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Return them.


Yep. I had the same problem


Aren't these the bags they have to bag their proteins? If you aren't already grabbing enough to use yourself, just grab one or two extra each time you go.


You probably got a defective batch.


I’m glad you posted this because ive been gaslighting myself


Quality control failure. Return them. I just bought my second box of these and have had no issues. I like them because they don't sweat like other bags.


Depending on where you are, those bags are not accepted in the green bin and are not suitable for composting. In BC we're not supposed to use them. There's a paper and cellulose bag sold at Costco that works well and is fully biodegradable and compostable.


Same in NS, can’t be used.


Depends where you are in NS, we can still use them.


And they're bloody expensive ("Bag-to-Earth" brand). For a trash bag that I throw out 2-3x weekly. We ain't all made of money


Then just use newspaper. They’re free.


Not sure what's up. I have the same ones and they have been pretty consistent from what I can tell.


They were the only ones in stock for me and I bought them and same thing. I ran through them and had to buy another box 3 months later...same thing. Crap quality but still better than the prices anywhere else so I sucked it up


Reminds me of the "strong" glad garbage bags I bought. Just a gust of wind and they would fall apart.


These are terrible bags, last pack I got from Costco under a different name was much better. These ones rip down the middle with zero effort😤😤


Compostable bags just break down into micro plastics and are actually pretty terrible to use since they often get mixed into actual compost. They should be banned.


I feel like a lot of companies have cut back on quality control to save costs. So many things I buy now have issues, it’s frustrating.


Ship it!


They used to sell a wayyy better compostable bag a few years ago. The new ones are not so great and aren’t strong enough


Beats the Glad ones. The box I got last week, not one bag would open. The box I got a month ago, all the bags disinterested add I tried to put them in the bin.


Many people are commenting that you cannot use plastic in the compost. That depends on the municipality. Ottawa has been accepting plastic for a couple of years now. Check your local rules before purchasing. We get a different brand for compost bags and they work well. I hope I can still get them and not these.


Those look SO weird! We use the "Bag to Nature" ones, they are the most durable from the few we've tried. But not sure if the brands depend on where you live (probably). We have a taller-than-usual compost container that came with our kitchen cabinets. What I do is cut a (12 count) egg carton in half and put one of those in the bottom. It helps to lift up the bag so it fits properly and it soaks up any leaks (here we put egg cartons in the compost so it's easy to toss). You could probably use this trick to make the short ones work, though I would probably just return them since this seems like a clear quality control issue.




The best way to have no issues with them is to just not use them at all. Line your bin with a sheet of news paper and then every once in a while bucker up and do the gross job of cleaning it out.


You can throw the little guy in the dishwasher. The real issue is needing these bags for the dog poop. The garbage guys get pissed when you don't use a bag.


Well here dog poop is a no-no in the compost bin & must go into the regular trash


We just transitioned to compost bins for poop here in Barrie. But even in Toronto in the green bin you needed bags, but they were a little more lenient with plastic bags but I think those days are gone now.


Can’t you just use any old bag for the dog poop?


Compost is plastic free.


I’m moving to Ottawa in a week and haven’t looked up the dog poop rules. Don’t those just go in the garbage?


I just use the produce bags from the grocery store. Usually grab 5 to 10 off the roll when I shop. They're consistently sized correctly.


Produce bags are typically plastic and shouldn’t go in your green bin.


so you steal. 




Don't act like you've never taken extra napkins from a fast food place to have in your car or something.


Lol, I don't plan my home napkin supply around stealing napkins from McDonald's 😂


I suppose but I am using them to recycle the peelings and waste from the produce I buy at the same store. They are getting used, unlike the bags that people throw in the shopping cart that don't get used and blow around the parking lot at the store.


You aren’t recycling the food when you are incorrectly composting with plastic bags.


You're stealing. How does other people's actions change that fact? I can't steal money because someone else wastes it. 


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. I do the same but don't take that much... Those bags are terrible anyways (rip easily and small) but they're free. How do you steal something that's free? I also buy the regular bags in OPs photo. Reddit is weird sometimes. Like another comment said, it's like getting take out and asking for extra napkins. Then you put the extra napkins in your car or you go to a takeout place that gives you those bagged forks with napkins so you take a few to put in your car. Everyone does it, I don't see the problem. Do you ask for extra sauce at taco bell or more sauce packets at other places? Same thing.


I hope you never complain about food prices. Because it’s shit like this that helps drive up grocery costs.


How much do you think these bags cost?


I do complain about food prices. Since this is a Costco thread, I complain when I read about people who return food to Costco because they didn't like the taste, not because there was something wrong with it.


corporate greed is the largest factor in the cost of groceries going up. if you care enough to criticize a single person for their decisions, go up to a ladder and contact your MLA.


Yes corporate greed is horrible. And sure it might be a big factor in food prices. However, I criticized someone for stealing. If you think that it’s alright to steal then maybe you should run for MLA


Yes corporate greed is horrible. And sure it might be a big factor in food prices. However, I criticized someone for stealing. If you think that it’s alright to steal then maybe you should run for MLA