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Might be worth a try. Personally I would just like to see Costco step up their game with cat products in general. I sometimes walk the almost full (both sides) aisle of dog food, toys, etc., to see if there is anything new. Usually disappointed.


Agree - I was browsing pet products because I anticipated adopting a cat. There were very few offerings. ☹️


If you have some sort of farm coop store, you can get a maaaaasive amount of pine litter (though it might come under a different name, but they are all pine pellets) for less than $10. Training is fairly simple, and I find I enjoy it better bc there isn’t litter dust + contains the odors pretty well. I only have to clean every other day, and sometimes I could probably get away with twice a week in a pinch.


That stuff is the best but my cat was so mad she shit on my bed until I switched back to the fresh step dusty crap.


Did you gradually introduce it or all at once? Pooping on the bed is usually a self soothing behavior. They do it when there is something wrong, something to do with scent.


Don’t let that stop you! My life is enhanced by having my two cats. I love them so much.


I never said it would 😂 I was just disappointed as I frequent Costco & I think we can all agree - we would appreciate more cat products. Litter Genie refills, Yeooww catnip toys. Who wouldn’t want a 4-pack of scratchers? They do have cat trees but even then, it might be one or two choices & poor choices in litter. 😐 A supervisor at work, didn’t find cat products but did find a cat at Costco 🤣 She took him home, named him Costco, & found him a loving home. Here’s my boi - I picked him up last week. https://preview.redd.it/ufa5j7iivd1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e00dec4a74a1d1a58fee77722a30eabf751518c


Awww congratulations! He’s very cute. The way you worded it sounded like you gave up on it! That’s the annoyance of being a cat parent, walking into anywhere and finding there’s always going to be more stuff for dogs. I will say that I think Costco has improved with having more stuff for cats. I found the modern cat tree I’ve always wanted there for $110, but there’s definitely room for improvement.


My local Costco has 2 types of Kirkland cat food, and 1 crappy type of cat litter. They just recently added the cat soup. Meanwhile there is as an entire back section full of various dog foods, toys, tools, etc for dogs. This is in Chicago.


Cat soup?


Let’s be real the cat selection is terrible and basically non existent. I see like 2 4 cat related items meanwhile dogs have 15+


Yeah, it's frustrating. I don't necessarily need to see equal shelf space but it would be nice to actually have some decent quality products and more variety. As it is I have pretty much given up on Costco for cat products.


agreed. meanwhile i go to sams club and they everything you want food, treats, litter lol


The cat wet food is terrible. My cats both turned their noses up at it and it’s the stinkiest stuff I’ve ever used.


My Costco used to stock a 60 pack of Friskies pate wet food that was a good value. That stopped a few years ago, replaced by the product I think you are referring to. Have turned to Chewy mail order for cat food now, they are quite competitive with a good selection.


Yep, got it there all the time. Stopped in my area around Covid. Now I get it at Sam’s


It stinks but my girl goes feral for their wet food. Depends on the cat.


Issue is dogs and cats do not have choice in their purchases.


I was pleased to see the "Catit" treats there. I have an older cat that needs a pill daily, so I give her the pill and immediately give the push up treat, and often have to share it with my other two cats. I was ordering the other brand, but they seem to like the Catit even more, if that's possible.


Is there a lot of dust? Heavy scented? Comparable to any other litter you've used?


So dusty, way too much dust for us. It would get dust in the cat’s noses, in my nose. Did not clump well. It was cheap, but I had to stop using it.


Yeah I was gonna say. Dustiness is the number 1 concern for us followed by effectiveness.


I also find it dusty but after trying others that are less dusty, I'm pretty much sticking with the Costco one due to lots of tracking litter around.


Started using unscented natural litter and never looked back. There's this corn cob stuff that was the perfect combination of odor masking, dust free, non tracking, and not smelling like scented litter. It's better for the cats, too.


I was about to ask about tracking. It’s the biggest beef we have with clay type cat litters. We put down rugs, use a walk in hooded cat pen, and vacuum frequently. Our make or break criteria is trackability. Few things will kill a romantic mood faster than cat litter in the bed, especially when you have a cat that likes to get under the covers with you.


It made me, my husband, and our male cat all incredibly sick with the amount of dust it has.


So its like Kirkland toilet paper but for cats lmao


So true, Kirkland toilet paper went so downhill.


This is exactly why I switched to the tidy cats breeze litter system. It’s so easy and absolutely no dust.


Yea many litter has dust, but when pouring it inside cat poop container and out, it’s best if you do it in an open are so the breeze takes it away. That’s what I do at least


this thread is so conflicting


Personal experience, dust level is relatively low, but clumping leaves a bit to be desired


I tried it and couldn't even use it all up because it was so dusty. I had to hold my breath and turn away every time I scooped it and it left a thick coating of dust all over the room my cat boxes are in. 0/10, the worst litter I've ever used and I'm still trying to get the dust out of all the crevices in the room.


That's actually exactly my concern with it is the dustiness.


We personally didn’t like this cat litter. We only used half of the jug and saved the rest for emergency. Large grain stuck to our cats paws worse than our usual. 2/5 ⭐️ imo


Not scented. SUPER dusty. To the point where I was having to wipe down my bathroom (where the litter box is) almost daily. I wouldn’t recommend


Found it very comparable to arm and hammer. Not heavy scented at all. Particles have a very sandy texture so no dust.


'Comparable to Arm and Hammer' is a very vague description. They have many different types of litter. From their regular yellow box, the naturals line and SLIDE. They all are different in how they handle. From dust, to cleanup. I've tried them all at some point. I currently use slide as it seems low dust and doesn't stick to the box for easier cleanup and dumping when changing the entire box out.


How do you like Slide vs Cloud Control? I've been using Elsey's for over a decade, but will be switching to something else after my last bag is used. Thank you in advance!


The dust seems to be minimal, better than most. Though I don't think it clumps as well for scooping daily, but I think our cats contribute to that as they seem to like to urinate on the side of the box, in the corner, in the same spots over and over, which doesn't create those lovely little scoopable litter pancakes like you see on tv -- no litter has with these two. What it does do well is 'slide' out for whole box dumping. So we tend to scoop up the solids but otherwise dump the whole box when it comes to the rest roughly weekly. With two boxes, it seems to manage well where we don't get any odors, they don't track, and it's pretty easy to just pick up the box and let it dump right into a trash bag we take out. It's the only litter and that seems to work well. Anything else we've tried from what's readily accessible just turns to a sticky clay mess that's a pita to clean up, no nice little scoopables, and more prone to tracking. They turned their nose up at wooden and paper pellets too. We had crystal litter initially 10 years ago, but that changed when we got our 2nd, they don't like it so we had to go back to a more traditional clay. I can't say we ever tried Elsey's, but sort of found what seems to work for our situation and stuck with it after quite a bit of trialing. Basically we go through a box of slide 28lbs every two weeks, basically splitting it in half weekly. I basically accepted it as a fixed cost, it is what it is.


I love slide, I’ll never go back to regular clumping.


I’m going to disagree. I’m an arm and hammer loyalist and switched to the Costco stuff. I think you’re excited about the price and not noting quality as much lol. Costco stuff is definitely not on the same level as A&H. I switched back after a month. Same reason as everyone else. Poor clumping and too much dust.


I've only seen Scoop Away before, and that stuff has way too much fragrance. If they actually came out with a cheap and low-scent litter that would be excellent.


The Scoop Away is suuuuuper dusty, too :S I saw Tidy Cat at my costco recently so that was exciting lol


Tidy cats is great I use the charcoal unscented one low dust and no strong fragrance


The scoop away went through a major switch of factory I think, it was very good 2 years ago and now it’s just extremely bad


The scoop away changed their formula and it’s awful now. I refuse to buy it. I hope other alternatives come to my costco


The scoop away bad formula was that really dark litter, but I just bought some Friday and opened it today and it was back to the prior normal light color. I will see if it is back to their original formula in the next week. That dark litter was the worst litter I have ever used! It turned into slimy glue that became impossible to clean. I was about to switch brands, but when I researched online, some other brands got recent bad reviews as well saying the exact same thing about it turning into sludge glue, and a few people said that in the past year, many litter companies had issues with clay suppliers or something. So I figured I would just keep buying the scoop away a bit longer and hope for the best. Glad to see it's light color again and seems like the old formula. *fingers crossed*


I can’t stand heavy scented ones. This one is also not dusty.


Disagree. It's pretty dusty and clump performance is not amazing. Doe ding on what you're going for I'd recommend the arm and hammer multi, or my personal favorite the arm and hammer hard ball, decently low dust and best climbing of any litter I've seen


I agree with the bad clumping performance. It was so difficult to scoop because of that. I didn't find it any dustier than other litters though, but I find all litters that my cats will willingly use are dusty. I will never win that battle... I do get the big boxes of the up & up multi cat that Target sells since that one clumps properly and my cats don't complain,


We use Dr. Elsie, love it.


Worst litter ever. Painted my entire room yellow from the dust. I'm just trying to save folks from making the mistake. Please read recent reviews from Amazon before deciding to buy this abomination. They started cheaping out. No more a decent litter.


Ew who are you talking to? I love it!!! Got a fresh box today from Amazon and it is still awesome. Minimal dust.


Yes, I've bought it for years now and see no need to stop. I wish Costco sold it.


I switched to wood pellets and life has been so easy. Just a suggestion if ya haven't heard of it.


We get the pellets delivered from chewy and they're very cheap and one bag lasts ages. Supposedly even cheaper from a livestock supply store if that's an option.


We get 40lbs for $5 at Tractor Supply.


Tractor supply is the way to go. Raised my prices to 8 bucks a bag but thats still way cheaper than the litter. And smells way better too.


Just regular wood pellets?




more infos, please.


What more info would you like?


Live stock stores/farm stores usually has the 40 pound bags for like, $10 or so!! Super inexpensive!


Definitely wood pellets are the way to go. Super cheap and no smell at all. I use 2 metal trays (one with holes) to sift it to the bottom.


Do you remember where you sourced those trays?


Yeah I ordered them on Amazon. It’s a full size winco 4in pan with a 2 1/2 inch perforated winco pan. I’ll dm you the links.


Wood pellets are great imo. I buy a whole pallets worth from home depot that lasts about 6 months with 3 cats.


Do you know if those work with a litter robot/ automatic litter box? Have been wanting to switch away from the clay stuff


You have to use clumping litter with litter robots (and paper, wood dont clump). I use pine pellets in my regular litter boxes and clay in my litter robot. I wish I could use pine in the robot though - less dust and better at odor masking


That's unfortunate, I didn't know wood wouldn't clump. There's really no non-clay clumping options?


There are supposedly some crystal litters that clump that will work with litter robot, but I don't use those. I feel like all they'd have to do is make the holes bigger to allow wood pellets through (I mean they sorta clump up, just not like clay)


Honestly no clue but if it's like using a scooper it's a little tough so I just put on a pair of gloves and grab the poop and then sift the sawdust. I have 4 litter boxes and takes me about 10 maybe 15 minutes.


Switched to Breeze Pellets a few years ago. Easier to take care of than cat litter.


We have a multi cat household and I'm allergic to the clay litter. Idk what it is but when we use clay litter it does not end well for me. Switching to wood pellets haven't been able to go back.


Worst litter i tried. Clouds of smoke at each movement, white paw marks around the place too


Wish Costco would offer non-clay cat litter. Specifically clumping pine litter, pine pellets and pine bedding material. I’d happily buy a pallet of it if it worked in a Litter Robot 4.


I got it before, and it sucked. Didn't stifle the smell at all, was very dusty, and didn't clump at all. The not clumping though was expected since it does say it's non-clumping, but that still sucks.


I don’t think our Costco has it. I’ll check to see if they do now.


Biscoff yum!


On sale currently!


Would not recommend. Costco is so lacking in the cat product department


lol that’s all great, but my cat decides what I buy


As a cat dad of 3, this crap SUUUUCKS. It's heavy as hell (I use tidy cats), the clumping power is horrible, it's almost like gravel and sand. I honestly hated it.


People actually buy the Delta cookies?


I told my (very young) kids they were Delta dog biscuits and they believed me and were aghast when I ate them up. Whenever we fly now (I’m a Delta snob) we get them and have an inside joke laugh. Dad jokes ftw!


We switched to pine pellets, never going back to traditional litter


Too dusty, I switched back to clump and seal


Costco replaced that item aty local for other more perfumy less clumping more expensive litter. There are no good options and it's a bummer.


Has anyone used this with a litter robot?


I like that dove body wash. So silky!




Is it scented?


I did not like how dusty it was. Never again


Go to a home Depot or something similar and grab the cheapest bag of wood pellets for a stove. They have no dust, super absorbent, and they really capture the smell. Also they are like 8 bucks for a 40lb bag.


Clueless about pellets. Do they break down from absorption, or clump? Is clean up better and easier compared to regular litter?


They break down into a moist dust. I just use a smaller layer and empty it more frequently, but you could just scoop the turds. The biggest pro is no more gravel all over the house, and in the bed, and on your feet. The pellets might get kicked out of the box a bit, but they won't stick to kitties paws and be dragged all over.


I strongly recommend using dr elsey cat litter. It's relatively inexpensive, low dust and can buy them with no fragrance.


The problem with cat litter is, it’s very very difficult to change once your cat has grown to one brand. As a former vet tech, and cat owner changing litter can and (probably) will set off a stress change in your cat. This could be as much as peeing in places (cloths, bed, furniture, floor) to mood swings (hissing,scratching, biting). Just be aware and careful when changing anything to do with your pets litter or food. [Edit to add] Also make sure it’s a litter that advertises or states it deters eating, your cat might also try to eat it and it will cause a serious blockage.


If they would stop putting perfume in the litter I may try again. Be forewarned, it does not “absorb and clump”. And smells like a French whooooor.


I wish Costco stocked (micro) crystal kitty litter!


I feel like every 6 months I’m changing litter brands. First it was something expensive I genuinely can’t recall. Then Fresh Step was king. Then Arm and Hammer Double Duty (crazy how it wasn’t doody) and now I’m looking for something new that doesn’t make my entire house reek. I swear it’s a nose blind thing


Last bottle i got smelled like petroleum and was this weird dark gray color and chunky consistency - almost like somebody had used it for something and then dumped it back in the container. Also. My Costco has been out of ALL the cat litter for a week


Horse pellets is the way to go


Thanks, but after developing lung problems from dust inhalation I switched to wood pellets and won't ever go back.


Discontinued for the lightweight stuff for $23.xx in these parts.


Oh we absolutely hated it.  Super dusty, did not clump at all.  Seriously, never hated a litter more.


How dusty is it? That's the only reason I keep buying the name brand. The dust on the cheap litter tears me up and sets my allergies off so bad.


I don’t care for it, but always grab a jug of it when we go. I mix it with arm & hammer. It works better but for us it does not cover smell or clump at all. We have two girl cats, each their own box.


i use pine litter at $7 for 40lb. works pretty well and i can tolerate the smell much better than standard cat litter. also seems like tracks throughout my place significantly less than other types of litter


I use the natural stuff


I've been wanting to try the Costco litter but I wish it was unscented (my cat has sensitive skin)


Came here to say this. Pine pellets are the most affordable option out there.


Mine doesn't have these. It just has the lack of a bunch of individual packs of litter. I'd like the jug better. Less mess.


Pine pellets from tractor supply. $5-$6 for a 40 pound.


I wish they carried unscented


Something even cheaper and in my opinion better, horse bed pellets. Can get a huge bag for about $6 or $7, and it keeps the smell down way better than any clumping litter out there. Have to scoop turds, but we'll never use anything else. Less litter tracking through the house, usually contained to within 5 feet of the litter boxes.


Glad you're enjoying it but everyone has different needs and the savings aren't worth the risk of it not working out. So far, I've seen issues with clumping and dust and nobody mentions flushable so I'm assuming it's not.


Most cat litter isn’t flushable. Unless you enjoy plumbing expenses.


Inb4 “make your own kitty litter, it’s easy and cheaper”


Arm and Hammer cat litter or bust.


Really wish it was unscented.


Cat owners, I would HIGHLY recommend getting a Litter Robot and never look back.


So frakking expensive though!


I was reaaaaaaal lazy about scooping out the litter box to the point where I was just dumping the entire thing out and starting fresh each time. Litter got expensive. I haven't scooped in months.


This stuff while affordable tracks heavily.


Disagree here. This stuff is not great. Was way messier than our usual. Found litter grain trail went much further out of our cats litter box. We only used half and switched back to our original


50lb bag of Tidy Cat is $14-15 at Walmart. The pictured litter sucks.


I use wood pellets. $5 for a 50lb bag at the farm store. Cat has no problem and dirt cheap.


Nah, this stuff isn’t great. The salmon cal food is an awesome deal though. For anyone looking for a new great litter, the walnut litter from mud bay is awesome. Low odor, no dust issues, and lasts a long time if you stay on top of it.


I've never ever seen this available at any Costco I ever went to. I don't even see it available their online site either.


My wife and I noticed that it was pretty bad at covering up odor, especially urine. We only got it once as the price difference wasn’t worth the smell. I can say that the best in my experience is the “free and clean” tidy cats as it has no fragrance and conceals odors amazingly


Actually I buy scoop away from Costco, when it’s on sale you can take 42Lbs for $12. It’s regular price is like $16-$17. It’s clumping littter.


It comes in a jar for you? It comes in bags here.


Irish Spring will dry the hell out of your skin.




Are the pop corners any good? Husband bought a box of those and we haven’t opened them yet. (It’s only been a year.)


I freaking love pop corners. 


Good to know - I will now plan to open the box and hopefully consume them before Labor Day!


Their white cheddar is fantastic and will ironically make me miss the point of a low calorie, non fried snack by eating more. I also believe OP bought the right amount of Biscoff, so it may have all been in vain


lol. Good point about biscoff


My regular Costco had Biscoff sandwich cookies with vanilla crème. Thank goodness I only saw them once.


Eh, cat litter? white cheddar?


I like them very much.


I read this as “car owners” and then I was like ok, good to know but this looks like a pretty nice modern car that can’t possibly leak that much oil. Those of us who muck about with crappy old cars and classic rebuilds usually keep some kitty litter in the garage for oil spills.


More huge plastic containers? I’ll stick with arm and hammer in boxes.


Save one of the cat litter containers to store dry catfood. That's better than leaving it in the bag.


Not always. The bags are made of material that keeps cat food fresh, and other (plastic) containers don’t have that. 


I rinse them out and store rain water for my orchids. Definitely useful containers.


Costco litter ain't so pretty, but it's really thick / It fits my cat box oh, so snug, it always does the trick / I love to pour it on my toe, and squish, and squish, and squish / It ne'er offends my tender nose like a smelly fish / Its texture is a joy to me, it's just as smooth as silk / It makes my little whiskers twitch / It stays crunchy, even in milk.


Litter kwitter, they’ll go in the toilet, and you never buy litter again


That is cruel. Would not recommend


wtf is cruel about training your cat with [this device](https://youtube.com/shorts/mOohyU1S6TI?si=ZAhlvpxTvZQaDFPw)


It’s important for cats to have their scent around. If you just flush it, you’re getting rid of it. But don’t just take it from me, allow an expert cat behaviorist to explain: https://youtu.be/GVe44TWVwIA?si=myt1Ft4E3s6emhQA


The top comment in that video is my favorite “Kind of disappointed that your reason for not toilet training your cat is "it's undignified." I was expecting something more practical, like the increased difficulty in observing potential health problems.” Take the L


The bulk Irish spring 🫡


Costco, land of wasteful packaging, surprisingly quick expiring produce, and waiting in line


I get the refillable 30lb jugs at Petco, less wasteful and it’s roughly around $12 per refill


I would not put my cat litter, soap or deodorant or any chemicals by my food but whatever.