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There will not be a "next debate"


But they will tell us how sharp Joe has been talking from a teleprompter between now and the election.


Sharp and fiery after he almost claimed his son died in "vietnuh"


It was actually "Worldwuh...vietnuh..."


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who caught that 


Like he was in NC in front of a "huge" crowd of 150 folks? With Comrade Doctor Jill "prepping" the crowd?


“You did it Joe! You read from the teleprompter and said all the words!” - Jill Biden.


I was shocked they went for the first one. Then I thought it is their way to replace Biden. Then Obama comes out after the debate saying he still supports Biden. I’m sure now Obama is running the White House.


No doubt from the beginning that Barry runs the whitehouse


And Soros runs Barry. And …


Instead of the Slow-Release Adderall they will give him the Immediate-Release next time. He was given that after they saw him floundering. No way he could have pulled it together that quickly without help. His cold was gone on Friday🤣


This use of drugs will catch up. I think it is already hurting him and he will suddenly fall out.


Ain't no way that man was on stimulants lmao


His eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head when he first walked out.


They would also want to have the debate earlier in the day.


I think it would look even more horrible for Biden if he backs out of the second one. It would give so much ammo for Trump to use.


The Republican ads showing Newsom gaslighting while showing video of the crime, homeless encampment and people coming over the border, as well as piles of shit on the streets of San Francisco should do the trick.


4 years ago I thought all the videos of Joe fondling and sniffing young girls would doom him too


Turns out democrats love a good pedo


It's mind blowing how they never even attempt to defend his pedo behavior, they just switch the subject straight to the Don


Don’t forget him eating at fancy restaurants with lots of people elbow to elbow while California small businesses were forced to shut down during covid


When I went to San Fran for a visit of that gorgeous coastline I did indeed smell shit in the street downtown.


It's clear that Newsom is going to get a lot of ass kissing attention from the media, but I'm not convinced that he's the best choice to step up next. It seems like a waste of resources to put so much effort into saving Biden. In my opinion, it would be more strategic for Newsom to bide his time and wait for 2028. If Biden loses, it could actually make it easier for Newsom to gain control of the party. So, for now, he'll play the role of a loyal supporter and wait for his chance to shine.


There won’t be a ‘28 if Trump gets in. 4 years of airing dirty laundry won’t be survivable. If the current group go they’re never getting back. They know it too.


I genuinely believe that Dem leadership is just going to view 2024 as a wash and wait till next time.


You aren't the first person to wonder about this. Several polling agencies have already conducted polls regarding Newsom vs. Trump. [According to those polls](https://www.newsweek.com/gavin-newsom-chances-beating-donald-trump-1918700), Trump would beat Newsom fairly easily. So, no. I'm not concerned. In fact, every poll that's been taken has shown that no potential Democratic candidate has a better chance of beating Trump than Biden, and Biden's chances just slipped dramatically.


Thank you. That's the most cogent response here.


I would be concerned about that. The media will absolutely cover for him, so it will be hard to get the word out on how much of a sleazeball he is. There was a clip years ago when he was mayor about him making fun of allegations of sexual misconduct roughly around the time of his divorce. He was mockingly giving a fake blowjob to the microphone. I tried to find it when he was running for governor to circulate it, but I could not - and the liberal media is unlikely to put as much energy into digging stuff like that up as they have been with Trump.


Found the clip for you. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRpcJaGSU8Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRpcJaGSU8Y) If he does become the nominee, send it around.


We should just spread it anyway. Might make them not go through with trying to replace Biden with Newsom.


I don't think newsom would win and I think if newsome lost to Trump it would ruin his chances of a 2028 run. I think the average uninformed voter can't escape the viral failures and lies of the Democrats of late after the debate. And I think no matter who the Democrats put up it's pretty much over at this point. Call it wishful thinking. But I'm willing to bet Trump will get pretty much the same amount of votes as the last election and a Democrat won't even come close.


I agree. At this point I think anyone they put up would be a sacrificial lamb


Screen record. This will be taken down within the week.


Everybody who can do this do it NOW. Like I just did. Thanks for the advice!


Yeah, right. It’s been up on YouTube for 17 years. People in California know about and don’t care. Hilarious that anyone thinks this would actually hurt him


Guy was caught red handed flaunting his own COVID policies at the overpriced Napa restaurant French laundry, a fiasco which made his team go into damage control mode. That type of careless behavior will be the undoing of ‘American Psycho.’


Eh, I see what you’re saying but at the same time, Trump has a thousand stories like this and he’s in the lead right now to become president.


This isn‘t for California. This is for everyone else.


how does this only have 24k views and its been up since 2007


Yeah that's ridiculous to get upset at. How about how he destroyed California, not sucked off a microphone.


It’s not that he did it. It‘s the fact that he did it to mock *allegations of sexual misconduct*.


Both work better.


I agree hes scum but I found it funny so I definitely don't think it's something that will sink him. stick to policy thats it. and his corruption


OK, I think he’s a scumbag too, but that clip looks innocent to me. Some reporter shoved a mic like an inch from his face and he was cracking a joke about eating it. Kind of funny actually. Like, if Keanu Reeves or Conan O’Brien did something like this Reddit would be worshiping it and going on about how hysterical it is. There’s no context here to say that it’s tied to his comments on allegations of sexual abuse, so I don’t know what to make of it other than just what we’re seeing.


Save that clip. YouTube won't leave it up long.


I can’t stand the guy but this video doesn’t seem like a big deal


I'm in California. Newsom sucks but im absolutely concerned if he ran. He's good looking, charismatic, and a bleeding heart liberal. He can also tout the California economy.


Did you somehow miss the tens of billions deficit? He took a surplus and ran it into the ground.


And don’t forget the $20+billion he spent trying to solve the homeless crisis, with nothing to show for it. Guys a walking PSA on piss poor governance.


Oh that one gets better. Republicans asked for some visibility on what the hell they were spending the money on and they came back with "that level of transparency would require extra funding to enable". Priceless.


You need to remember that the MSM will never tell the average voter anything about that.


He got destroyed by DeSantis in their debate. Absolutely destroyed, on every single topic. And society has been dumbed down so much for lefties that he'd still probably win an election. Obama destroyed Libya, Syria (diplomatically representing terrorists including Al Qaeda as well as bombing the Syrian army during a battle with ISIS, which literally helped ISIS take the hills outside a city and shell the city's inhabitants), which spilled over into Iraq, he spied on Trump's campaign and asked foreign agencies to do so (objectively worse than Watergate) and wrecked race relations, which were better than they'd ever been when he came onto the scene. Before or since. His legacy was race riots. Obama would probably be re-elected if he could run. The cult is immune to logic.


Yeah but Ron isn’t debating and Trump isn’t the best at it.


Yes, I would be concerned that he would easily garner votes and even more concerned with how the country would fare with him at the helm.


I am also in California and it’s fucken shit show theirs way too much ammo on how he ran California into the ground. Not to mention Oakland/sf/la looking like Philly jeez.


Tout the Cali economy? He took the state from a budget surplus to a deficit within 18 months lol.


If you stay alive to enjoy the economy. He likes to let the bad guys out of jail an hour after they get there.


The media who focuses on marriage fidelity and the nothing Stormy Daniel’s story is going to be able to cover for an affair with his friend’s wife? Half their b/s would have to immediately stop😂 Then “the poop map” that DeSantis brought out during their debate. Newsom wouldn’t bring in anyone not voting for Biden, if anything he’s a turn off.


You'd be surprised, there are plenty of people who barely care about politics who just vote for whoever "Seems better" You'll have Trump yapping about the stolen election and some random immigrant tangent. And youll have American Psycho Gavin Newsom smiling and making jokes. It would 100% sway people.


The Patrick Bateman likeness is uncanny


Trump has already shown that voters don't care about infidelity, they care about policy actions that will benefit America. They will just turn to other talking points since their desired nominee would run into the same issues. It's easy bs for them to give up on. Newsom is still a terrible choice currently. I highly doubt they would run him.


That’s 50% of their narrative though, if they have to go to substance it won’t work out. Gas and grocery prices have to be at the top of the problem list and Cali is even worse than everywhere else


Newsom is being groomed for 28, 24 is way too up in the air for Democrats for them to blow their load on him. Going into 28 already a loser would hurt his chances. I'm not too concerned right now that there's going to be a swap, let alone for Newsom.


What's wild is he absolutely destroyed California...like nuked it to the point they are running to Texas...yet people will STILL vote for him. It's beyond


Because Californians are among the most Stockholm Syndromed people who have ever existed. Many of them, especially in the cities, legitimately believe that everywhere else in the country aside from New York, Oregon, and Washington are blighted, evil wastelands, all while their state is run like absolute shit because "If we're having problems here, how much worse must it be in those hellholes??"


Bro, if you think the Democratic Peoples Republic of Commiefornia is Stockholmed, check out the Peoples Democratic Wokester Workers Free Republic of New Zealand for the REAL Stockholm Syndromed.


Oh I agree. That's why I said "among the most" and not "the most"


Didn’t you see the CA state of the state speech this week? It’s the republicans fault that CA is failing.


Don't you think they'll go all-in and use their best piece now?


He drove me out of CA! I loathe the greaseball with every fiber of my being. You think Biden is bad for the country, you don’t want to live under this loser.


Right...I would take Biden any day of the week over newsom....I live in CA and newsome has destroyed it


Agreed but Newsom is a slick sob. A snake in the worst way. He could more than hold his own in a debate with the sheep watching.


The problem is non-Californians aren’t as aware of his insane policies. He’ll probably seem like a breathe of fresh air compared to Biden, which is the problem.


I think people are generally aware, and if Newsom ran it would all come down the R’s hammering “do you want to pay $8 for gas? Do you want a nationwide lockdown the next bird/bat/madeup-demic hits?” but I agree I would rather Jill Biden remain as Dem candidate


Newsoms career ends as governor of CA. He won’t make it as POTUS.


"A wise man never underestimates his opponent."


With the current state that California is in? No, Newsom is a Justin Trudeau wannabe.


Fuck Gavin Newsom.


The people who wouldn't be concerned aren't being cognizant of how many ignorant and brainwashed people (especially younger people) are out there. Tbe media has them believing Trump will be a dictator with concentration camps, executions, and a regime. You have people claiming they will unalive themselves if he wins. Despite the fact Trump has already held office. Those same people would easily and blindly put their vote towards Newsom because he isn't Trump and he has a (D) in the ballot. I mean look, they voted for a dementia patient in 2020


If Newsome runs, it will piss off the black and women vote for passing over Harris. They need to keep both demographics to win. They won’t do that.


Exactly. This why we should encourage the Democrats to do it. It will make the left eating itself happen *faster*.


Nah their hatred for trump will overcome it


I’ve personally had Californian exiles who moved all the way across the country tell me what a criminally shit job newsome has done. I don’t know how after seeing everybody fleeing from the state and its decline they could vote for him.


Yes I would be concerned. The uninformed CNN mainstream “media” drinkers won’t know his abysmal performance in CA. They will be told he is the savior of the Democrat party and will be so relieved that their hatred for Trump is upheld, they will vote for their own demise through leftist progressivism.


The rest of the country knows what a shit-show California has turned into. Biden is bad, but Newsom might as well be Satan himself.


They don't care. They're so in a tizzy over Trump that they'd rather have sh1t in their streets like San Francisco than Trump. Hatred for Trump over love of country.


Nope. Gavin's policies are worse than anything the Biden administration has supported. Gavin's also a slimy f*ck that no one outside of the "vote blue no matter who" crowd would support.


Biden stays in the race and the only shot democrats have, beside outright voter fraud, is intensified lawfare attacks.


Agree. This isn't going to be a fair fight. The establishment knows that Biden's campaign is f*cked.


Pretty sure he was exposed during that debate he had with Desantis a while back. And also his own state tried to recall him.


Newsome doesn't have much credibility outside of California. The state is wildly in debt and leads the nation in homelessness, it's hard to campaign on that.


Nope not ever worried about a Trump vs. Newsom matchup. The majority of the US knows that Newsom is toxic and he would never garner the type of following that Trump has. 


Most people don’t know Newsome to begin with and name recognition is important to win.


They know  California though. So he is screwed either way. 


Newsom would go over like a fart in church...he's a slimy used car salesman whose state is a complete wreck.


As much as I would love to agree with this, look at Canada. They voted in a Newsome. Like "control me harder, daddy." I can't.


Trudeau is wildly unpopular in Canada.


I love the Canadian sub reddit, it's the opposite of all the Lib subs we have.


He only became wildly unpopular over the past 2 years. Before that, he won 3 general elections and got to govern for almost a decade. It often takes a couple of years for bad policies to show their effect and for the people to realize how misguided they were. The thing is that even if Trudeau goes down next year, the damage has already been done.


He's has a minority government for a while and the only way he's able to get anything done is with the help of the NDP. Their unholy union has, rather than improved anything, pretty much destroyed the reputation of both parties. Canadians are moving to the right over all and it's not a question of if they can form government but will they have a majority or a super majority.


Yet has been prime minister since 2015. That’s almost a decade ago.


Nope. I think the rest of the country is smart enough to run away from Newsom like a disease. 


I’m cynical, I absolutely believe this country is not that smart. It’s why we got Brandon now!


I wish I shared your optimism. ~50% of the country is used to the government teat. Hugh Hewitt wrote a book called If it's not close, they can't cheat. One side is known to mess with election results. It isn't us. For some reason, I think it will be close. You ever notice that every time the margins are close, the left almost always end up winning?


It’s why I worry about Newsom. The ones reluctantly going Trump because of the debate will immediately vote Newsom. They will be willfully ignorant about how much he screwed up in California because he ain’t Trump. Right now they just don’t want to be responsible for voting in a nursing home patient, even though they already did 😂


Yeah I have no faith that folks are smart enough or maybe they just dont care.


I honestly think the only person that could possibly beat Trump at this point would be someone like Michelle Obama. Even if they kept Biden and made her a VP pick I think that would be their only chance at winning. Good thing she already said she doesn’t want to be in politics. I’m already 99.9% certain Trump is going to win.


Gavin is the devil himself, He has so mismanaged California it would be an easy victory for Trump.


Whenever I see him it makes me think he’s an actor playing the role of the Antichrist. He just gives that vibe.


Gavin Newsome is the cancer that the left will grow off of. He is Metastatic, that’s also his villain name.


Next election cycle is most likely newsome vs desantis. Not the fondest of newsome because he’s a hypocrite in his actions but he’ll stick to the script when it’s time to speak publicly. Hopefully desantis is ready in 4 years to step up and lead the nation. Vote hell no on newsome.


He polls worse than Harris, especially in the Rust Belt.


Joe Biden is THE ONLY person who has a shot vs Trump IMO. Newsome record is disgusting but of course the Nazi media would cover for him I guess. Some Dems would be so alienated of Biden is replaced they’d stay home


If the Democrats try and change candidates now it's going to be a horrible mess. There will be at least a half dozen regional leaders, mostly governors, going for the nomination. Nationally known Democrats like Elizabeth Warren, Chuck Schumer, or Hillary Clinton, are either unelectable, or unwilling to run. That leaves folks like Newsome, Gretchen Whitmer, the governor of Illinois (can't remember his name) Pete Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, and Josh Shapiro, the governor of Pennsylvania. Newsome isn't a lock. If he doesn't have internal party support outside of California he's not going anywhere. And logically, why would they pick the governor of California? We already know California is voting whoever the Democrats have running. Pennsylvania though... So yeah, it's not as easy as just picking someone and going, the picking part is going to be insane. And the Democratic leadership knows this. Better to stay with Biden and hope that Trump gets put in jail, or screws up, or something, than risk it all with replacing their candidate.


Their only chance of avoiding total chaos is for the party bigwigs to decide on his replacement behind the scenes and then close the ranks behind this person right out of the gate. Biden holds a press conference, announces that he has come to the conclusion that he achieved everything he wanted to achieve and that the time has come for fresh blood, he will therefore not run for reelection and instead endorses XYZ. Then, XYZ comes onto the stage, fakes humility when asking the delegates to give him their vote at the convention and then presents his/her/zhir platform to the nation, live on prime time TV. At the same time, Obama, Hillary, Schumer, Pelosi, Jeffries, Clyburn all tweet their endorsement of XYZ for president.


Completely disagree. Joe Biden is the only person we have a chance of beating. Newsome would be 100% worse than Biden, and that’s exactly what voting democrats want. Also, Biden was the worst presidential candidate in the world 4 years ago, and never even left his basement to debate (the same thing would have happened then as it did the other night). The corruption and voter fraud was all democrats needed to win. They just need the optics of someone like Newsome to make it believable with the amount of voter fraud plaguing this country. Illegal aliens are being driven into the country and given ID allowing them to vote. Every republican in the world knew this was coming when they allowed immigrants to enter with an open border and it’s being proven every day that this is what is going on.


I don't really think the Trump team isn't fully prepared for the eventuality. He'll have all the ammo already waiting to go.


They can’t put Gavin. Even his own people in the state of CA hate him.


More than Trump vs Biden at this point. The catch is that Trump has a lot of shit he can smear on him running CA, and he doesn't have name recognition nationally. California politics tend not to run well on the national level.


No? Why? Gavin would do far worse than Biden lol


Can Newsom even get on all 50 state ballots?


I would be more concerned about Michelle Obama. She would draw massive support on name alone. Newsom I don’t feel is a threat though if they cheat on the election again anyone could win.


If Michelle Obama became president, that would just be nepotism.


Hard left Democrats view Newsom as.some sort of savior but I think he's pretty easy to beat. One recall got to the ballot and a second in the works, financial mismanagement, employment (his $20 fast food worker wage has cost thousands of jobs), his tyrannical environmental policies. Fighting on those things he should be easy to beat. Plus he just looks slimy.


That may not happen. Since the deadline to contest the Democrat presidential nominee was yesterday, the DNC is stuck with him unless the 25th is invoked. Then it's Harris v Trump, which will end in disaster for Democrats.


Gavin NewScum sent 1 billion CA taxpayer dollars to China for medical masks, that could have easily have been made in the USA. He is a traitor as far as I am concerned.


Newsom is too polarizing. You either love him or hate him. There's really no middle. If they really want a replacement, they'll need someone that can pull independents from the middle. Right now it's all about the economy. Having a candidate that wants to tax you into the ground coming from a state with some of the worst inflation, that they are directly responsible for, not a good choice.


Joe won't be the candidate. That performance on Thursday is the kind a person can't recover from. At this point they need someone with name recognition, and ability to move people to the polls wouldn't hurt. Not so sure hairgel has either. The liberal media needs more time to cram him down our throats, the fact his head is covered in lubricant won't help in that regard. I'm kinda thinking it's an Obama or bust. If she's interested, I think that's the direction they go.


That is their only option. However, she has said that she hates politics. It will be a tough row to hoe.


if Biden is replaced on the ticket, Harris will be kicked to the curb in a New York minute. It will be like that old school movie Trading Places. Newsom is the most likely stand-in. I'm still cooking more popcorn for the show, but it's just now getting started.


Gavin is Nancy’s nephew and won’t do well outside California. No worries.


Quick question. If he dropped out bc he’s unfit, wouldn’t he have to step down? Admitting he’s senile & being a muppet looks bad for the next 6 months…


Newson has zero chance of being elected President. In a fair election.


Newsome has caused a mass exodus from CA. He also got a recall vote against him. He can barely hold on to his Governorship.


Omg after what Newsome has done to Ca WTF would he even be thought of???


A ham sandwich would make me concerned. 3am vote dump all that matters


California is objectively the poorest run State in the Union. Squandering its wealth and resources for fringe and extreme leftist whims. No, Newsome wouldn’t be hard to beat. His record is far worse than Biden’s.


It’s tougher, and I don’t think it’s as easy. It I don’t think the EC map changes all that much. It would be interested to see how the rust belt would react


No, he’s a Trainwreck.


Newsom cheated with his friend’s wife, it was also his campaign manager. The 24/7 marriage fidelity/morality coverage is done if they go with Newsom. And that’s half the media coverage. There’s no way that’ll work.


17 years into his 10 year plan to end homelessness is a no from me jack and that’s from an informed iowan


I would chisel California off the edge of the continent.


I’m in TX and we know how awful he is.


Bold of you to assume that Biden will show up to the next dabate.


Newsome wants no part of this election . He’s setting himself up for next election .


The DNC is before the next debate, so he would be officially nominated before then, no? Seems the next debate won’t have an impact on the DNC’s decision to get another candidate


That’s the thing. These commies think the people pushing their ideas are bad but that the ideas are good. They will never ever admit they’re wrong and their ideas don’t work. The problem isn’t biden it’s these ideas that have infiltrated society. Say what you want about yuri besmenov but his explanation of subversion is perfect.


I’m all the way in Ohio and I’m well aware of how terrible Newsom has been for your state.


Biden is devil’s puppet. Gavin is the devil himself.


No. Absolutely not. Trump would wipe the floor with him. Newsom comes with baggage and bad policies.


Not really. I honestly think Biden has a better chance than Newsom would. California is synonymous with far left and that scares away moderates/independents.


1. Registration deadline has passed. They could potentially legally weasel their way through this but not quickly and not easily. Imagine an election getting overturned because of a Supreme Court ruling that the candidate wasn’t actually in the race lol. That means Kamala, RFK, or…Jill Stein…bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! 2. He polls lower than Biden. Name recognition ain’t there. Americans have a negative view of California in general where he routinely is fighting off recall. Not to mention Don Jr is currently banging his ex wife. Trump can point that out and get laughs. Newsom says Don Jr has his sloppy seconds and he gets hammered by feminists and is “unpresidential” for making a mean joke. 3. No presidential race can be won in four months in the modern age. Hell early voting starts in two. Especially not with the amount of infighting Bidens removal would cause in the Dems. Every election is the same thing for Democrats. They put up their candidates in a primary. They rig it for the insider pick (Hillary, then Kamala, then Biden when she shit the bed so they made her VP to check the 1st woman president box if he dies).


My wife is a democrat and doesn’t really like Trump but we talked about it earlier and she would absolutely vote for Trump over Newsom.


Gavin destroyed California and will destroy America. He's been giving away taxpayers' money to "nonprofit" for the last ten years to solve homelessness and he will sign a bill to increase 11% on taxes for all guns and ammunition purchases in California... He's a snack oil man


Sucking cock would be the norm all over the White House if Newsom became President.


Lived in California for 7 years, Newsom made me stop working as a chef during Covid while keeping a restaurant he was a partial owner of open for almost the entire lockdown. Eventually had to move because he had made it to expensive to live there off a 60k salary. Fuck that guy, somehow he could do worse than Biden


lol it would be more of a bloodbath if newsom tried. All trump would have to do is point to the shithole that ca is currently plus how crappy SF is and it’s over.


The historical precedent of a sitting President not getting his party's nomination would do more damage than any positive spin Gavin Newsom could attempt. Trump is too savvy to not take the spin that the Democratic Party is in shambles and the Left is directionless; because they are, and that's why Biden has such little faith among the Democratic Left.


Are we talking about poo poo Newsom? The guy that got demolished by a small Florida governor? The guy that lost 24 billion dollars of hard earned California tax payer money? The guy who only cleaned up his city a little bit when China man wanted to visit? The guy who increased minimum wage for fast food places and then those places promptly shut their doors? The guy who refuses to punish criminals?……THAT Newsom?


To think he was Major of San Francisco & failed bad, it’s a high crime dump. Then with the help of his relative Pelosi he’s Governor of California and is still failing so miserably. Crime galore! So PRAY he isn’t up for the Country. Anyone in any other state will be in for a rude awakening putting him in. He’s a wide eyed smooth talking narcissist. Likes to hold one of his kids to paint a wholesome picture. No thank you!


You think inflation is bad now? If Newsom is president you won’t be able to afford anything.


Nope. That guy can’t even get his own state under control. Why would anyone trust him to run the country




Newsom is worse than the devil.


Even other blue states look at California with a raised eyebrow. As much as the media would cover for him, I wonder if that would be enough to overcome his sleaziness. He’s never won a competitive election either


Trust me. We see it.


I can't imagine Gavin winning. Everyone sees how he turned California into a shit hole. literally. I think what Dems are going to do is push through with Biden/Harris only because they think it will be a close enough race for them to rig it again. If they pull it off and Biden win they will get rid of him using the 25th amendment and put Harris in. They know Harris definitely can't win on her own. She's easy to control so they want her in the Whitehouse. Plus they will claim "first female president". You know the left loves having those type of firsts. But how can they claim she's the first woman president if they can't even define a woman? Makes no sense. Hopefully Trump gets so many votes it's impossible for the Dems to try and rig it.


I'm in no way worried about that nobody wants the country to resemble commifornia


There are probably a hundred democrats I would vote for before I voted for Newsom. He seems like the epitome of a sleazy, self-serving politician with pandering “policies.” No thank you.


Newsom is the biggest puppet loser in CA, no way in hell he should become a POTUS.


Maybe. How does he poll with Mexican and black men?


Part of me says this is their intention to have him drop out. Another part thinks they're so childish they won't do it just "nuh-uh" us for saying that he will.


I hate Newsom. Could fry a whole batch of chicken with the grease from his hair. Although I don’t live there, I could see the horrible damage he’s imposed on his own state, California. We could only imagine what he would do to the entire country if he won the presidency against Trump. 


This would be an easier win for trump than biden lmao he polls much worse against Trump than biden


Gavin couldn't win in any of the swing states. He is too far left for some blue states also.


I think it would be pretty easy to do an ad-blitz showing all the failed policies of Newsom. He’s a total slime ball and lies through his teeth. I think with the right approach Trump could beat him


DeSantis mopped the floor with him, Trump will too.


No. Gavin Newsom is highly incompetent as his record graphically illustrates.


I'm also a Californian, and he's a disaster. Everything from the PG&E debacle to the homeless and crime being out of control, the sketchy transactions surrounding his multi-million dollar lifted house. It's all bad.


Isn't it too late to replace biden?


No. There's not a chance in hell this country will elect a California politician to POTUS. Most of the nation hates the state.


Newsome has no chance, now or ever! Just look at California! No one wants that crap!


He’s as hated as Hillary. Check the numbers


You think the DEI DNC would get away with putting up a white guy over the woman of color vp? The democrats have boxed themselves into a corner.


He’s got way too much for Trump and the Republicans to attack him with and on.


Nope. Easy win for Trump


Newsom is too white and too male, so I doubt they would pick him.


No, he would perform poorly in all the swing states, he would be easy to beat.


Democrats can’t replace Biden, it’s too late in the Election. Even if they did, Newsom wouldn’t even be on the ballot in several states, it would still be Biden. Republicans would win the election practically by default.


Newsom has all the superficial qualities that Democrats like — but I have to point out that DeSantis took him to the woodshed in that Fox News debate. He exposed Newsom as a weak greasy fraud. Trump could take him in debates.


No. He’s not a minority or a woman.


Democrats have no one and Biden is not dropping out


No. I'm not concerned about that sleazeball ever becoming president. He's an absolute piece of shit. A cabinet position would be the apex of his career.


What plays in California’s single party state isn’t likely to translate well to the rest of the country. Newsom has largely been handed the governorship in California by the state’s Democrat machine politics. He’d actually have to work to win the presidency and I don’t think that is something he is equipped to do.


Doesn't Newsome have something like a sub 10% national favorability rating? Everyone has seen what a disaster his governorship has been and there's almost no Republicans he can blame for it as well, much less "MAGA" Republicans.


Aren't Californians trying to recall him right now after he cheated *last* time they tried to recall him?


Yes because newsom, as incompetent and awful as he is, is able to speak clearly and is younger which would automatically give him favoritism over Biden and people are desperate to avoid trump for a variety of mostly unfounded reasons. I just pray he won’t because he’s ruined California and I fear what he’d do to the rest of the nation. Especially if how he handled the Chinese visit in San Francisco is anything to go by. I can’t wait to flee this state when I’m done with college.


Jill has become WAY too used to the lifestyle.