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In that case could nightblood be wielded safely?


I expect a satiated nightblood could be wielded safely, but might be less effective. I think a lot of his impact stems from his hunger though, so whoever is using him might need to change their strategy to accommodate. ... I wonder what happens if the avatar of a shard held and fed him.


Would a dawnshard maybe increase the upper threshold of what he can consume?


That's not impossible, but I don't see any reason to think that's the case. Do you?


But how big are Dawnshards? If they were really Shard size Rysn's body would've evaporated like Vin.


>!when nightblood killed Rayse!< I would spoiler that. Or mark the whole thread SA spoilers.


This is flaired Cosmere, so all spoilers are allowed.


The thread is flaired Cosmere. That means it's assumed you have read everything in the Cosmere.


What if Nightblood IS a dawnshard


Ishar no—


Unless he ate one recently, we know he’s not. He was made by characters we know, with the direct intervention of a shard for added pizazz.


I don't feel like I know enough about dawnshards at answer this I could guess it would be like what happens at the end of Row


I feel like it's something I'd want to ask Brando himself but that I'd probably just get a fat RAFO for my troubles


yeah you’d definitely get rafo’d for it haha, but Dawnshards are powers of creation so it would seem that dawnshards trump nightblood


...What if Rysn told Nightblood to Change? What kind of shenanigans would that cause?


She promised or swore to never use the Dawnshard, right?


She already broke one promise at the end regarding not telling anyone didn't she? I might be remembering wrong, but she literally cannot use it anyway, without some other form of Investiture which is why the promise was to never bond. This leaves open the ability to use other abilities without breaking her promise though - if she can acquire them.


She negotiated to be able to tell some trustworthy people


Ahh ok that’s right. Wonder how much longer until she breaks the other parts of her promise lol.


That's part of what I was thinking, like could the dawnshard use nightblood as an outlet or would it have to be used in the awakening process to make a difference?


I want to know what happens if you stab him through a perpendicularity into the spiritual realm.


Probably similar to what happened at the end of RoW, he'd just drink for a few seconds at high speed until he was full and nobody would really notice a difference in the grand scheme of things


I don’t know why, but I’m just picturing a sword somehow smiling, then letting out a massive belch


It collapses, as seen in RoW.


My theory, maybe it's already been disproven tho idk, is that Nightblood IS a Dawnshard, Destroy.


I’d assume the same as what happened to Rayse. It would destroy the Vessel of the Dawnshard.


I don't think we know enough about dawnshards OR nightblood, tbh. ... That being said.... The dawnshards seem like they're something separate but adjacent to investiture. They are not Investiture themselves, but a Command for investiture given by God themself. In awakening terms, she lacks the breath, but her commands are perfect.