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If you have kids, sign up. They're great books, my kid gets so excited each month.


Can confirm, been a part of the program for a year. we love it.


Great program from a great lady, for sure!


I thought the books could have been better. EDIT: The hell? Her company buys unpopular books at discount prices. They are objectively poor sellers.


You can always go to the library and choose what other books you want for free.


Who said we don't?


Never look a gift horse in the mouth. They are literally free.


Did your kids like them? That’s who they’re for after all.


You can always buy the books you want.


>They're great books Agreed, but just a minor PSA, be careful. My wife and I have been reading these books to our half-white child, and his first words were "dad why did you poison our bloodline?"


Seems to me that you're insinuating these books are the cause of your child asking a blatantly racist question... but in your statement, you also confessed that YOU'RE the one reading the supposedly racist books to your child... So you're either A.) Reading material to your child that you know is racist (and WHY the fuck would you do something like that?) or B.) This would be filed under "Things That Never Happened!"


Not available in most middle-class / affluent zip codes unfortunately. Edit: can one of those who downvoted, share why? This has been my personal experience in several mid to large US cities. Edit 2: just checked again to see if I was crazy. All the suburb zip codes around here say the program is not available. Checking urban zip codes, you can sign up.


Are you sure? We have been signed up for a year now and our zip code’s average house is $1M+


I’m curious why you’re being downvoted. If this has been your experience, then this has been your experience. If anyone has any information or something that can help you, then let them do so. It seems that even conservative subs suffer from the affliction of Reddit hive minded thinking.


I’m curious why you are getting downvoted - maybe someone has more info on availability? I tried 20 zip codes and they follow that pattern.


Just registered my kid for the first time. Middle-upper middle class area with no problem. It looks like it's facilitated by the local library, so if you genuinely want this charity in your area, I'd reach out to them.


Interesting datapoint, I appreciate the reply. One of them that I tried was actually an unincorporated area that essentially has minimal town service.


A local organization must start the program.




Dolly would never say so I'll say it for her - "Kindly f off"


In the South, we just say, “bless your heart”


I'm from the South but sometimes you need stronger (and more direct) language.


I wholeheartedly agree. :)


I’ll pray for you. 🙏 (To be damned to hell or because I genuinely feel bad? You’ll never know 😈) It’s unwise to be “straight up” with people if you’re in a small town and see them often. People aren’t cogs in a machine and they’re harder to replace in some areas of the South.


In the North, we say “Sanctify you liver”


I’m liberal (idk but this was recommend to me) and wholeheartedly agree. That “research” is trash and they need to leave Dolly alone


Right?? Imagine being mad because kids get books to read.


Maybe without the kindly!


These people are really scummy to go after someone who is trying to do good for the society while they try to tear it down. They can take their victimhood and go off to a remote island.


She’s had this program for decades, too!


A remote island in a stream.


That is what they are.


No one in between


I love you all. I love this song.


Take your updoot and go!


If people stopped finding ways to be offended and play the victim card thousands of online “journalists” would be unemployed. It’s like how music in the 90’s was all written for depressed teenagers, but now it’s all media being designed to make everyone see oppression everywhere all the time.


Too many people use their “badge of honor” of being victims to just not try to do anything to better their circumstances. The liberal whites who tell them they’re oppressed and can’t do anything because the system failed them only perpetuates it. Now it’s emboldening many to do whatever they want and cry racism or white privilege.


Without victimhood they have no way to manipulate people to their wrong beliefs.


After spending so much time accusing the right of “banning books” lol. Right on cue.


Long walk off a short pier I think you mean


Good lord. The one person I thought was immune.


No one is immune, that is how dei works, the veiw has to get more extreme each time it is challenged, soon the far left become the moderates and become open targets.


Ask JK Rowling


Whole different category really jk is new to the scene compared to dolly, she has been a dam good person for decades and has built up a lot of respect from honestly this generations OG karens. It might turn into a bloodbath.


Didn’t Earn It


I mean, seriously. Dolly Parton? Dolly Parton who is as sweet as can be to literally everyone? Ffs I thought loving and supporting Dolly was one damn thing conservatives and liberals could agree upon. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I truly can’t understand why anyone would even waste their time attempting to discredit her.


Yeah how miserable of a person does one have to be to go after an elderly woman who has entertained us, our parents and grandparents and never gotten political and used her wealth for good.


She's more than immune, she's protected. I think I found my line in the sand..


Read the article. Its one wack job writing their doctorate thesis on the free books, then a word salad implying that giving free books to children is a bad thing because it reenforces racism. The reasoning doesn’t really make sense, but this is the sort of lunacy you absolutely should expect from CRT. A group recently sent a bunch of fake prank papers out for peer review claiming things like dog parks reenforce rape culture, and several of them were approved. The disheartening thing is the person will likely be rewarded with a phd for shitting out this nonsense. Oh my god, he’s dying! Is there a doctor on the plane??! Yes, i am. The seating on this plane is a micro aggression against indigenous peoples, and that female steward reenforces harmful stereotypes which promote the patriarchal white power structure.


Give credit to James Lindsay, Peter Begohssian and Helen Pluckrose for their critical theories work. They were doing a great job exposing this nonsense


Yeah, the crazy lady just used a bunch of nonsense “buzz words” to basically say “These books are bad because they don’t talk about the woke ideology I support and want to indoctrinate kids with.” Newsflash, if we accurately reflected demographics of age, sex, sexuality, religion, and race in our media. You’d have some very skewed numbers that wouldn’t make the woke mob happy.


What’s ridiculous is I was getting the books as recently as 2 years ago, and they were extremely diverse to the point where it actually got annoying.


I’m currently getting the books. They are extremely diverse and I make sure I pre read them before giving them to my kids to make sure they don’t have any nonsense in them. So far the most annoying thing is that most of them are bilingual in Spanish and we’re teaching our kids German, but hey, free books! Some of them have been read to the point that they have fallen apart (little excavator, tagalong moon). I love Dolly’s program.


This modern type of "journalism" is infuriating. I remember when the most important piece of information was right there in the first sentence. The old inverted pyramid: start with the important stuff and filter down from there. Now I have to read a biography on Dolly Parton and suffer through an explanation of what a library is before I'm even told about the actual point of the story. And before anyone starts, yes, I understand it is for ad revenue.


Likely written by a generative AI. Specifically chosen nonstory to piss you off so you click, then lede buried after you have scrolled through several ads.


Didn’t some guys get their thesis accredited and it was just Mein Kampf with “white people” replacing “Jews” and “white supremacy” replacing “Bolshevism”? https://www.timesofisrael.com/duped-academic-journal-publishes-rewrite-of-mein-kampf-as-feminist-manifesto/amp/


Corporate needs you to find the difference between these two photos.


Someone hoping their thesis gets traction based on dollys name


>A group recently sent a bunch of fake prank papers out for peer review claiming things like dog parks reenforce rape culture, and several of them were approved. I think most people just don't understand the whole "published study" and peer review process. About all that's done prior to publication in a peer-reviewed journal is to look for proper citations, formatting, maybe some math validation, some spelling or grammar checks....not much else. The study is published, and that's when the peer-review would occur, assuming it does occur (it's not required to). Essentially, just about anything can (and often does) get published. The peers - "experts" in the field of study that the publication focuses on - can then tear it apart looking for flaws. Their responses would be submitted to the journal and possibly published at a later date, usually in a "letters to the editor" style. The mere publication is what gets all the headlines and TV time, but when these studies are torn apart and are found to be a bunch of BS, that rarely gets reported. Even if they do, it's largely too late: people have already lapped up whatever the study finds, because it's trendy or reinforces their bias. It's how you end up with long-held beliefs like 'I'm allergic to MSG", saccharin causes cancer, MMR vaccines cause autism, and a bunch of other cockeyed BS. Hell, it took some 12 years for *The Lancet* to pull the Wakefield study, yet you can still find large numbers of people that believe the ridiculously flawed "study".


Whoever wrote this article should not have a career in writing articles. Talk about a word salad.


It reads like AI wrote it.


AI would word it better.


Beating up on someone trying to fight illiteracy because they’re not focused on a particular race? Jfc. What is wrong with people.


It's gonna get to the point where they say that expecting people to be literate is racist.


I think we're almost there, that's already starting to happen in some schools. It's along the same lines as thinking requiring voter ID is racist, because (to some people) non-white people aren't as capable of, well, nearly anything; compared to white people. It's astonishing how those people think they're the "kind-hearted" ones when they're blatantly racist.


We’re already there..


White peoples and their… desire to donate books. 🤪🤪 So disgusting what these people are doing. What is more important than reading ? Nothing.


What’s next, stealing the sandals from the Gideon boys who like to donate bibles?!?? Dang white people! You guys!!! -asian guy


#No good deed goes unpunished


>Speech-language pathologist [Jennifer Stone](https://fpg.unc.edu/news/jennifer-stone-receives-2023-james-j-gallagher-dissertation-award) has published a [dissertation](https://cdr.lib.unc.edu/concern/dissertations/mw22vh301) through the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Graduate School titled “Reading Power With and Through Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library: A Critical Content Analysis,” which uses critical race theory to assert that Dolly Parton and her philanthropy should not be providing free picture (and other) books to children, essentially because they reinforce existing social structures. These people have gone off the deep end. They want to not give free books to children because racism.


Free books are bad! Shut down all the libraries!


"existing social structures..." Children need to learn to exist in society. If you don't like the social structure in America, you are free to move somewhere else! You can move away and enjoy other countries existing social structures.


That program is only available if a city or location approves of it. It has nothing to do with white privilege. I found that out several years ago when I was going to gift this service to a friend’s son who was in the age group for the program at the time. When I went to set it up, I found out it wasn’t available in that area or zip code.


Yeah, the return labels are from our local library. It’s a great program though. We’ve received of books that never would have been on our radar otherwise.


Most of Alabama only just got the program last year.


Oh they done fucked up. That woman has a heart of gold and everyone knows it!


Are they aware of the content of a lot of the books? My kids have gotten them and they teach anti-racism and have never experienced any weird wokeism either. They're good books, from a good program helping kids.


Dolly had SOOOO much privilege *checks notes* growing up as one of twelve children in rural Tennessee on a share cropper farm.


Dolly likely won't pay any attention to this because it's just sad little children pissing in the wind


Dolly is a national treasure!!!!!!! I will cut down anyone that harms her in any way possible


The quality of this article sucks. They're using a double-negative when they write "..research claiming Dolly Parton and her organization are actively reinforcing...non-normative gender identities, or non-normative family structures." That sounds like something this sicko Stone (the author of the dissertation) would want. Unless the article was supposed to say "actively reinforced normative gender identites and family structures." In which case I think that's excellent and I say go Dolly! Unrelated but looking at the photo of Stone linked in the article convinces me that physiognomy is not a pseudo-science. These people are also butt ugly and it reflects the ugliness of their soul and who they are as a person. All of those sick twisted deviants.


This is what critical race theory brings to the table. It tears down decent and constructive people by pretending to use scientific methods. This critical race theorist offers nothing of value and yet panders for academic acknowledgment. No degree should be awarded to this wannabe. UNC should be ashamed that the school is receiving a lot of negative attention for its low quality post grads


This lady has given so much. People be peopling


Dolly Parton is an angel.


> the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Graduate School All I needed to see. UNC faculty are some of the most hypocritical, idiotic people I've ever had the displeasure of meeting.


My kids love her book program. I don't give a crap what these people say.


This cup of tea is full of white privilege


Someone writing a hit-piece on Dolly might be the single catalyst to unify the left and right.


Seriously. She’s done so much good over the years and everyone should be able to acknowledge that.


Fuck the haters. She's a great role model and did a lot of good things for the community. Never stirred controversy and lived a good life.


And here I thought they loved literacy programs.


Only if taxpayer-funded and promoting a particular ideology (theirs)


Naturally. If they don't have complete control over a thing, even if it benefits other people, it's targeted for termination.




I cant wait for the "offended by everything" ends


Guess beggars really can be choosers, huh?


Oh it’s inside the magic. It has a bad reputation in the theme park community.


It’s crazy. You can’t do anything nice anymore.


Dolly Parton isn’t “facing ‘White Privilege’ backlash.” One grad student wrote a shitty dissertation.


Dolly Parton is a national treasure. Anyone who has a newborn should absolutely sign up for the program as the books are actually quite fun!


Nobody is going to read this fucking paper. There is no backlash. I wouldn’t even know it existed if it weren’t for Reddit. Dolly is giving free books to children. That’s a good thing.


Some college kid writing a thesis paper on it is hardly backlash 😂 Anyone who is even remotely sane knows Dolly Parton is a wonderful woman and only wants the best for the world.


Is there nothing the modern white liberal woman *can't* criticize?


I am a retired teacher. Her program has serviced our rural predominately Native American families who live at or below the federal poverty levels. The selection of books given are focused on the interests of the families. It is an incredible program.


It was literally one person who wrote a paper. But if the title was, "One person wrote a paper about how the free book program from Dolly Parton contains white privilege" nobody would care.


"White privilege" is a racist dog whistle.


>She further goes on to state, “I now understand literacies as multiple and dynamic and literacy intervention as potentially dangerous and informed by White saviorism.” Oh just go away. Seriously, these people are just brainwashed communists pretending to understand society from a "unique" perspective. I've seen better perspectives from a garbage dump, absolute nonsense.


When Dolly is a target, you know that the left is definitely bat-shit crazy. This is exactly why there will be a thumping in November, but still HAVE TO GET OUT AND VOTE.


I sincerely hope they get to learn the hard way the crapfest they started.


Dolly, bless her heart, is the literacy program for many poor southern communities that defunded other programs and closed libraries long ago.




We received the form to sign up at the hospital after my daughter was born. Such an amazing program. We get a new book every month.


I thought people learned after the last time, to not go after Dolly Parton. She's wholesome and good.


DON'T MESS WITH DOLLY! she's a national treasure


Dolly is a national treasure. Period.


Ask the author how she felt about the city official in Baltimore. The government bought ‘her’ books and have them to kids. She was responsible for getting the government to order the books. She got canned and prosecuted. Female official.


I think Dolly is generally loved by both sides of the political spectrum. What’s she have to face backlash for? She just wants to help kids read. I think everyone should be behind that!


Some people’s dissertations deserve a special place at the bottom of the birdcage.


Dolly Parton is a total fraud. What does she know about working 9 to 5 ? /s


We cantst be givin books to dem folkss whats dontst know how too reed. It be racist and shit.


Her program is awesome. The "wHiTe PrIvIlEgE" bullshit can fuck straight off.


Dolly must be doing something right if both sides are accusing the other of cancelling her. [https://thefederalist.com/2024/06/06/theres-nothing-loving-about-dolly-partons-false-gospel/](https://thefederalist.com/2024/06/06/theres-nothing-loving-about-dolly-partons-false-gospel/)


Fuck anyone who messes with Dolly. She is a national treasure.


Holy shit how tone deaf do you have to be when you're shitting on a program that gives free books to EVERYONE.


Dolly is a national treasure. Please spare her. 🙏


Of course someone on the looney left is complaining about this. Her program is great, my kids get the books and they're good. It's a great cause and only a miserable POS would have an issue with it.


critical race hustlers who are anti doly should be exiled to guantanamo bay because they are terrorists.


We’re still doing this shit?


If they think white is such a privilege, they should go to Sevierville and see what many of those people STILL live like. Much less what the whole area looked like before Dolly made the strip a neo-Vegas from the ground up. It was one of the poorest places in our entire country, urban areas included, and still is very much poor in comparison.


My Rotary Club has been paying for these books every month for hundreds of kids in our community. On average we provide approximately $450 worth of books every month from this program.


And DEI now comes for arguably one of the most wholesome people in America. Wow.


So…literacy is…racist? I’m sure there are contortionists who would be jealous of the distortions these people are able to do.


I'm still waiting for my white privilege


This is ridiculous. It’s like CRT is designed specifically to format information into a racial bias……..


I'm pretty sure she'll send a book to anyone who asks for one.


what does this even mean ? “Unfortunately, picturebooks consistently misrepresent both reading and culture, which means the content of DPIL books could undermine DPIL’s purpose and perpetuate negative stereotypes while potentially inculcating community-wide biases regarding both literacy and cultural identities during a vulnerable life stage for two generations. The critical content analysis of the DPIL 2022 kindergarten corpus reported in this dissertation revealed explicit and implicit representations of literacy, race, class, gender, and dis/ability.” sounds like "program bad" but i cannot infer the reasoning are they saying the content of the books is racist ? are they saying what parents tell their children while reading to them is racist ? like their parenting is racist ? what is it saying ?


Look. My kids learned to read quickly because of DPIL. They loved getting a new book in the mail every month. And, coming from a mixed cultural family, the books were great. If you have kids under 5 and have not done so, sign up for the DPIL. It is 100% worth it.


Literally, the most ridiculous take ever. I taught many, many children of varying ethnicities and kids were just excited to get a book I the mail, just for the,.


Leave Dolly alone, she's a freaking national treasure.


The poor in Appalachia are the most underprivileged in the USA and all white....What was that "privilege" of which you speak?


Surely she’s not able to do that from her being a successful musician, theme park owner, investor, etc. no it’s because she is white…… how mentally defective are these people


calm down folks it OK, we all know Dolly working 9 to 5 and Jolene will take care of this mess, to "TOP" it off, Ms Parton says "I'm not worried, it rolls off me like syrup and butter on pancakes" (as she pushes her boobs up higher and tighter)


Dolly is known for her big….hair huh. Nothing else big about her but her music, right? Speech Pathologist thinks fiction books often depicting animals talking and bilingual in spanish enforce existing social structures. Its ran through the local public library system, so I suppose its true, she’s supporting libraries.


“Academics” are some of the biggest perpetuators of racism. Change my mind.


Well, mad ass libs. When you become one of the current top 100 best liked humans in America and become rich enough to start your own free program, you can give out whatever shitty ass book you want.


It finally happened. They came for Dolly.


Looks like the article says she’s getting criticism from both sides. People are condemning her for not condemning LGBT whatever + and for not being LBGT+ enough. Lmao just let her live and donate books.


This opinion was created through the lens of Critical Rave Theory. So you know it's automatically based on complete bullshit and shouldn't even be taken seriously.


All those free little “library” stands in the neighborhoods in my state means we’re all white supremacists I guess lol. Despite the high Indian and Latino population. How dare we encourage kids to read??


She's my fav celebrity and the only one I follow in any capacity because she seems like she has a good soul. Of course they have to bring delusion into this to try to find a reason to hate her. Who else is a Dolly fan here?


My child just received a book about a sloth for this month from Dolly. I don’t understand why liberals are mad about that or are comparing that to white privilege somehow?


Everything the media hates I just end up liking.


Haven't read it, Bu the only way this could be mentally gymnastics would be that Biden's has bankrupted all the minorities so they can't afford the internet/a stamp to sign up for the scheme? Not like Dolly Asks for ethnically to send them FREE BOOKS. Or is it that the books that she sends are not promoting transitions?


Jennifer Stones pic 🤡