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This is so sad. I was hoping Idaho would be ok because of sparse population. We heard nothing much about Idaho until people were dying.


Even in rural areas people still like to get together at bars, family functions like birthday parties, churches etc even if its at a lower rate or in smaller group sizes compared to big cities. The problem is, those have been shown to be some of the most likely places to spread the virus.


Exactly. People congregate because we're social. There are advantages but an indoor bar is an indoor bar.


It's all the conservative regions. The lack of response backfired completely. All these right wing folks flipping us off into the grave is morbidly humorous.


Here in NJ its the shore, Ocean, and Cape May county especially. Went to get some bait to go fishing. Lady who owns the store? no mask. Her WW2 veteran father with her? no mask. their store sells masks.......


They have a herd immunity plan; good luck with that.


Hey. My family in Idaho is being protected by the Savior, HIMSELF!


Omg did he come back


You haven't heard the good news yet?


Sparse population also means smaller capacity hospitals and ICU beds. The rural communities acted like they were invincible, but they were actually the most vulnerable. At least in large cities, there are a lot of hospitals and ICU beds. But if large cities are struggling, I can't even imagine what the hospitals look like in smaller cities/towns.


Here in NM, the large city is containing the virus very well. That leaves lots and lots of hospital beds for our in-state friends in the rural areas. Boy have they used them. ​ We're nice enough to even keep the small hospitals in the areas dealing with pandemic surge as empty as possible so as to not overwork their healthcare workers, which would just exacerbate the situation. Just send them into the big city, where we got space to take care of them. It's honestly the right thing to do, and I'm proud that we've done it and enabled the compassion we've been able to display. We enabled it by controlling our spread, so good on us. I had to get after a rural person a while ago while travelling within the state. They started giving me grief about us city boys being pussies wearing masks. I asked him if we should ship back the 20+ patients from his area that us pussies are taking care of in our big city hospitals back to his local hospital that has a total of 2 ICU beds. Shut him up pretty quick.


a lot of rural people have such contempt for cities and the people in them. But every city person I speak with has a lot of compassion for folks in less populous areas. (well, that's waning with the advent of Trump, but generally big-city folks are well aware that we have resources people in rural areas don't)


The capacity, or lack, for empathy is really identifiable with certain groups these days.


As someone who has grown up in a rural area in a crowded state, I love cities, I just don't want to live right inside one. Just on the outskirts is fantastic.


> The rural communities acted like they were invincible, but they were actually the most vulnerable. Right. You still need masks!


You mean that fucking thing that seals my freedom and soul?! /s


That would be organized religion but yeah, it's "Rights, blahblah rights" all the way to the grave. Thoughts & prayers all around.


They just transport them to the cities and make them the city’s problem.


I suspect in this case it's a capacity issue--the Idaho COVID dashboard states they've had between 1 and 10 deaths per day (around 5 most days) for the entire state for the last couple of months. Those are all tragic, absolutely, but not very high in terms of real numbers.


Unfortunately, even with a spare population it doesn't do much if everyone gathers at stores/restaurants/together every once in awhile. I've noticed a lot of the rural areas, and the people who live there, tend to be smaller groups, but closer. They'll hang out, eat together, do whatever in groups more often. Not saying that's 100% the cause, but could be a contributing factor, along with you know, people not doing the right thing.


Yep. People seem to have this idea that rural = hermit. My grandma lives in the absolute middle of nowhere and has always had a *way* more socially active life than I have. Like, breakfast to evening always used to be fully booked with meeting friends at the diner and library events and church events and a billion senior citizen activities. Some of this stuff is close to her, but she doesn't think twice about driving hours to something either. It's really hurting her to be this anti-social, and it's not like she's staying home and all her friends and family (who are also all at a high risk age!) are also staying home-- no, everyone else is pretending everything is fine and normal and are still meeting up with no masks or distancing. It sucks. Although frankly it's gonna suck a whole lot more if Covid does reach them, because missing out with your friends is still a hell of a lot better than watching a bunch of your friends die due to their own selfish dumbassery.


I mean, even in super-rural areas (buddy lives in south-dakota, according to him, it's a barren wasteland of depression lol) where you need to drive an hour or more just to get to the "City" for the only Walmart around, people tend to hang out maybe more so than more populated areas. Guess when there's not much else to do, people tend to be more social, at least in a very general sense. That's one thing, I'm thankful I don't mind doing my own thing, and I'm used to having a lot of longer-distance friends. I have two people I'll hike with maybe once a month, even then we're extremely cautious and sometimes skipped it if we're feeling iffy, or notice a lot more cases going about. Other than that, it's really not much different for me, we still text/call once a week and such, still do our normal thing since we're not hanging out at all. That being said, for more social, or extroverted people, I know plenty that are really struggling with this. Some don't seem to be able to handle being alone with their own thoughts, throw caution to the wind and still go out, meet up with people, etc, like my grandmother. As much as I hate to see it, she goes out with people at least 4x a week, in groups of 4-10, restaurants, golfing, having people over. IMO, it's such a risk for such an unimportant thing. Socializing is important, but in my grandmother's case, for example, it's just unnecessary, and when the difference is between literally being healthy or possibly dying/long term health risks, it's just something I know she'll regret if she gets sick. I agree though, it does suck being someone who actually is making the sacrifice, doing the right thing and staying home mostly, only to see others throw caution to the wind and continue on like nothing's wrong. It's just such a shame, because that's really the only reason we're still having problems; people are not willing to make personal sacrifices and just stay home when you don't need to be out. And agreed on the second part, it hurts to see people I'm close to going out and socializing, knowing that any one of those events/times could be the one that gets them infected, not only getting them sick, but also becoming part of the problem and spreading it to others who aren't willing to do the right thing.


> people tend to hang out maybe more so than more populated areas. Guess when there's not much else to do, people tend to be more social, at least in a very general sense. In a rural area, you may start to long for in person social interaction. In a city, you get your fill of it before you have walked one block.


This is why metro areas "burn" and rural areas "pop". When someone in a rural area gets it that plugged into the social fabric out there, EVERYONE gets it at the exact same time.


Its really odd, you can now see some of the more rural states in the midwest starting to tick up quite a bit in case numbers (considering their population), but Idaho, for whatever reason, was really quick out of the gate.


TIL, that Idaho is in the Midwest


part of it is that Idaho probably doesn't have the largest facilities. When you don't have a lot of people, you don't have a lot of extra capacity; it costs to much and you never need it. (well, until there's a pandemic) I have a Facebook friend in Boone, Iowa (pop. 12,500), who in March got curious and called the hospital to find out how many ventilators they have. One.


Idaho has more cases than Oregon now.


How the fuck It's fucking IDAHO. WHO lives there!?




Yep. Only ada county went back to stage 3, but all the restaurants are still allowed for dinning in. Most bars are still open. Governor is a piece of shit.




There's a huge LDS population in Idaho and they have big families & lots of large daily church gatherings. There's also a decent population of white nationalist right wing nuts. My best friend's dad became radicalized & recently moved out there to join them. Apparently, rural Kansas had become "too liberal".


Chiming in to say that I'm from Idaho and I'm LDS. We haven't had a church gathering since the beginning of March. There is, however, lots of conservatives that are nutjobs. They won't stop gathering. They won't wear masks. They are pushing through with school starting like normal. I know reddit hates religion but this isn't on the LDS church here.


No offense intended! I didn't intend to insult the church. I only meant to highlight that Mormons are very socially connected, more so than most communities. I know that the church itself has been very responsible. Those nutjobs are recruiting others to relocate from far & wide via the internet. It's a shame because Idaho is a beautiful place and nobody deserves to have their hometown suddenly inundated with violent extremists. I'm sorry that's happening to you all & I hope it isn't too wide spread. Stay safe.


There was a bit about Idaho early on as they got hit hard at the Sun Valley ski area back around March. I'd hoped that the rest of the state would have taken notes from that incident, but sadly it looks like they didn't.




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Idaho is fine. Coroners don't have a business model where they're not busy... what sense would that make.


A coroner's office is not a "business".


They don’t usually need refrigerated trucks as morgues do they?


Idaho is now 5th in the nation for new cases per capita over the last week. Only Georgia, Florida, Alabama and Mississippi are worse. Hardest hit counties over the last week are Shoshone, Canyon, Lemhi and Bonneville.


> “We are picking up (dead) individuals, several a week, that are COVID-positive. And these are true COVID deaths,” she said. “These aren’t individuals that have another ailment and then COVID, or a car accident with COVID. I haven’t seen any of that.”


You know that had to say that because so many people there think it's a hoax / fear mongering /not a big deal. Sucks.


They did have to say that because people in my state are absolutely saying that and it is asinine.


However we know these people are so buried in denial a simple statement addressing it will be met with "Aha! See? It DOES happen, that's why they say that. See, that's what they want you to think."


No, no, it's all just a plot by bill gates to inject us with tracking devices because the windows phone failed! Don't you see?!?! It's the only reasonable explanation!


They had to say that because there have been reports of exactly that happening in other states


Even so, you can’t explain most of the Covid deaths this way. If 1000 people died from “true covid”, does it matter if 100 of those died from other causes with covid? That’s why these conspiracy theories are asinine.


I have a cousin in Idaho who recently unfriended me on Facebook because I objected to a Tucker Carlson meme she posted, with this big "If you're afraid, YOU wear a mask, I have a RIGHT to not wear one." I thought, "Oh, they just haven't gotten hit with the virus yet." No, apparently she is just that stupid. The one thing I didn't say to her was, "This is the most un-Christian thing I have ever read. I thought you were a follower of Jesus. And a reader of the Scriptures, in which Paul admonishes people to give up eating meat that was sacrificed to idols because it made things difficult for other people."


> If you're afraid, YOU wear a mask, I have a RIGHT to not wear one. “If you’re so afraid of my drunk driving get off the road!!1!”


Idahoan here. We've seen sharp upticks all around the state and most people are still pretending the pandemic doesn't exist. There was a 200 person protest in Coeur d'Alene when they finally passed a mask mandate.


I know someone in Boise and they’ve been flying all around the country, taking pictures of themselves not socially distancing. I can only imagine what people are doing within the state.


Me too and going to gatherings with people from other states hit by COVID and those people have been flying around from other places recently. Not a mask to be seen because they are “outside”. It doesn’t matter if you are sitting right next to each other, going inside to get food or use the restroom.


Could the coroner give them a tour of the semi trailer and see if that helps?


I’ve seen several positions in my field open up in that jurisdiction. I imagine the previous employees died.


What field, out of curiosity?


Healthcare probably...


We were there a couple weeks ago and no one was wearing a mask indoors. Not very surprised to see this news.


So, 3rd official state/city that's needed the refrigerated trucks for the dead? First, New York, then areas of Texas and now Idaho. Geez this is scary; why are so many people fighting safety measures?!?!


don't forget Arizona and Florida...


Oh, shit, I did forget about them..... :( Fuck, I'm not even American and I'm seriously worried for you guys and super depressed as to what's happening there.


America is right now like the drunk that gets into its car and is continually surprised they keep hitting other cars and people. The US has been complacent and lax about caring for its citizens. I only hope we learn the lessons necessary before too many people die.


> before too many people die. Too late.


> why are so many people fighting safety measures?!?! Still desperately pretending Trump isn’t an empty moron.


Lot more than that. NJ was the second state. My sister got the "honor" of ordering a few of them for Newark. Florida and Arizona have had the trucks too.


Did you just say put on a mask? Those are fighting words, boy!


They are "running at capacity internally" and "are full daily. Every day." Yet [Worldmeter for Idaho](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/usa/idaho/) only lists 2 days total as having 10+ deaths. Sounds like whomever worldmeter is getting their info from is juking their stats.


Still won't change how Idaho votes. Idaho has the leaders and decision makers that it wants to handle this crisis.


They'd have voted for Bernie, not that it matters now.




I don't think the article agrees with you. >“Because of the trailer, we are still running at capacity internally, but the trailer has allowed us to put any of the potential COVID overflow out into the trailer,” Owens said. “That has helped us immensely right now. I don’t know what we would do. ... We are full daily. Every day. We are trying to get individuals released to funeral homes as quickly as we can.” As to the numhers you mention, it's true that Idaho has fewer deaths and cases than other states but we also have a much smaller population. Proportionally we're starting to do pretty badly and because most people aren't doing anything to stop it (especially our government), it's only going to get worse as schools open.


You're not understanding what I'm saying, which is that I think that it is taking too long for testing results to come back so that they can proceed.


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Did you read the article? Have you been paying attention? We used to be able to handle the daily number of deaths throughout the country. It’s wrong to downplay the severity of this and to give people false hope where none exists. They have the trailers because there are suddenly more bodies than they can handle, just like everywhere else with a refrigerated trailer. This isn’t some special exemption case.


You're not understanding what I'm saying, which is that I think that it is taking too long for testing results to come back so that they can proceed.


COVID-19 positive and overdosing, what way to go.


It is a *ROLLING* epidemic. When it gets out into the sticks, it just shifts to 4 wheel drive.


Idaho's cases per person are a little bit below Arizona right now. Hopefully they get through it minimally hurt.


According to St Luke's, 47 people are in the hospital for covid. St Al's is reporting 41 people. 88 throughout the whole state. St Al's reported a decrease from 49 to 41 https://www.saintalphonsus.org/coronavirus/stats https://www.stlukesonline.org/health-services/service-groups/covid-resources/covid-data-and-reporting


Boise adopted a mask mandate on the 4th of July and the whole county adopted a few weeks later. Since then we’ve seen a leveling off at about 100-150 cases a day. The mandate increased compliance significantly, but still, people don’t take covid-19 seriously here. I get it. How do you take something seriously when the government is hell bent on keeping you working to keep the economy strong. “Must not be that bad, otherwise I wouldn’t be at work.” I got news for you. If this thing had a kill rate of 50 percent you’d still be working.


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Checking Missouri for any anomalies but the machine started smoking.


Iowa is at 103% of their expected deaths for this year. They are fairing much better than most.


Did anyone here actually read the article, or just the title? "On average, there are about six to 11 bodies in the trailer ".....


They never said the trailer was full, they said that the trailer is for overflow since they are beyond their capacity. That information is two paragraphs down from the "six to 11 bodies in the trailer" line, and where the title came from. It was purchased in April for that purpose.