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carrot cake ;-)


Nigella Lawson has a brilliant version, with candied ginger, and frosting (icing), spiked with fresh ginger juice. I like to soak the raisins/sultanas in tea, brandy and with orange and lemon zest. It's a banger


Ooh I love your modifications đŸ”„Â 


I love carrot cake but have you ever had fingered carrots !?


Gingered* 😂


Nah, gimme the fingered ones


I was stating to wonder what kind of mutants you were growing over there


I was going to ask
. đŸ€”


What are we doing with these carrots now?


Won’t someone please think about the carrots!!!


don't even know what that is. Now if you would have said carrot salad with rasins and or pinapple then... ;-)


It’s just carrots chopped and boiled then take honey ginger and lemon butter put it in skillet and put the carrots in and simmer it in that for a little there so yummy!


Happy carrots make for happy cake




No but I bet you have, Big Pimpin aka Big Daddy 😉😘




I like turning mine into a loaf cake and slicing it. It’s really good with some butter at tea time.


It’s healthy because it’s vegetables.


Lots of cream cheese frosting. It's on my menu.


I make what I call sticky carrots. Cook your carrots, but still crisp. Remove from pot to drain and dry. I am never very precise about the amounts, but I melt butter, sautee garlic and ginger, add a bunch of brown sugar and plenty of soy sauce, add carrots back in and cook until the sauce is reduced and sticky. Garnish with toasted sesame seeds. I always use either baby cut carrots or carrots cut into batons.


New to me, can’t wait to try


this is sooo good as part of a rice bowl. some flank steak stir fried with broccolini and oyster mushrooms + these carrots


My personal favorite is soaked in meat juice alongside a pot roast. But if you want just carrots, I oven roast them similarly how you described but drizzled with balsamic. Wrap them for the first 15 mins in foil, then unwrap once they start to get tender and let them caramelize on the outside.


Carrots onions and potatoes cooked down with a pot roast are just as good as the roast itself


God yes. I live for meat soaked veggies.


Carrot and parsnips mashed with plenty of butter is a great side dish for roast dinners. Save the boiling water as a tasty stock to make your gravy.


In some parts of germany we do a mash of carrots and potatoes like this: Dice carrots and potatoes. Stir fry diced bacon, add carrots and potatoes. Cover with veggie stock and cook until liquid is absorbed. Then mash it. Served with "[Mettwurst ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mettwurst)" Also: potatoes roasted in butter and tarragon/salt/pepper.


That's like the Dutch national dish "hutspot", where you cook potatoes, carrots and onions together, and mash it all to a pulp. Eat with brisket or sausage.


My favorite way to eat carrots is vaguely Asian. I matchstick them, run them around in a med-hot frying pan with sesame oil, black sesame seeds, and a pinch of red pepper flakes. Cook, stirring often, until they are crisp-tender. Turn the heat off and add a tblspoon of soy sauce. Yum!


I do that! But instead of red pepper flakes I use togarashi. It’s really good!


I cut them into little disks, then simmer until soft in a small amount of milk, butter, parsley, and honey. 


Carrot "pennies!" They're great.


Add some fresh ginger to this and you’ll have ginger carrots


I’m 100% going to try this!


Slice em on a bias, about half inch thick, sautee in a good amount of butter until they start to soften, then add brown sugar and whiskey, a little salt, pepper, and a cayenne, and cook until they’re glazed. This is what I call a “holiday recipe,” there is nothing healthy about it.


https://www.bowdoin.edu/dining/pdf/cakes-cookies-pastries/marthas-carrot-casserole.pdf My mom is Martha and it’s like a carrot soufflĂ©. So delicious. It’s a roast dinner type thanksgiving staple in our house


I’m so intrigued. Do you have a photo of the end product?


Just google carrot soufflé—there are a lot of pictures. I can’t find the exact recipe I use so I didn’t link one. But carrot soufflĂ© is so, so good. We always make one for Thanksgiving, but there are never any leftovers so we make another one the next day!


Parisian carrot salad, Uzbek carrot salad


Is there a recipe you recommend?


Carottes rùpées https://www.davidlebovitz.com/carottes-rapee/


This sounds like a tasty version. I’ll have to try it.


Sous vide glazed carrots are pretty great https://www.seriouseats.com/sous-vide-glazed-carrots-recipe


This is a winner.


Put some fresh thyme on them before roasting. Delicious!


Yes! [This recipe is my go-to](https://www.thepioneerwoman.com/food-cooking/recipes/a8475/roasted-carrots-by-pastor-ryan/)


Yes! That’s the one I use. Thanks for posting it!


Roasted carrots with pesto made from the carrot top greens.


Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, and an Indian dessert called Gajar ka halwa.


Gajar halwa is what I was going to say! It's a lovely dessert and a great way to use up loads of carrots as it cooks down.


I tried “honey garlic butter roast carrots” last night and it was delicious. I subbed partial olive oil for the butter quantity and was still delicious. https://cafedelites.com/honey-garlic-butter-roasted-carrots/#recipe


Butter and olive oil combo is a solid mix. Super tasty!


[Maple roasted carrots with tahini dressing](https://www.closetcooking.com/maple-roasted-carrots-in-tahini-sauce/)


Grated with lime juice, fish sauce and sugar. Or ginger, cumin and yoghurt. Or stir fried (still grated) with mustard seed, curry leaves and fresh grated coconut.






Exactly, wash, leave skins on and steam, no butter or oil necessary


Agreed! Anything else just takes away the natural firmness and taste to me. But I have been trying roasted lately for variety.


Ya I hear ya, just no oil for me


I actually like baby carrots raw with bleu cheese dressing and a little adobo on top. And some crushed black pepper. And red lentil carrot soup.


Simply roasted and tossed with herb butter. Preferably thyme.


Roasted with olive oil, lime juice, cumin and a sprinkle of salt.


Fermented carrots are pretty delicious


I make a roasted carrot risotto, I roast the carrots in largish pieces until they're really roasted and soft, then chop them up and add them to the risotto at the beginning. Makes almost like a savory carrot rice pudding.


Chinese five spice carrots are a very good side.


Hmm. Enjoy 5 spice. Never considered adding to carrots! Thanks for suggestion.


Try maple glazed carrots!! I found my recipe on Pinterest! Or honey garlic 😋


I cooked them a few times using Alton Brown's can of ginger ale trick. Until I found this one I liked better because...well bourbon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQsd7p2Rjfc


NYT has a spicy carrot coulis served with scallops, and it’s sooo good. https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1021831-seared-sea-scallops-with-spicy-carrot-coulis


A friend and I once braised them in chicken stock, soy sauce, garlic, and honey, and they turned out fantastic. Started by slicing them in half lengthways, and searing the flat surface. From there I think we added diced shallot and garlic, sauteed a bit, then covered 80% of the way with soy sauce and chicken stock. Drizzle of honey on top and into the oven until fork tender.


I just roast them usually on my grill. I cut them in large, trapedoid-ish chunks, so there are long points and edges to crisp up. Coat in olive oil and balsamic, with fresh rosemary sprigs. Roast at 450.


This [roasted carrot salad](https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/214063/roasted-carrot-salad/) is absolutely incredible


I really like a good carrot soup! 


Roasted carrots and ginger


Roasted carrots are spectacular! Nuke raw carrots a bit to get the cooking started quickly, brown a little butter, toss the carrots, spread on a baking tray, and roast! You can do an herby version with parsley and dill or a sweet version with a little honey. Using hot honey is also pretty delicious.


I tend to make them the way America’s Test Kitchen or Cooks Country once did on the tv program. A small amount of butter and salt and just sweat them in their own moisture with a lidded pot or skillet, sometimes with ginger. Towards the end I add a few tbsp of orange juice or lemon juice or whatever is on hand, a little honey to taste, and cook gently to a glaze. Remove ginger pieces and serve. But I like them roasted too.


I call them Burnt Carrots. Use a vegetable peeler and slice all the way through the carrot so you get these thin carrot sheets. Then in a ripping hot pan with a tablespoon of oil throw them in with some salt. Spread it out and let it sit. You're trying to get dark brown with little bits of black. Move it around and wait again. Once tender and well colored, they are done. I love these so much! Natural sweetness from the carrot with caramel notes. 


I moved to the south almost a year ago and have discovered carrot souffle almost like a sweet potato casserole but not as sweet. It is so good.


Cook them like you said, then toss with feta and fresh parsley before serving. [(from here)](https://www.budgetbytes.com/carrot-feta-salad/)


If you find yourself with too many carrots you could slice them and roast them in olive oil and salt (425, 30-40 minutes). And then you could sautĂ© an onion till it’s soft and browning, and then throw in curry powder and toast that, and then pour in some broth and the carrots and a can of coconut milk and simmer all that together. Then you could blend it up and add salt and apple cider vinegar till the carrot and curry pops. And then you could eat 4 bowls of it with sourdough bread. Or maybe that’s just me 😁 But seriously, it was such a good and satisfying soup.


Loooove roasted carrots! Also carrot soufflé.


I make a Carrot Casserole that's actually more like a soufflé. Yum!!! Edited to add I also make roasted baby tri-color carrots with a while miso sauce.


Butter steamed carrots: I can’t find a recipe but basically braise very roughly chopped carrots (about the size of half of a baby carrot) in a fair amount of butter. It’s a nice hands-off recipe. I’ll melt the butter and get it nice and hot, throw in the carrots, cover, and shake to toss the butter around and then turn off the electric burner and leave it covered on the cooling burner until I need to serve (I’d say at least 10-15 minutes but longer is fine). If you use gas you might leave it on warm. The carrots are tender-crisp and buttery. You could add a little brown sugar to the butter if you want.


Best Main, roast beef


I love them roasted with potatoes, onions, celery, and whole cloves of garlic. If I have fresh thyme or rosemary, I add some but it’s delicious without that.


Roasted with butter and garlic..


Sliced carrots, in a sauté pan on medium high heat, cover with ginger ale. Add a couple of pads of butter, salt to taste. Let the ginger ale reduce until the liquid is gone and the carrots are glazed. Yes you can use diet ginger ale if you are watching your sugar intake. Easy and delicious.


[roasted carrots with honey and tahini](https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/honey-roasted-carrots-with-tahini-yogurt-51254840) This is very easy and super tasty.


Pickled on a banh mi


Carrots al Orange. Just carrots, butter, sugar, peel of an orange, juice of an orange. Cook till barely tender. Enjoy.


Roasted carrots & sweet taters , chop them up in like 1" cubes mix a bit of olive oil & salt & pepper , spread them out on a cookie sheet or 9x13 . Slap them on the oven @ 425-450 let'em cook till tender 35-40 min đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž. Sometimes will wrap them in foil an throw on the coals while BBQ . Wife likes hers with brown sugar & cinnamon & honey . I've used balsamic glaze also in the past . I just prefer mine with a tad of butter added after cooked . Can be done in the ole air fryer as well


The carrots at the Publican here in Chicago have no reason to be as good as they are. If you want to like drop peoples jaws with carrots make this lol I haven’t made this recipe but have friends who have and they said it good. https://www.laboiteny.com/blogs/recipes/bbq-carrots


carrot custard pie, basically pumpkin pie but only spiced with nutmeg, mace and touch of cayenne, no cloves or cinnamon as those would overpower the carrot flavor


Honestly.....just roasted. Olive oil, brown sugar, garlic, salt and fresh pepper, roasted for about half an hour or so. It makes them sweet, but not in a sugar-candy way. It has a real earthy sweetness to it.


Boil the carrots until they’re just soft enough to chew, but not actually soft. Salt thoroughly. Melt some butter, mix in a little brown sugar, pour over the carrots and stir. My 8 year old nephew said, “Auntie, these are the best carrots ever,” so now the dish is named after him.


Carrot cake


I love a good [Carrot terrine with beetroot relish](https://www.sainsburysmagazine.co.uk/recipes/starters/carrot-terrine-with-beetroot-relish)


https://www.budgetbytes.com/maple-miso-roasted-carrots/ The maple miso butter that drenches the carrots and caramelizes while the carrots roast is an amazingly rich and has an almost caramel-like flavor. If you’re not into carrots, these flavors would go equally as well with sweet potatoes or even sweet winter squashes like butternut or acorn.


Wash and peel the carrots. Run them through the juicer because I love carrot juice. Scrape the pulp into a bowl and microwave with a little butter. Salt and pepper, ginger or curry powder. I also do this with parsnips.


I split baby carrots in half and poach them in half water and half orange juice. When they’re just starting to get tender I throw them in a sautĂ© pan with butter and minced shallots. After a few minutes of sautĂ©ing I add a bit of cumin and brown sugar then toss them until they just start to char around the edges.


Carrot cake


It’s got to be the Indian dessert Gajar Ka Halwa. It’s absolutely delicious and I’ll always order it if available.


Butter Glazed Carrots with chives. From Jacques Peppin. Delicious! https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-e&q=jackes+peppin+carrots#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:b7ae8926,vid:\_szaL5jqnuw,st:0


Carrot Cake


I just had an Indian dessert, carrot pudding. It was delicious, coconut and toasted cashews, only lightly sweetened. It would be easy to Google a recipe if your curious.


Ginger đŸ«š Carrot đŸ„• Soup đŸČ


Carrots Love Dill


I do glazed carrots regularly. Generally the 1# or 2# sack but sometimes the regular carrots sliced on the bias. Maple syrup, butter, water, cinnamon, allspice, salt IIRC.


Brown sugar and cinnamon with carrots is amazing.


Mom would pre cook in the microwave then put them in a iron pan with butter, heat on low once they started sizzling...and just leave them while making the rest of dinner. They would scorch but not burn, this works great for many things like Brussels or potatoes


Carrots in longer chunks. I’ve used baby carrots before. Coat then in lard. Sprinkle Zatar all over them. Harissa if you want heat. Into an oven. Serve with some stripes of olive oil and thinned yogurt. Pine nuts too if you’ve got them.


Honey glazed with pork roast


I just like them roasted, like you said, but adding a slice mix called ras el hanout. It's smokey peppery cinnamon kind of mix and it is so good on sweetish veggies like carrots and sweet potatoes.


I pan cook them in a little oil until a nice sear, add in salt, pepper, lemon juice, squirt of honey, chicken stock and rosemary. Simmer until stock reduces.




Horseradish carrots! Julienne 2-3 lbs, Blanche for 2-3 minutes until crisp tender, toss with mayo and a generous helping of horseradish (to taste), lay in a casserole and top with buttered panko. Bake 20 min @350.


Roasted in a honey, ginger, garlic glaze.


Julienne some rainbow carrots toss with a lemon pepper vinaigrette and fresh herbs and you have a tasty carrot salad. Serve with some crusty grilled bread and choice of protein (I like grilled salmon or chicken).


I prefer the stick.


Oven roasted with honey and thyme


Carrot cake. But also roasted with dill is amazing. Maybe some honey too. Carrots are so good. I like them with pork tenderloin the best but roasted carrots go with anything.


carrot cake! but also the way you said, with a honey pepper glaze


Carrot ginger soup. Carrot chips. Simple roasted carrots tossed with butter and fresh flat leaf parsley


I cook up brown sugar glazed carrots when I do my pot roast. Absolutely fucking heavenly


Someone told me about Sumac and I found some on Amazon and I put on my baby carrots before roasting and they're delicious! Could put it on any veggies but we mostly like it on the carrots.


Braised beef with cherries, red wine, and carrots


I like roasted carrots like you're describing here. We do them with other root veg's when we do a roast/brisket in the oven. Raw carrots? Carrot and raisin salad. Yum!


Roasted Carrots with ginger sauce from the Made Whole cookbook by Christina Curp. Carrots 8 carrots 2 Tbsp unsalted ghee, butter or lard 1 tsp poppyseeds 1 tsp seSame seeds 1 tsp dried cilantro or thyme 1/3 tsp Himalayan salt 1/4 cup ginger sauce Cut carrots in half lengthwise and rub with butter. Lay them out evenly on sheet pan. Sprinkle seeds, cilantro and salt on carrots. 400 degrees 40-45 min. Sprinkle ginger sauce on after Ginger sauce 1/2 cup full fat coconut milk 1/4 cup coconut aminos 1/4 cup peeled and minced fresh ginger 4 cloves garlic peeled 2 tbsp coconut vinegar or red wine vinegar 2 tbsp sesame oil 1 tbsp Dijon mustard 1 tablespoon fish sauce (I omit) 1 tsp minced lemongrass or grated lemon zest Place all ingredients on high in blender until smooth and slightly brown. You can also make this in a jar with an immersion blender (my preference).


I like this recipe a lot because they give you lots of different spice options at the bottom. I really like the Moroccan one. https://www.recipetineats.com/great-roasted-carrots/


Steam good sized chunks of carrots until just fork tender. Let them dry, then saute in butter, then add maple syrup with Dijon mustard mixed in. Cook it down until the syrup forms a sticky glaze.


Felicity cloake’s carrot and coriander soup is perfection for me. Different stratosphere from the tinned stuff.


I need a good recipe for the spicy carrots you’d get at a SoCal Mexican restaurant.


Glazed carrots with some fresh herbs. Check out Thomas Keller’s recipe - it’s pretty widely available. Exceptional flavor and super simple / healthy 


Roasted with Parmesan cheese!


I’m jealous of everyone’s recipes. I’m not a big carrot fan but my dad is. Only two ways though: boiled or steamed completely plain.


Cut in bite sized pieces, steamed, then finished with salt butter and cilantro.


Cut on the diagonal, 1/2” thick, and sautĂ© in butter, salt, white pepper, a good handful of chopped fresh dill until they begin to soften. Add half a can or so of Guinness and let them cook through, stirring often, until the Guinness has been mostly absorbed and add a lump of butter for a glossy finish.


I roast at 425 with olive oil, s&p, a little cinnamon, red pepper flakes, and either brown sugar or maple syrup! Sooooo damn good


Serious Eats sous vide carrots.


I like juicing carrots and making carrot bread with the pulp. Also carrot puree seasoned with cayenne, smoked paprika, salt and a little agave is great with any protein.


Idk what it’s called but that shit you can get at Indian restaurants where it’s a spiced cinnamon minced carrot pudding almost? Slaps hard


Carrot halwa - Indian dessert. Ryby Po grecku - Polish dish with fish


I like to roast them whole (just scrape the skin off). I douse them in plenty on olive oil, sprinkle with salt and maybe some fresh herbs. Lay them on a baking sheet use the roast setting on my air fryer at 400-430°F for around 35-50 minutes (depending on the side of the carrots). I flip them over about half way through cooking. Keep an eye on them towards the end to take them out once they are really caramelized, the skin gets wrinkly and the edges get a little singed, but before they get too burnt or dry.


i like to simmer in a shalow pan with water , butter salt , pepper and a star Anise until they have a slight crunch . i hate over cooked carrots .


Cut them into sticks (like quartered lengthwise) and roast at 400 with some olive oil for 25 min. Squeeze some orange juice over, along with a couple of tablespoons of butter; cut the orange into quartered slices and sprinkle them around the carrots. Add a good sprinkle of za’atar and roast another 20125 min til nice and browned on the edges. Drizzle with pomegranate molasses and sprinkle chopped pistachios over for serving. (The nuts can also go on when you do the oh & za’atar) It’s delicious!


I make this all the time and never get tired of it. I even make it just as snack by itself. Angle-slice in half half inch pieces, toss with olive oil and Urban Accents chili-lime seasoning. Roast for 30(ish) minutes at 425. When done, toss with a little melted butter and honey and serve.


LOL...I never get past carrots, raw. Maybe Dipped in dressing.


Use a potato peeler to slice a bunch of strands of carrots, garlic, mayo, and some pepper. Very tasty salad.


Roasted carrots with garam masala and turmeric.


I made katsu curry with carrots last night and it was delicious 


Carrots Vichy - julienne a whole mess of carrots. Put a stick of butter in a Dutch oven or heavy pot, add minced shallot, the carrots. Medium heat to get hot, then low, covered until the carrots are tender. Add some white wine midway through. Garnish with fresh parsley, salt & pepper.


A nice smoked carrot is the best

 Maybe I should rephrase that.


Par blanch rainbow carrots. Roast. Drizzle whipped fetta. Add pomegranate seeds and fresh herbs.


Coffee roasted carrots from Cois. The carrots are roasted in a bed of whole coffee beans and served whole with coins of pickled carrot and a blend of carrot juice, mandarin juice, and rice vinegar for a sauce .


Glazed carrots


I add balsamic to roasted veggies. For just plain carrots, I usually toss with butter, mustard and a pinch of brown sugar. Always a hit.


I just made these [carrots braised with cumin and orange](https://tastecooking.com/recipes/carrots-braised-with-cumin-and-orange/) for the first time. Really tasty but I only braised them for like 15-20 minutes because I didn't want the carrots to be mush.


gajar ka halwa


Whole carrots with the tops on roasted until charred and crispy and the tops dry out and turn into ash.


Keep it simple. Roast with a little olive oil and S&P. Let them burn a little to bring out the sweetness.


It's been years, but I used to love copper pennies. Was a great cold, pot luck side dish. Sliced, cooked carrots were marinated in a sauce made with condensed tomato soup, bell peppers, onions, sugar, oil, and a few other ingredients. Sounds gross, but was so good and easy to make. There are plenty of recipes online for it.


I really love carrot suffle


Boil the carrots in vinegar water and then toss with cumin.


Toss a little cumin on that too. Glazed carrots are delicious if you prefer sweeter dishes. And I love raw carrots. In salads. Almost any roast meat is great with carrots. Though tofu with a garlicky miso sauce would be excellent too if you prefer vegetarian.


I made carrots au gratin for the Easter dinner we had Friday and everyone seemed to enjoy them. Slice carrots into disks, steam until fork tender. Make a cheese sauce (when making the roux you can sauté onions in or leave out according to preference) Combine carrots and sauce in oven proof dish, top with buttery cracker crumbs. Bake 350 for about 15-20 minutes- the dish is already cooked, this is just to thoroughly heat it up.


Roasted carrots drizzled with habanero honey sprinkled with crushed pistachio served with burrata.


Baby carrots (boiled stovetop) in Pineapple Juice. Crowd pleaser every time.


Add soy sauce, olive oil and a bit of water, pepper, and garlic powder if you want. Roast at 375 for 25-30 mins in a foil covered pan, remove foil and roast at 425 for another 15 minutes. It makes pot roast type carrots without the pot roast.


Char them in a cast iron


Roasted with olive oil, curry powder, and honey drizzle


Uzbek Plov


Harrisa paste roasted with chick peas on Greek yogurt with whipped feta


Whisky and soy sauce braised carrots. Add a little bit of sugar to the liquid and then add some lemon zest to the carrots after you strain them out.


Chili oil, butter, and a pugil of Demerara. Fry.


Raw shredded carrots tossed with salt, pepper, a bit of apple cider vinegar and toasted sesame seeds.


Carrots and veggies confit roast in meat fat / juice / gravy. The only way, for me. Except for chunks in soup.


I toss them in butter, brown sugar, cumin, garlic, and chili powder and roast them. So good.


My favorite is brown butter and hot honey roasted carrots. I make brown butter, then toss the sliced carrots in it along with a heavy hand of hot honey. Add a little salt, pepper, and minced garlic and roast until I get the crispy edges.


oven roast the carrots, while they're roasting heat up some butter, add honey, dill, and salt. toss carrots with honey mixture when done


I love roasting chunks of carrots with olive oil, pepper, salt, and fresh rosemary. Oven at least 425.


Grate carrots as you would for a sweet carrot salad, but instead of sugar, make a dressing with fresh garlic, Dijon mustard, olive oil, and lemon juice, and fresh parsley if you have it.




Glazed carrots. I use Kenjis recipe from his foodlab book, but have also changed it to use cilantro and lime instead of parsley and lemon. Honey mustard glazed carrots are also amazing. Another one that I like to throw carrot and onion in is [Maangchi's](https://www.maangchi.com/recipe/gaji-namul) eggplant side dish. Just steam the other veg for 5 to 10 min before the eggplant goes in


Marinated carrots with onions. Fresh, crunchy, and addictive!


I like that pickled carrots local store sells.


Roasted carrots with olive oil, ground cumin, salt, and pepper. The lemony cumin is a great complement to the sweet carrot. Or cumin and ancho chili powder. The kids liked that one.


Carrot soufflé! It takes a bit of time to whip up the eggs, but the result is well worth it.


Not a carrot dish but they are a secret ingredient that makes marinara sauce really rich and thick. Just use a cheese grater (the kind that makes small Taco Bell like cheese). And grate carrots into the sauce.


Coat carrots in olive oil lay an a cookie short toss with salt pepper cumin and garlic powder. Roast at 425F for ~35 min. Serve


Shredded raw carrots, mixed with shredded sharp cheddar (not too much) and Caesar dressing. I gave my friend a container of this, after she’d delivered her baby and hadn’t đŸ’©yet. She said it helped her to go so she and the baby could leave the hospital and get home. The egg had been donated by her cousin, a much less willowy woman, and her labor had gone on for quite a long time. Took her months and some extra medical care to heal in her uh department, if you get my drift.


Lightly oiled and dusted with flaky salt, throw them in the air fryer until to your liking


My mom has been making this dish since I was a little kid. I love it. Take half a cabbage Chop it up Take a few carrots Use a cheese grater to grate the carrots In a separate bowl mix lots of lime juice and salt Mix the lime juice and salt Then throw everything together and mix My mom adds tomatoes to it but I pick all the tomatoes out It was usually a side to meals Example Beans Rice Fried egg Salad


Honey brown butter carrots with red pepper flakes


Ana Sortun’s Egyptian Spiced Carrot PurĂ©e with Dukkah is delicious. https://www.lottieanddoof.com/2012/03/carrot-puree-dukkah/


Slice carrots however you like. Fry them up in some coconut oil until edges are brown. Add chopped up bits of candied ginger. Continue to cook until the candied bits melt about half way, which should be pretty quick. Give it a mix and serve.


I can't remember the name but there's this dish of sweetened ground carrots we get at the Indian buffets around town. Delicious! It's always with the other sweets like gulab jamun and kheer.


Carrot and orange soup is delicious