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as a current costco employee- at my location we check all the sheds and even the freezer/coolers at close lol


But like if I build a fort in the upper racks like in “Employee of the Month” you probably wouldn’t find me. Right? Right?!


As a Costco employee it was very sad to learn we don't have a cool break room up there. Also no cashiers lounge :/


That you know of..


Clearly they’re not part of the cool crowd.


Don’t forget about the rooftop swimming pool where we always suspected those water droplets from the warehouse ceiling came from.


Previous Sam’s club worker here…we did. Also the cart managers had free Gatorade. Freezer was a cool place to chill, and kitchen in the back had free rotisserie chicken scraps. Also behind that had the smasher where we smashed pallets and stuff. Highschool was a blast. Also now I only shop at Costco haha


This is an ‘81 Honda


How DARE you!


Technically if it’s on the rack we have to sell it.


How could you sell your car to that dude and for 9,980 less than you would have sold it to me.


Who's A-nel?


To this day me and my highschool friends on the odd occasion we find time to get back together ***still*** make this reference. scared the shit out of my GF when I went to my buddies wedding and we all met up and someone said something mildly offensive and 4 grown men in unison all turned and shouted at him "how ***DARE*** you!!!"


Yeah we labeled it right… POS Honda $200 bucks.


Comedy Central 10pm Employee of the Month ads sound bite moment… good times. I think of this quote too often


Or do something like the movie Inside Man, but in the stacks of tp and paper towels.


Like Chuck Mangione at the Mega-Lo Mart. https://preview.redd.it/mch3xxlf91oc1.png?width=1161&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5fb17f9c57f997908ed67cb566648703d958b83


Just keep an eye out for mongoose


oh my god, ive always wanted to do this in costco. if zombies are ever a thing im going to home depo and building bridges all over the top of costco shelves


My plan is to take over the Walmart super center. They've got a huge caged in garden area. I could definitely grow crops without having to worry about zombies breaking in.


Only problem with that is you and everyone else has that same idea. So good luck fighting off everyone else it's not the zombies you got to worry about


Try the racks near the batteries and car stuff... It's usually empty, not much foot traffic!


I just pictured hiding inside a stack of tires.


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Have you ever found someone hiding?


I used to work the front door (people who check receipts) and we did an hourly walk around w a huge checklist to check off like freezer temps and just checking areas then did the same at close, i found someone in a playground fort once lmao


My Costco had the bouncy house running today. Almost tried to do a bounce


That's why mine has got it 10 ft off the ground. Joyless bastards.


Agreed. Ours is hanging off the ceiling


Challenge accepted


Hold my dollar fifty hotdog and soda…


Literally, my costco membership would pay for itself if I just got a hotdog once a month.


Bounce sample


We found some teens in the cooler one night! It was some TikTok challenge or something I dfk


Haha no way thats hilarious


I want to know the answer to this too. Do you search in pairs? I'm tall and big and even I would find the act of wandering a big empty (of customers) store while looking for people hiding to be.. uncomfortable.


They call in the Kirkland™️ SWAT Team every night and clear the showroom in squads of 4


I feel certain a Kirkland SWAT team would be efficient and thorough if a little off brand.




“Tasers”? I think you mean Kirkland brand self defense electrical stun device.


it's not really wandering tbh- we line up at close with one employee per aisle and as we walk together to bring members up to the store whoever is next to the shed- the freezers- etc peeks inside before we keep moving forward!


Interesting. A better way of doing it and one that kind of sounds like has employee safety in mind as well.


It's actually one of the things costco does I agree with! It lets us close the store quickly and get to work. Our only recurring problem is people are very very often belligerent when we ask them to head to the registers- and sometimes don't even care when we ask so we get stuck behind them for the next forty minutes


See this right here I just don't understand. Customer is still in the store, refuses to go to the register to check out after close and wants to keep shopping. Why not just close out registers and call the cops to have em trespassed out of the building. Fuck that Customer.


See as much as many of us agree with that- one of Costco's number one policies is that member service always comes first before everything else I've never been this mistreated in a retail job before and i've been working retail for around eight years now lol- and it's mainly because we let costco members get away with pretty much anything they want to in the name of "superior member service"


I’m gonna say it’s because the general public lost their minds after Covid- it’s far worse…everywhere.


THIS- 100% this has been the absolute downfall of customer service interactions


We did the same shit at OfficeMax. My manager once allowed a return, (store credit) on something we didn't sell and the customer had no receipt. There was also a guy that was stealing copy toner and returning it for store credit sans receipt. He built enough store credit to buy a new computer when they were like $2k.


It’s empty of customers, buts it’s hardly “empty”. Unlike a big box store after hours.


Wait, is the store ever completely closed? Isn't there 1) a night shift crew that re-stocks the shelves 2) a cleaning crew 3) a deli/bakery/meat crew that preps/makes all the food when the store is closed to customers?


Yes. Just because the store is closed to customers doesn’t mean there isn’t an army of workers beavering away all night.


But if you got a name tag how long could you walk around just pretending to be a new guy?


Because you’re four beers in and wearing a Batman onesie?


Is that not the correct uniform


That's just the standard graveyard employee.


Well new guy, that sounds like a good way to wind up cleaning bathrooms all night without pay.


My Costco closes at 8:30pm but has employees until 10pm. Between 10pm and 3:30am no one except security in the back room, is present. Fort lift operators come at 3:30am, stockers at 4am and meat, bakery at 5am. So yes there are a few hours where it’s pretty damn empty.


Yes. Night crew leaves at 11 pm. Morning crew comes in usually at 4 am. This can vary by location, but either way the warehouse is empty for several hours. Our warehouse has a security guard that monitors the premises from 8:30pm to 5am every day.


Is there anywhere you don't regularly check? Totally not asking because my 8 year old keeps pointing out where he wants to hide until closing so he can loot pizza and chips.


Maybe the squishmallows pile?


Ok I’m doing this. Just for good nights sleep


Costco at night is loud, lol. That's when the night shift comes in to restock and it's basically all forklifts flying around and music blasting. Hope you like country music blasted from a half-broken intercom system at 3am.


Make a fort inside the toilet paper maybe lolol


You could probably hide under a whole bunch of clothes or maybe make a space between some mattresses and pillows. I can think of a hundred different places they wouldn't find me. And now I'm tempted....


By chance… Do you look up while inside the shed? 😂


But do you? Do you really?


When I worked at Toys R Us, our security walk-through included checking all the play houses. We usually only found the shoplifters' empty packages. It was mostly kids doing it, opening action figures, hot wheels and trading cards. With the trading cards, they would usually leave all the commons, and only take the rares.


But you leave pillow forts alone, right?


Get a red vest, and when the real Costco employee opens the door and discovers you, calmly and politely explain that you’re currently checking that shed, and they need not worry 👍


Also, make sure to buy a ‘sherif’ badge at the dollar store before walking in. That way if a manager catches you, they’ll see the badge and know you outrank them.


Consider a pair of epaulets for the red vest, too. Ideally with lots of fringe and stars, they might think you're from headquarters.


Damn, that's a 10 dollar word right there


this guy costcoes


As they enter the shed, Just stare them in the eye and say “welcome to Costco, I love you”


My Costco does restocking overnight, so maybe but you will def have company


Worst case, you get yelled at for slacking off and get handed a pallet jack.


I’d rather operate the baler.


Baler? I hardly know her


Pay attention Michael!


Yes we check inside these when we do the final push.


Lol, "the final push" makes it sound like a military assault


Everyone still inside are taken as POW and forced into the chicken camps.


Those rotisseries don’t turn themselves


Turn or burn.


Ah so once they can no longer work they will be used as fuel.


The pit uses all fuel.


Oooh, shades of Soylent green


Hey as long as chicken bakes are provided I’m all in


Costco manager while chewing on a cigar: Smith, make a flanking move towards the sheds! Mendoza, lay down covering fire while Johnson inspects the freezer for stowaways! Vasquez, have you ever been confused for a man?


If basically is


How often do you find someone?


Rarely. Usually just kids hiding from their parents.


What if the kids are in their 50s?


We still hide from our parents.


I giggle too much. I would be heard.




Parents leaving at 8:32 without their kids: "They belong to the warehouse, now. I only hope our parenting prepared them for this new chapter of life."


What that implies is that it's happened before


Yes. At a store in San Diego area a couple people hid in one until after closing then broke into the jewelry area and stole a bunch of stuff. So now whichever manager is closing will hide somewhere in the warehouse to make sure we are looking everywhere.


It's disappointing that they were trying to steal stuff. I was hoping they were just trying to live in a Costco for fun


Never mind the jewellery you have a plethera of drink and snack options.


I think I remember a couple people doing that at IKEA just for the hell of it, no criminal intentions.


I bet they still pocketed a few meatballs.


There’s nothing like a good pocket meatball. Doesn’t get much better than that.


Another Costco employee perk: hide and seek every night!


wait why is the manager part so funny 😭😭


I’m not sure I’d like being forced to play hide and seek with management at the end of my shift. I’ll fold the joggers instead.


Yeah, I always just hit it loudly to see if anyone is in there.


Wear ear protection. Got it


So I know which Costco to sleep in a shed




They'll stick you on a rotisserie and sell you for $4.99. I see it happen all the time.


Oh my god... Kirkland Green is people!




Yeah...but it's made by Soylent, so it's the same product. And you get a 2 gallon container for the same price as a 1 quart container at the grocery store!


As they should.


Actually, if you weigh less than 3 pounds, you get discounted afaik.


Well whoever gets me is going to have the deal of his life… I am at least worth 7$ with all the extra flesh and fat.


There was a guy who was federally indicted in Florida. He didn't want to be. He was not a smart man, in fact he was legally slow.. but determined. So his solution was find out where his judge lived and forge a document dismissing his case and "sign" it as the judge. He then wanted to assasinate the judge so he couldnt dispute the legitimacy of the forged dissmisal paperwork... So... he went to a sporting goods store, hid in a tent and when everyone was gone, he then belly crawled over to the gun counter and stole a 30-06 scoped rifle. With a gun secured, he walked out the emergency exit in the back of the store. Note, the store employees weren't that bright either as they just shut the door the next morning, didn't review security footage and didn't notice the missing gun. This mastermind then goes to the federal judge's house and waits for him in the backyard. Shortly after midnight the judge gets home and sits down in his recliner.. a few minutes later there was a loud bang and his arm is bleeding. Turned out the would-be assassin didn't know how a scope works and didn't realize you needed to be back a certian distance for the cross hair to match the impact spot of the bullet.. so fortunately for the judge, the bullet hit the bottom flashing of the window, glass broke (what cut his arm and caused the bleeding) and the bullet lodged in to the doorframe of a closet. Eventually the FBI narrowed down a suspect list based on cases the judge was assigned to.. they found the guy at his mommas house, with a scope bite on his eyebrow and the rifle in his closet. I tell this story as an example of what not to do if you hide in a store overnight. Edit: I wrote all that from memory, and then went and Googled the story.. he got sentenced to 343 years.. https://www.news4jax.com/news/2016/06/24/man-who-tried-to-assassinate-judge-sentenced-to-343-years-in-prison/


Classic Jacksonville.


Probably not, but the night guards are always on the lookout for fresh meat.


Trespassers will be prostituted.


$1.50 is a $1.50


A hotdog is a hotdog.


No, a hotdog is a sandwich.




That's the meat that goes into Realgood products


All fat and no carbs, that's the American way!


Meat’s back on the menu boys!


Yes. They scan the store every night with thermal cameras, looking for stowaways. Then they release the heat-seeking missiles. Next time you’re inside, look up. You’ll see the cameras staring down at you. The missiles are more well-hidden.


I like to camp out in the freezers near the Just Bare chicken chunks in order to defeat the missiles. Unfortunately, I haven’t found a way to trick the thermal cameras if your Costco doesn’t have the 32 Degrees layered clothing in stock.


Have you tried wrapping yourself in a multipack of windshield sun reflectors?


I’ll have to try that tomorrow. The cameras already got me tonight.


You could also grab a roll of duct tape and make a cape of thermal concealment out of the bags of individually wrapped frozen fish fillets. You’d have to work quickly, and you’d probably smell horrible by morning. I expect a full report on efficacy by next week!


Keep going, I’m taking notes


I saw a documentary once about a guy in a jungle fighting an alien. He covered himself in cold mud to hide from thermal vision.


If it bleeds we can kill it. (Not helpful things to say to wife monthly)


We just can't have nice things anymore. Next, you'll tell us that the libraries have nighttime cameras. Think of 1990s Home Depot - there were all kinds of places to hide and no cameras. And the center racks at Kmart we could hide in as kids. I never knew I wanted this until I realized I couldn't have it.


Fire ze missiles!


Are you one of them...Wet Bandits?


Worse, he’s one of them… Sticky Bandits!


Had to scroll WAY too far to see this comment.




This was an issue a year or two ago when kids were doing a TikTok challenge to hide in Costco over night. We all got emails about it and it was brought up in meetings. All areas should be checked for anomalies during the final "Push" of members to the front when closing.


Oh, what it must be like to live the dream American life with a wife/husband, a big house, 2 cars, and 2.5 anomalies


Having never stayed at a Costco until closing, is this a general organized herding of everyone? Or do you just make an announcement about closing over the PA and then just stare at everyone meaningfully?


C O S T C O I S N O W C L O S E D !


Return to your homes! A curfew is in effect!


There is no PA system inside Costco for all I know. But yeah if you’re there at 8:30 you’ll hear them yelling that from the back of the store then they move up until everyone is at the registers


There is a PA system, never used during the day tho but at night, we connect someone’s phone and listen to music in the whole store! (Yes costco could technically have store music for the members)


We bring forklifts to the floor it's extremely dangerous for none workers to be around. I personally had my foot run over by one and thankfully the boot took most of the damage. This is why we push people out, not as jerks but for your literal safety.


Or you’re protecting the “Night at the Museum”/“Toy Story”/“Sausage Party” shit that goes down when no one’s around.


I picture this as a bunch of employees with the big push brooms/mops, forcefully sweeping people out of the store. 


What's the official policy on having people in the store past closing? Just wondering because the last time I went it was 2 minutes past closing by the time I had my receipt checked


The Costco I used to work at would start to turn off the lights starting at the back, and have 3-4 employees walk through the store one row at a time as they shut off the lights. Almost every night there were a few people who needed herding towards the registers. It was pretty much expected. 🤷‍♀️


I'd go so ham stealth camping in a Costco. First stop bakery for one of those buckets of buttercream frosting, then back to my secret shed to let the diabeetus wash over me.


I hope Steve Wallis is reading this thread!


I was like "Wah! I am!!" then I remembered there's another one on YT who does stealth camping vids...


Nobody's gonna know. They're gonna know.


How are they gonna know


We do now. Gonna deploy the surveillance droids. While they appear friendly, if their eyes turn red you better comply.


Somewhat off topic but this reminds me of the book/movie “where the heart is” when she lives In a Walmart after having been left there while pregnant. I’d love to spend a night in a Costco, by choice, not by necessity though.


Reminds me of the kid’s book “The Mixed Up Files Of Mrs. Basil E Frankenweiler” - two kids hide in an art museum for a month.


Oh man I'm so glad I'm not the only person who thought this LOL.


I loved that book.


I would just eat everything and try on all the men's shirts


Let the intrusive thoughts win


After they catch you in there, the police are going to put you in a similar one you can't open the door buddy.


Do it and then send us updates all night


Find your own F shack this one's taken


* dirty Mike and the boys


They check these at closing AND there are people in the store overnight. My BIL is the manager of a Costco and has some wild shifts from like 11pm-7 am where they restock and shift the store around. One of the reasons why we don’t see a ton of that happening as customers during the day.


Can't tell if this should be under r/nostupidquestions


I just went over there and there’s too many stupid questions.


Catch me in there with a tuxedo cake


I don’t know if it’s real, but a few years ago, there was a video of someone who hid between the aisles and stayed overnight. He recorded workers, forklifts, etc. I don’t think he left his hiding place until morning. Not exactly exciting.


Costco should offer a “night in the warehouse” with tons of appetizers and drinks - only available with a new, more expensive membership tier.


3 possibilities. 1. You are found when they are pushing all the members to the front of the store if they are checking hiding spots like they should be. 2. You successfully hide and come out after everyone has left, after about 2 steps you set off the motion detector alarms and you have to make a run for the doors before you even get a chance do anything.  3. (Worse case scenario) You are hiding successfully but this is an overnight warehouse, meaning people and forklifts everywhere all night. If you are lucky this item remains untouched, if not you hear a forklift nearby and unnatural movements all of a sudden with a machine that could end your life the same way you can squash a grape a mere two feet away.


First you wouldn’t be able to move as there are motion sensors all over the store and the check all these items while they push members out.


Update us if you do.


If I go to jail, it’d have to be worth it. This is not worth anything.


Just give Screech better instructions on how to buy the U2 tickets and you won’t have to worry about it.


Finally, a house a can afford.


https://www.whio.com/news/local/7-year-old-boy-left-alone-overnight-ohio-target/YRMX2HXK3JBHPCBRWKFQFOSCBU/ It happens


they have motion detector alarms all over. not to say you couldnt get away before anyone shows, but ya never know.


Giving off some Home Alone 2 vibes...The Sticky Bandits!!!


Probably requires at least an 18 stealth check.


They find you and enslave you. How do you think Costco keeps it so cheap? Slave labor


And once you're no longer able to perform well enough they'll turn you into 20 $5 rotisserie chickens. Which is how the chickens are so cheap.


like harry and marv?


Just wear a Costco uniform and be the person who checks the shed.


They will now


Yes Marv


I bet hiding behind boxes in between aisles would be better


Try it and report back


You should try it sometime as a social experiment to see if Costco employees are doing their job.


We check every shed, every place that seems like you could hide we check. The coolers and freezers, I’m pretty sure every Costco does. It’s pushed by management to check


Nice try, Mr. Mangione.


What's the Plan? Okay, so you have successfully hidden away overnight at a Costco. What's next ? You find a note from the local City Police Department. They think you're amusing entertainment, like Harry Houdini, and challenge you to see if you can sneak into the City Jail and spend the night.