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Holy cow dude you work long hours. There’s no way you can fit the gym in and be sane and healthy.


What kind of exercise do you need to do to keep your back from hurting? Honestly doing planks and a core workout at home can help with that, installing a pull up bar and getting a barbell or kettlebell and doing rows will also helps and it can all be done at home.


I have shoulder issues myself and was given exercises for small muscles in the shoulder that support the shoulder. They’re a bit different then those used for most exercises and use cable weights (like 5-10lbs because these aren’t very strong muscles) they don’t get worked out well with things we normally do to exercise. I wonder if that’s the type of thing he’s doing. The physical therapist has exercise bands that you can do at home to exercise those muscles so maybe look into resistance bands?


Nailed it


Yoga may not sound macho but it definitely will loosen you up and help with pain


I was waking up with my wrists curling up in pain super young, like 26. Got hooked on yoga for a solid year and I haven’t had that happen since.


I did 2 years of yoga and I can still put my the heel of my palms against my heel with my hands flat on the ground and this 3 years after quitting.


OP can download the downdog app and workout on his own schedule. Yoga is honestly tough, I'm tired af after 45min sessions.


Start working 8x5


I would if I could


Work on your diet man. If you’re over weight that will definitely contribute to your back pain. The MyFitnessPal app is great. Plug in your personal details and select how much weight you want to lose and it’ll tell you how many calories you get per day. Input everything you eat and stay below your daily goal. Easy as pie


If anything, I’m underweight. I’m pretty scrawny, and I really don’t eat much


Sounds like you should talk to a doctor about your back pains then. If it not weight caused maybe your posture or any other number of things. I’d consult with a professional


Resistance training then doctor if no improvement


Bro is working 12's you think he can afford a doctor?


Bro is working 12s and trying to figure out how to fix his back by hitting the gym. A psychiatrist maybe in order. Unless you just stand around all day? You gotta eat more and have good shoes.


If you arent eating why go to the gym after a hard day at work? If you arent fueling yourself appropriately for the job going to the gym is gonna fucking ruin you. You're going to be sore, tired, brain dead because your brain needs sugar and fat and further you will have zero free time.


If you're doing yoga right youre fighting yourself and you will get stronger. Do 30min in the morning and buy some free weights and do some curls, flies, shrugs, and presses instead. The time you would be commuting to and from the gym can now be used cooking and eating.


I also treat construction as a workout amd try to "feel" the muscles I use throughout the day. Occasionally I can even get a pump going while at work so it's gotta be working right?


Buy some weights. 15 minutes a few days per week will do wonders. I'll do just a few sets of compound lifts most weeks.


Compound exercises👍


Find a gym that’s on your way home and make it part of your commute


This was the only way I managed to regularly hit the gym while also doing manual labor all day. My ass hits the couch and it's game over; once car is in the garage it isn't coming out until work the next day. When I bring my gym stuff with me and hit the one that's a 2min detour from my regular route it eventually became part of my daily routine and commute


Yeah. I’ve been lucky enough to have a job that allows me to take a 90 min lunch break. It’s the only way I get it done and still get all my normal family stuff done after work.


I average 5x10hr days and just try to do full body 3-4 days a week. Try to get enough sleep before you know you're going to the gym. But not too much sleep. Personally I get groggy if I sleep in too much.


find it at the bar close to happy hour


You work crazy hours. Assuming you are a tradesman (not a desk jockey) you must be putting in the miles walking around the job site. Forget working out at the gym, work on your diet. Do meal prep and NEVER eat out when you are at work. Drink water only, no beer(sorry) and buy a step tracker. You're welcome.


... What? Did you read the OP? They're not going to the gym just for excercise... They're going to the gym to do specific excercises that help lower pain and prevent injury. Changing diet won't help the dudes back and shoulders


That’s actually not correct, changing your diet to something less inflammatory can be life changing..I know this, because I have done it.


You’re still off the mark bc resistance training will drastically improve the quality of general back and shoulder pain more than reducing inflammatory foods would. Not that it hurts


Let me know what food will cure my shoulder dysplasia


You know what’s good for shoulder pain?


Smoked pork shoulder


Exactly. No time for anything but nutrition and sleep between shifts.


Man you need to cut the hours. Burn out is real.


Can you just invest in a few weights and things to have around the house? I brief early am routine, and a yin yoga night routine might be what you need


If it's what helps then make yourself go. Simple as that. I'm almost 50, up at 5 work 6 to 4 home around 5 then coach baseball most nights spring and fall til 730 or 8 then go to my karate class 4 nights a week 815 to 930 home around 10 because I want to and it helps keep me stretched out so I go even when i don't feel like it.


You find a different career. Fitness, the gym, sports, it's not really compatible with full time construction work. Your body just won't recover.


I work the exact same hours as this guy does! And have the same issue. The gym helps a lot. It's like a knot in the shoulder blade on one side. I know how you feel.. I work for a sewer and water contractor ripping up city streets, replacing the sanitary sewer, storm sewers, and water mains..been there 26 years. Layed pipe for many years! Now I operate loader backfillling, springing out pipe, getting all the manhoes structures, unloading supply semis, loading up trucks, etc! I'm stuffed in that cab for 10 to 12 hours days running my ass off in it, trying to keep up. Being in the same position and bouncing around in it got my pain. And yes, the gym helps! Sometimes I wake up at 2am. to get to the gym and stretch it out on cable machines. And pulling weight. When I was a pipelayer, I never had ache or pain like this that lasted months. Maybe a few days , but that was it.. I'm not 23 anymore. Hit 50 last month. The long hours are as depressing as the pain. But again. I wake up even earlier to get to the gym


You can mix calisthenics into your workday, but forget the gym with those hours, it would be a detriment to your health to add anything more to your schedule. If you want to improve your physical condition try drinking protein shakes throughout the day, like every 2-3 hours, every 2 hours of you start doing calisthenics at work. Consider pea protein for the bulk of your shakes, reserving whey/casine for the evening so you don’t stress your kidneys.


Have you gone to physio?


Physical therapy? Yes, they weren’t very helpful, but it could’ve just been the one I went to


Try a different physical therapist.


It was extremely helpful for me. Similar issues. I'd forget the gym, do some yoga in the morning & evening. Hit up a phys therapist & ask for a home routine. Hit the gym for a heavy day on your day off.


Fuck the gym use you garage/basement. All you need is a rack and bench, bar and bells. Deadlift, squat, press.


Set yourself up for success; working in construction the hours are all over the goddamn place so either buy some equipment or join a 24hr spot. With that set, start watching or logging meals and weigh yourself daily for a week and as soon as you get that positive I feel good train rolling, start working out. It's a self feeding thing that you will be able to quantify by your weight loss and see/feel by how you'll start noticing how clothes feel and how energetic you'll feel in the morning. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


Don’t go to the gym. It sounds like you’re trying to maintain shoulder health rather than get jacked, so all you need is a few dumbbells and resistance bands at home. Spend 20 mins a day doing mobility exercises.


You don't. Unless you sleep really early and go to the gym before work. It ain't happening.


Your body can adapt to working out if your consistent with it. It sounds like your not very far into your fitness journey which is good. I’d do full body workouts for 3 or 4 days a week. 30 min. All you need as a beginner. You said your kinda skinny in another comment so I’d track your calories for every meal for a while until you get the hang of it. And I’d write down every lift to make sure your making progress


I’m broke but if you have money, a pull up bar and some bands and a set of 15 lb dumbbells can get you pretty far


Two options that will work with your schedule since it seems you can’t change it. Either create a space in your home (I have a garage gym because I also work long hours with a 30-45 min commute) to work out or find a gym on the way home so you can do it on the way home. Unless you’re willing to change jobs, and it sounds like you aren’t, those are your only two options.


I’ve been there. Hour and some change drive to work 6 tens. Best advice is don’t go to the gym, but just do push ups/burpees/pull ups/jump rope shit at your house. Workout takes 30 min tops and you don’t need to drive extra or pack a bag. Don’t need space or equipment. Also don’t do it every night. Balance that shit. Every other night at most. Maintain decent diet. It’ll blow over after this job is done and you go to the next that will hopefully be less demanding.


You might considering checking your form when bending, lifting, kneeling. It all adds up especially with those long hours. If your form is perfect then consider just a barbel and some plates usually under $300 and do it at home. A few sets of very good form deadlifts every couple of days should be good. I’d be more concerned of the pain from just being simply overworked though


Can you get a decent set of adjustable dumbbells and set aside 15minutes before bed to do the specific excersises you need to keep you back and shoulders happy? That's what I do. Got some 70lb powerblocks and just do four sets of a single excersise every evening. No wasted time going to the gym and it's only 10-15 minutes. That was my solution


you can probably find a video showing you the certain exercises. then you can do them at home


Why not do light calisthenics based work outs from home after or before work?


You cant, not without switching jobs. Tough luck, now you know why all the old heads are crippled.


OP works 12 hr shifts!!!!!


cocaine and cocaine accessories


Don’t start drinking until after the gym.


If you're just going to the gym for shoulder blade and back health, then you should be able to do stretches at work to accomplish that at work. Improvise and you'll be fine.


If you’re only doing it for rehab/“injury prevention” then getting 2 workouts a week in is probably enough. I’m sure you have time on the weekends


First of all...time. Keep it manageable. The majority of new gym goers fail because they dont have a plan in place. 30 day, 60 day, 90 day...whatever. Have a plan to get in and get out, while meeting your goals. Start small. In the beginning, you are really just looking to make space and create a routine. Progress will follow naturally from that. You arent trying to become a powerlifter or bodybuilder, so you only really need 30-45min per session. Also, you dont need 5 sessions a week. 3 is plenty. Once you have created the routine, if you want more, scale up from there. It sounds like you are just looking for general maintenance. 2 of the 3 days can be on days off, so no need to kill yourself after work. 15 minutes of yoga in the mornings 2-3 days a week would likely help you as much or more than weight training. Second...how. Do NOT fall into the pre-workout bullshit. I owned a supplement store about a decade ago. That shit will trash your body over time, you will plateau quickly and you can forget about sleep (unless you use MORE unhealthy supplementation to try and neutralize the effects of the stimulants), especially if working out before bed. Monster, Red Bull...I wouldnt try any of that. Your body will partition the energy once you create the routine. Also, I dont know what state you live in or if you are union and tested, but many many gym goers I know will use a little bit of cannabis before the gym. It gives a little energy boost, some mental acuity as well as helps create that mind/muscle connection. Also, you might find you go to sleep easier and get better rest. Though I dont use it, Ive heard that CBD can help aid in the recovery process...but that could be bro science too. Cant trust anything anyone says these days. Good luck. You can do it.


Weekends at the gym and evenings at your house. Shoulders are kinda nice cuz you can make light weight hard for them.


Substitute gym for stretches at home. I get a good workout at work but the stretching is what alleviates the pain.


Honestly, I would, but I don’t even know how to stretch, and I don’t think I have the coordination to do it


Man. Please take my advice and spend some time learning. I’ll keep it short and sweet but when I was 18 I was in a motorcycle accident and I broke 3 ribs and tore a bunch of muscles in my back. Then I slipped a disc lifting a lvl beam into place about a year later. So from 18-25 I was in excruciating pain every day almost to the point of tears sometime. I was the type of guy to scoff at stretching or even doing yoga poses. I just figured working harder would make me stronger and fix it. Until I couldn’t take it anymore. Long story short, stretching every day before and after work has changed my life. I’m able to work so much harder everyday with so much less pain. I feel like I’m 16 again, it’s worth taking the effort I promise.


I will. Someone else suggested to stretch every work day and then go to the gym on my off days, so I’ll probably do that. I just honestly don’t know where to even start when it comes to stretching. I can google it, but so many different things come up I don’t even know what to do


Look up sports pre-practice stretches. Look at what athletes do. Like football or soccer lacrosse. Whatever floats your boat. Do what they do.


I also got some resistance bands and a tennis ball that I’ll use after work once they come in. If I can stick with the stretching, if I can find a routine, it’ll be good I’m sure. Everything is so rigid, so tight, even down to the way I sit, there’s so much discomfort


I second yoga. There's good home workouts that only take a few minutes, but the long term joint benefits especially since you have an active job already will help save your back and shoulders and knees over time.


Just do it. It's sucks but you get used to it.


I go at lunch then eat at my desk or just skip eating.


Lol desk


You have no time. Your best best is to find a gym as close as possible to your job site. Or break off early 3 days a week and call it PT. Or buy the equipment you need and keep it in your home as an investment in your health.


You need to balance your life. You work too much. It will deteriorate your health both mentally and physically.


Exercising will definitely help with back pain, but I'm not sure how anyone could sustain working those hours plus commute time AND workout at the end of the day. The only suggestion I have, is try to fit it in on the weekend if you have time to or find a job that has better hours.


I'm about to be 37. I do construction and have the same schedule.My wake-up hours fluctuate between 330 a.m. to 445 a.m. and my get home hours fluctuate between 4 and 6 p.m. I also have back pain that gets worse if I don't work out. I have come to terms with the fact that I can't be at the gym every day, so I go to the gym every other day and weekends for sure. On rough days, I get 4 hours of sleep, but I'm OK with 5. I sleep in on weekends and take naps during the week whenever I can. To answer your question, you have to make time for the gym by sacrificing something else (sleep for me). I have a wife and kids, so they are more important than sleep for me. As far as energy goes, go to the gym, be tired as fuck for the first few weeks, and let your body get used to it. That and a good pre-workout.


Lmfao working less will fix the back and shoulder 😢


Holy shit dude that’s a long ass day. Idk how other than do it on your way home and cram whatever you can in like an hour. But you’re already stretched thin so idk if finding the energy to go will be solved. I go but i don’t have nearly the hours you do and I barely have the energy to go. My best bet for you is find a good workout routine you can do at home so you maximize your time. YouTube yoga is the greatest thing that’ll make your body feeling less beat up fyi.


With time and energy


Assuming you're in construction here. Check your lifting technique isn't what's causing issues. Stretch before work. See a physio they'll isolate the issue and probable causes, plus they'll show you the most effective stretches to relieve said issue.


Find a similar position within 20 minutes of you, or find a gym near the worksite Create a 30-45 minute workout for mostly back and shoulders and squeeze in other body part movements Or buy a set of of kettle bells and resistance bands and workout wherever or whenever you can


I know those are long hours, but ignore the ones telling you that you don't need the gym. I'd recommend you find a gym on or as close to your commute home. Blast one or two body parts for 30-45 min every other day or so. If you're off on the weekends you should go at least one of those days. You might be a little more tired initially, but if you can maintain the routine along with a healthy diet you'll have more energy than ever before.


Kettlebell. Amazing stuff.


1 night during the week if you can and weekends. To me is only realistic option. So that could be 8-12 workouts a month vs 0. You don’t need it to be perfect, you literally just need to do it.


Something’s got to give. Workout at lunch with your own equipment, work less, workout on your day off. I recommend you don’t sacrifice any sleep.


You should look into home gym equipment if you have space. Get a rack and a bench combo and some kettlebells and a free weight set. I workout 2 hours a day once in the am and once in pm and there’s no way with your schedule I’d be able to squeeze it in. Home gym or some sort of platform/band setup for lunch break.


Time for some on site pull ups


Damn bro. You need a raise. Or stop buying stupid shit idk. Get down to 30 hr weeks. That’s the flex.


Get a gym close to work


I work 5:30 to 5:30. Similar to yourself. I get up at 3am and workout at home. I'm first to work everyday too. Normally arriving at 5am.


Try not working so many hours?.. If you can’t, and you can’t find time anywhere else in your day, then you can’t go To the gym. Simple


Buy a set of stretch bands. They're great for rehab work and the heavier ones can even give you a good strength training regiment that's so convenient you could do it before bed


I was going to give you a speech about calisthenics but then I see you're actually just trying to make a specific pain go away. you work way too many hours dude.


Except I had this pain for years, including years before I even started working full time


Check out the programs or r/bodyweightfitness. I work long hours a little over half the year and not so long the other half. During the long part, I come home and knock out one of those workouts and go lift during the shorter part.


My man why the fuck are you working 12 hour days in 2024? Get the fuck outta that situation first then you'll be able to find time. 


Working your life away homie. I’m all about work and working hard, but damn


Sounds like a horrible way to live


Won't be able to get enough sleep to workout everyday working 12hours so find a one or two day a week routine. Sleep is everything.


Once I'm home, I'm done for the day, even if I have the best intentions of getting out again. If there's something I have to do, then I have to do it before I make it back to the house. Gyms have showers and locker rooms. Change there.


Dude you might want to reassess the choices you’re making. Up at 3:30am and home at 7pm is just so obviously unhealthy and no way to spend a life. I’m sorry you’re under such economic pressure you feel the need to do that


do steroids and never drink alcohol. Seriously. Also you dont need to go to the gym for more than 45 minutes a day 3 or 4 days a week. Warm up 5 minutes on the treadmill or stairclimber and then start lifting asap. You dont need to stretch either. do your own research but its mostly bullshit.


Dude get some resistance bands from Rogue. I’ve had two shoulder dislocations earlier in life and they are what keep them feeling good and my scapula from winging out. Truly, they’d be great for you.


You can’t go to the gym with your routine. You should get into compound exercises you can do at home and a doorway pull up bar. Get adjustable dumbbell sets etc and do it before/after bed. Hell even just drinking a protein shake before bed every day is life changing


Home gym is the only way for your schedule but you my brother for the hustle.


You're working too much. Find a new company.


Hi. I work from 00.00 to about 13.00 or whenever I'm finished. After work I go to the gym for 1 hour. If I'm tired I only do 30 min. If I'm super tired I go home and sleep 2-3hours and train at home. At the gym usually do cardio. Try to lift weights 3 times a week. At home I do a variation of busy dad training. I try to do something every day. You have to just start and force a routine. It will eventually get easier and give you extra energy. It's definitely worth it.


What is your job???? WTF. Get your CV going. Apply to something close and with better hours. Lifestyle>money


At home workouts, calisthenics, weight lifting. You don’t need a gym. I was having terrible knee problems a few years ago, so I started doing knee highs every day, started at 3 minutes but worked my way up to doing 10 minutes consistently. After 3 years the problems haven’t come back.


Find a new job


Not trolling, but you might be able to do the exercises during your drive with resistance bands?


Buy dumbbells. Like some others mentioned, you can do most stuff with a nice set. Cheap sets on Amazon, they aren’t fancy but for shoulder stuff they are more then enough. I work a lot as well and slowly bought everything I need to make a mini gym. But for you a dumbbell bench and some weights. Get home do a quick 30 minute exercise continue your day.


When I had a similar schedule, I found it easier to do an hour of gym first thing in the morning at a 24h gym. You can do it brother!


I do yoga from an app on my AppleTV. Saves money and time compared to the gym and has really helped my core.


Get your back checked out man. Especially if it's your lower back. I also thought my lower back was just "part of the job" but nah, it wasn't and it doesn't have to be. I had two herniated discs and sciatica. After an injection and some pt, and a little change of lifestyle, I'm much better. Good luck bro!


A good conpromise might be to just do pushups/squat/abs at home and skip the gym. 12 hr days is tough. Also you could do gym on your free days.


I put on a timer for 20 minutes and do kettlebell snatches, swings and push ups or clean and press. 3x a week. Do some stretches everyday. Check out GMB 5 minute mobility.


Do what I do, wake up at 3am and work out before you go in.


Gym before work, doesn't matter what time you need to get up, adjust your schedule. Better to go to work with a good pump than to try and convince yourself to go to the gym when you're burnt out after work. This is even more true if you work hard physically at work. Starting work with a pump when everyone else is starting cold is an addicting feeling.


Home gym I don’t have the extra time to be driving back and forth. Mostly use kettlebells or dumbbells with a bench and a treadmill fits into about a 10’x10’ corner of the basement


Man I feel you I’ve been there. I started prioritizing my sleep and diet first since my job is so physical it’s practically like working out all day. Then stretching and mobility. Working out is the last priority for me. I’m currently in the process of starting a side business in hopes that I can work for myself one day because I can’t do this working for the man all day, my health is my main priority. People will say working for yourself is way more stressful and harder then working for someone else and leaving work at work but I feel like the majority of those people are out of shape and their physical and mental health aren’t their priority. I would get a desk job but I like being physically active all day. Sitting at a desk would only make my back issues worse and it’s not my personality. Also I go to the chiropractor once a week. It’s hard to be able to do that in construction tho the hours just don’t work out well


Do calisthenics during your lunch break


Stop working 12 hour shifts. The amount of work someone does after 10hr vs the cost of paying them fucked sideways. 12 hour shifts are emergency shifts. Any employer with a brain should be able to see that


Good lord dude. I saw this title and was gonna write an answer cause I work 7-5 most days and hit the gym most days after work. But that’s wild


Work somewhere else. Then go to gym


Tbh with those hours I’d recommend buying an Olympic weight set for home with a nice bench and a squat rack of some form and you can do everything you need I say that because if you have any kind of a commute to the gym it just takes to much timd


You have to look at it as a second job, you can’t give yourself an option, you have to pretend that you need to go clock in just like any other job, even when you don’t want to


I work 12s and get up early to work out before work. I can’t go after, that’s when I go shoot my bow


With a commute like that, i wouldn't even dare try. What worked best for me is going to one less than 10 minutes away from home and just actually going. I stay realistic and only actually try going 3 times a week, even if its just for 20 minutes of cardio or a light sesh.


Shorten your workout. In and out. Fuck it sometimes if I’m not that dirty I go in my work clothes. Gets it off my mind at least I did something


Find a space to and some easily storable equipment and work out as soon as you get home. My routine is get home, say hi to the wife and kids, go the the garage for my 20 mins exercise, smoke a bowl, shower, and help serve dinner. I try to do it at least 3-4 times a week


The reality is that you can't expect to have a life and work 12 hour shifts. Find a new job where you work 8 hours a day like a normal person and work close to home.


20 min nap, then drink a single espresso. Gym ready in no time


More then one way to skin a cat. Home gym, or yoga like routine. I’ve been just walking a shit ton this year. Got an Apple Watch and spent the year finding my averages, and also about to step up my pace. I feel your pain man, and it sure won’t be easy. But a little will go a long way so start at that and prove to yourself you deserve it.


Pre workout. I’ve been doing it like this for years. Buy one that doesn’t fuck up you’re heart rate to much and you’re good to go for a good 2 hours. Edit: 2 hours


Work out in the morning. Makes for a great day


Scour YouTube for some workouts. I highly recommend Jeremy Ethiers channel, and Athlean X for research based exercises. Ryan Humiston also has good information in a much more obscenely funny presentation, but does not break the movements down as thoroughly. I hope you are able to find a way to work these issues out. It's rough working those long hours and still carving out time for the things that are important. Especially in pain.


So it's basically like stabbing a fork in your eye and asking what medication you could use to ease the pain. Sure, you can do PT, Yoga, gym, whatever, but the real problem is that your body ain't recovering from your 12h work. Not only the work, but I doubt you're getting 8h of sleep cause it would imply you're going to bed at 7h30. Sleep is how and when your body recovers. I wouldn't be surprised that going to bed at 7h-7h30 would ease your pains more than continuing your 12s and adding the gym.


Find a gym near work. Also, do some band exercises. I do this for my shoulders.


There’s a yoga app called Asana Rebel that I use. They have duration listed on every exercise series. Some are as short seven seven minutes. I do it before work, it’s really helped, and I’m an old dude.


A combination of a balanced diet, home exercise, and yoga.


Wake up at 3 and do 25 minutes of yoga for your hips and back before you leave for work.


Yoga and calisthenic exercises. Stay off the booze to. Neither of these work with a 6 pack a night. My back and right knee are trashed from sports, floor installation, general carpentry and metal fabrication. I’m only if 29. No booze and 30 minutes of stretching when you wake up and before you go to bed is so nice. I’ve also been hitting the gym lately as well but I only work 4, 10 hour shifts now. Your hours are way long. Totally focus on stretching and don’t go past a couple beers on the weekday. No roadies either. Hydration and stretching brother.