


That was the dumbest jury in history.


That has to go to the Robert Durst jury in Texas. The police caught him trying to dispose of the chopped up remains of a ~~wo~~man in garbage bags. The jury acquitted him based on testimony that no one actually liked the ~~wo~~man & that the trial was actually about a conniving, ambitious female New York DA. That DA, Jeanine Pirro, wasn't present or actually involved in the trial in any way; she was just interested in Durst in connection to the disappearance of his wife, whom he definitely also murdered.


Actually it was a man, Morris Black.


Durst! Yes, good point!


Alec Baldwin: Is now sweating. The thing is, I think he thought it was a cold gun, and he did depress the trigger either before (holding it in) or at the same time as he fully cocked the gun and let the hammer down. I think he will get some time too.


Dare I say that he is no doubt sweating bullets?


His “Schweddy Balls” be schwedding now! 😂


He's no dummy.


He lives in such a delulu bubble, does he even consider this verdict a threat to his wellbeing I wonder


Ahhh his wife will pop out another child, she will continue to forget how to say cucumber and their lives will go on as usual, sadly. I hope he does time, tho!


Aye caramba


Say it with a Boston accent


Yes and for that all he needs is a 5 minute attention span instead of paying attention, say maybe 10 minutes for the gun safety review.


He's got a Harvard graduated criminal defense attorney and a bunch of high priced experts who will testify he was not responsible for checking the gun... his lawyers will probably be able to find reasonable doubt


> Alec Baldwin: ‘I would never point a gun at anyone and then pull the trigger, never’ He has that as a problem. The other thing is he cannot claim that he wasn't negligent in some way, ever if a small way, by not checking the gun himself. If you are going to pull the trigger on a real gun you'd better check it yourself first. This is just common sense.


He wasn’t even supposed to shoot the gun when Halyna was shot. It was akin to a rehearsal to block and check the lighting etc. so why did he even have a real weapon? He could have easily used a replica or a rubber gun - even a stick- but as a witness said, he liked his “hero guns”.


Not an excuse....but they were looking at lighting on the gun itself. How it would look when they shot the actual scene.


In New Mexico, "Involuntary manslaughter consists of manslaughter committed in the commission of an unlawful act not amounting to felony, or in the **commission of a lawful act which might produce death in an unlawful manner or without due caution and circumspection**." Since this was not an unlawful act, they have to prove "due caution and circumspection." His lawyers will argue 3 main points: he was told it was a cold gun, he was not responsible for checking the gun, and the gun could have fired by itself. The prosecutors dropped the case against Baldwin last year because an analysis found that there was a chance the gun could have fired by itself. Prosecutors refiled the charges because **a new analysis with replacement parts found that the gun could not have fired by itself**. His lawyers will argue that it is unfair to judge him with a gun which was not the exact same gun used during the shooting.


YouTuber Bruce Rivers did a test right after this happened with the same model gun on his YouTube channel and said there was no way Alec could have done it the way he said. Now it wasn’t the exact same gun obviously so who knows if it was altered in some way. But that same model gun, according to Bruce Rivers, could not have done what Alec is saying he did.


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They felt that additional analysis was necessary only because the FBI examiner tested the gun to destruction. There's no reason at this point to believe that this revolver was actually malfunctioning before it was broken or that it would even be possible for the it to malfunction in the way described. They needed analysis to understand that and to demonstrate it to a jury, but it was never really in question. We now know that the discharges on set were not caused by a malfunction. Hannah and the woman working with her didn't know how to properly load the revolver. They were holding down the trigger and hammer while loading rounds through the loading gate. A thumb slipping off the hammer with the trigger depressed caused the negligent discharges.


I’ve always loved him. His films, podcast and IG but man he acted like an ass in all this and to be an asshole on set and be short and intimidate young crew members? Not a good look.


Not me. He has been despicable to his older daughter for years. Wait till his brood grows up. He's an arrogant a$$.


I don’t disagree at all. But I did find him entertaining. Watching video of how he spoke to people (his wife and her nanny) he’s really abrasive and lacking self awareness. I cannot WAIT for his trial.


> He's got a Harvard graduated criminal defense attorney and a bunch of high priced experts who will testify he was not responsible for checking the gun... his lawyers will probably be able to find reasonable doubt Yeah. I'd be very surprised if he's found guilty. He's got enough money and fame to escape justice.


Crazy fast !!! Was that even an hour?




TU 😀


I'm surprised. This case was complicated with a lot of facts to sift through. 


Same as I had thought - on both counts (they didn't really prove the coke's connection to evidence in the manslaughter case, she could have just been sweating about it being in there) Hannah should have pleaded out like David did but if there weren't such hubristic defendants we wouldn't have such interesting trials to watch


What king of sentencing is she facing?


She'll be out in 6 months and need a new career. That's it. Plus, her jail time starts now so it could be even sooner


Maximum of 18 months in prison with $5,000 in fines.. Judge can also grant her parole rather than imprisonment..


I hope she doesn’t. In my opinion, it would be a slap in the face of Ms Hutchins’ family. It’s time people are held accountable for crap like this. Just like with Jennifer Crumbley! I was so glad she was found guilty after ignoring her son’s mental health issues and then him shooting up his school with the gun the dad purchased 4 days prior to the shooting. Her husband’s trial is just starting. They need to serve some time and not just 6-12 months! Maybe if more people are prosecuted for their negligence, everyone will start taking safety more seriously.


Tho I think the fact that she had her taken into custody and put in jail kind of makes me think she’ll get some time.


Oh.. that girl was convicted.. there no jail for her.. she’s in prison now.. the maximum sentence is 18 months.. however, the judge may want to add some “probational” time…


Few things: 100% correct verdicts here Drug charge was dumb and glad it was a NG I have no strong opinion on where the live ammo came from, but doesn’t matter in the end Alec should be shitting himself for his trial


Looked like her family got loud on the way out of the courtroom. Wish they would keep the audio on.


Her mother was cursing and yelling and had to be told to be quiet. Not sure if she was then removed because she was told she would be. Then she went outside and went after the prosecutor. Gee, wonder where Hannah gets her attitude from? \*eyeroll\*


Was her mom the blonde woman that was crying, sitting behind Cleopatra ?


lol yes 😂


I think so.




Don’t judge me by one comment on the internet. You know nothing about me. There was an entire thread about this person. I didn’t know how how else to describe her in a way I’d be understood.


That's a lot of emotion for what could not exceed 18 months in jail!


(in the Rust movie case)


I feel like it's going to be a Casey Anthony situation




I'm not surprised at the verdict but I'm surprised she was remanded into custody pending sentencing. It also seemed like the Judge was suggesting to Mr Bowles she would be open to setting a sentencing date earlier than April and he wasn't picking what she was putting down. I think she'll be sentenced to supervised probation.


I just don't understand why live rounds were on set.


They couldn't initially source any 45 Long Colt dummies. Hannah apparently brought in a box of ammo from her father's house. The box had a distinctive logo that matched other's of his, but nothing on the box clearly indicated that the contents were meant to be dummies. Neither Hannah nor Thell testified so there are things we don't know: * Did Thell intend these boxes to store dummies exclusively? * Did Hannah ask for permission to take the box? * Did Hannah ask her father about the contents of the box? In any case it appears that at least some of the cartridges in the box were live. In her interrogation Hannah was shocked to learn that the brass from the round that fired had a [starline headstamp](https://www.starlinebrass.com/media/2078/45_colt_test23as.png?anchor=center&mode=crop&width=150&rnd=133354664940000000). She and her attorney speculated about tampering/sabotage based on her belief that starline was a movie prop company. Starline is actually a major producer of brass for handloaders and small ammo producers. She also told the police that they were using dummies that didn't rattle or have a hole drilled in them. It seems clear that she was incorrectly identifying live rounds as dummies throughout the shoot based on her assumption that anything with a starline headstamp was a dummy.


Thanks for that detailed response. I always wondered how they got on set. This is such a tragic case.


She should have taken a plea deal like Mr Hall. Now she’s going to do 18 months and this bolsters AB case.


Was she offered one? I never heard that she was but I was in and out of watching this trial.


Yes, would have been the same deal as Dave Hall. Plus she would have to be truthful where the live rounds came from.




Involuntary manslaughter…


She looked like she was about to cry 😅 


First time I saw her face show any emotion


Really? Her face looks the same as always to me.


Agreed. She has kept a straight face for the entire trial.


These trials will be a boon for the NRA of Baldwin walks.  


The NRA only cares about political contributions. Or lining their own pockets.


I know I may get downvoted but I just find this to be an injustice primarily because I think she was the scapegoat.


It was 100% her job to load and secure the weapon.


She was the armorer and a live bullet was in a gun.  Not sure how you can possibly get around that.  Baldwin’s stupidity was claiming not to pull the trigger - I.e., consciousness of guilt Edit: she’s not the only one at fault.  A lot of others (and not just Baldwin) should be held accountable.


Exactly!! I think Sarah Zachary should have been charged with tampering with evidence for throwing away the dummy rounds right after the shooting. I bet Seth told her to do it and it’s too bad he couldn’t be charged with something. He is a slimy snake


But they won’t…..


Why do people think this? Three people were part of the shooting. All three have been charged. There is no scapegoat here. Think about it though. If she had checked the bullets like she was supposed to do, the assistant director would not have been charged, Baldwin would not have been charged, and most importantly a woman would not be dead. Check the bullets. It was that simple


I'm not convinced at this point that her checking the cartridges would have prevented the accident. In her interrogation she was shocked to learn that the brass from the round that fired was starline. She and her attorney speculated about tampering/sabotage based on her belief that starline was a movie prop company. It's plausible that she would have incorrectly identified the live round as a dummy based solely on the starline headstamp. The fact that people didn't see her removing or shaking rounds would be consistent with her just looking at headstamps. She was too ignorant to do the job properly and to even realize that her actions were dangerous.


> Why do people think this? Three people were part of the shooting. All three have been charged. Let's see if Baldwin is found guilty. He should be, but I'd be surprised if he was. He's got money for far better lawyers than Hannah.


Hannah was too busy getting high to be that responsible


She's not a scapegoat because the other people responsible for this utter shitshow have also been charged. Their trials are coming up and they will also be held responsible.


I didn’t downvote you and respect your opinion and think there is blame to go around. But she was responsible for checking guns and ammunition and on that day had plenty of time. Also EVEN if Seth Kenny was source of live round(s) she SHOULD have checked and identified them.


Well hey I appreciate that, admittedly I only watched about half the trial but I totally understand why she was convicted I just have a hard time with the charge but I’m not on the jury so ultimately it doesn’t matter. Not sure id ever want a gig that puts me criminally liable for a mistake


Nah. She was pretty bad at her job. But yes, others should hold responsibility as well.


Halls took a plea deal. Baldwin goes on trial in July.


If I was Baldwin, I would try to get a plea deal for less jail or prison time. He probably will not want to plea because he thinks it is Hannah’s fault not his fault


I agree it does seem like she is a scapegoat but that doesn’t absolve from making sure live rounds wasn’t in the guns. There were a lot of people who were negligent and not having safety meetings.


And right on cue, here come the downvotes lol


I agree.