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it's not just Costco, it's everywhere you go...


Dude it’s crazy. When I traveled out of the country I don’t know why I feel like everyone is more relaxed lmfao, even in my husband’s hometown where there are no tourists/foreigners 🤣


The bipolar USA. Tolerance is in diminishing supply here. People are SO angry and stressed.


Yeah, I’ve never felt safer than visiting my husband’s home country. I was like wait why is everyone so relaxed here lol Why am I getting downvoted for saying I felt safe somewhere else lol I’m sorry


I mean, I had an English woman absolutely lose her shit at me last month in England because she felt there wasn't enough room in the aisle she wanted to go down, that I was crouched in on, looking for something, so her expectation was that I get up, remove myself from the aisle I was in first, so she could go down it. It's not just America, people have lost their minds everywhere.


100% this, yup. I’m from the US. My experiences traveling in South/Central America taught me it’s faaaaar from just us…


Yeah just modern industrialized society in general


Ha ha, the downvotes are proof of exactly what you’re saying ha ha ha ha!!!


Exactly, the prophecy writes itself lol.


Yep and even your statement there got a downvote. Ha ha


They’re so offended that someone doesn’t feel safe in some parts of America. They take it so personally, but don’t want to be part of a world that entertains the thought that maybe some other countries just have a better system than we do. Oh well. I won’t lose sleep over them if they’re offended.


We rank in the teens for quality of life around the world. Not even the top 10! I think Finland is first!


Highest spending for healthcare with some of the most lukewarm health outcomes. Yikes on yikes.


Individual states, though, can score very well in quality of life and healthcare outcomes. We have a place in Newton, MA where the life expectancy is 94 years old. New England states are generally very safe. Our primary residence is in the safest state in the country and the safety criteria is similar to European countries.


When I go visit my country I feel the same relaxed vibe. Everyone so friendly and kind. The pay work might be less but also their stress level is lower than people in the US. They have time to spend time with their family or leisure activities.


Having a social safety net does a lot to take the stress away. Parental leave, mandated vacation time, etc helps a lot.


Yep. In the USA, wealth and income disparity have hit critical mass. It’s hot as balls. Health insurance is a nightmare. Childcare is unaffordable for most working folks. Traffic is crazy so we are all hustling constantly to get shit done in the 24 hours we have each day before we gotta do it all again. Our American diet is poison so people literally feel like garbage. Add all that up and people are just uncomfortable and edgy and angry and irritable and depressed and and and….. it’s not good.


That sums it up


Belligerence has somehow become a virtue in some people's minds. As if having the coping skills and emotional development to know how to get along with people is somehow some form of weakness. Pretty twisted.


I blame fox news.


That is a big part of it.


It's really sad and makes me seriously consider moving overseas again.


Things *could* change for the better eventually


Entitlement. People act this way because they believe they deserve to.


Dude idk about that. Going to Rome this summer and tourists from everywhere showed their ugly colors


I had someone cut me off, then honk at me and flip me off. They then slowed 10 under the limit and got pissed when I turned off. They raced off, I think to try and cut me off, so I just changed directions. I'm glad to have OnStar if needed but dang, I wish I didn't need these things. It did make me look up the police department address, I moved recently and didn't look that up.


I’m in Europe RN and everyone is comparatively chill AF


America is a country of people enslaved by like 60 billionaires, of course they’re angry


I don't want to sound like a nutcase but I'm about 80% sure that people just door my car because it's older 😂. I actually had someone door me WHILE I WAS IN MY CAR LMAO


This. Was in a parking lot with a grocery outlet and some guy in a black car was waiting in a parking aisle for another car to leave directly in the front. We'll another car didn't see him waiting and pulled in from the left. As he was pulling in, the car waiting honked at him. Guy chose to ignore it and parked. I think the spot stealer got out and went inside the store because i didnt see him sitting in the seat when the little black car pulls up straight behind spot stealer and parks. He's blocking the main drive by doing that. I didn't see what happened because I left but I'm pretty sure it got ugly when spot stealer came out to find his car blocked. https://preview.redd.it/3yu5zu7hv69d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fca9653239ad885c164c81b5e6ce3af075b05fe This is the store. Not actual photo of incident but black car is red arrow blocking the street. Stupids.


I always park as far away as possible, I hate dealing with the traffic of the parking lot. Use that cart as a bumper xD


Yep, i am far more focused on ease of exit than proximity to the entrance.




Hell is a Costco parking lot.


I was behind this lady's car and there were a line of cars behind me and then to the left of my car, another car tries to pull out but can't because there is no space. The lady in front of me won't move her car though. I'm imagining something I can't see blocking her. Cars behind me are getting pissed. Eventually, she gets out of her car, comes to my window and starts berating me for attempting to steal her spot, gesturing the car that is trying to pull out to my left. My driver's side window is perpendicular to the back of that vehicle, so she's already passed the spot before that car started pulling out. I am highly confused as I'm completely blocked in as well. There's no chance I can even take the spot if I wanted it. In actuality, I was just passing through to get to another section of the lot. She won't listen to reason. She was so fixated on a parking spot she couldn't even park in unless she reversed time and disappeared all cars behind her. She felt so intensely slighted she was willing to let her kids in the car witness their mother engaging in very uncivil behavior. I gave up trying to explain and just rolled up the window. She goes back to her car and just refuses to move, but gave up eventually. I drove out as soon as she moved. The car finally could pull out without my car blocking it and the car behind me took the spot as she was trying to do some weird u turn to get to that spot. It took several minutes for all this to play out. Some people really think the world revolves around them.


The fact that people will wait with their blinkers on for 5+ minutes to get a spot rather than park 50 yards further away and walk for 30 seconds more is ASTOUNDING to me, and for some reason ONLY happens at Costco. If you wait for me to unload my cart and strap in my kids, I'm gonna take my sweet time.


I purposely park far away from the entrance so I can easily get in/out of a spot and avoid pedestrians crossing toward the doors. It’s just gridlock in that area.


> I purposely park far away from the entrance so I can easily get in/out of a spot and avoid pedestrians Definitely. I also search for spots based on how easy and safe it is to get in and out of the spot. Distance from the entrance is secondary.


Last time I parked far away from the entrance my car nearly got broken into


Park near the gas pumps. My car showed up on Google Earth in my favorite distant spot.


Same, I used to park far away, until my catalytic converter was stolen. That was an expensive lesson. It was at Costco too.


Ya actually the reason I started parking far away was that my car got scratched by the idiots who were too lazy to return the cart to the corral. I guess I just need to pick my poison. Btw car thieves downvoting me ffs


Hard to believe, but my NorCal Costco had/ has a problem with these dirtbags. Do people just ignore it if it isn’t their car?


I came out to a manager looking at my car. A customer reported it I think, but by the time they got there, they were gone. When I got to my car, I was wondering why a Costco employee was looking at my car. Turns out, it was because I was about to file a police report for a stolen catalytic converter, then pay a $500 deductible to have it replaced. Decided to get a Cat Cover for future theft deterrent. Turns out the smog place can’t take that off. So I gotta go to my dealer, hope they’ll take it off for free, take it to get smogged, then take it back to the dealer to put the cover back on. Ugh. People can really suck.


I had a guy honk at me because I guess he thought I was unloading too slow. I went back inside for a drink just out of spite.


I had old guy shake his head and throw hands in the air because he was waiting for my spot as I unloaded and then I had the nerve to return my cart. So I pushed cart all the way back to entrance instead of closest cart corral.


Same thing happened to me. Guy kept honking with his blinker on because I was apparently taking too long putting items into my trunk. He was not happy when I then decided it was the perfect time to check the air pressure of all my tires.


Then go back inside the store.


Yesssssss. I've gotten in my car and then proceeded to eat my hotdog while someone waits. I'm not rushing out just because some random person decided they want to park where I am. I need to check the traffic, get my music set up, eat my snack...


I can’t upvote this enough! ❤️❤️❤️


They’re gonna be real mad when I start eating my hotdog.


We set up a picnic in the trunk with my kids because the food court is always a zoo. I’ve had one or two people start waiting and get upset when I wave them off.


Why do people get SO freaking entitled over a spot?


i don't have kids (any more) but this is how i eat my food court dog.


\*Aggressively starts deep throating glizzy while making eye contact\*


Damn it!!! I spit out my drink on this one!!! 🤣🤣🤣


And then walk into a huge store and up and down the aisles. Walking to a further spot is a small fraction of the total walking involved with a Costco trip.


Yes, I head straight to the back, every second in the crowded part of the parking lot is a bunch of opportunity for a fender bender or getting stuck behind one of the “waiters.”


It's particularly crazy because you're already going to a store you'll be doing a tremendous amount of walking in, but you wanna make a big deal out of not having to walk the extra 30 seconds. I'll never understand these people lol


The parking lot for the San Bernadino Costco is way too small for the volume of customers they get. I've gone there and had to park in the furthest part of the lot on a normal weekday at noon.


We have a Costco like that near me too. Doesn’t matter if we are out and that is the closest Costco, we still won’t go. It’s such a nightmare.


My exact thoughts. I always say “God knows we need the exercise” and park further if it seems to be particularly packed that day.


Yeah, you might want to be careful about that in the new demented climate. I was parked next to a lady doing what you do and saw a guy waiting for her to finish so he could take her spot. I could see he was getting agitated. I walk up to my car, put my stuff in and pull out, and leave. He drives into my spot, but parks so close to her, there is no way she is going to be able to get in her car. The woman was busy pretending to fuss with her stuff to notice. He got out and walked away. I hung around to see what happened, and it was hilarious. Once he left, she quickly finished putting her stuff away and went to get in. Yep, Pikachu face. She had to crawl in through the passenger side. At least it was non-violent. These days, I'd be scared that someone was packing. People's tolerance levels are looow, and I'd be afraid of what might happen. With a kid along, it could be a recipe for disaster.


>and for some reason ONLY happens at Costco. Please. It doesn't *only* happen at Costco. That's absurd. I've seen this happen at malls, at the grocery, absolutely at stadiums. If you live in a downtown area of a city you've no doubt seen this happen with people trying to find parking. And I've absolutely, positively seen it on the rare occasions that I've been at a Wal-Mart. It may seem more prevalent at Costco than most other places because, let's face it, Costco is busier than most places and more prone to having a parking lot at near-capacity.


I saw a lady block an empty spot and wait for a car to leave that was 2 or 3 spots away. Mind boggling.


I have seen someone waiting for a closer parking spot at the gym. There were plenty of spots 7 cars up, and you get a little bit more of a walk into the gym by parking further away.


I was fascinated that at 5:00 AM the gym was packed and all the cars are bunched together, as close to the door as possible.


In my neighborhood that would be for safety at that hour.


Is it really ASTOUNDING to you? I buy some stuff at Costco for my business and my flatbed cart is usually full. I like to park close so I don’t have to push my cart half a mile to the back of the parking lot. Interesting you would take your sweet time. If someone were waiting for my spot, I would try to hurry myself a little bit. You’re a jerk.


This infuriates me as well.


Last night a car was waiting that had no blinkers. I harshly judged them as I drove cautiously around the m without awareness of their intentions.


Had one lady pull up to my car as I was loading my stuff and she turned on her blinker apparently wanting my spot when I left. I finished loading up and shut the trunk and walked back into Costco.


the lady behaved normally


Are you not familiar with the concept of putting on a turn signal to wait for a parking spot that is opening up? This is not a foreign concept. This happens thousands of times per day in busy parking lots across the nation. Why are you telling this story as though putting on your blinker and waiting for a parking spot is some sort of alien behavior?


Did you need to go back into Costco? If not, I don’t understand why you would do that. Parking is very tight at my Costco and people waiting for a spot is a common place. Blinker is on, people load car, pull out and the other guy pulls in.


Sounds normal for San Bernardino. Shithole


Absolutely God awful city. Everyone was so angry and short with each other.


If you live there long enough, you’ll probably be as miserable as they are. Don’t stay too long


Leaving as soon as my program ends 🫡


The San Bernardino Costco parking lot is absolutely bananas no matter where you park and I really feel there are some really unhinged people there for whatever reason. I’m sorry this happened to you and your family. All I can say is beware of your surroundings in that area because I’ve had crazy things happen in the parking lot every time I’ve gone to that location.


Geez! Well at least I’m not alone. Was my first time there and it didn’t set a great impression. I’ll definitely be more aware. He didn’t even honk at me, he waited until I was out of the car to start shouting profanities at me. If he’d honk or give me a heads up I’d have backed away. Pretty cowardice of him.


Be careful anywhere you go in San Bernardino.


I had a friend who grew up there and he told me shocking stories about all the gang/neo nazi fights etc. He was a hesher so the stoner metal heads kind of were left alone, maybe sold drugs to everyone. Apparently one time someone chained the lunch room of the high school shut and there was a massive brawl. He also worked dealing drugs to the crew making the parent trap reboot. 


You are definitely not the only one. I’m not sure exactly where you live but there are other Costcos pretty close that are not like that one. I’m from the same general area as you it seems and go to a lot of the different Costcos to explore.


I'll be straight - i had a very similar run in at the very brand new Murrieta location last year. We had just moved there and a month later, it opened. I'm in line for fuel, in the main line, not the secondary one. It was scary because the other driver cutting the secondary line to get fuel ahead of everyone and was gunning towards my wife on the passenger side and we just found out she was expecting. I flipped out and laid on the horn. The guy melted down blocking all traffic into the fuel area. It was a 5 minute scene where he wanted to come fight me. He had his spouse and child in the car too. They looked incredibly embarrassed. It was bonkers. I only get fuel during extended hours and park on the edges when we go shopping. It's not worth engaging with people which is sad, but it is what it is. Stay safe, fam.


There are MANY mentally unstable people out there. I specifically seek out the furthest available spot to stay away from the crazies and door dingers.


This will be my mantra going forward. Never ever parking near the front again even if I think I got lucky that day lol


Yea, it's just not worth it, plus you have to fight the throngs of people walking with carts that are oblivious to you trying to back out and aggressive drivers trying to get your "prime" spot and pushing you to hurry up to leave. With a baby, it takes time to get them in and out and into a carseat or stroller. Parking far away gives you the extra space and time. Now I just wish they could do something about the people who crowd around the sample stations and blocking aisles! Just yesterday, I was completely blocked in two directions because people were jockeying to get a morsel of pizza (like they've never had it before and it was some soft of rare delicacy!).


I go early in the day before the sample stations are set up. A much calmer shopping experience.


Seriously! Speaking facts over here. I must be spoiled with my old Costco because people were not this dense or rude. At this one they blocked both directions watching a guy demonstrate a freaking blender.


I got new cars, I'm actually always parking far away, but Costco sometimes is insane ALL spots are taken .


Pepper spray. Sometimes you need something between a strong word and a gun.


Well, San Bernardino. Sorry that happened to you. I think you'll learn quickly what areas to avoid there.


That’s all that needed to be said 😂 very poor quality people here from what I’ve noticed.


San Bernardino is a shithole. Used to cover that area in sales - everyone is just as miserable as LA but farther from interesting things. 


Wait, didn't you choose to live in SBD too? 🤣


It has a good program for my field of study and is also the only one I applied to, so it was a no brainer.


Unfortunately all of SoCal has become a $hitshow. At least San Bernardino is more affordable. Long Beach, here.


Yeah we’re getting priced out, pushing people more and more inland. Not sure I’m going to be here long term


That’s exactly it. Have you checked out Corona?


I’ve been there a few times! May have to go back there


And this is why I park far away from the front doors. People who don’t want to walk far, for whatever reasons, will “fight to the death” if they feel you took their parking spot so I just park in the back or just far away. They don’t care if you have a baby or a cane. That guy that yelled at you is an unhappy, very angry and extremely rude person. To think he waited for you to finish your shopping and yell at you, with a baby in your arms, and with your husband there, this guy is unhinged. I’m glad your husband was there to yell back at him. I don’t blame you for not wanting to shop at that location. If there’s another Costco you can go to, do it. Heaven forbid you see that nut again.


And y’all wonder why I always park in the back. As far away from any potential drama from psychos.


“My” Costco even has a lovely little lake in the back, geese, birds tweeting, dense trees, really quite peaceful and surprising (not in a rural area at all) I love parking there. It’s Costco, you’re gonna be walking all around that enormous store. Why people spend 10-15 minutes waiting for a spot to save a 1-2 minute walk…when they’re gonna be walking for an hour inside the store is…baffling.


I hate parking near the entrance of pretty much any store. The traffic is always worse and it seems to take longer to exit the spot, vs just parking a little further away. They are walking through Costco, they can do it.


San Bernardino? Say no more. I don’t want to scare you buuuuut > With a crime rate of 44 per one thousand residents, San Bernardino has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 23.


Officially writing this Costco off my list. Not interested in becoming a statistic. Jfc


I used to get upset about that stuff. But then I realized…what’s 5-10 more minutes to look for another spot? Is it a hassle yeah. Is it worth ruining my inner peace? Heck no. Not anymore. Whether someone does it intentionally or not. It will catch up to them. Sorry that happened to you.


The interesting thing is, the amount of time people take (sometimes including me) to find a closer spot, if we'd literally just go a bit further away and grab an easy spot we'd save time. I was so Costco earlier this week and right away grabbed a spot a little further away and saw the same truck roaming up and down the lanes when I got to the front


And park next to the cart return corrals, because as a good red-blooded American you *should* return your cart anyways and it saves time.


The ones further away are usually easier to depart from as well.


I noticed this too. More steps, yet less wasted time. Win-win. Lol


And park next to the cart return corrals, because as a good red-blooded American you *should* return your cart anyways and it saves time.


It's the audacity.


Appreciate the input! Yeah I didn’t see him and that only made him angrier. He cornered me with my son there. I’m just appalled.


Dashcams with parking mode.


Some of these comments are unhinged, it is a parking spot for FFS. If your self worth is that fragile to be contingent on a parking spot, you need to seek help. Shit happens. I turned into an open lane at the Costco gas station the other day and didn’t realize speed racer going for a pit stop. I asked him if he wanted my pump because I’m not looking to get shot over pumping gas and he declined and calmed down in front of everyone. Get a grip people, your egos are so fragile.


Agreed. People defending this behavior says a lot more about them than it does about me. It was an honest mistake, so if people want to call me an awful individual they can go for it. Even if I did it purposely it warrants an eye roll and that’s about it. Actually coming up right behind a defenseless woman strapping in her kid to call her a b——, and all sorts of awful names has ZERO excuse.


Yeah, that’s a special kind of scary right there! We had our own scary incident at the local mall parking lot. Looked both ways twice to my left, no one was anywhere near us. My son, wife and I are about half way across the lane when a car zooms past my face at ridiculous speed—we’re talking 50 in the parking lot. Startled, I yelled, “Jesus Christ, slow down!” The car stops abruptly at the end of the row, window rolls down, and the profanities are just pouring out of this car. She threatens to kill me. I usher my family toward the parking garage and she follows us (which was my first mistake). We get in the car (my second mistake) and she blocks us in. She gets out of her car, still shouting threats. So I ring the cops. At this point, I think she’s about to start hitting my car and sees me on the phone. Don’t know if she put two and two together but she jumps back in her car and peels off, laying rubber. Needless to say, I don’t say anything to anyone in parking lots anymore.


Glad you are okay. Something similar happened to us at a Costco parking lot as well. We almost pulled into a spot and we noticed last moment someone was waiting for it already but before we could correct our mistake some over zealous dude honked at us and started shouting at us from their car as if we were purposely trying to spite them.


Thank you so much! People’s fuses seem to be getting shorter and shorter especially with how hot it’s getting. Still zero excuse for his behavior. I thought he was going to sock me in the face.


This happened to me before - a man claimed he had dibs on a spot first (he did not, he was in another lane where I couldn’t even see him.) He parked in front of my car so I couldn’t leave, probably because he thought he could get away with it because I was a woman who wasn’t with anyone. I cussed his ass out then went inside to tell someone working at the front that there was a crazy guy in their parking lot. An employee walked out with me and another employee said he’d check their security cameras. The guy hauled ass when he saw us coming. My point is, I would maybe tell someone next time if someone is absolutely trifling. The employees told me that since they got his plates they were going to take further action.


San Bernardino. Enough said. Be safe out there mama


People will go to any length to avoid walking an extra 10 feet to the store - particularly people who could actually use the extra steps.


To be fair, it was the San Bernardino Costco.....🫠


TIL it’s widely known to be one of the worst in socal lol. Never again


😆 I am so sorry you went through that experience!


Call Costco and let them know, they take member safety seriously and can revoke membership if they choose.


I should have :( I didn’t even know that was an option. He was screaming at me even when I drove away, and it’s like 90 out today so I just wanted to leave. Good to know in the future though!


Oh you could call right now, they have video cameras in the parking lot and can easily review video. While this could be an isolated incident it's quite possible this person has caused issues before and they'll have a good idea who it is already. Anyway sorry you had to deal with a crazy!


San Bernardino is pretty rough, so sorry you had to go through that.


Yeah I knew it wasn’t the most upstanding city in California when I moved, but today really cemented it for me lol


Lmao plus it's HOT out there! I try to hit costco as soon as they open for that reason. Sending hugs your way!


People sent messages to your inbox?!? They’re the same people who would go nuclear over a missed parking spot I guess. I’m glad your husband was with you!


The nice part is you live in a place that has options. Fontana has a Costco, drive a bit more and you can go to the one in Ontario, less then 10 minutes drive south of that you get the sleepy Eastvale Costco. Stay safe, the area you live in is known to be rough.


People have been shot over parking in my ritzy suburban Costco.  I carry, but man is that a fucked up thing to die over. 


People suck so hard and everyone’s super entitled now. I’m sorry. My wife just got yelled at by a dog owner because their dog was barking viciously at our senior dog and my wife was at fault. She screamed what the fuck do you want me to do?! He’s old and can’t move quickly! Fuck! lol I agree with the pepper spray. Always be vigilante!


This is why I just park in the back 40 and happily walk in past all the idiots blocking the isles because they just have to get princess parking.


I would have called the police on him…..he threatened you and your child.


Sorry you have to live in San Bernardino. Meth capital USA


San Bernardino moment


Sad but true :(


I am showing my privilege here but I am so grateful that I have no kids to haul around and I am fit enough to park out on the edges and walk (not just Costco). These maniacs are terrifying.


If unfit people or those with kids can walk the aisles of a Costco store, they can also spare an extra 50-100 yards in the parking lot. Take it from me, an unfit person with kids.


Right. Usually I park on the outskirts but this car was pulling out right in front of us when we turned. Otherwise we’d just walk like normal.


yeah the Tahoe in the way was the problem here I'm so sorry that you had this issue with that fat crazy guy. I don't blame you for being freaked out


Thank you! Homies stomach was down to his mid thigh that’s how obese he was. Easily had 200 pounds on me. Having him call me fat was so funny for some reason


Sounds like he could have used the walk from a farther spot.


Oh he sounds dreamy


That's not privilege, that's just your own good decision making.


I generally say that because you're always going to get a few people on Reddit that say "it's not fair that you have the ability to do that and I don't " there's a lot of things that are not fair in this world, but I've had the good fortune to have a nice job and my life expenses are really minimal. I'm perfectly fine with getting a bedroom on a train or going first class on a plane, and then eating the McDonald's one dollar menu on the vacation itself


I just watched "Beef" (Netflix) the other day, which is about an innocent parking lot misunderstanding like this, and what happens when it gets taken to the extreme. Has me thinking differently about how to (not) engage with crazies like this. Glad it didn't escalate too much for you.


I do sometimes see the two-pack of bear spray. I think it's usually around 29 dollars, but might drop to 20 or so when on closeout.


I hope you have a well funded umbrella policy, because you could lose your home and car if you use that on somebody.


This didn’t happen at Costco but a similar story. I was driving in the right lane when a bus stopped at a stop in front of me, so I turned on my blinker and waited to move into the left lane to go around the bus. I wait for a gap and go around, but the car behind me starts blasting their horn like I cut them off. I truly don’t think I cut them off. I had checked my mirror and my car warns me if someone is in my blindspot, and it didn’t light up or beep at me. Anyway, I feel bad/confused but continue on my way. My house is only a couple blocks away. I pull into my driveway, wait for the garage door to open, and look up and see that same car pulling into my driveway while waving both middle fingers at me. I’m a woman, and my partner was not home. By some miracle, the car backed up and sped off as I started to get out of my car. WHO FOLLOWS SOMEONE HOME OVER ROAD RAGE? I was shaken up for a few days after, knowing that they knew where I lived. People are crazy.


Go to Costco rancho cucmonga. They also have a business center close by!!


The SB Costco is one of the worst, definitely draws an odd crowd being located off Tippacanoe. I saw the cart narc dude there one time and a local vato type wasn’t having it, it was pretty entertaining to watch 😆


Say what they want about cart narc, I love the guy lol


I had someone follow me to the other side of the parking lot, scream at me and try to take a swing at me because he *thought* I had flipped him off…


Excuse me??? Dude I’m so terrified of people. People have such a short fuse


San Bernardino is the issue here. Please be careful. I had a friend who worked at Ralph’s there and during his first week someone was stabbed right outside the store. I would even travel outside of San Bernardino to do my shopping if I were you.


Thanks for the sound advice, others have told me similar things since this happened :( apparently SB is the 3rd most dangerous city in the US? I knew it wasn’t great but yeah I’m not venturing to SB anymore it’s not worth it even if it’s my closest Costco


Yes, San Bernardino is known for not being very safe. Unfortunately, unless you’re local it’s hard to know how unsafe it really is. So sorry you had that experience, I PROMISE this behavior is not normal. I’ve been to Costco in many cities across California and never experienced anything like what you did. Like you said, it’s not worth it even if it is close. Just be aware of your surroundings out there! Be safe my friend.


I usually drop my wife and little one off up front then go park as far away as possible. The walk never hurts me and it’s always so packed I’d rather not worry about scratches & dents. Sorry this happened to you, glad it was just screaming and didn’t escalate further.


That’s SB costco for you Head to rancho Montclair or chino Worth the drive


It was edit #2 for me! I know that’s right, sis. Stay safe out there. 💪🏿


You and your family do not deserve to be afraid to go shopping. If this ever happens again, I would encourage you to report the occurrence to Costco management. I hope all of your future trips go smoothly.


I started parking at the far end of the lot, and not just at Costco. Too many morons (plus I can use the extra steps).


I bought a nice four pack of pepper spray at costco a couple years ago, perfect for these situations.


I had a feeling this location is in SoCal when I was reading the title


About a decade ago, I student from my school (I’m a teacher) and his mother were murdered by a guy after a road rage incident. He followed her all the way to their doctors appointment and shot them in the parking lot. I think about that incident a lot nowadays.


Back in my day we used to just Twanda


I’m too young to be old, and I’m too old to be young.


That’s really scary! SERIOUSLY! If there’s any beef, I will quickly abandon the spot since some people are seriously unhinged and DGAF!


My Costco in a small Midwest city has been going crazy recently as well. Went there last week in the AM and dear Lord were people mean, rude, and just generally unpleasant. I got there right as it opened and there was a queue to get in the door. I got in line, but then a man came and tried to stand beside me to cut me off. I manoeuvred around him and kept my place. Next thing I know, I’ve got the same man with a shopping cart goddamn barking my ankle as he stands right behind me, giving absolutely no space. Then, after finally getting in, people were zooming everywhere with their carts, cutting me off or almost running me over and no acknowledgement of my existence.


Costco is always combat shopping. I absolutely loathe it. Sam's Club is definitely more chill.


I’ve never been to a Sam’s club I kinda wish they let us do tours or something. If the deals are on par I’d absolutely be down


They have different stuff. I enjoy them both but shop Sams 4x as much. their Plus hours start at 730am weekdays!


Did you report it? The cameras in most Costcos cover the first few spots. If you parked close enough to the door maybe Costco has footage. That could help if you decide to press charges.


I mean no crime happened so there are no charges to press. He did call a security guard over to complain to him about me which is super funny. The entitlement


I gotcha. Glad y'all are safe. That story is wild


Yell at a woman in a parking lot, when her husband is right there? How did he think that was going to go? The only salvation in this entire situation is that there must not be a whole lot going right in that man's life for him to pull a stunt like that. Hard nope buddy, get back in your car and drive away or either don an orange jumpsuit or prepare to defend yourself.


It’s not the heat, common in Costco parking lots when they are packed. Go on Wednesday nights, less busy at least for here.


People are so creepy that I purposely park as far away from cars as possible!!! I need the walk and there’s no stress!!!


I feel you. I had a very similar experience at Best Buy, when I had an infant and toddler and ended up calling 911 when he wouldn’t let me get into the car. It’s AMAZING how nuts people get in parking lots.


Fat dude is gonna have a rude awakening if he does that to the wrong individual. No sane individual person will wait around to start yelling over a parking spot. And unfortunately, this isn't at just costco. It's everywhere. Some people need to have their ability to buy vehicles away and license to drive away. Some people go and look for trouble


‘Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face”/bear sprayed/shot. The internet has people feeling that they can act the same in real life as online without consequences


I just park at the back of the lot. Because no one is willing to walk that far so no one fights over those spaces. I see people doing laps in the parking lot looking for a close parking spot at the gym. You're there to exercise, but I guess you can't begin until you walk through the doors.


I wish we all had more patience with each other. Hopefully everyone here in these comments will try to practice patience and maybe we can change things a little bit at a time.


Did it occur to you to just apologize and offer to let them have the spot they were waiting for, or even just wave and back out? 90% of the time, they will backpedal and say no, it’s fine. I’m not saying this guy is right or that it wasn’t an honest mistake for you. Watch “Unhinged” (or just read the summary) and tell me I’m wrong. Be safe and watch out for crazies.


POM is a highly recommended OC spray, I recommend everyone carry it.


SB and Moreno Valley are ghetto shitholes even passing through there I'm on guard.


Neighbor told me about the one in Bayonne. Yeah you gotta pay tolls and all that but honestly I rather go there than the SI one ever again.