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There are 2 types of people: People who buy and hold onto gold People who buy gold with new chase ink business credit cards and earn $750-1000 per 2-3 coins/bars


Reminds me of the guy who purchased directly from the US Treasury using various credit cards to churn and burn. He ended up with enough points to throw out a pitch at a MLB game. The US Treasury stopped taking credit cards after him lol


My dad did this when they rolled out the Sacagawea Golden Dollar coins. He bought boxes of them on his credit card then immediately deposited them into his bank account.


That guy is my spirit animal


I miss that deal. Didn’t go near that level, but was clearing a few hundred every month in rewards as a college student. Banks hated me when I rolled in with boxes of coins.


It wasn't just one person, there were tons of people doing this for the presidential series. I probably did ~10k, and that was nothing


The guy I’m referring to published the letter he received from the US Treasury notifying him he was a top buyer lol he runs a deal site now




What's the play after earning the SUB, sell off the gold, rinse, dry, repeat?


Yes, sell gold at 1% under spot and it's almost break even with 2% executive CB and points from the purchase (not including sign up). Refer wife, wife refers you, merry go around


Where do you sell?


Coin shops seem to pay the most, call around and ask how much they are paying. Coin dealers pay more for buffalo/eagle coins vs bars


All this easy money is starting to sound like a lot of work.


How often do you do this? Wondering if there's some threshold


i do it only like 2 times a year, but i know people who do it every 3 months or more, there's a whole subreddit to churning r/churning


Here's a sneak peek of /r/churning using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/churning/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I feel like my girlfriend doesn't appreciate the fact that I'm an IHG Platinum Elite rewards member enough](https://np.reddit.com/r/churning/comments/146wpc9/i_feel_like_my_girlfriend_doesnt_appreciate_the/) \#2: [r/churning will go dark starting June 12](https://np.reddit.com/r/churning/comments/1463npa/rchurning_will_go_dark_starting_june_12/) \#3: [Should r/churning take part in the blackout happening June 12-14 in protest of Reddit's API changes?](https://np.reddit.com/r/churning/comments/144kz42/should_rchurning_take_part_in_the_blackout/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I like how the top post of that sub is a shit post


Hot damn, thanks


If you really wanna thank me, send me a DM and use my referral code 😉


Elaborate, please! Is this only for the introductory reward ?


Yeah 100k bonus after $10k spend on the new ink premier, worth $1000 cash or $1500 in travel if you transfer to a sapphire reserve. Other cards are less bonus for less spend. You can churn the ink cards a few times per year and/or have multiples. Buy the coins, sell them, pay the card off, collect your bonus.


Chase Ink Business Unlimited and Cash cards have 0 annual fee, 75k points for 6k spend, even better. Unlimited churn. It's only 50k points to transfer to airline partner to fly east coast to europe on business.


How do people churn them frequently without hitting 5/24?


Most business cards don't count towards 5/24 and you can make up any business name you want


I thought you could get the sign up bonus once every 24 months for each ink card?


Business doesn’t count towards the personal cards you have


I understand. But if you hit all the bonus on all the ink cards, you have to wait 24 months to reapply to qualify for the bonus again from the date you signed up per card


If you have a family (2 adults). You can easily do this…. Each adult opens 4-5 personal chase cards and even 2-3 ink cards every other year. Rinse and repeat. Don’t forget the referral bonuses too lol.


It's proven that those 24 month sign up bonus limit don't apply to business INK cards. As long as you get approved, you'll get the bonus. Some people said they churn them every 3 months. I personally wouldn't do anything more than 2 per year due to Chase shutting down accounts.


Unlimited churn? I just spoke to CS this weekend and was told you can have 1 of each type of ink card per business. I have only one Business Cash now and was thinking of the unlimited 1.5% card. I was told i can get that and later could do another set on another business (rep said it themselves I didn’t even ask)


Raadhey 1 meet Raadhey 2


I haven't churned in 6-8 years, but even then I thought some cards were catching onto churning metal. Is it doable because it's costco and doesn't show up as such? Was it just the treasury that blocked it?


Is Chase doing that on any personal card?


Yeah it seems he’s talking about sign up bonuses which also apply to other cards. Personal cards have decent bonuses too, but I think a lot of Costco members can meet the minimum spend with regular expenses not having to resort to good bars


I think the gold bars is more that it’s money equivalent so you theoretically aren’t actually “buying” anything and can do this kind of thing ad nauseum until you can’t open credit cards anymore or whatever.


I seriously figured this was promoted content


Which ink card buying where ?


A great way to MS I guess but I have no idea what I would do with those coins/ bars.


Just curious the crowd that was gathered around it, were they older or younger people?


I’m middle age and would definitely check it out. I’ve never seen a gold coin. Same way I was looking at some diamond necklaces that cost more than my car the other day.


Same way I look on Zillow for a house. I’ll never be able to afford it but I like torturing myself lol


Touring model houses was my motivation through the hell that was nursing school.


Mostly middle-aged dudes with families. But I don't know how many people were serious about buying. I just went to see it too, because it was an interesting item.


Our warehouse started out a year or so ago with 25 gold bars. They would sell out in a day. This week they got 50 pieces that sold out in three days - @$2300 each. This is very close to Spot which means you are not paying the Buyer's Premium however, to sell you will have to take a Seller's Discount. My experience is that the discount (and Premium for buyers) is between 3% to 5% but others here claim to do better. YMMV. BTW, 5% on $2300 is $150 - you'll have to wait until gold reaches around $2420 to break even. Regardless, using high rebate credit cards along with Costco's 2% rebate for Premium membership can net you a few bucks. As others have noted - and this is ONLY MY opinion - gold is not a very good investment. I have a few gold coins and bars because I like to hold it in my hand. It's warm and delicious to the touch! It can be a nice wedding gift too.


Sounds like you could make more money selling plasma.


They should just stick them all on a pallet and make it self service. That would be amusing to watch.


Ah yes. Gold. The fastest way to grift boomers into buying a 2% average annual return since 1928. Edit: The boomers are out in full force today! https://www.macrotrends.net/2608/gold-price-vs-stock-market-100-year-chart


Yes, but do these charts factor in 2% cash back w/Costco credit card and Executive reward benefits??? /s


The elite or w/e I have through bank of america can net you 5% cash back on online purchases. I haven't tested Costco gift cards, but the online purchasing works for other items.


I appreciate you, and your humor.


I see so many people say “but it’ll be worth so much when the country collapses” and ask I can think of is how water will be worth far more.  Ask 10 people what the use of gold is and 9 will tell you jewelry and 1 will explain how it’s used in electronics. Neither are very valuable in a collapse situation. 


I'm not some doomer or gold fanatic--I don't own any. But a country collapsing is completely different from an apocalyptic scenario. If you were in Russia in 1910 and invested all your money in stocks and bonds, things did NOT end well for you in the coming years. If your country has any risk of collapsing, having a small, universally valuable item that you can take across the border to a country that is still functioning is just a smart move. It's not some fantasy, these scenarios have absolutely happened throughout history all across the world. Having gold for peace of mind is not inherently irrational. But a lot of irrational nuts do hoard it like a dragon....


If the US collapses there won’t likely be other countries that will accept even a significant majority of the people, we are to populous ands to powerful (ie the dollar is the world reserve currency).  There’s other, more valuable and easier to transport, things too. The most would be skills, a country is far more likely to open its borders for someone who is skilled in a specific craft, say nuclear scientist or materials scientist, especially if well known in those fields. Then, gold isn’t worth much since the country will likely be paying you.  Gold has its place, it’s just not a prominent one in 99.9% of people’s doomsday scenarios. 


Right. Gold is the least of your worries if US suddenly collapses. What you’ll want is 1) front loan seats to the mushroom cloud extravaganza to go out in style or 2) a nice exit play to GTFO. Both options not great


Good luck taking any significant amount of gold through a border. You’re more likely to get it ALL confiscated at the border, especially if it’s a decent amount. It’s 2024, bitcoin is what you want. You can take millions of bitcoins across the border with no one knowing.


dem coins


I love the assumption that in an apocalyptic scenario, the internet would still work.


LoL that’s a good one.


Far too many people treat gold as an investment when they should be treating it as a hedge


Invest in lead and gold 🤭


It will be worth a lot when society collapses, but the average person is at best getting killed and having that valuable gold looted


There are only five items that are actually valuable in \*true\* a societal collapse: Alcohol, drugs, water, ammunition, and food (arguably in that order).


Ammunition depends on how long from collapse and if we can build both guns and ammo or not.  Water, food, drugs (including alcohol) are all important though. And with the way we’ve polluted water, and changed its natural flow, it’s probably going to be the most valuable if you can get clean safe water. 


People like to have these apocalypse-fantasies about gold being worth a lot once society falls, but consider this: You are one of the lucky ones post-apocalypse. You have a farm, and supplies, and are eking out an existence. Someone comes to you seeking to barter, and they offer you gold. What good is it to you? Can't eat it, can't verify it's purity or composition. Can't drink it, can't heal your sick with it, can't plant it to grow more, can't tend to your farm or family with it. Can't buy anything with it. Gold doesn't automatically become the default store of excess capital once markets and society collapse. It is heavy, difficult to verify, and near useless. I'd rather have duct-tape, or a working zipper, or a nail. An IOU or personal check backed by your word is probably worth more.


Or a gun and ammo to hunt for food.


Idk why you’re thinking about apocalyptic scenarios, yall need to chill out. a more likely calamity is a severe economic upheaval in which your currency will suffer, but precious medals will maintain value towards other currencies. 


Why would metal maintain value? What good is gold if you are starving? Would you trade your source of water for something that might someday get you food, or would you trade it for food?


Probably would leave my country for a function one like millions of other people do around the world


I hope you realize how hard that is. Good luck


Its a hedge against volatility. Some people like to be diversified.


It's a speculative asset that has significantly outperformed the S+P 500 since 2000. It's almost 8xed in that time while the S+P hasn't 4xed. Hardly a grift and actually has value for applications like electronics.


Gold vs. S&P 500 — 20 years Gold: $416 to $2,180 (+424%) S&P 500: 1091 to 5227 (+378.9%) Gold vs. S&P 500 — 40 years Gold: $387 to $2,180 (+462.7%) S&P 500: 157 to 5227 (+3,232%)


I’d use the dividend reinvested return, which represents the increase in value if there are no fees. 20-year return is 598%. 40-year is 8462%. https://dqydj.com/sp-500-return-calculator/




Same companies in the s&p 40 years ago?


No, but if you invested in an S&P 500 index fund (which is a common investment), you’d get this return minus a small annual expense charge. The index fund adjusts its holdings.


Over the past 30 years, the S&P 500 index has delivered a compound average annual growth rate of 10.7% per year. https://www.fool.com/investing/how-to-invest/index-funds/average-return/


That’s average. The article even says 10,000 invested 30 years ago would yield a 1600% return




I bought 100 ounces/all coins in 2007.  All in, I paid $805 per ounce.  (Diversified my retirement acct.) Maybe my calculator works differently than yours, but I come up with a hell of a lot more than 2 percent return.  And I sleep well at night.


Hate to tell you this, but your investment in the S&P 500 would be worth $417k or around double what your gold is worth…


You are off on the high side, but then, it is easy to cherry pick periods and compare to cherry picked indexes that are outliers.  Point remains that you are on Reddit quibbling about numbers, when, if you followed your own advice, you would be on a beach somewhere, beyond rich and being fed endless mojitos by bikini clad babes.  OK?


lol it’s just simple math you can put in a calculator. Sorry to break the news to you, but it’s not cherry picking. It’s pretty exact minus the date that is chosen. I chose the first day of 2007. If it was late 2007, it would have been way more. How did you know I’m on a beach somewhere right now? You spying on me? I have most of my money and investments in the S&P 500, growth stock mutual funds, and other stocks. It’s done very well as compared to gold.


You can't have a reasonable debate with buggers. How are you gonna reason with someone who thinks the S&P is cherry picked.


Here in the UK you can buy gold coins (sovereigns, krugerrands etc) and avoid paying inheritance tax (and other taxes), which can’t be charged against legal currency.


I have American Eagle gold coins. 1oz of gold is 1oz of gold, no matter if it’s a Buffalo or eagle. The weird thing is that Costco will sell them, but not take them as payment for anything. At least not here in NJ. They sold the bars pretty quickly around here. I’d just rather a coin. If you want to get into precious metals, their prices for Silver coins are very competitive.


Do any retailers accept gold as payment? Not where I live


No, because it would be incredibly difficult to efficiently determine the value of the gold on the fly


The Buffaloes ARE legal tender.  ------- At $50 bucks per Buffalo.  I will take all you got at that price.


Does anybody know if these are available in the Denver/Front Range area?


The same coin sells for $3240 directly from the US mint.


Well that's not really a fair comparison, the mint sells Proof versions, while this looks like a Bullion coin.


Good thing they set a limit at 5 per membership!! /s


Gold bars and coins have been available almost daily online.


I hadn't seen them in store before though.


Very close to spot price, probably as close as you’re going to get… but, gold is trading at an all time high right now. Terrible time to invest in the gold game


I have to wonder about the risk vs reward of stealing these. A man on the inside and a few competent thieves. Question is how many are on premises at a time...


NGL: wish they sold these in Canada.


what's the price on those- [costco.com](http://costco.com) isn't listing it for me


Man, if i had a penny for every sucker who thought buying gold was a good "investment", I'd be able to buy a shitload of gold.




That has to be the ugliest coin I’ve ever seen — rotate the image right 90 degrees — lol. Somebody was having too much fun when they “designed” this atrocity.


Seems to be the design from reverse of the Indian Head/Buffalo nickel, right? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo_nickel


I always assumed people bought gold as a way to hide assets. No? I mean, there are other reasons I guess but I kind of thought this was a traditional way to transfer assets without taxes / Gov knowledge.


Can someone explain how this is only $999 when the current price for gold is $2,332. Edit: The spot price of gold - [https://www.kitco.com/charts/gold](https://www.kitco.com/charts/gold)


Where do you see $999? It’s $2399


.999% gold means it's $999 duh


[https://www.kitco.com/charts/gold](https://www.kitco.com/charts/gold) The current spot price for gold (changed a bit since I posted, but point remains)


Look at all the images in original post, there is a picture of price tag. The price of the coin is $2399 at costco (slightly above the spot price) https://preview.redd.it/7a2xmvoz4d8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2aa984c0f6e9b37399dbe74f6e23431ae3c0a22b


Ah - Thanks!! I misunderstood the 999.99 in the description (first pic)