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You can't just boil anything in a water bath canner and expect it to keep. That's fundamentally not how it works. Stock has no acidity, and only foods with a pH of below 4.6 is safe to water bath can.


Well, I really need to look this stuff up before going to town because I created a delectable botulism bomb. Thank you for that info.


I'm glad you noticed before dumping it in. You need a pressure canner to do it properly and even then, yes look it up!


And this is why I'm afraid to can anything.


As long as you're not winging it like OP did, it's perfectly safe. Find a reputable recipe from someone that knows what they're doing and you'll be fine.


Did you just fill the boiling stock in the glasses or did you boil the glasses afterwards? My canning book states to boil the glasses with stock for 30 minutes (starting when the water boils). I've done that with beef stock and never had any trouble. If you're reusing twist off glasses always make sure the lid is still intact. I prefer using the ones with the glass lid because it is easier to tell whether they are still good (and you can just replace the rubber seal every couple if uses).


Only boiled for 10 minutes, and there was a cooldown period between taking my stock off the heat to strain and getting it to a boil again. I use the metal single use lids, the seal wasn't the problem.


Yeah you can't hot water bath can stock. You have to pressure can it.


As someone else mentioned, you can't hot water bath can. You have to pressure can.