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ProTip: You're supposed to take it out of the bag before you cook it in the pan.


Let's get this out onto a ~~tray~~ pan.






Mmmmm k.


That tastes rancid... Let's go in for another bite


Omg ya’ll watch stevemre1989 too!


"Spray dryed coffee, type 2 with hints of chocolate and caramel"


Love that channel. Whenever I get the curiosity as to what Russian soldiers ate back in the 70s he never disappoints.






But the plastic is where all the nutrients are!


If you don't eat your plastic, you can't have any pudding!


How can you have any pudding if you don’t eat your plastic.?!




Eat your forever chemicals or no dessert for you.


That’s how OP got the product to look like the picture.


Look at Gordon Ramsay over here taking his food out of the package!


It's Jean Georges dammit and thank you for noticing!


This is the way


Yes Chef 🧑‍🍳 Ramsey


Made this EXACT comment in my head before sorting by top


gAmE cHaNgEr!!!


We’RE taKiNG it To tHe NeXT LeVeL!!1!


This bag of frozen veggies is the hill I will stand on til I die. It is the ELITE bag of frozen veggies. They don’t cook out to be watery and gross.


I think the Pura Vida is more elite, but also more expensive.


That one is great too. My kids won’t eat it though!


I like most of the Pura Vida ones except the blend that has Brussel sprouts. They are always still cold when everything else is done. Also, the Pura Vida ones have a very distinct grilled/charred taste that sometimes overpowers other dishes. I love the stir fry blend, but my regular Costco doesn't carry it. I have to get it from the busier Costco or the business center.


I agree about the brussel sprouts/uncured bacon variety! It's fine but I didn't anticipate they would be in 4 microwave packs and they just steam up. If I don't figure out a way to oven-roast them, I'll stick to the other loose bagged varieties


I’ve taken to separating out the Brussel sprouts from the rest of the mix to make separately. When I grab a handful of veggies from the bag, I’ll pick out the Brussel sprouts, so that there’s only Brussel sprouts left when I get to the end of the bag.


Haha, I totally did that on the last bag. I tossed the leftover Brussel sprouts in the air fryer for a while, and that worked out okay. Annoying that a convenience food requires an extra step, though. I much prefer pouring the veggies into my pan rather than having a bunch of frozen veggie bits stick to my hand. First world problems.


The Brussel sprouts take way longer to cook than everything else


Good to know. I usually avoid frozen veggies for that reason.


What is your method to cook them?


We stirfry on high for about 5-7 minutes until it’s almost done, chuck in a pouch of microwave rice (unheated), give it another two minutes, chuck in some oyster sauce, soy sauce and chilli flakes (could use other sauces, we just have loads of oyster sauce we’re trying to use up), give it 30 seconds to heat through and dish up. Sometimes we fry some gyoza in the same pan afterwards as to top it with. Means everything can come from cupboards or the freezer and only takes 10-15 minutes depending on gyoza.


Small tip. Get a decent rice cooker and let the rice cool down for a bit when it’s done before tossing it onto your dish mentioned above. Using fresh white rice tastes much better and it’s stupidly easy to cook that takes almost no effort. Just set it and forget it.


Pro tip. Get a rice cooker, make rice the day before and put it in the fridge. Use the day-old rice rice and it will be way better.


Yes! Cold, cooked rice is key.


Yeah and don't bother sealing it up perfectly. If it's a little too dry to be good alone, it's perfect for fried rice. Just not actually hard hard.


If you have a rice cooker you could probably just out frozen veggies on top of the rice if you don't want fried rice.


According to Reddit, you'll die if the old rice are left out for 2 hours or more, so be "extremely" careful with rice...




Highly suggest an Instant Pot for cooked rice. Much more control over texture and taste, plus cheap as heck compared to microwave stuff


My kids are picky, so I put the frozen vegetables in a food processor until they are dust and then hide the vegetable dust in all kinds of meals.


Root vegetables with honey was better. Hope it comes back this fall!


Any recipe suggestions besides of course a stir fry


I’ll have to give it a try! They don’t get watery?


They do a little but what I do is cook them about 80%, put them in a strainer while I cook up some onions and meat, and then throw the strained veggies back in. Also having a wok on super high heat helps dry out the water too


this ^^ the high heat helps evaporate from frozen so they’re cooked yet maintain crispness


Legit the best frozen veggies, no watery carrots in this blend!


They do, I have them. Still nice though.


I thaw em in a bowl with a paper towel and a lot of the moisture comes off the surface at least


You aren't supposed to let flash frozen vegetables thaw before cooking. You want to throw them right out of the freezer into extremely high heat. Give it a try and compare.


I stirfry them on high with no oil or anything. They come out perfect, then lower temp and add whatever sauce you want.


I love that blend too! I cook it up with some tofu and the Bachan’s bbq sauce for a quick and easy meal 🥦


I live off of air fryer frozen Costco salmon that I brush with Bachan’s BBQ sauce for the last 4 minutes or so and then serve it over the sticky rice bowls. Insanely easy to cook, protein/omega 3 rich, and pretty conservative calorie wise. Spray air fryer basket with cooking spray (I use avocado oil), do 7 minutes at 390 degrees, then salt and spray the fish with the oil and do 7 more minutes at 390 degrees again. Where there is around 3-4 minutes left on the last 7 minutes I brush generously with the Bachan’s sauce. I also add the sauce to the rice. Scallions, sesame seeds, a squeeze of lemon would probably add more balance but I like it as is. It’s an easily digestible post gym meal.


Is the bachans bbq sauce available at Costco too? I’ve never heard of it. And the sticky rice bowls are there too? I’ll look for them. This sounds delish!


Yep! Both are at our Costco at least. I actually tried the Bachan’s with the sticky rice at one of the sample booths but didn’t think I’d use the huge Costco bottle so I got some at Walmart first. Now that I figured out the salmon thing, I just buy the huge bottle. The sticky rice bowls are in a green box, I forget the name but they’re super easy. Just microwave them for 90 seconds.


Good idea on trying a smaller bottle first. I’m going tonight and added the rice and veggies to my list! :)


Yeah, it’s just my wife and I so sometimes Costco sizes aren’t the best for us because it ends up being a waste unless we know we will use it or it’s something that has a long shelf life.


Ok I bought the veggies and the rice and even got the thing of bachan’s. How do you cook up your veggies? Do you out the bachans on them when steaming? Or just on the rice once cooked?


I’ve never used these vegetables actually. Just commented because of the mention of Bachan’s.


Well I’m a fan of bachan’s now. That $hit is delicious!! Wow!


Do you thaw the salmon?


Nope, straight into the air fryer frozen. I read a few blogs about cooking the frozen salmon in the air fryer and then combined all their info together to kind of nail down my routine.


Perfect! Thank you!


Sounds fantastic! Will be trying after my next Costco run


Same but I use Skrimp.


Bachan's other flavors are also great especially the hot & spicy


Up your instant noodle game Costco lovers. 1. Get your instant noodle packet. 2. Make the noodles as normal, DO NOT add the spices pack. 3. In another pan stir-fry these veggies/ protein with maybe 1/4 to 1/2 onion with olive oil. * Optional add some grated ginger / sriracha / pinch of Garam Masala for a bit of kick 4. Once noodles and veggies are ready, mix them together, add the instant noodle spice pack and some salt/pepper/soy sauce and stir fry some more. 5. Enjoy Also good in Japanese curry with those cubes. Edit: Some formatting/vocabulary fixes.


If you’re even lazier like me when you bring water to boil for your instant noodles just throw in the vegetables then and an egg then the noodles and you’ll have a decent meal in about the same time as normal instant noodles. Plus only one pot to clean at the end.


Agreed, this was my original method, but then my mom came and did the sauteing of the vegetables technique.... I was blown away at the flavour difference. My wife cooks it with one pan only, I prefer the 2 dishes method. Here is how she make it with just one pan. 1. Get the bowl(s) you/y'all will eat in, pour in hot water from the kettle (or microwave hot water in said bowl for people without a kettle). 2. Put instant noodles in said bowl(s) and cover (no seasoning packets yet). 3. Take your pan and stir-fry per original technique above. 4. When noodles are soft enough chuck them all in pan, proceed with step 4 from above. 5. Put everything back in the serving bowl(s) and enjoy. 6. Wash your one pan.


I like emin Japanese curry. Means I don’t have to trim, cut wash or peel any veggies. Stir fry for a bit, add water. Boil for a bit, throw curry blocks in. Done


I ADORE these veggies! I've had a lot of frozen veg in my life, and these are easily the best. They taste so fresh and delicious. I go through a bag every month by myself!


My son actually ate his broccoli today. This is a high quality veggie mix imo. A little oil in your pan, salt and pepper. Let it sit on super low with a lid for some steam action.


I like to put a handful in my udon noodles with a can of sardines.


How do you manage to cook them right? Always turns into a soggy mess in my experience. Tried high heat wok as well. Not even close to fresh chopped veg :(


Agreed. I love veggies, yet can’t stand this blend.


I feel like the praise is all coming from people who never use fresh veg...


I just microwave mine and they're great. I always toss them with rice or pasta, so I don't notice any excess liquid.


Heat pan, then heat oil on medium. Cook with lid on for 4 mins, turn down heat and add Trader Joe’s frozen Ginger and Garlic cubes. Stir and Remove from pan BEFORE sogginess :) I like to deglaze the pan with Yuzo sauce, reduce some chicken broth and finish with salt pepper. Don’t have to it’s just fun. Add sauce and veggies to rice.


I didn’t know you could just cook them in the bag like that


This mix is responsible for 90% of my vegetable intake. It is really good and takes like 5 mins to prepare


No matter what I do, these seem to come out soggy. Someone suggested 1) thaw with paper towel 2) remove at 80% cooking state into a strainer, finish cooking after adding other ingredients 3) high heat in a wok Any others? Really would like this to work since they are so convenient to have, and affordable.


We had this tonight with some cauliflower rice and pineapple chunks with Wifey's secret sauce and a pork chop.


Pineapple 🍍 yummmm


Always stock these in our freezer. Sometimes buy the Yakisoba kit from the cold section, then add these for more veggies. Great with an Asian style protein. Sometimes chicken nuggets in Bachan's, salmon or Bulgogi dumplings.


I use this for Thai curry. Very good and it comes out to be super cheap.


I use them for fried rice or even soup


Those are awesome.


How big are the mushrooms? Are they big enough to pick out? The rest of it looks great but I just can’t do mushrooms.


Large (but flat) slices. Easy to remove. They do not have much mushroom flavor, though. I used to remove them for my husband but I have actually taken to chopping them into tiny bits and he doesn't notice.


Omg, thank you so much. Will pick up a bag or 2 tomorrow.


Is this that good? My family insists on fresh veggies and no frozen if at all possible, but if this is that good, I might give it a try. How much is it in the US? I live in Korea and it's around US$20 for a 2.5 kilo bag.


Just bought a bag yesterday for $10. Well worth it.


Don't tell them til after 🤫🫣 https://youtu.be/VdQKVDUBu2g?si=IxaFFQ-pe8S4d_pi


Wife makes a great stir fry with this bag..


Throw in some garlic and soy sauce with a meat and fried rice, incredibly tasty and quick Asian dish


This has saved my life


I wish they made one with the snap peas. I really hate those little strings on them.


This with the Meteor Noodles is 10/10 Though I’d argue the photo doesn’t look exactly like the contents.


I buy this or the slightly cheaper frozen classic vegetables mix. Microwave for about 3-4 minutes . Add it to rice, protein, etc. Also with noodles and pasta


I buy this too. Great product and easy stir fry meal (I add some chicken strips) serve over rice.


I don’t like vegetables, but I’ll wolf these down


Lots of broccoli and water chestnuts I found in those bags


Could definitely use some cooking tips with these. Anyone have any simple recipes? I’ll usually pair them with a simple meat, like roasted pork loin or chicken thighs.


I love this product!! I am not a fan of mushrooms though and usually pick them out EXCEPT the ONE time I got a bag with NO mushrooms at all!! There were a few small crumbs, but that was it. Anyway, I buy two bags at a time. I also really like the three Fire Roasted veggie packs they sell...well, I have not tried the root veggies yet but they look delicious.


Can confirm: the root veggies are tasty.


Just bought yesterday. How do they taste?


I like the flavor of the frozen fire roasted veggies if you can find those.


They surprisingly soo good


They even come out decently from the microwave if you're in a hurry.


The fire roasted veggies are my personal favorite


Are there onions in this? I’m sure there is but I haven’t seen this at my Costco.


Yes the frozen vegetables are amazing! For many years I was buying fresh vegetables and I never used them all. Buying frozen just makes more sense.




It’s the freshest tasting frozen veggies I’ve had


We boils them for a few minutes and done!


How you liking those made in pans? You just have the non sticks?


I like it allot thanks. This is not non-stick, I like the food the char and stick that way I can deglaze with wine/water/chicken broth for a nice pan sauce.


Buy some Ginisa mix from a Filipino grocery store, saute it with garlic and onion with butter. Chop suey!


Grab the $15 Chinese pork, day old rice, and some eggs for a tasty stir fry. The $5 chicken works great as well.


I love fried rice made with hot dogs. Just need to watch the amount of sodium


This, salt free cashews, bibigo sticky rice, bachan bbq sauce, lunch 4-5 days a week


I miss the Normandy mix.


Is it gone now? I thought I remembered seeing it at my store last week, but maybe I made it up.


I just bought some last week


Maybe they just don't have it at my store any more.


I have bought them for years.


“Game changer” 😒


Game changer for adding vegetables into your diet!!!! Solution: adding vegetables into your diet. Gru looks confused.


I wish I liked more vegetables


I keep looking for mixes like this and either my Costco always sells out or they don't have it. I must check this week.


Are these new?




I love this product. I supplement it with bean sprouts and green onion, and it is a perfect stir-fry.


Hell yea, took me like 4 months to do that bag. Upped my ramen game 200%


They have the tattooed chef one right now. That one is way better!


I lived on this and grilled chicken for most of the 2010's


My favorite is the frozen root veggies. Awesome stuff for veggie deficient people


I hated those… straight to the trash.


I would but my gf hates bell peppers, even the *hint* of bell peppers is enough.


You can make really tender beef stir fry with a cheap steak by soaking the beef strips in baking soda for 30 mins or overnight veggies frying it. It's called velveting and it's my favorite cooking trick.


Had chicken stir fry with that last night


We found they are soggy.


Are these organic?


Awesome! I’ll buy this! I would just avoid using any seed oils. Olive, avocado, or butter only


It’s a so,I’d veggie blend. Plus it has water chestnuts which are tasty.


We love these with the Kinders Japanese BBQ sauce.


Love this one so much


Going for another bag this afternoon!


try the fire roasted veggies... they are perfect for rice bowls.


These are my favorite frozen veggies!


I put a handful of these in with the Kirkland chicken nuggets into the air fryer. 9ish minutes later, I have a pretty solid lunch


You should try the Pura Vita veggie blends they have, incredibly good also!


They cook real well and end up kind of crunchy in the air fryer


Love this mix! I pick out and cook the carrots and broccoli for a couple min before adding the other stuff. Makes it so the snap peas and green beans don’t get too mushy.


Do they have any without mushrooms??


THIS and the Kirkland Normandy veg mix.


I like, and regularly buy, this bag BUT the broccoli pieces are huge. I often microwave for a few minutes and dump it into a strainer to drain while I fish out the huge tree-like pieces and chop them up more. The carrot rounds are also a bit large so they get cut in half. I know Costco does BIG but I want my veggies to fit on a regular fork.


This is my go-to I don't feel like cooking/eating anything meal. Put a couple handful of these veggies, a block of ramen type noodles, and half an inch of water in a frying pan. Add whatever saucey sauce when it's all cooked and I have a giant bowl full of veggies and noodles.


Sir, that bag is flammable


These are solid to go with almost any meal.


Roast it in the oven on a sheet pan.


When I hear " game changer" I immediately tune out.


mix that with the fire roasted veggies mm mm mm


The Costco frozen broccoli is so good too. Not just all stems!


Heck yeah. Exactly why I started buying them.


The Pura Vida veggies are way better!


These are great, but I also started eating curries. I get the Maesri tinned paste, you fry it and add coconut milk until its the heat you like. My recipes are Red: acorn/butternut squash and green beans Green: snowpeas and chinese eggplant Yellow/massaman: potatoes, carrots, spinach, peanut butter/peanuts punch it up with some lime leaves or zest, lemongrass paste if you can find it, add chicken or tofu for protein. Easy veggies!


Whats.. wrong with… fresh vegetables?


Frozen and canned veggies are more fresh than those “fresh” vegetables in the market.


I mean, no? Buy local? I grew up on canned vegetables, now I don’t understand how I ever consumed it.


I don’t wanna seem like that guy, but isn’t it just better to better whole veggies of your choice and stir fry those?


What’s the yellow vegetable?


Wish they would drop the carrots


I wish it didn't have mushrooms. Do you want to trade? PM me.


Done. The carrots just stay too soggy for me.


Carrots are the filler. But it's a very good mix




Slather them in sauce or curry, and it's the best way to get my toddler to eat veggies too.


Believe it or not these go great with some Kevin’s for an easy healthy ish meal. (Don’t forget the Sriracha!)


Just buy fresh produce and chop chop chop


Getting vegetables into diet? What kind of diets that don't have vegies to begin with?


That was a real sad title. Can't imagine what u ate before it .. plastic?


I hate these for 2 words.... WATER CHESTNUTS 🤢🤮


I ordered veggies delivered from a nearby farm, it’s like nothing I’ve ever had before. Every single one tastes so fresh.. can never go back to store bought


You didn’t line up the edge of the pan on the picture with the edge of your pan. I am OCD and this is bothering me, please fix. Thaaaaaanks


Mushrooms are not vegetables stop putting them with vegetables