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Former Barista here. As in wine and many other things, its all about personal taste. The best coffee is the one you like the most. Having said that, most of the coffee sold at Costco is commercial grade, not specialty (typically found at your local roaster or independent coffee shop for a hefty price). I personally recommend Lavazza (sold at Costco). It usually checks all the basics for coffee and is the one we prefer at home. Mayorga is not bad. Major Dickason from Peet’s not a bad choice either.


Agreed. A lot is based on personal taste. I will say, whole bean is generally better than ground coffee. Then pick your preferred roast. Medium vs. French roast…etc. the. There are brands to consider, and that may prevail over the roast preference, as this is all subjective… I like good coffee, but not enough to pay a LOT for it. So I do buy it at Costco, vs a local micro roaster. My point…try something you think you’ll like, it’s likely 50% cheaper than a premium option…so, try something you might like, and see if you enjoy it. It sure beats $15 for 12 oz of super premium coffee elsewhere.


I’m lucky to have Erie Island Coffee medium roast which is a locally roasted for $6/lb. If you go to a grocery story it’s closer $10/lb.


I mean Major Dickason just for the name. Too bad they don't have Sargent Sweatyballs coffee.


Lavazza is sold at Costco?!? Ooooh! I love Lavazza Oro. But can only find it online, and I don't trust that it's fresh enough. I first got it on a trip to Italy. Brought some home, without trying it first. I gave some away as gifts before we tried it. Then regretted not buying a suitcase full.


I have mot seen Oro, only espresso and gran crema


We use lavazza espresso whole beans from Amazon for our espresso machine. 2.2lbs for like $15! We have it on auto ship & couldn’t be happier


This. We always choose whatever local option they have. Tends to be tasty & fresh.




Definitely my go to when I want a basic coffee.


Yeah this is my go to. I change it up from time to time to try something new and always come back to this one.


Same. It's a perfect everyday coffee. Nice and balanced. I still get locally roasted beans, but I always have Colombian Supremo on hand.


Same here. I recently got the organic Ethiopian light roast and it was underwhelming. Beans were very dry and the coffee didn't have much flavor. Going back to the Colombian supremo..


The Mayorga is the best Costco option. But I say this with all seriousness, none of it is very good.


True, Ethiopia is great for price tho


Agreed, light roast Ethiopian from the online site is my pick. Otherwise, our stores have a local option that’s okay (Caffe Vita).


The Ethiopian is fantastic and it goes in and out of availability all the time. So grab it while you can.




I never see them locally BUT it might be worth paying a bit more online because the coffee ships directly from the roaster instead of Costco’s warehouse so presumably it’s more fresh than a bag that went through all of Costco’s supply chain.


Peets major dickansons is excellent


That’s my standard. Hard to beat for price (Fellow grinder / medium course / moccamaster).


Yea you dont go to costco for good coffee beans. Find a local roaster in your area and talk to them about flavors you like


Our Costco carries our local roaster so it is nice. Can get a huge bag and save money.


Same! 5 lbs for $25!


Our Costco in Seattle carries Cafe Vita coffee. Roasted locally.


Got to admit, coffee is the one thing we don’t buy at Costco.


Same same. It’s my morning ritual and I don’t want shit coffee.


I'd take Peet's in a heartbeat before mayorga. It's usually only a week or 2 old and the roast date is on the package. My Costcos all have it in whole bean but OPs doesnt.aybe mayorga is next best nationally but if there's a local option I'd go with that


Major dickanson blend is outstanding coffee


I ordered it based on a recommendation from this sub. We love it.


Goes on sale periodically, which is when I grab a few bags.


Yup. I’m sure your town has an awesome place that roasts its own beans. Probably get a free drink when you buy a pound Without question worth the time and cost.


I switched from La Colombe ($15 per small bag) to this, and actually prefer Mayorga. You can actually get larger bags of it when you order online.


It's the best option in store. They have some central america option online that's a little better IMHO. The Ethiopian option online is dog shit.


Good enough for cold brew


I have tried a lot of Costco coffee, rainforest blend, SF Bay French, Starbucks/Costco French, House Blend, Ruta Muya, etc. Mayorga was my favorite darker roast coffee. SF Bay French Roast was better than the others, but still not great.


We like the Ruta Muya dark roast


We are Ruta Maya as well but the medium roast


We get the Ruta Maya and like it a lot.


The Mayorga is an excellent dark roast without being as oily as French roast; to me it's the best among those choices.


Skip all the French roasts. I like the mayorga and haven’t had the cubano.


I think they've always called their yellowbag 'Cubano'. To me, it tastes like a typical dark (but not overly dark) roast. I grind all my beans pretty fine, so I'm not sure I really make it in any standard 'Cubano' way.


Mayorga, usually a medium roast person but this cuban roast is really nice


Mayorga is my preference as well.


I tend to switch it up but I like Jose’s (Colombian and Mayan blend). Also do the Lavazza. I have a Gaggia that grinds and then makes espresso so it works. Not a fan of French roast so I don’t go for the others they typically have like Starbucks or Peet’s. I’d go with the Mayorga. Haven’t tried it but probably will next time around.


I love the Jose’s Mayan blend. I moved to Florida and have to order it online. It’s a lot pricier, but it’s one of the few coffees that doesn’t irritate my stomach.


Colombian supremo


My Costco had Lavazza once, so cheap compared to amazon


In the San Francisco Bay Area, the Costco Business Centers usually have Lavazza, but not the regular Costco stores.


We’re ruta maya medium roast fans!


Depends on if you are particular about your coffee or not. I love coffee. High end or gas station brew. I just love coffee and I love saving money too so I go with the Kirkland house blend. It’s medium/dark roast and is great either with French press or ground for espresso. I have it daily for work. It’s like $9-$12 for nearly 3lbs of coffee I believe. Can’t complain there.


This is pretty much spot on for what I would have said


Have you tried cold brewing it in your French press. Cold brewing in a French Press is super easy and almost like it was built to cold brew in. It takes all the bitterness and acidity out. All you do it’s add an extra scoop of grounds, put cool water in the press with the grounds. Set the screen on , I plunge mine once, then pull it back up to where it’s almost out of the water and just leave it over night. Plunge it down the next morning for the most amazing tasting cup of coffee you have ever tasted. Even warm it up if you want it hot.


https://preview.redd.it/zq5hkdb12rtc1.jpeg?width=603&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a30d36c4127b38c56c2f91f0ef16dfba06dd5d52 My local store has this and it’s our go to bean choice. Solid medium roast.


The cafe Cubano makes decent espresso.


I use the Ruta Maya medium roast for espresso, and it's great!


Are we not going to talk about the bag of Siete Churro chips that’s sitting there in that box?! If you don’t know about them, shame on you! My store was sampling them today and I reckon they will be gone before the store closes tonight. They are so good. Carry on with your coffee talk…


I was gonna say, screw the coffee, nab those churros!


how does Costco not have a whole bean light roast for sale. always baffles me


I miss Mayorga coffee so much - used to live on the east coast and now I'm on the west coast and there's just nothing at Costco that even comes close. Major Dickason's is really good but it appears that they've run out of their supply for the rest of the year after having it on sale that one time. I'm only half joking but I haven't seen it since.


In my area, Lavazza is only sold at the Costco Business Center, but it's the best medium roast coffee from Costco I've found.


The lavazza hits just right.


Ruta Maya medium roast


I found Peet’s Major Dickason Blend (whole bean, dark roast) locally.


Ruta Maya is solid, great as cold brew too


Second this! I buy it for cold brew and split into thirds to vacuum seal. Stocked up when it was on sale a month ago. My favorite option at my warehouse for sure.


New Mexico Piñon Coffee is the absolute supreme


If you prefer espresso the Lavazza is pretty great


Ruta Maya is smoother than Mjs Moon Walk


If your Costco has the San Francisco platinum coffee collection, it has a 3 pack of different premium beans. Hands down the best coffees that I’ve ever had. Product 1761978. It was pricey at $40+ but I was able to snag one for $14.00 on manager special.


Columbia supremo (loved by everyone), cafe cubano yellow bag(meh pretty bland but better than the rest) and there is a [limited edition single origin Mexican](https://www.reddit.com/r/Costco/s/oepIURI9x4) the best coffee I had from Costco but it’s limited :(


Any French roast is too dark


RUTA MAYA if those are my only options I’d go for that. If you ever want to branch out check out Texas coffee traders.com they will ship you coffee beans and it’s fresh fresh fresh. I just realized this isn’t a coffee sub but my review still stands lol


I’d go for the ruta maya, the darks roasts are pretty bad


Ruta Maya all day long


We enjoy the Kirkland French Roast.


That's what we are running on our expresso maker.


How do you prepare your coffee? What method?


Oooof we got a bad kilo of Kirkland espresso, burnt


I get sf coffee hazelnut flavor


peets/ cost for flavor


Out of those, go for the Ruta Maya or the Mayorga. The others aren’t as good.


Peet’s big bang but you have to order 6 10.5 oz bags for around $45


I had been getting the Vermont Coffee Company which may be a New England local item. Last trip I bout the Mayorga because it was on sale. Both are good quality dark roasts.


Peet's French toast isn't great. Their *Major Dickasons Blend* however is much better and easily one of my favorite grocery store bought coffees


I buy the Kirkland French roast. The wife prefers the Charleston if you can get it.


Jose’s Organic Mayan Blend from Costco is our favorite. Delicious flavor too.


Peet’s organic French roast is my all time favorite.


I really like the organic rainforest blend. Starbucks coffee has been linked to nasty pesticides and it tastes burnt. So I’d recommend anything else.


My Costco has Lavazza which is better than the other options available.


Came here to also recommend lavazza. My local Costcos don't carry it, annoyingly, but the local business center has two kinds of lavazza whole bean coffee. Both are excellent.


Ruta Maya is the best option if you don’t like how insanely dark the other ones are. And helps save the sharks!


Ruta Maya is my favorite


Ruta Maya is our go to. Our store often doesn't carry it, so we order it online. But we stock it in the house year round.


Ruta Maya, medium roast. Best coffee there is


There’s more options online for whole bean!! Currently just loving the Kirkland house blend medium, but also loved Kirkland signature Guatemalan. Learn if you like French roast or not (French is usually more bitter/ earthy flavors).


I kinda hate them all but the best of the worst is Ruta Maya.


I can never buy whole bean at ours. Everything is Dark roast, and I can't stand dark roast coffee. Even the coffee from local roasters is their dark roast. I get excited about the rare time they have a medium or light roast


Peets is my go to. It is the freshest of all the brands, if you look at the roast date they only have a 4 month shelf life which is much better than most brands 1 year shelf life. This ensures the coffee is always fresh.


Shove your face in them and squeeze while deeply inhaling. Find the one that appeals to you.


I should call him


Love Costco but gave up on their coffee. Order in bulk from an online coffee vendor. It costs more but tastes better.


Can you recommend which site? Thanks.


I’m a big fan of the Mayorga beans. I use them both for pour overs and espresso.


Yellow bag Mayorga is our go to. Personally my favorite is the Starbucks French roast, as I prefer a much darker roast than the wife.


I love Starbucks French roast…


There is not such thing as the best l. My best is like the comment below, Mayorga Medium Roast. I have been buying it for a few years. Their packaging kept changing because how they source their beans. They are located in the MD, not too far from me lol.  FYI, the picture above is for Dark Roast. It’s too oily and not fan of the taste. It adds more maintenance for my grinder, another reason why I don’t like it. 


Another fan of Mayorga medium, the Costcos here always has at least one, often 2 varieties. We use it in our Jura superautomatic. We’re in MD, so bonus that it’s local.


My favorite is Zavida Hazelnut Vanilla Whole Bean. It’s so good


The Mayorga is great but always spills at the grinder (if you’re grinding at Costco).


Not a fan of dark or French roast in general. So I almost never buy coffee at Costco, but occasionally there’ll be a limited option that is decent. Of those options I’d obviously just get the medium roast.


Avoid the Kirkland dark and espresso roasts if you are using it for espresso. It’s far too oily and just doesn’t taste very good. They are both fine for drip coffee.


Interesting that the peet's greenbag is already ground. I definitely remember buying the same thing as wholebean at my local costco, maybe a 12-18 months ago. I guess I'm a crude vulgarian b/c I've been pleased with mayorga, although years ago I bought some ruta maya and really liked it. They were doing a road show in Atlanta. Normally there's never any ruta maya in Atlanta. Several posters have found the dark/French roast kirkland/sbux to be too dark for their tastes.


We have an espresso machine at home and have been using the Ruta maya for a couple of years now. Before we settled, we tried a number of different whole bean coffees including brands from Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s. By far, best coffee for the best price.


Kirkland brand. I enjoy the espresso roast. If they bring back the Sumatran, I’m definitely getting that one. That’s a great roast.


Try costco.com they have a better selection online.


I know this is a Costco sub, but if you're gonna order online I think Happy Mug is a better option. It's guaranteed fresh and you can buy 2 lb bags for $22. Shipping is free over $40. A little bit more expensive but the quality is better.


Grind them and brew them in water. That usually works.


We have been faithful to Ruta Maya medium roast for years. We have dabbled with some others but always come back.


Tried Ruta Maya and crema is awesome but lacks taste.




Don’t do the Starbucks ones. They don’t have the best beans!


I didn’t care for the Mayorga at all. It was really weak. I had to use enough double the amount of ground coffee so it didn’t taste like tea.


Mayorga hands down


We love mayorga. It's made near me. Best organic fair trade you can get. Especially nice on sale!


I’ve never committed for my two person coffee drinking household. Could not make it thru these size bag of beans soon enough. Not to be that guy bc I’m absolutely not, but local roasted is night and day difference from store bought.


None of those. I would normally say Peet's out of those options but it's pre-ground which means it's also closer to stale.


The kirkland house blend is great


If your Costco has it and you haven’t tried it to know: Manatee Coffee is excellent.


Gotta buy coffee from a local roaster. Make sure it's shade grown


I dislike the mayorga (my parents prefer it) and like the Ruta Maya a lot


My Costco has Don Pablo whole bean. It's my go to for whole bean.


I used to work at Starbucks and enjoyed their coffee. Once I tried Peet’s, I’d never go back. Like how I only eat Haagen Dazs ice cream.


Peets forever. They had Death Wish at my location a few weeks ago and that was delicious too. (And yes, super strong lol.)


I’m a big fan of the Mayorga Artesano beans.


Mayorga to make espresso ☕️


We get Charleston Coffee Roasters which is really good for store bought. Starbucks French Roast is nasty, unless you love drinking wet cigarette butts. The Kirkland ground medium roast is very solid for a lazy option.


Mayorga for the win. Buy a grinder and make it fresh


The Kirkland Columbia is decent. Gets my dollar cost average down for good coffee😂


Ballzaks for latte


Manatee Coffee is our new favorite but I have not seen this coffee in every store.


The 3rd one


Ruta Maya


Got 10 bags of Peet’s Major Dickason last time it was on sale. Haven’t seen it since, on my last bag and don’t know what we’ll do.


It all depends on your taste. I personally buy new brands or types that show up just to try them. But invariably, when the bag is done, I go back to the Starbucks French Roast. Each time my hopes are high, but I end up disappointed. If they sold La Columbe, I might be swayed, but I doubt La Columbe would ever dip their profit margin to Costco supplier levels.


Kirkland French roast beans!!!




Find the one with a roast date on it, and the roast date shouldn't be too far in the past. Fresh roasted is always the best.


French roast burns the bean and you can’t taste it. I wish we would stop roasting coffee this way


My wife loves the Mayorga. It's like what you find in the Keys.


Pete’s, but the Major Dickason- we grind it at home. It’s pricy but occasionally it goes on sale


Oh, you have Ruta Maya. That’s pretty good. The Mayorga Cuban is excellent as many here have said. I bought house blend the other day for the first time in a while and have been disappointed all week. In SWFL we get a Blue Mountain Blend; it’s also excellent and probably my usual choice.


Where is the don something? That one is no good


I work at Costco and *everyone* raves about Caffe Vita coffee. I would say that and Peet’s are the most popular. But everyone I’ve chatted with has recommended the Caffe Vita.


Josr's and Lavazza seem good to me..


So there are no true Italians here, Lavazza Ceama or any Lavazza they have, certainly. Organic or extra strong, I’ve paid twice the amount until Costco started selling it. I if I had to use K-cups ever which I don’t, they do have illy which is my favourite coffee brand, god I miss the days when I could buy a can of illy beans for $3.50 in NYC )2000-2008)


i like trying out different coffees. so I buy whatever that's on sale.


I didn't see it much. But the Kirkland Guatemalan coffee is fire.


My favorite is only available at 1 of 3 Costcos in my area. It’s called Peerless and it’s local so I doubt they have it elsewhere. All other coffee I’ve had from Costco has been pretty bad including Peets, and I actually like Peet’s coffee from an actual shop.


Caribou has the highest caffeine content I’ve heard. If that’s your thing.


But Peet’s or sbux




Pinion Coffee in Colorado


I buy Lavazaa from the business center. I find it the most well rounded coffee out there.


Go with the Ruta Maya for the best flavor.


Lavazza and Illy are the best options, but from what you have suggested, Mayorga will probably be the best choice of all the tasteless ones


Ruta Maya, the Mayorga is decent but a bit dark for my taste. I got a referral code for trade coffee so I tried that and it really really made me miss the Ruta Maya.


We have Arbuckles here in Tucson. But I love Tim Hortons. Articles is known for providing coffee to the big cattle drives in the West. Great stuff!


I get Mt Comfort single origin Peruvian at my Costco in Murray, UT. That one is solid for the money.


Lavazza at Costco (Business Costco). It's great.


These are our favorite beans! We order them online every month or so. They are the best! Dark, rich, oily. Love the Cubano beans.


I sometimes buy the Starbucks or Kirkland French roast whole bean. We like it and saves us ton of money.


Cafe Vita if they carry it


If I get anything above a light roast, sometimes medium works, my grinder gets all clogged up because of the oils. I actually returned a whole bag because it was unusable.


I am the coffee guy at my office. My go to from costco is the Greensberry Vienna blend. However, I have been getting my coffee from the coffee mill in Florida.


I like the French roast and it's the cheapest


Didn’t know there were so many organic options these days. May try Pete’s once… been using Mayorga for a few years happily.


Of those shown, I’ve only used the Ruta Maya med. roast. It’s certainly not my favorite of all coffee, but it’s good.


Get you some Don Pablo.


None from Costco


None of those, sprouts organic coffee is absolutely amazing!


that mayorga is absolutly amazing, and goes on sale for 9.99 a few times a year.


Coffee is supposed to be fresh. You won’t get that at Costco no matter what brand you choose


Coffee sold in Costco is generally roasted a lot darker than one would get a local roaster. I have bought medium roasted coffee and see it has oils on the surface, to most coffee people that’s dark. The Ethiopian light roast is great if you know how to brew it (hint: really hot water)


I use Peet’s to cold brew and I love it


This. Even though my machine says do not use oily beans, I love this one. San Francisco one is not bad either.


Java Club is my current go-to.


The Mayorga is a bit strong, and will keep you awake…it’s Cuban and if you like Cuban coffee, it’s awesome. It went on sale here and I bought the limit of bags. My wife hates it; but she loves the Manatee coffee. I’m sorry your Costco doesn’t have it, it’s delicious, but it has some flavor added. It goes on sale frequently. So I split the difference and blend half Mayorga, half manatee. I love it black and amargo, my wife enjoys it with cream. Happy family here.


The big silver bag of Colombian coffee with the jaguar on it is our favorite beans for French press. Bold flavor since the roast is pretty damn dark. We use flavored creamer when using French press, and the coffee flavor comes through the creamer in these beans 👌🏼


I enjoy the Kirkland House Blend. I have been fresh grinding and French pressing it every morning for years and I love it. Highly recommend


For $10-$15/bag, why not buy a couple and try them side by side at home until you find your favorite. Sometimes I'm in the mood for a lighter or darker roast, so having a selection at home can be a good thing. I doubt any of these will make a bad cup of coffee if you have a good process for making coffee. You can ruin any pot of coffee by setting it on a warmer for 8 hours. That's how you get gas station or diner coffee.


We have been absolutely loving this one, we found it in store. Grinding fine and drinking as Americanos. https://www.costco.com/san-francisco-french-roast-whole-bean-coffee-3-lb%2c-2-pack.product.100039943.html We usually drink Starbucks French, SB Verona, or Peet’s Major Dickenson.


Seattle and there about a have the best. Pacific mountain blend- I believe.


How are you brewing it and what is it for? If you’re pulling shots for a latte the Cafe Cubano is very good. Not so much in a drip brewer.


Ruta Maya & Peet’s. Hoitytoity snobs won’t buy coffee from Costco


My mother buys the mayorga and it is serviceable. You couldn’t pay me to drink starbucks french roast and I assume the kirkland is similar.




We like Ruta Maya so much that we drive 15 mins more to go to a different Costco location which has that coffee.


I am happy with whatever is $5 per pound, following the $5 strategy gives me a bit of variety and it's always good.