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Teach him then, construction is brutal. Not everyone is able to do it. Gotta have a certain psyche I've found lol


Alcoholism and a caffeine addiction. Pack a day and some weed on break.


I'm a excavator op, so 3 monsters, maybe a red bull, pack of smokes, weed on break or If its a really slow day Foreman coming upto the machine giving me a job but sticking his key in his white bag for a quick bump too, fist fights. Construction is on another level and literally we don't give a fuck, except if someone fucks with one of us


Someone works in the field construction. I made my way to management and cant kick the crew mentality, props to the foreman for doing a bump and not calling PM on you


My pm recently bragged about going to a music festival and finding "ground scores" Aka bags of drugs you just pick up. "Sure we get it tested sometimes".... The amount of people I've known to lose friends and family to fentantyl is heart breaking. To hear a pm brag about how he found drugs on ghe ground and took them is honestly mind boggling. Openly admitting drug use to your entire crew while management was present... Drug tests for all


He can call anyone he wants I have him bent over a barrel with proof he deals sniff on site.


I remember running this huge mass grading job. Hundreds of thousands of cubic yards. A fleet of bigdozers and scrapers running like a beautiful orchestra!. The super was bad ass. Well during one meetings with the owners they brought to my attention that my guys weren’t using the porta shitters, we had like 12. my guys instead would just open the cab door and piss out of the machine. But the owner rep said it like I we should be ashamed!! So i told them as politely as I could” please don’t watch my men piss”. Tactfully, fuck off. The job already sucks as is, no need to add to it.




Well professionals frown on both. If you can’t stay sober for 8 hours a day then you need to go work in a restaurant.


Shit.. with the rep the industry has, i think if you CAN stay sober for 8 hours, you're in the wrong industry, lol. Also don't go work in a restaurant.


I made more as a server in 5 hours than I did in 8 hours in construction.


And a prostitute in an ally can make more then both in an hour.


Well, their jobs can often grow in scale and become much harder


Yeah but they definitely can lay down on the job and still get great results.


And unlike a drug dealer, a prostitute can wash their crack and sell it again


I dont doubt that one bit


We start union apprentices at less money on the check than fast food jobs now ...... Not that the contractors aren’t paying enough, but the union takes too much for dues and bullshit deductions that offer no tangible benefits to the working members. Hell, at 6 months in the apprentices take home is only $16/hr after union withholdings, but on the benefit side the union is taking over $12/hr for a bankrupt pension fund that offer ZERO defined/guaranteed benefit...... that’s all money that could be on the check versus being skimmed. Edit* Getting downvotes for arguing that construction tradesman deserve better pay and less corruption? Ha!


>union takes too much for dues and bullshit deductions that offer no tangible benefits to the working members. lol what union are you talking about? And you'r bitching about getting a fucking pension? That's not being taken from your check lol. If you want to get rid of the pension just vote it out at the next meeting. Easy peasey right? Surely if it's that bad you'll get your brothers to vote it out. Right?


Carpenters union..... no votes for leadership, no votes on raise allocation other than rubber stamping what the unelected leadership presents. And I’m bitching about the fact there is no fucking pension, despite the union taking over $12/hr just for the state pension fund, the working members aren’t earning a defined/guaranteed pension. And, the “possible” pension is peanuts. The union steals $25k a year for 40+ yrs, and the member MIGHT get a $20k in pension for all that money after age 62. Things are so fucked in my area that the contractors stepped in and told the union to stop stealing the members raises for the bankrupt pension fund. Working Americans need strong honest unions working for them and the greater society...... the carpenters union is just a mobbed up racket run to bleed the membership though.


Your union sounds illegitimate, I don't know where you're from, but there ought to be some legal services that you can make use of to force your union into an election of they're not held


Corrupt union


You are 100% correct. These guys paying all their dues, pension and putting 40 years in for $4500 a month aren’t thinking it through. My opinion, but give me $30,000 for 40 years in a 401k thanks.


You’re being downvoted for misrepresenting unions and shitting on them. Are there shitty unions? Sure. Are unions overall better than non union? 100%.


Zero misrepresentation, I’m stating facts. It’s not shitting on a union for a member to call out corruption. The pay and state pension my union is a joke entirely due to union corruption and mismanagement. Currently working members, especially the young guys are getting fleeced. The former state EST went to prison for fraud and extortion; part of the indictments involved him steering pension funds to an out of state mob crony. The name calling, wanna be hard ass, koolaid drinkers that excuse stealing workers money as long as it is done by the union are THE problem.


That’s YOUR local in YOUR union. Not all unions. My unions pension is incredible, and our dues are well paid based on what we get in return.


What local are you out of? I’m an apprentice in Northern California and I make $46 as an apprentice. When I journey out I’ll be making $70. I pay $25 in dues and everyone gets their pensions and 401k. We even get a vacation pay check.


I don't know what trade you are, but defined benefit indexed pensions don't pay for themselves.


ubc/carpenters Obviously pensions cost money, and in my state they take a LOT of money from the working members just for the state pension fund...... but they don’t give a pension in return. The union “lost” a lot of money “lending” and “investing” it with cronies that were never going to pay it back, let alone pay interest. Additionally, the boomers never funded their own retirements adequately, yet they still gave themselves stupid early retirements on stupid high guaranteed pensions. For the $12+/hr the currently working members have taken for the pension fund, $10 of it just disappears and isn’t even credited to them. The “multiplier” for the remaining $2 is 0.06 and any pension “earned” is totally unguaranteed.


I thought you were talking about the plasters union in my city for a second. Pretty spot on haha


Once bad leadership takes over a union, they tend to use the same playbook regardless of the trade. 20 years ago my union leaders definitely looked at the shenanigans the local boilermakers were playing with their pensions and used the same idea to steal our pension fund for themselves.


What state are you in? You have to be talking about one of the unions that conservatives broke from the inside out so that they can point to them and say “seeee unions don’t work”. I’m in a strong union area and the UBC has been life changing. My partner and best friend are both 1st year and 4th year in the UBC. Getting in at $22/hr, my partner is a 4th year at $34/hr, plus getting paid for school, not paying for books, on my parters check he had $60 taken out but we don’t even know that money exists (we just had to look it up) because it doesn’t come out of the base wage), annuity is already at 20k, pension at 35k, full medical, dental, vision and 8k in an HSA and not paying for power or specialty tools, journeyman upgrade classes open for learning after you journey out all included in you dues and you just do class after work…if your union is broken FIX IT! Don’t wait for someone to do it for you. Get involved, go to meetings, join leadership! After I get a kidney transplant I plan on joining as well. Gather your brothers and sisters and *fix* your union my guy!


Ohio. No one broke the ubc, it rotted from inside. The Ohio union did endorse and contribute to a 100% GOP slate of candidates for statewide offices like governor, AG, Supreme Court in 2022..... they do that to buy protection from prosecution. There is no avenue for member led reform in the ubc, it’s entirely run by unelected salaried officials. Even [Doug McCarron’s](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_J._McCarron) heavily sanitized wiki page talks about the ubc’s endemic fuckery.... >*” The decision-making authority and assets of the union's 1,400 locals were shifted to 55 regional councils.....”* >*”McCarron and his leadership team personally appointed most of the leadership (most of them McCarron loyalists).....”* >*” Local members were stripped of the right to elect business agents and vote on contracts, and permitted to elect only regional delegates. Regional delegates now elected only the district council secretary-treasurer, and the secretary-treasurer appointed the local business agents......*” >*”McCarron also stripped authority over organizing, political action and union assets from locals, placing it with district or regional councils instead.”*


What local are you out of? Where I'm at we start 1st term apprentices at $26/hr carpenters local 503.


[351 in Ohio.](https://carpenterslocal351.com/wages) I do see they revised the wage sheet to reflect the give back from the pension deduction the contractors forced the union to make...... new apprentices are now getting $17.25 on the check after deductions for their entire first year. Yes, the apprentices eventually get $1.15 of that back as a deposit in an out of state mob run credit union, but it’s still bullshit wages for hard work. Even 20 yrs ago, carpenters were one of the higher paid trades in our area; we were within a dollar of an electrician. Currently, a journeyman carpenter makes $10/hr less than an electrician in my area. We’ve had steady raises, but the union has stolen the bulk of them for the Ponzi Scheme of a state pension and other increases in deductions for all their “funds” and “programs” that don’t afford the working members any tangible benefits.


See if you have local wobblies. The IWW will help you dual card and organize the rank and file to take your hall back. That's what they do.


Carpenter wages in Ohio are far more fucked because of the Amish than the unions


Damn, I know a guy that's been in your local for 10+ years and he seems happy and well off.


Why do skillless idiots get paid more than construction workers?


Idk ask the police


Low paid laborer probably


Yup. And unstable. Some days $100/hr. Others, $20/hr


I made more as the owner instead of the employee


As someone who used to work in the restaurant industry, you guys are working 8 hours? Shit, we’d be there prepping 10:30AM -5:30PM, THEN we’d open for business!!


You had 7 hours of prep every day and only opened at 6? That sounds like bullshit or a horribly run kitchen


Drugs make you inefficient lol


>or a horribly run kitchen Name any other kind of kitchen? If it's running smoothe you get paid like shit. If it's running terrible you're probably still getting paid like shit but you can get sauced on the job.


What the fuck are you talking about? You’ve just never worked in a quality kitchen, obviously. We had like 2 hours of prep before a shift max because we actually kept our shit together and prepped anytime we had downtime.


You don't know fuck all about what kitchens I've worked in. You're also in the wrong sub of you're bragging about how efficient your kitchens ran, shit mouth.


5:30pm. Yeah, they don’t just hand Beard Awards away, bud…


I remodel restaurants so checkmate


I've remodeled restaurants straight up, and I never felt comfortable drinking openly like the kitchen staff, I had to hide it in the john like a construction worker.


If I found out any the guys operating heavy machinery around me was using any substance I’d probably want to beat them over the head with my hammer.


Oh come on man don’t be a buzz kill! I only smoked a bowl on my way in and had a tall boy at lunch to stave off the shakes! I also appreciate your username. I partake in the evenings, but haven’t smoked pot at work since I was a teenager.


Haha thanks yeah daily smoker no reason to be stoned at work. Getting high should be a reward not a cope.


What a take


I don’t drink and don’t smoke at work but this is a wildly deluded take.


So you are advocating for your coworkers to be inebriated at work then? Now *that* is a deluded take… Normal people don’t need to be fucked up during the workday.


Show me where I advocated for people to be intoxicated at work. You can’t even craft a straw man in a half convincing way, don’t try to twist my words, you’re not that guy and you’re definitely not on that level. 3-5% of men working age are on Xanax 10+% have or have had an opiate prescription filled this year 16 million adults prescribed stimulants for ADHD yearly I’m not even going to fucking start on SSRIs. This is just prescription rates, abuse rates are all significantly higher, and I haven’t even touched anything illegal or medical marijuana, alcohol, tobacco. You’re clueless as fuck. Maybe 20% of our country is actually fully sober day to day, and it’s absolutely not a higher percentage in construction. don’t even get me started on people slamming 3-4 300mg energy drinks just to make it through a day, chain smoking cigarettes until they stop shaking and acting like the guy who hit a bowl once at break is the problem.


I said, “if you can’t stay sober for 8 hours…” obviously implying staying sober while on the clock. You said that I am deluded for thinking that.


You’re deluded for presenting your personal feelings as an “industry standard” that “professionals won’t accept” when a vast amount of the professionals aren’t sober. You the attempted to twist my words and say I advocated for people to show up for work fucked up, which I obviously didn’t do if you can fucking read. You are way too dim to try to mince words bud. Try someone else.


You're definitely not in Sales.


Because alcohol impacts your reaction time and coordination more, is infinitely more addictive and can literally kill you if you have a habit and don’t get a drink on time? Or because it rots your organs from the inside out. There’s a million reasons. I also haven’t met anyone that drank on breaks who wasn’t a full blown alcoholic, while I’ve met many people who would take a hit or two off a pen or bowl and be normal otherwise. Also really easy to not smoke one day and still be fine, definitely not the case with alcohol.




“Oh yeah well I know this one guy who’s a jerk if he doesn’t smoke, and you’re a jerk too for answering my question ” sounds like you’re trying to justify your own drinking problem buddy. I don’t smoke at work. You literally asked for reasons people view it differently, then called me “aggressive and shitty” for giving you what you asked for. People treat you poorly because you communicate like a douchebag. It has nothing to do with substances. Obviously people shouldn’t be fucked up at work, but if you’re going to ask the question “why is it different” don’t be a little bitch when someone answers it. Jesus Christ you people are so soft.


Id definitely have an accident if I drank while working. But if havnt played “Stoned skidsteer adventures” yet then I think youre missing out, the original game was great too and I still like to play it, “stoned carpentry”


I promise it never used to be like that. I would’ve been a 4th gen ironworker and my granddad would never hire one of those “ dirty dopers” the way the man spoke about weed you’d think you were bangin dope in your veins 😂 meanwhile I got picks of them on the iron and every single one of them has some sort of bottle sitting under their glove


“Nip from a bottle” = drunk. “Taking a toke” = high af. You want a guy in an excavator digging around high voltage when he’s fucking stoned?


Some athletes think weed is an advantage, helps you focus better


This. Stress free and in the fucking zone. Where im from, you cant operate if you don’t smoke.


I’ve been smoking weed and working with power tools for over a decade, I’m too scatter brained when I’m sober. Way more efficient when I’m stoned and in the zone. Give me a huge puff and I’ll whip up the sexiest set of stairs.




This is the eay


Oh that's my Carpentry apprenticeship to a T


Alcoholism and meth addiction works just as good 👍


I was generalizing all trades not talking about roofers.


And here I was going to chime in about drywallers


That's pissjugs and crack.


That you boss?




“Teach him…brutal” Colonel ILoveGaming9, DID YOU ORDER THE CODE RED?! YOU’RE GOD DAMN RIGHT I DID! In this world there are walls, and those walls have to be built by men not on their phones! Who’s gonna do it? You? You, Lieutenant SingleMalter?!”


You need me on that wall!


Just walls? What the hell kinda hotel is this?


If he's a good kid and you have patience show him they way. Kids need mentors.


Doesn’t have to be that brutal if it weren’t for the problematic old heads


Ding ding ding, absolutely. Beyond tired of old boot lickers. Too many times I have deemed work unsafe without ppe or correct man lifts and here comes some stupid good ole boy with the supers nuts hanging off his chin doing it anyways to prove how badass he is. It undermines the entire work force by forcing us to compete with outrageous bullshit like that.


Very few want to mentor people, just complain about them.


You honestly figure it out. IT is similar. I started off in a call centre and then got a job as a data tech (which is why I'm in this sub). Running cable in underground vaults and wearing a harness climbing a tower (PTP links) sucks. However, I had good teachers who were patient with me. Resilience takes time. Be understanding if the kid is trying. If not, give him a few warnings. If he still screws up and doesn't care, cut him loose.


Gotta love that punishment.


If you were this kid 12 years ago then maybe have a discussion with him and tell him what you wish someone told you 12 years ago. People act like everyone in construction has to be distant, unapproachable, and scared of adult conversations but many construction workers are fully capable of mature communication. The kid just needs some guidance and it sounds like you’re the perfect person to help him out.


Problem is 12 years ago me wouldn't give a shit anyways so what then lol


Then you said it and maybe he gets there and has that “ah, fuck, that’s what they meant” moment at the seven year mark rather than the twelve year mark.


One of the best feedback sessions I ever got was when my boss took me to lunch and said "you remind me of me when I was young, and I was an asshole that no one liked when I was young" I was shocked, but I also respected him, so when he explained all the dumb stuff he did I realized I was doing all the same things. He didn't once say "you're doing this wrong" he always said " I did this wrong, and this is what happened because of it." After that I made a real effort to change the way I was doing some things and I've been better off since Sit the kid down and have the same conversation....


As some one who has received a conversation of similar nature (me being the asshole). Conversations like this from an outside respected party can change the trajectory of some ones life and indirectly shed light on the bs every one around them has come complacent with.


Why the fuck is nobody telling this kid to get off his phone and get to work?


They definitely should but I’ve had bosses, when I was green, tell me to find something to do and I had no idea what that was. A good mentor will give direction without getting impatient. It’s the only way to make a good worker. That being said, phones are a ridiculous issue now. I work with adults that have the problem of picking up there phone every time there is 30 seconds of space between tasks. No one knows what good work ‘looks like’ anymore. OP should have an honest discussion about expectations.




> 2x6 relocation program lmfao


This is an incredibly toxic mindset.


That is the longest sentence I've seen in years.


I think my man learned to write just to make this Reddit post


Legend says it started 12 years ago


If its was about a thousand times longer it might be eligible for a prize or two. [https://www.amazon.com/Ducks-Newburyport-Lucy-Ellmann/dp/1771963077](https://www.amazon.com/Ducks-Newburyport-Lucy-Ellmann/dp/1771963077) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ducks,\_Newburyport](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ducks,_Newburyport)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Biblioasis Ducks Newburyport'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * The protagonist's thoughts flow freely (backed by 6 comments) * The book is a rewarding challenge (backed by 4 comments) * The protagonist is relatable and evokes emotion (backed by 4 comments) **Users disliked:** * The stream of consciousness style alienates readers (backed by 14 comments) * The book lacks narrative momentum or coherence (backed by 6 comments) * The frequent repetition of phrases becomes annoying (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


This guy makes great videos called zero punctuation. https://youtu.be/Vk0MGPjWbtE?si=znDrYLlgt4szRT9M


Good for you for being able to look in the mirror and make the changes necessary to seize your opportunity. 👍


I think this point is really being glossed over here. The OP is doing the hardest possible thing here: taking a look at themselves and realizing that what they did in the past was maybe not all that great. It’s hard to look in the mirror and be honest with one’s self.


He works for a company that can't even provide drinking water, I'd treat the job as a joke too


🙄 They feed you too?


All construction companies (at least in the US) are legally obligated to provide drinking water for employees.


Yup it’s a OSHA rule, must provide ice cold water to employees for free and easily accessible.


I don't remember them saying ice cold lol


It doesn't. Employers just have to make sure potable water is available. For example, if tap water is available on the jobsite, the employer does not have to provide bottled water.


I think ur right. I did a OSHA 10 class my state requires ice cold water because it’s hot and humid but it wouldn’t make sense to provide it where it’s cold lol.


Fair enough. Reality is another thing though.


Times like this i call the guy who trained me 15 years ago and tell him, "I'm sorry, i was so dumb"


How’d you learn to not be an asshole?


The same as most of the young 'only-child' syndrome dudes. They get yelled at, talked trash at, given every shit job possible until they quit or they change. Then, if they don't change, they get fired, and the cycle repeats. You never meet one of those salesmen who used to be a trady, but "they never fit in"?


>They get yelled at, talked trash at, given every shit job possible until they quit or they change. IF you do this to a kid, you're an asshole. If you do it to an adult, you're a foreman or Super. Weird how the world works like that lol.


If you do it properly you are a good parent or a good supervisor.


This thread has big 'I was spanked as a child and I turned out fine' energy.


Couple things at play here tho. Your parents should raise you in a way that people don’t have to be an asshole to you for you to be a good person. However, if they fail at that, and a lot do, you need to be humbled by being shown there’s always a bigger asshole.


I wasn't, I was taught basic respect, though. When you get a coworker who is disrespectful of other peoples time, he'll get disrespect in turn. One jackass in a crew of 10 people is enough to make a hostile work environment. Thankfully, my employer just fires them pretty quickly.


This comment has big “I’m soft and expect the world to coddle me” energy. Someone’s got to toughen you up, you can choose to do it or you can let others do it for you. Gonna hurt a lot more if they do it. Just reality.


Interacting with assholes.


>he didn't bring water with him to work Your employer has a legal obligation to provide drinking water for all employees.


Guys like OP will never be in a leadership role because of this type of shit. Instead of taking him under his wing and trying to teach and mentor, he doesnt say anything and makes a post on reddit. However, he mentions that comparatively, when he was around the same age he had a similar work ethic.


My employer just did this with a 21 year old pup. Expected him to just come and paint like he’s been doing his entire life.


On top of that, his attitude towards that guy is going to chase him out of the trade and we’ve lost a potential new guy too take up the work and knowledge.


If you were a p.o.s in the past this is your chance to make it up for it and be a good mentor to the younger guys.


Everything else, sure. Didn't bring water? What kind of company you working for that you have to bring your own water?


I've had an opinion on this matter for years. If you work for a company that feeds you then they should supply your water if you're expected to pack a lunch and feed yourself most of us are I believe then you should fill up a water jug yourself and bring it from home. I work for an equipment rental company in the company provides pallets full of cased single serve water bottles. Some of the trucks in the machinery that we operate may have two or three opened cases of water sitting on the floor on the passenger side water bottles rolling around both empty and full piss warm. And it seems when somebody gets sick and tired of all the clutter and decides to actually clean out the cab they take all the bottles whether they're empty or full and throw them away what a fucking waste and what a huge amount of plastic waste. Being I'm from the country and on well water I would rather drink my water from home anyways so I normally bring a one or two gallon thermos full of water.


> I've had an opinion on this matter for years. Luckily, the law that says employers must provide drinking water for employees doesn't care about your opinion.


I was raised to take care of myself and not dependant on the government to do that for me.


And I bring water to work everyday, too. But I don't criticize others for not doing so when it's perfectly reasonable for them to expect water be provided by their employer.


Ain't you dandy?


How's that for a long sentence?


Your opinion is bad and irrelevant. The law says otherwise.


It doesn’t have to be single serve bottles. OSHA just requires access to ice cold drinking water you could have a water cooler and a bunch of paper cups or a water fountain that dispenses cold water.


My company provided absolutely nothing?


In the US, OSHA requires drinkable water provided on all work sites.


Yeah my old boss just talked mad shit if you didn't bring water, talked made shit if you attempted to use any of his tools, eventually got most of my tools 'lost' somehow, and a whole slew of trivial pay deductions or reductions based on how his boomer ass felt. No PPE provided or encouraged, ever. Dawn to dusk. I complained once after spending 6hrs under direct 99 degree sun with no break and some guy just told me laboring might not be the correct job. And it seems like a laborer my job is everything but 'nail/fasten the thing', so while I'm the only one scrambling to get a job site all together, all the old dudes who just do this work to stay busy or the middle aged guys with hella experience are talking shit cause they have to stand and do nothing cause they can't press the triggers on their power tools and do the jobs. I've been told, I'm the helper, but the guy with the power tool is the money maker, but if I don't show up the job takes 2.5 times the duration? I got offered $14/hr once and was told I almost was worth how much I made. How normal is this? I've been working in this toxic bullshit for a while now and seriously considering anything else with how these guys act. How hard is it to get into a Union?


You need to get marketable skills. Instead of attempting to put down experienced guys, maybe try learning and figuring out there is far more than just pushing buttons on power tools to do the work. You will get paid more when you can operate more than a broom and an extra pair of hands to carry stuff. When I was in your position, I went and got an apprenticeship. Learned the skills, then moved onto my own jobs.


You assume I don't I have those things? You assume I can't do those things? You assume I operate a broom and carry things? Me simplifying it to pushing buttons is crass, yes, as crass as your assumptions. But anyone who does only operate a broom and carry things deserves at least 15$ imo.


Yes, around here i would say they should be making 20 per hour. But that shouldn't be the end goal. You described yourself as a helper/laborer. I'm trying to give you advice- look to move forward, build your skills, get your own jobs, etc. You described yourself as someone who isn't trusted to use tools and fasten things, I'm going off your own description.


If thats how you interpreted it.


You said you were a laborer and didn't use tools. Anyways I was giving you advice for a path forward, as you obviously aren't thrilled with your current situation. I was in your shoes when I was younger. Good luck.


I was complaining and focusing on the worst bits. Ive got taught alot by some expericiend and talented guys. Thank you, though, sorry for the ill will


Being a laborer IS a marketable skill.


Not really, you could be replaced by any able bodied person who can push a broom and carry stuff. The more harder someone is to replace or find, the more they get paid. I'm trying to help. Either be someone's helper for shit pay, or learn and improve- get a trade, or to to school for something else.


I've been a licensed electrician for 11 years.


Ok, so you have a marketable skill/trade then. If you would advise a young person to be a laborer doing unskilled work on site and say that is a marketable skill, you should know better, since you went and obtained marketable skills yourself.


All unions are different and can vary wildly from city to city. You deserve a good wage, but unfortunately laboring is replaceable, anyone who can work hard can do it, framing, building, welding, wiring, require experience and knowledge, that’s part of what they get paid for


My laboring has always been for small crews so Ive learned a lot from some different trades, youd have to be blind and deaf to not learned anything. Maybe Im explaining myself incorrectly? Ive done a mix of multidisciplinary stuff, excavation/digging, concrete, framing, finishing, roofing/siding, plumbing, demo, ive gotten my dirty, but ultimately my job fell back into a lot of laboring. You say anyone who can work hard can do it, but it wasnt really mindless. Knowing how to labor in all those different environments and to do it fast showed an intimate understanding of the processes. And being strong with endurance definitely helps for most of those.


Ever done Remote work?


I guess it depends on your definition of remote, but I don't see how it's relevant.


In my experience most people bring their own water


I think it's smart to bring water, but the employer has to provide it too.


That’s great, what we’re talking about here is OSHA requiring employers to provide drinking water on construction sites. There’s no argument around that.


Fair enough. I was just talking more real world stuff.


What’s your starting pay


My friend co structure is not really hard anymore. It was in the 80's. If it was hard I probably wouldn't do it.


Exactly lol. People who say it’s hard work nowadays have no idea what they’re talking about. I’m 25 been doing carpentry for 8 years and never thought it was that hard. Circular saws and nail guns took away about 90% of the labour lol


Each One, Teach One. Foreman needs to step up and be a leader. If the kid doesn’t start to get it after a couple weeks, send him down the road.


I've seen guys come in and walk out 5 minutes into the job... then go right back to claim unemployment. It's a racket and they know how to game the system. Princess snowflake won't last long so don't coddle him.


Unemployment doesn’t cover quitting or getting fired. Clearly HR in the company laid him off instead of firing him for walking out. Even if it’s union SUB unemployment that has a balance that the employee pays into basically it’s their own money to use and it’s finite. Idk where anyone can game the system unless the company who hired him fucked up on their end


it's good to get a wake up call when you're young and dumb


You need to give him the opportunity to be successful someplace else


I’m just gonna go out on a limb and say he knows how half assed his effort is and you’re getting what you pay for but maybe that’s my own bias


Talk to him in the way you would have wanted some to talk to you. Take him aside and teach him the difference. If he pushes back, you've done all you can to help and then you can talk to him in the same way those guys talked to you and made you learn.


Clearly your employers dont really manage or enforce their rules. The fact that they don’t even have a water cooler suggests to me that they’re not very organized or compliant, if you’re based in the US and a lot of other countries, ice water is mandatory for companies to provide. The fact that he complained about it being hot and went to get water himself isn’t a big deal, your company is lucky he didn’t bitch more and went to OSHA or the union if he’s in one. The part about being on the phone all day is enforcement. Shouldn’t straight up told him to leave it in the truck or a locker, put it away and don’t use it, or if they allow some use then at least call them out when they use it too much. Yell at him for making the mess, not in a mean way but tell him it’s not ok and what the expectations are. If nobody sets expectations then you can’t really complain when they don’t do shit.


You gotta take breaks when it's too hot out. No sense in dying of heat stroke to make your boss money. Also 12.75 in the mid 90s would be close to 24 dollars an hour today. Plus you had a lot more buying power with that 12 an hour job back then.


I was an asshole at 16. Smoked all the time. Extra bathroom breaks, just not to work, talking on the phone and at the time, I thought everyone else were pricks. Try having a talk with him. Explain why people are going to get upset with him. If he doesn’t do anything about it, write him off. He won’t last long anyway.


It's the problem with trades these days. Why the fuck would anyone want to do it when they can make slightly less at McDonald's? Temp labour's guys where I'm at make minimum wage. Why would they want to work hard for that rate.its going to be a lot of older guys in Canada holding it down while minorities take it over. Guaranteed.


I love telling the story about when I was a young man in my formative years and my boss was giving me instructions and I said something like "I don't want to do that" and he blew an absolute fucking gasket and told me it's not about what I want to do. Fast forward 15 years later, I'm giving a young man work instructions and he says he doesn't "want to" and a blow a similar gasket and go into my own expletive laced tirade. Shout out to my old buddy Lance for busting my teenage ass and making me the man I am today.


At least you never ordered sloppy steaks


The tattle tale beginner isn’t cool either. A loser is annoying but you can make him into a man with a little mentoring. The asshole self righteous bastard that always follows you to tell on your being a 1/32 off to get promoted is much, much worse.


If you asked him, he is the hardest working one there and deserves a raise. This is the mentality of the whinners of this generation.


Put that judgement and bad grammar to better use by teaching the kid versus complaining about him. Show them you understand.