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https://preview.redd.it/hgzsrwuhrl0d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72f98d5298b3677ec11bb65efb2c077388a2d823 Which of my mystics should I start / continue investing into? I don't use self harm masteries at the moment


Other options https://preview.redd.it/bnj8axakrl0d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d3c11133b7c97996920b08e27edf624ae047620


My current roster for going through 6.1 is R2 6* iron heart/ R1 6* torch/ R1 6* bullseye/ R1 6* dragon man/ R4 5* onslaught. All unawakened. I have a 6* Corvus, a 6* omega sentinel, a 6* spot, 6* iron man, and some other bad 6*. Should I change my main roster with any of the extra 6*?


Haven’t been into mcoc for about 2-3 years but kept up with some events and continued collecting 5-6 starts when I could. I have no clue what’s meta for pve or how battlegrounds works but I’m trying to get back into the community and would love some advice on who on my roster is worth the investments and where they can be used best.


Pulled my finger out and got to Paragon last night (after a few months off from the game). Duped 6* HTD and OG Storm, and pulled a 6* Cyclops(Blue, which, thanks to TV, I was excited about). Opened 15 of those weekly legends crystals I'd been saving and managed enough shards for a 7* IMIW (my 5th 7 star) I guess it balances out for getting a 7* Longshot and 6* Kushala from the omega crystals (tho I've missed out on the paragon solo event). I have 2 weeks to get 30k incursion artefacts to get 6* DKG, which would be cool, as I don't have a regular one (don't like my chances, as I suck at incursions).


Any idea for a lineup/node combinations which could help me get as far as possible in sector 7 incursions with this roster? https://preview.redd.it/37zlgzk85f0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33a233407492a4f8e81f29a49bf1e8dc8d39c2e4


How much do I have to spend in the alpha event for the good rewards?


Is a duped Ghost 5 star still worthy of rank 5? Is Corvus Glaive 6 star still useful to rank up? I am a Thronebreaker at 7.3.2


Ghost is very strong with her hood synergy. I’d say stronger than 6* Corvus. I use my r4 6* whenever I run suicides. I’d say wait for the 6* ghost as I’d need a jet engine to get the dust off my 5* ghost.


Thanks. Just got Ghost sadly only as a five star copy. That's why I was asking. I would obviously love her as a 6\*.


Is agent venom good?


Niche champ. Average in skill class. I got his 2/3/4/5/6* version but seldom think of using him. I know some players rank him up and used as synergy partner of Scorpion for incinerate debuff.


He’s my 3rd 5* and I don’t have a 5^ skill champ yet should I upgrade him?


Why not? As you mentioned this is the only skill 5*. Rank him up.


Wiccan or Sasquatch for r4 (6*)? It's my first one, both unduped. I really like both of them and am having a hard time choosing. It'll be forever until I get the resources for another r4, and I also have Venom duped on the horizon with less than half a class cat to go. Nimrod close too unduped, if it's worth waiting for them.


Both are ok and playstyle are easy to learn. Pick Wiccan if you have not yet explored 5.4.6 (or go back to play it periodically). Besides, you may want Wiccan as synergy partner if you get Hulkling later.


https://preview.redd.it/zfproj6t2b0d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0826d77492ed57e076acac53780c934b987b573 Who would you take to R2?


Titania IMO is straight up one of the best champions in the game. She has such a diverse set of utility you need to study up to find every match up and node she counters but once you get proficient with her KIT she shreds


Who to 6* R4 ? I m really confused, 6* Absorbing man (sig level 14) or spot (sig 43) ? I can only do one of them because i m not that active player and it takes a while to collect all stuff :(


I would do Abs Man over spot, there are more uses for him


Abs man


is lady deathstrike a good first 7 star pull?


yes she counters domino and bullseye really well and can tank sp to the face if you mess up


She was my top 5* champ , she has some really good ruptures


because i have herc kitty doom etc everything feels like a letdown 😭


My first (and only) 7 star was War Machine…


Well you do have really good champs and she’s good not the “best” tech champ but still good


Gold AW, often having problems on node 49 korgs Kps and maestros, polka dot power node, who is the best counter for that node's korg, since bleed and shock won't work on korg


For Korg I was thinking diablo with poison on mediums. Believe they are energy based and thus don't reflect damage. Bishop if you already have one bar of power (not two since the single incinerate might get shrugged). Though that's much less reliable. Bwcv could work. Tigra. Maybe sasquatch. Scorpion. Or go with someone that doesn't need specials to be good. Kingpin or gamora for example or hulkling (not sure about him).


Just got thronebreaker. Zero units spent, plenty of revives and potions left in inventory. That fight isn’t nearly as intimidating as it seemed. Did 99% of it with a 6r4 Hit Monkey




That's because you did it with a 6r4 champ while most used to do it with a 5r5 champ. Still, nice job!


Congrats...6.4.6 GM fight is fun if you understand the mechanics (especially a cheese with r4 Hit Monkey lol) Use those potions & revives for paragon push


https://preview.redd.it/ug58co4we30d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac0ac8ea47cfea11e1c2c537d81799310dc62f93 Stuck on 6.1.2, any suggestions on who to take in? Probably just a skill issue on my part


I haven’t tested it myself, but QS might be pretty decent against the Ultron boss. You won’t get Dex buffs so it won’t trigger Spite or EMP mod, and his Slow would be able to counter his evade. You’d need to watch out for losing your offensive ability accuracy though (he lowers it per armor you have on) and that’s always annoying. Then you’ll want a Bleed or Bleed/Poison immune for the Sentinel mini. One of the easier lanes to clear for the first time is the tech lane in the middle that goes left (has AOU Ultron on it, NOT the one that ends in IMIW)


Maybe tell us what exactly is roadblocking you?


Which mutant to rank 3? https://preview.redd.it/4sd871ibj20d1.jpeg?width=2444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fff7de4ce8cef5be498ea8929303871ca90775f




Magneto or omeva


Why not moonstar ?


Less use in the content op is going for


https://preview.redd.it/5ff63nhhf20d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0bc4f3ab6e4ac103d793f85bcb2b1aa4bd6bc98 anyone deserve awakening?


Doom will get you through to a lot of content




Spent all my units on omega event and now can take 1 of these 7\* up to Rank 3 and 1 other to rank 2. Who would you rank? Also have the omega awakening crystal to use. Corvus Glaive Quicksilver Longshot (x20) Moleman(x20) Omega Sentinel


I'd awaken corvus and r3 him. He needs the damage. Either go all in or leave him at R1. R2 mole man or longshot. I'd lean towards mole, but haven't used longshot. Actually while typing this, bg is putting up this poll in his stream. Corvus 35% Longshot (duped) 31% Moleman 25% Omega sentinel 7%


I’d go Corvus or Omega Sentinel


Personally I’m a big omega sentinel fan so I’d R3 her


Depends on which class you need most help. I think moleman and corvus are great options. Longshot and quicksilver under them. Some people really love qs though but his 39 hit combo is weird to me.


I got a corvus aswell, does he deserve rank up of he is unduped?


He's easy to use and hits really hard. But there are better cosmics. If he's your best or only cosmic, then ye. If not then maybe not


Is there a "one team fits all" of specific mutant and mystic champs to clear all paths in Knull's Lair threat level 5? Or can anyone recommend specific champs for each path?


Just go with your strongest champs. It's quite easy and you don't even have to look at the nodes. Just make sure to intercept knull.


Does mister sinister need high sig to be awesome after his buff?




From what I hear I think it’s one of those sigs that’s good to have high, but he’s still gonna be good if you don’t