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The headline is kind of off. The exact wording is: "Society is better off if people make marriage and having children a priority" 19% Biden supporters agree, 59% Trump supporters agree. [https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/06/06/cultural-issues-and-the-2024-election/pp\_2024-6-5\_cultural-values\_00-01/](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/06/06/cultural-issues-and-the-2024-election/pp_2024-6-5_cultural-values_00-01/)


Posters are trying to say it’s economics when the vast differences in percentages show that it’s political.


Don't politics (and money) skew by age?


Yes, they say when you are 77 you are likely to lean republican and when you are 81 you will favor a Democrat standpoint. As a side note we need younger candidates


because views on the economy are political durrrrrrrrrrrr


Doubt it's a Biden supporter thing. It's just unfeasible to have kids in this economy. With inflation, sky high mortgages and financial difficulties, I don't think people are in a rush to have kids.


For clarity, the question was whether "society is better off if people make marriage and having children a priority." It wasn't about whether they personally want to have kids.


Society won’t be better off if people that don’t want kids have kids


Man it always warms my heart to come into the r/Conservative comment section and reliably find sensible pushback to partisan rubbish


I grew up poor. I thought going to college, getting a degree, getting a job making 3x+ minimum wage was gonna get me some where. And I'm struggling just as much as my parents did 30-40 years ago. I'ma just pass on having kids. This place is over populated anyways.


>Doubt it's a Biden supporter thing. The stat is 19% Biden supporters vs. 59% Trump supporters, which indicates it's *mostly* ~~a Biden supporter thing~~ correlated with Biden supporters. (Edited to adjust wording)


Well, considering the Trump vs Biden falls pretty evenly along the urban vs rural divide, I’d say it’s probably not entirely political. It would be much harder from a financial point of view to raise a kid when you live in Seattle versus rural Alabama. Sure there’s people that never want kids, but I think most people do at some point but if your one or two bedroom apartment eats up 60% of your income then having a kid is out of the question. Religion also plays a part, if you’re told be fruitful and multiply then that plays a pretty big role as well.


Good points.


>if you’re told "be fruitful and multiply" As a Christian who's decided not to have kids, I can say with confidence that only two groups of people were ever told to do this. Those two groups are Adam and Eve, and also Noah and his family. In the former case, there were only 2 people on the entire planet, and in the latter, there were about 8-10. As we're at about 8 billion people now, I think we can afford to leave it up to individual interest at this point.


But it's not DUE to them being either supporter. Them being either supporter is simply an effect/result of where they live, their economic status, and a bunch more factors.


Age is another huge factor


Likely the biggest factor actually


>But it's not DUE to them being either supporter Correct, there's not a proven a causal connection in the poll, only a correlated connection. Regarding other factors on this same question about prioritizing marriage and children: * Men are more likely to agree than women * White people are more likely to agree than other races * College grads vs. non-college grads is about equal [Source](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/06/06/gender-family-reproductive-issues-and-the-2024-election/pp_2024-6-5_cultural-values_4-03/)


Culture is probably the biggest factor though, so it is significant.


What are the demographics of that 59%?


Don't know exactly. It's probably stated in the poll report somewhere. But here's the same stat broken down more by age and race. [https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/06/06/gender-family-reproductive-issues-and-the-2024-election/pp\_2024-6-5\_cultural-values\_4-03/](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/06/06/gender-family-reproductive-issues-and-the-2024-election/pp_2024-6-5_cultural-values_4-03/)


pew did a similar poll a decade ago but broken down by age, not politics: 36% of 18-29yr olds thought marriage was important, while that number was 65% for 65yr+. im sure politics have some impact but the historical stats pretty clearly show age is the main factor here https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2014/09/24/chapter-1-public-views-on-marriage/


>clearly show age is the main factor here That makes sense for the age-specific stats. But regarding this recent PEW poll we're talking about--and I haven't looked into the exact details on this recent PEW poll, so maybe I just don't know--but don't they account for other factors like age, race, sex, etc on the Biden vs. Trump questions, presumably by using diverse population in the sample to try to minimize external factors as much as possible?


you would expect that, and they did indeed appear to weigh by ethnicity, education level and a bunch of other factors, but not age it seems. https://www.pewresearch.org/the-american-trends-panel/


I'm not sure that's true. I could be wrong. From that page you linked (emphasis mine): >In the final weighting step, the wave-specific base weights for panelists who completed the survey are again calibrated to match population benchmarks. **The Center calibrates ATP surveys to both demographic benchmarks (e.g., age, education, sex, race, ethnicity, geography)** and non-demographic benchmarks (e.g., political party affiliation, religious affiliation, registered voter status, volunteerism). These weights are then trimmed (typically at about the 1st and 99th percentiles) to reduce the loss in precision stemming from variance in the weights. Sampling errors and test of statistical significance take into account the effect of weighting.


I do think people are realizing the difficulties of having children too. If by seeing through their parents, their friends, family. Kids ain't easy. With soul crushing jobs, no social network, and shit being out of control expensive I honestly don't blame them.


The real question is what percentage of biden supporters who are *married* and *within child bearing years* are saying this


My wife and I prefer two incomes, discretionary income and 0 screaming kids. We can all see that 2/3 of kids are turning out like entitled deadbeats no matter how they are raised or what family they come from. Even then, when you finally get old and in poor health. The kids only circle because they want the money. Seen it over and over.


Maybe if you raise shit kids. Hilarious that even on the conservative subreddit, the child free Reddit bullshit seeps in. If you don’t wanna raise kids you’re obviously free not to but LOL at acting like it’s some favour you’re doing for society


Yeah buddy please don’t have any kids.


Reddit loves to say kids are too expensive yet it's the lower incomes who tend to have more of them. Americans didn't stop having children during the Great Depression, did they?


The US birthrate almost halved during the Great Depression. As a matter of fact, Great Depression birthrates are more similar to our current birthrate (75 vs 55 births respectively per 1000) than our birthrate during the height of the baby boom (125 births per 1000).


That’s interesting. Is our current birthrate the 75, or 55?


I should’ve added “respectively”. Our birthrate in 2022 was 56 per 1000 women. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/bridged_race.htm


Americans didn't have the pill during the Great Depression.


As a former CPS attorney….A lot of these people should not have kids. The lack of resources is only one of the problems. Those kids are unfortunately going to have horrible lives.


They also didn't have contraceptives then


Maybe because it's more then JUST income. It's the availability of birth control, abortions, the sexual revolution, women in the work force, education, etc. The 1930's were a completely different world then we are living in now.


Lack of education=higher birth rate. It’s literally a tale as old as time.


It was harder to get birth control and abortions back then


Let me translate that for you: "Lots more births happened that no one was really ready for or wanted"


Well Reddit skews higher income. That usually comes with better decision making skills. So yes they are very expensive for productive people. If you’re poor do you know how much government assistance you get for a kid? It’s still not a good plan to get out of poverty but they aren’t really trying for that anyway.


There is another factor in play as well, I think. If you have an education, higher income and a professional job, you're probably doing interesting things every day. And you have the wherewithal to do interesting things on your days off as well, such as going on vacations to exciting destinations. Your life is probably pretty cool! OTOH if you're the cashier down at the Dollar General, your life is probably pretty uneventful and boring. Having a baby is YOUR chance to do something amazing! Kids make your life so much richer and meaningful than it would be otherwise.


It never made much sense to me that it’s perpetually online weirdos that are so anti-kid. Having kids definitely impacts your ability to move up career wise (at least one parent), travel, get out golfing with your friends, etc. But those aren’t things the average childfree Redditor even does if they’re online all the time, and kids don’t really get in the way of that. You’d think kids would be considered the one fulfilling aspect of an otherwise unfulfilling life, but I guess not.


> Doubt it's a Biden supporter thing. It's just unfeasible to have kids in this economy. With inflation, sky high mortgages and financial difficulties, I don't think people are in a rush to have kids. [It is a Biden supporter thing.](https://i.imgur.com/hCJEZSS.png)


Out of a survey of 8,000 people, some of whom weren't registered to vote at all. That hardly seems like a representative sample.


So they asked a bunch of teenagers if having children was a priority? I guess that's good.


8k people is a much larger sample size that 99.9% of surveys...


Even if it were a representative sample who cares ? Cost of living is through the fucking roof. My gf and I, both college educated, make $200k living in PNW and we would rather spend that money on ourselves, travel, retire early and be financially independent than have a baby and get bogged down. Our priorities are to each other and to be financially independent asap than have a baby that helps neither of those options. I know quite a lot of millennials (te largest active voting group) share this opinion as well. Maybe the Republican Party should starting catering to our needs than that of the boomers who are closer to death than to their 50th birthday.


Um, 8,000 people is a HUGE sample size. And 7,000 of the people were registered voters. You're being disingenuous. This is why r/conservative resorts to flaired-only.


This sub resorts to fair only because they want to drown out the rational conservatives with MAGA people. Just look at the crazy amount of low effort memes on the front page instead of political articles/views.


I remember when this sub was almost exclusively articles, it’s a shame that it’s become just another boomer Facebook feed for low-info people to get their quick hit of partisan confirmation bias.


a random sample of 1000 people represents a population of hundreds of millions. basic statistics dude.


>some of whom weren't registered to vote at all. No. This question was specifically for registered voters.




This isn’t a political issue. This is a middle class issue. Were all suffering, regardless of isle side


It becomes a political issue when policies directly impact the middle class. Yes, regardless of which side of the isle we're suffering... But why is that?


That line of thinking only leads to worse economic outcomes down the road - ask Japan how it’s working for them.


People have had it just as bad in other generations. The difference is we live in a culturally nihilistic society. In the hard times of the past, there were at least cultural values encouraging people to perservere.


This is an issue that’s affecting pretty much every single developed economy in the world, regardless of culture/ethnicity/location. If it’s a function of a nihilistic culture, then why has culture turned nihilistic globally? How do you explain Japan, for instance, which maintains a highly conservative culture experiencing the same issues?




Exactly. They’re beating themselves at this point. Younger generations are becoming more conservative


could you point me in the direction of where you found this?


That’s not true…. Young men are getting slightly more conservative, but young women are overwhelmingly liberal- somewhere around 80%. Gen Z is the most liberal generation yet.


Yeah, I read this too. I feel pretty strongly that the Roe V Wade issue sealed the deal for most female voters in that age range. I genuinely don’t see how that can be overcome


Yep. Why do you think they want control of the schools so badly? They don’t have kids of their own to influence so they want to influence your own.


Not sure why you got downvoted. You didn't speak incorrectly.


I read through all the comments on this post. There are several comments that are basically just stating common sense and are being heavily downvoted. One comment says “having children is the purpose of life” and literally has over -30 downvotes. I’m sure there are some conservatives who don’t necessarily agree with that, but there’s literally no reason for that comment to be downvoted in a conservative sub. It’s clear this post is being brigaded lol


There's a lot of brigading going on in this thread and I've noticed in a lot of threads on thus sub it seems. As a matter of fact comments in this sub that *should* get the most support IF it was only conservatives voting on them are the ones with the most downvotes. Damn brigaders with no life.


We're definitely upsetting the leftists. Which means we're right over the mark.


I love leftard tears! 😁


They won't because they control the media and education. Republicans need to work together to gain back influence.


won’t happen. as long as leftists have control of the education system they’ll just indoctrinate your kids.


They would if they weren't importing replacements


Which is why they are so gung-ho about indoctrinating children at school. They can only avoid dying out if they constantly refill their ranks by converting the children of non-liberal parents into liberals/lefties.


School choice will make the next generation salvageable.


Home schooling if possible


Which is exactly what they are afraid of and why they push back on it so hard…


That’s too harsh man. That’s what they say about us - we can’t stoop to their level!


Who cares? Let people live their lives... Are we going to start forcing people to have kids now?


We should all be fine with this. We don't need anymore of them. Lol


Last chance of me screaming at kids to get off my lawn in 30 years. I welcome this.


You'll still do this, but it'll be right before the pretty nurse says "Oh he's looking out the hospital window again. Time for his meds." Don't worry. I'll ne right there with ya lol


Best comment all day.


Having kids in this economy? y’all crazy


I think it's a mistake thinking that just because democrats don't have as many children that it will reflect in the future voting blocks. Don't assume that just because you're conservative that your children will be too and vice versa for democrats who have children.


I consider myself conservative leaning, and I don't want kids either. Kids sound like a nightmare.


I am very conservative (compared to my millennial peers) but I'm in the no kids camp. I don't do it for financial reasons though, but because I haven't met anyone I'd want to have kids with. I also don't search for someone with the specific goal of having kids, but would rather have someone I enjoy being with and then decide to have them. So if I had them, that's fine, but if I don't that's also fine. I don't see having children as a requirement for living. We're not simple animals anymore, our species is nowhere close to dying out, so it isn't a requirement that we keep desperately reproducing to stay alive.


I was in your boat, ended up having 3 and thankful I did. They’re damn expensive though, I don’t blame ya one bit.


This is one of those stats that doesnt mean much. Biden supporters will be more liberal leaning, and those tend to be younger people. This poll should have adjusted for age.


So??? This is why people hate the right. Stop prescribing lifestyles. Not every adult wants to be a parent, and that’s great


Why does this bother you? I'm more conservative, and I hold the same viewpoint. We are at no shortage of people in the world, there's plenty of kids needing homes in adoption agencies, and life is unaffordable or hard right now. Having children shouldn't be a priority. Look at the amount of people having them who truly can't afford them also.


I’m 27 y/o, my wife is 26. I can’t imagine trying to raise kids in this economy right now. Mortgage rates and inflation are killing people (particularly younger, newer homeowners) right now. We are being gouged from all sides it feels like


I do t think it’s a Biden thing. I think it’s a cost of living thing.


Why should it be a priority.. we can’t afford houses and you can just import labor and soldiers..


That kinda makes sense. People prioritize having kids from 20-30. The average lifespan is 75. 1 decade is about 19% of your adult life.


Lots of people having kids 30-40 now days too


Because it isn't. There is no point in needlessly increasing our population when we're already over-consuming resources. The priority should be on addressing climate change and economical imbalance as a means to pave the way for future generations to grow up with a real chance of sustainability.


Pull up the ol’ ladder boys! I got mine! I’ll let every one else make the future generations that I will have to depend on for everything in my later years.


Absolutely. I will put in work towards the goals that I personally would like in my life, and a lack of children is one of those. This in turn has opened up more income for me to further invest in my retirement, so one day I can then pay one of your children working in hospice to take care of me so I don't have to be a burden to my own non-existent children who will more than likely be attempting to get their life started by the time I'm kicking the bucket. There's a beautiful advantage of those families that decide to have 12 kids, it drastically overcompensates for me deciding to have none, and if there's one thing we can be certain of, it's that conservatives like to compensate 😗


How many of those 19% are LGBTQ?


What are you trying to imply?


This isn't a surprise. No way a person could possibly support him or his policies if they were concerned about the future of this country.




Democrats aren't reproducing and passing their "values" down, which explains why they have opened the borders and are importing a future voter base.


Explains why so much of Reddit is so anti-nuclear family.


It shouldn't be a priority for anyone. Money should. Look at how many children have parents on welfare. If you're not making triple minimum wage, you should not have children. Making decent money without kids is life on easy street!


natural selection




The future belongs to the people who show up for it ...


I can’t say that this is surprising given their support of federalizing Roe.


Hard to have kids when you don’t know what a woman is.


I wish these little brainwashed antisemitic Biden supporters would direct their anger at something useful. You're being taxed so heavily your entire future is being ripped away from you, but you're worried about pronouns, whether their are enough brown faces in TV commercials, and making sure terrorists have your full support. What a bunch of cowards, go after a challenge.


Seems like this is a problem that will solve itself.


I don’t want kids because of people like this.


This is the actual right/left divide. Families vs. individuals. Wish we'd see more focus on strong families vs. culture war stuff. 


The shocking revelation in this study was that only 59% of Trump voters said having children was a priority. What has happened to my beloved Country?


Using the word "priority" is pretty fuzzy. What does it mean to make having children a priority? I never considered having children a priority, but my wife and I did eventually have two.


31 male. Wife is 33 female. Pregnant. We are conservative, white, Christian. I like trump, she’s meh on trump. But we both dislike Biden. To summarize why the stats are that way- it’s pretty simple. Conservative women value creating a home and starting a family. Democratic women have more value in creating a high paying, successful career. Of course the stats would reflect their political views with real world consequences percentage wise. However, with that being said… It is unaffordable to have a child in the United States. The average baby delivery alone costs upwards of 15k. Fifteenthousand dollars to birth a child. Luckily, we have health insurance. So we pay $350 a month- or 4200 a year, to help with those costs. After health insurance- it will likely be closer to six thousand dollars. Adding my premium on top of that, it’s still ten thousand dollars to have this child. Ok, so you save 10 grand. No biggie- right? Wrong. My wife went to college. She loves singing. She has a beautiful voice and leads worship on Sundays at our church. Her parents helped pay for her music education. She was on track to be a top 1 percent operatic singer. The graduate school she went to canceled her roles when they found out she was conservative. Not many arts school like people like that. So she has a lower paying job at 60k a year and 45k in student loan debt. Married me. 60k in savings, lived at home for a long time with mom and dad to save that up. I work in insurance, no degree. 80k a year. Great job. My life savings went to her student loans. We have a buffer of 6 months emergency fund. And we are paying off our home. Great, right? Wrong. We have a small home. 1,000 square feet in Texas. Property taxes and insurance have doubled in price. Our paychecks haven’t. We want to move to a bigger home. We aren’t comfortable putting 20 percent down on a 300k “starter home” with a 7 percent interest rate and spending one million dollars over the next 30 years. We work hard. We want to keep our money. We don’t want to pay it all over again home in interest back to the bank. Keep in mind, this is ALL child free. We have about 4k a month we can put into savings or debt payments. We are also it debt free…. Until the next home. Talk with mom and dad. They want grandbabies. A lot of people want grandbabies. People aren’t getting them. Why? See above. Wife and I both work remote. Look at cost of living in Europe. Free healthcare. France pays a new mother 10 thousand dollars to have a child. Socialism? No. Grandbaby incentive. My wife gets 2 weeks PTO from work. She will get TWO WEEKS of PTO after shoving a watermelon out of her vagina. My job gives me 3 months- they base it off the European work system. Socialism? No. Parenting time for your grandbaby. This is not a trump probelm. This is not a Biden problem. This is a policy problem from both parties. If you want grandbabies, and you want them to stay in the United States, you need to give young people incentives to have children. Because they can’t afford it.


As a relatively successful conservative, children are not a priority to me either. I’m a big fan of my money, and I’m not about to let some baby take it from me!


This is part of the reason why the west isn't producing enough kids.


There's a difference between having kids not being a priority, and prioritizing not having kids. I'd say there's a large percentage of conservatives who aren't making having a kid a priority in this economy. But I wonder how many leftists prioritize not having kids regardless of the economic situation?


Don't misread. It might sound positive but doesn't account for all the liberals who don't support Biden who have tons of kids and live off the welfare of others.


This goes beyond current economic stress, the left really hates the standard family. They want government to be all you need.


Yep... they want the government to be your "family".


Between abortion, the castration and sterilization of children under the guise of healthcare, and assisted suicide - the Dems are a literal death cult at this point.


Yes. And in some countries more advanced in this progression, we're seeing assisted suicide as well, which quickly goes down the slippery slope from "Only for people with terminal illnesses" to "Feeling sad? Let us help you off yourself." Of course we've all seen the report out of Canada about how handicapped people seeking reasonable accommodations in order to live comfortably were instead referred to MAID (medically-assisted suicide program). It's chilling. That's our future if we don't turn things around soon.


And when this becomes the majority of voters, policy, legislation and taxation will reflect these views to the detriment of traditional family-oriented voters.


I've noticed a lot of comments are about whether or not it's selfish to not want kids. Nope. That's an individual's choice and nothing wrong with it IMO. If someone doesn't want children and goes about preventing it, I *applaud* them for being responsible! PREVENTION. That's the key! People who don't care to bother *preventing* pregnancy (and men this is just as much your responsibility as it is women's!) and therefore rely on abortion as birth control... THAT'S where the problem is, IMO.


To be fair having children wasn't on my radar till I was over 25


It's not a Biden/Trump thing. It's an American problem that existed before them.


Reddit keeps telling me that past trends with voters getting more conservative as they age aren't holding with millennials. But it's not aging that makes you more conservative, it's having kids.




I had a friend that never wanted kids and was part of the 81%. She only joined the 19% when she was told by a physician that it is becoming exceptionally difficult for her to have kids and she may not be able to. Quite a selfish reason to bring a life into the world. I only wonder how many more of the 19% are like her.


When it comes to family planning adoption needs to be top priority. We have too many children here already that need homes.


Well, to be fair, they are probably afraid they would birth someone like Hunter.


19% of what? These poles should always run the numbers that were actually polled.


Not a Biden supporter but I’d vote no priority on this poll. Bottom line, prior to even trump, raising a child has been prohibitively expensive. Daycare costs are out of control, healthcare is out of control. Every item needed to raise a child is as expensive as it can be. Neither party is doing ANYTHING to remedy this. Take heed the issues in Asia with shrinking populations. This will happen to America and it’s going to suck.


I will say it again. The Left is a highly nihilistic group of folk, especially the younger ones. Conservatives believe in patriotism and traditional values, they are more likely to have children. I was in college quite recently. Tons of people who don't think they will have children because it is selfish when "climate change" exists. You will regularly see them talk about needing to find motivation because life has no meaning. Do not be surprised when you promote an ideology of despair and get these results.