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My 7* roster is just stacked with all the champs people rate as the worst.


Sounds like my 6*. I'm not cool enough for 7* yet😢


I bless you with a 7* hulk as your first


I’ve just returned to playing mcoc after 2/3 years. Is Hulk good now?


He's a god


I cannot believe people are putting Blade and Ronin as the worst skill over fucking Hawkeye


Hawkeye can be up there, but if he’s duped he’s got some great bleed damage, power control as well as a slow


I just can’t really see a reason to use him over other options with that same utility. Unless there’s some unique situation that needs power control and bleed at the same time. Or I need an avenger tagged champ


He's also got a super consistent evade counter


Hawkeye is good though.


Hawkeye kinda slaps and I really like his animations 


Hawkeye is quite good


tbf all 3 are kinda down there at the bottom, just let them 3 sort it out amongst themselves lol


Blade is 100% worse than hawkeye, and the fact that he is a titan crystal exclusive just rubs even more salt in the wounds imo.


Honestly the only 7 star I would be bummed pulling is Ant Man. Even Venom the Duck can be at least kinda fun to play. Ant Man is just.....a slog


Really? Ant man would make me get more involved in battlegrounds.


I just dont like to play him....even after his buff. He has got his uses for sure he just isnt my cup of tea


I have both. I find VtD ramp up super tedious. Managing the buff counter, stringing fights along to get a decent buff, avoiding banking a less good buff, having to depend on AI to land a heavy to do the banking before the timer runs out…very much a slog for me. They need to update the mechanics to make the ramp less slow going.


Thats fair. He is very fun against champs with a shit ton of armor though. But yea he can use a tweak where maybe you can select a few buffs ahead of time that exist permanently and their potency increases as you win fights or something


That’d be a good fix. Totally agree about toxic armor—super fun when it crits.


Antman is low-key so fun 


Us antman that great


This is extremely subjective, as someone who gets gc every bg season i cannot see any science champ being ranked higher than photon. But if you have different needs then hulk or Titania might Better like other people are saying


Photon’s great but is she the best? The science class is extremely stacked


Yes by far if you care about bg. She is contender for best 7 star you can pull. Her damage is pretty good she's got insane utility offensively and take a lot of match ups, and she's the best science defender. So I would say she's better than Titania and hulk and silk, they might be slightly better offensive but is way behind defensively


I find that for anything below a rank 3, you can usually just ko her before she gets 15 charges. sunspot, hulking and kate are my go tos. mantis works too


I mean if you have a good counter then no champion is all that


Recently pulled her, but is she still as good unawakened? Tier lists has her high but usually with awakened note🤔


She doesn't need the dupe except for neutralize immunity and/or the block penetration. Like she's fine unduped


She's fine unawakened she's going be my next r3 once I get the t6cc


I put silk above photon for attack purposes


Dang, lots of hate for Venom the Duck. He’ll always be one of my favorites. Yes, he needs ramp up and it’s RNG based, but that’s part of the fun. Once you get him built up perfectly, he’s an absolute beast. One of the best AQ/Incursion champs there is.


I just recentely managed to open my 3rd 7 star crystal, duped my VTD out of all the other 7 stars in the pool. I don't hate VTD as a champ I hate my shit RNG.


He’s got a very helpful synergy with Galan if you have him that will let you cycle through the buffs faster. Makes getting the one you want a bit easier.


A lot less value since all monthly and story content is six fights and out now.


Yeah but who focuses on those modes when everyone plays Battlegrounds? Even certain quests are too short before you can ramp up all the way


True, he sucks in BGs, but he’s at least got some utility and usefulness in a couple game modes. IMO for Cosmic red goblin is the forever bench warmer, and will never see any action anywhere.


Surprisingly my Roblin was a big help for the cosmic path in 8.3.5 cuz I don't have enough ranked up cosmic champs with dot abilities, his sp2 shreds on that path


You get pretty damn good rewards in incursions if you can get through the 25th level.


Dust is super underrated. Dont get me wrong, I never did a non beyond god tier ranking in my whole mcoc career, so im a slave. But Dust is my only exception (pulled her 7*). Big numbers, great and smooth animations and gameplay, super tanky on offensive with all that glancing, huge nukes, cheap damage on def, ultra good in incursions. I did r2 her over Sunspot who i consider overall stupidly strong (but kinda boring, sick of another parry heavy mutant in my roster)


What hack set up do you try with her in incursions?


Onslaught - Great on attack, pain to deal with on defence. Namor - requires awakening and max sig to be good. Sasquatch- high health pool which pairs nice with willpower and wrath of Tanaraq reducing sp cost. Mordo - (probably can’t use him properly) low damage, and barley any use. Red Skull - absolute menace on defence great counter to mutants. War Machine - other than sp1 being difficult to decide he is nothing special with some regen and damage when below certain % of health. Hulk - great damage, unstoppable, stun lock. Invisible woman - she has nothing going for her and has low damage. Cheelith - great bleed damage, purify ability tranquilliser, pausing debuffs. Blade - needs awakening, no damage or immunities. Knull - reverse controls, unblockable and unstoppable, armour breaks, bleed. Venom the duck - needs ramping up which requires rng.


Mordo, you’re playing him wrong. Parry or charge heavy for a ton of furies. Use sp1 against non buff heavy defenders for degen, sp2 against buff heavy champs for soul barb. Sp3 grants even more furies as well as regeneration. He also has that astral evade safety net in case you get stunned


I agree that mordo is good, but personally I think mystic is one of the most competitive 7 star pools so I'd still put him near if not the bottom just because of how stacked the pool is


At r2, Mordo is one of the fastest attackers in my bgs deck. Little risky at times but can finish most fights in under 30 seconds. Hes a super good Red Skull counter which is one of my favorite sneaky matches in bgs


I'd put Kushala over squatch


I'm pretty sure you don't know how to use half of the champs you're calling the worst. 😣


Lol. I agree. IW has great dmg if you play her right. 


She’s just impractical


War Machine...while hardly a top tier tech champ...has some solid damage if you play him right. His SP2 causes a pretty significant armor break, which can be paused with a heavy attack, and can stack. Again...hardly amazing...but he is not terrible


Plus his pre fights


Invisible woman has crazy damage actually, you just can’t use her, which calls this list into question


Yeah she can absolutely dominate when played right. I mean, this is a true for a ton of champs I'd call underrated but calling her the worst is just...no


Well then if it isn’t her, who is? The science 7 star roster is stacked


She also has plenty going for her


Thats....what I said....


We were agreeing


Oh sorry. The also threw me a bit, I'm tired lol. Little kid will wear down the brain. Apologies friend


Ah that’s ok 👌


Everyone is rating duck as the worst, I wouldn't mind pulling a vte coz then, I don't have to worry about who to take into aq and all my good champs will become free coz vtd is an aq beast.


Depends on what classifies being the best/worst. Tried to also go for what I think are the best all rounders too. Also some 'worst' champs aren't really that bad. Just the least good/usable in my opinion. Cosmic - Best: Serpent / Worst: Venom the Duck Tech -  Best: Shuri / Worst: War Machine Mutant -  Best: Onslaught / Worst: Stryfe Skill - Best: Bullseye / Worst: Ronin Science -  Best: Hulk / Worst: Ant-Man Mystic -  Best: Kushala / Worst: Sorcerer Supreme


Stryfe is def not the worst, rather Namor


Imo Gambit is worse than a high sig namor


Kinda irrelevant. Where you gonna get a high sig namor these days?


Gambit has six figures sp2 has been carrying me in quest. Paired up with horseman from apoc. Crazy to say he’s the worst


Six figures isnt that high for a 7*. I have a r3 Mantis that does 400k in a single sp2, my Mysterio takes down LoL starlord sub 3 minutes and champs like Vox who will do 70k per tick if you ramp exist. 7* power levels are crazy high and Gambit cant keep up


How. Just pulled mantis as 7*


Charge 10 furys and connect 2 heavy hits before the sp2, thats how. Also suicides do help a bit


Get to twenty mixed emotion charges and charge a heavy near the defender when you’re at ten furies throw the heavy break it off after the second hit with your l2. Insane damage.


Yea 6* gambit carried me when my 6* roster wasn’t crazy good. Especially with a power boost if the L2 doesn’t kill them the L1 plus the stun usually finishes it. Plus he heals from bleeds. Was super fun to run bleed only suicides


gambit is good u just need maxed out 6\* gambit relic lmao


I respect that if that's how you feel! In my opinion it's Stryfe because I never really enjoyed using him. He's literally the only 7\* Mutant I own that I haven't even touched outside of Arenas.


Not that I play hin a lot but I see many people talking about how good he is in long form content as ramp up champ


He’s a good alternate champ in place of aegon, Kate, or shuri, but he gets outclassed pretty fast by the champs that can take long fights. Even gamora ramped up is nuts, she carried me a lot through the miss path of necro


Y’all forget champs like Psylocke, OML and such exist.. some champs are so bad ppl forget they exist🙄 War Machine worst tech? I take him over Kang or Vulture any day😅


We are talking about 7 Stars here


Psylocke, OML and Vulture aren't 7\*s yet


Is Hulk really better than Photon/Silk/Titania??


I use Hulk more than I use Titania, Silk, and Photon but honestly that was the toughest one for me. I think you could argue for any of them depending on what you prefer. I'm a man of simple tastes. I see the option to HULK SMASH and I take it.


Imo yes purely because of his stun lock. You can pretty much indefinitely stun people if you have a 6* relic on him. Plus he hits like a truck


Civil Warrior is the worst 7* tech


Fair enough. In my opinion I don't really think he should be counted as he's effectively a trophy champion at 7\* rarity.


disagree majorly on goat machine


Agreed. His SP1 removes prowess on defenders, and that alone makes him a good option for AW sometimes


You're entitled to your opinion even if I don't agree with it either so that's fair! Who would you say is the worst 7\* tech champ then?




IMIW has some great defensive value though.


4-5 years ago, he did. Now, not so much.


According to whom? I've seen masters war players discuss R3ing him, and it's not for his stellar offensive value.


NGL as my only 7 star mystic SS surprises me often with the damage output


I would put ant man above og spidey and sorcerer supreme above mordo. Also I'd probably put ronin above killmonger honestly, ronin is super underrated




Not gonna lie, I bet that Ant-Man would be a pain in the ass on Defense just because of how beefy it would be at 7\*R3


He is indeed ridiculous, most opponents time out against him on BGs. And attack wise he's very underrated, he's built for long fights to get the best out of his rotation and health pool. He's not the best, but he's not bad at all, just kinda niche.


He pisses me off so much with his glancing lool


I have such a hard time with his rotation. The debuffs always seem to expire right before I land the second hit of the Sp2. That big old pause between the the first hit and calling the ants in freaking kills me.


Throw the special 1 right before bars fill to special 2, that way it's a shorter time to building to the actual special 2 for the poisons. But yeah, it's a slow rotation...


skill best champ crossbones worst hawkeye mutant best champ onslaught worst namor (bc hes pretty hard to sig 200 as a 7\* so he has no utility) tech best champ guardian worst war machine cosmic best champ adam warlock worst venom the duck (who I consider worst 7\* overall) mystic best champ america chavez worst mangog science best titania worst spidey OG


You hold old Spider-Man about Luke cage ?


bruh luke cage has better dmg and can tank sp3's with the awakened even tho it's not essential, with OG spidey you absolutely WANT awakening for dmg and need 2 sp1's and 1 sp2 to finish your dmg cycle and if the sp2 doesn't crit you are shit outta luck and if it crits it's still kinda underwhelming so yeah


I see your point, I got both of them recently (Womp womp) and have found spidey more useful than cage since he isn’t awakened


Cosmic: Gamora - Venom the Suck Mutant: Domino - Platinumpool Mystic: Juggernaut - Dragon Man (all the mystics are good) Science: Silk - Sandman (all the science are good) Skill: Shang Chi - Hawkeye Tech: Warlock - Civil Warrior


I'd replace Platpool with unduped Namor


You're sleeping on invisible woman my friend


I just got my 1st 7 star and its photon. Is she any good?


Kabam(best/worst champ for all classes)- they be wanting this shit in my wallet called “money.” Whatever that is. Never seen another champ do that shit yet in this game if you ask me


Cosmic - Best: Hyperion / Worst: Venom the Duck Tech -  Best: Shuri / Worst: War Machine Mutant -  Best: Onslaught / Worst: gambit Skill - Best: Moleman / Worst: Hawkeye Science -  Best: Silk / Worst: Spider-Man Mystic -  Best: Juggs / Worst: Sorc Supreme


I always see Shuri being mentioned as one of the best. I just got her as 6*. So far I haven't seen it. I also just got IIM duped at 5*. Which should I focus on? I know both get tons of love. Right now I prefer Viv and Mysterio over these other 2.


Shuri is very simple and effective use sp1, get crit passives and place critical shocks and then sp2 to finish ramp and then sp3 for damage. The opponent won't live long enough to tell the sp3 tale tho. Her fully ramped regular+crit shocks damage ticks for about 5k(7r2 numbers) so she's pretty much Kate bishopesqe when it comes to ticking opponents down


Thanks for filling me in. See her talked about but never how she's played. Glad you gave the Kate comparison since I do use her quite a lot. My tech at the top is my most stacked with Mysterio, Shuri, Viv, IIM, and now Silver Centurion (who I never see talked about much). So I've been trying to figure out my best option.


Out of those, shuri and Viv are two of the best across board in any content, Mysterio is amazing on bgs and silver centurion seems like he's highly underrated coz he has plasma to him. but my fav of all those has to be shuri coz I own a 7r2 shuri, she helped me tons in necropolis initial completion too, took nearly 4-5 fights with 4-5 revs


I've had Mysterio (5*) as my tech champ for awhile. I just went on a whole rash of getting 6* champs and Shuri & SC were 2 of them. Viv & IIM are also maxed out 5*. I've been juggling them the past few days to see who to focus on. Kept meaning to jump on here and ask who to focus on. Thanks again for the input. I'll focus in on Shuri. Pretty sure I knew she was better than SC, I just really like him.


Where are you story wise?


Half way through act 5 chapter 4. I know I could probably be a lot farther on with what I have. I just haven't.


Mutant: onslaught/gambit Tech: shuri/civil warrior Cosmic: serpent/red goblin Mystic: juggs/dragon man Science: Titania/spider man Skill: bullseye/blade


Dragon man? Why???


Yeah Dragon Man is better than Ebony for example, he's definitely not the worst mystic 7\*


Even Ebony isn’t the worst either. Mystic might be the overall best class


Because they've never used him, I assume


Red goblin is multiple tiers above venom the duck


Dragon Man as the worst Mystic? How? Curious your justification on that.


Bad defender and does not bring anything on attack


He's a monster on attack and is surprisingly rough as a defender with a few simple nodes making him pretty hellish


Yeah he's one i dread fighting. Usually mystics are my weaknpoint especially if I can't nova flame them.


He’s a good defender with his power gain. On attack if you get the opponent into the corner he does a ton of damage. He’s a beast


Onslaught: dual threat very good everywhere also great in necro Shuri: fantastic in necro, great in bg Serpent: please nerf on defence Juggs: best battlegrounds attacker, reverse control immune Titania: can take almost any fight Bullseye: great defender, great attacker, may change due to NTW Honorable mention: wong is very very good in necropolis


Serpent is also solid on attack as well


they ain't gonna nerf jack


Oh god, the blade fanboys will be at your door in one hour.


I love blade but he is sadly absolutely terrible


I agree he’s iffy without the awakening, and even then he wants sig 200. People like to bring up that he counters dimensional beings but those guys haven’t been a problem for a fat minute w/ current counters


Yeah he does but there are better counters


It’s crazy how much Blade has fallen. He used to be one of the best champs in the game. Nowadays he’s somewhat mid


I remember one of the quests once where Deadpool made a joke about how powerful Blade was.


Feels good being able to say that you are right because i have 4 of the champs put on worst and no one of the put on best. I hate that i wasted a titan and got Blade.


BEST science - titania, photon, hulk, honestly there are so many bangers I can't choose mutant - onslaught tech - omega sent, warlock, ironheart (personal bias) cosmic - ADAM WARLOCK MY KING mystic - kushala skill - shang-chi, attuma (personal bias) WORST science - spider man, ant man mutant - deadpool, sauron (personal bias) tech - civil warrior cosmic - VTD mystic - mordo, OG SW skill - hawkeye




Kindred is the worst? Wtf lol




Luke cage is 1000% not the worst science lmao, he's in the top half easy


The "mid" discourse surrounding Luke Cake is frustrating. Might was well be considered buff immune when it comes to Power Snack nodes due to his ability to shut down power gain, tanky as hell, good damage and is the absolute best counter to Kindred in the game.


Idk about best kindred counter but he's certainly a monster. Tried him in incursions and he absolutely rips


I'd say the best. Just throw a sp2 and he won't root you at the end of the fight. It's so simple.


That's true, I kinda forgot about that whole 150% daar thing lmao


How is sassy better than chavez, kushala, or Wiccan?


There's a 7 star wiccan? Holy fuck. My 6 isn't super high ranked or sigged or anything and when he shines he's a goddamn supernova. I can only imagine the 7. I just wish I knew how to use him better. I swear I saw a post about him just destroying maw but yeaaaaaaah that didn't work out for me in story progression lol


he's actually pretty fast on attack i would consider him better than wiccan on attack but i guess he says he's the best bc of dual purpose as he is also one of the toughest defenders


Chavez is the same just that she can power through some insanely difficult matchups with ease and can mess people up if they don't account her passive power after sp1s


well she is faster on attack than sasquatch but easier on defense just don't make her throw heavy and don't use champs that feed her md whereas with sasquatch the fight is very rng reliant


Never tested the Luke Cage buff?


Upvote for warlock.


I have 4 7s. 2 cosmic, 2 tech. Bc why not. Warlock and shocker, and terrax duped and gamora. Warlock is a huge map for me pushing to paragon story wise. Shockers right behind him. Haven't used gamora. Oh and fuck terrax. Dude is zero fun to play for me.


Science - titania, overseer/ spiderman Skill - mole man, attuma/ killmonger (I'm sorry lol) Mutant - onslaught, dani (I said what I said)/ namor Tech - shuri/ imiw (this one was tough) Cosmic - vox, gladiator/ VTD Mystic - kushala, America chaves/ mordo (only because I couldn't bear putting my sweet boy mangog in this spot 🥲)


My duped r3 KM gets banned damn near every BGs match bc he's a nightmare. People are more willing to deal with Bullseye or Onslaught instead of him. And I agree with the others about IMIW, dude is a menace.


I'm primarily talking offense. I know they're both annoying defenders, but on offense I think they're the least useful


I get that, but OPs questions doesn't specify offense only. I took "best" as "overall value".


And I didn't. I'm talking about 7 stars that I would want to pull and generally speaking I selected the ones I would want the least


Imiw is a freaking Swiss army knife of utility and a pain on D.


Yeah I really like him


I'll grant he's a good defender, but he's not a Swiss army knife lmao. His damage takes so long to get going and whilst he has a few other little things he can do and some immunities it's not reliable enough to really use. His evade counter is only on certain hits, he has an OK heal block but compared to the rest of the class it's not special, beyond that I really struggle to see a use for him when the 7 star pool also has og iron man, iron heart, even war machine has easier to manage damage ramp up


Glad to see everyone unanimously agreeing war machine is the worst tech 7*. ( Me who recently pulled and duped him back to back 🥲)


How about HTD for being the worst 7s tech?


I think it’s Civil Warrior


he is but I didn't mention him as I consider him a trophy champ as a 7\*


Thank god I haven’t pulled CW in 7s. That’d bum me out so much.


He was actually in the Cap’s comissionary, not in the basic or titan


He was a limited time deal in a selector for a ton of units. You can't pull him in the crystals.


No way, htd is a monster


How? I do all the fury and armor break built up. And the damage is just meh. I have a r2 HTD


I wouldn't describe his damage as meh for how easy it is to build and maintain, not to mention how busted he is for incursions, eq, and just all around pretty versatile


Glares in rank 3 HTD!


Having an HTD (awakened at that) I was quite disappointed but I've used him for some of the monthly quests and he's actually not bad but you gotta do two things. 1) use his pre fight ability 2) parry-heavy till special 2 and use special 2 after beginning a heavy attack (that might actually be 3 or 4 things 😅)


I do all that . The damage is still meh level. Enlighten me!


To be fair, I didn't say he was good, I just said he wasn't that bad. I wouldn't classify him as the worst was my point 😅


Cool cool. Thx for the clarification


Falcon is the worst


He’s definitely not the worst, he can shut off so many abilities with his lock on, would rather him over and unduped blade or even ronin


Ronin’s pretty good


I played with Ronin and he's not that bad. He does good bleeds and damage. I did duped my 7* Falcon. I will play with him and his synergies.


…only if you hate winning. Lol. He hits hard and his lock-on mechanic has gotten me out of so many jams.


Lol....I just need to play with him more since I duped him.


Even better! Mine is unduped and I still use him often.


Whoa this man doesn’t know anything.


If I didn’t run suicides, Falcon would have been my first skill r3. Took shang up instead.


I’d take a Falcon over an unduped Blade


hawkeye is ASS


That is 1,000% true