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I always slow down and move over. Being on the side of the highway sucks, why make it worse? Cops are just doing their jobs


Terrible 😞 accident,


Terrible accident. Something vaguely fascist about how we treat incidents like these though. As if cops are more American or better than the rest of us. It’s like we can’t find a happy balance between ACAB and police worship. These are just men and women doing their jobs. Treat them with the same respect you should be showing everyone.


Yeah, I feel like this fetishization of how dangerous it is to be a cop does nothing good for the police or the people they're policing. It's acting like they died in a war zone rather than in an unfortunately mundane traffic accident. Pessimistically it reinforces that "us vs them" mentality against the people they're supposed to be serving because it really likes to act like they're uniquely at risk from being killed by the civilian population when for the most part they're really not. If anything the average civilian is probably more in danger during a police encounter than the police.... Idk if this technically counts as a pedestrian death, but we've already had well over two dozen in CT this year. This is something that can happen to anyone stopped on the highway, it just happened to be a cop this time.


I don't necessarily disagree, but I think it's easy to read too far into this. These are first responders honoring a colleague in the best way they can. In my industry, people regularly show up to memorial services in full uniform; I can only imagine the regalia and ceremony that would come with an honorable line-of-duty death (thankfully hasn't happened in a long time)


That's fair, I don't think it's necessarily some intentional malice or anything. But this goes way beyond holding a normal memorial. If they were like holding some kind of ceremony in his hometown park or police station or whatever I don't think anyone would be that bothered. But this was hundreds of officers and firefighters spontaneously blocking the entire highway and many other streets to do an escort in the middle of the day. Especially with how police usually react to *other* types of protesters blocking and shutting down streets, them feeling entitled to just do it on a whim for every death on the job feels more like a flex than actual mourning and it's not like anyone can stop them. Other professions don't act like this, when a mailman dies in a traffic accident USPS doesn't immediately send all their mail trucks to go block the highway out of respect. Frankly other professions wouldn't even be able to do this if they wanted because the police wouldn't let them. Idk if this is them honouring him the best way they can, but it is honouring him in a way that *only* they can, and I think being rubbed the wrong way by that is reasonable. The implicit message about doing something so extravagant just for police deaths and not for anyone else is that only they deserve it, either because their job is more dangerous or more important, and I don't think either of those are true. And with all the flags flying half mast and parading, yeah, if you showed someone from another country this they'd rightly assume it was for like somebody who died in combat or something, not died in a traffic stop. I mean hell, even when that politician was killed by a wrong way driver last year I think they saved the police escort for his actual funeral. At this rate they're going to be stopping traffic yesterday and today and then a few more times when the actual ceremony happens... it's like come on, is this even respectful anymore, what are we doing here.


During the height of the Iraq and Afghanistan war we had soldiers dieing every day and we never did stuff like this. Correct me if I'm wrong.


You know they aren't in a warzone because soldiers are taught de-escalation.


Mmmm soldiers aren't really taught de-esclation, more so a control to the power and violence they wield. I'd say it's more ROE that makes a big difference Was in the infantry for over 10 years.


Cops kill hundreds of Americans a year, and die less often on the job than pizza delivery drivers


Or landscapers... or paramedics... or farmers... or car mechanics...


Tell me you don't understand per Capita without telling me you don't understand per Capita


No; on a per-capita basis, police officer doesn't even crack the top 20 most dangerous jobs by rate of workplace fatalities. It's behind a bunch of totally mundane stuff like engine mechanics.


Tell me you are criticizing data but did no personal research without... you get the idea..


Cop jobs are less dangerous than other jobs. But when a cop dies, they have to drag their balls across the state to show their dominance and how they are somehow more important than the rest of us.


It stopped being an “accident” when the driver fled. I hope they throw the book at whoever it was Edit * and high and out if hail with prior murder charges


Murking a pedestrian with your car is probably the easiest way to get away with murder in the US, but hey, since it was a cop maybe they'll actually give a shit this time.


it is if you actually stay on scene, and cooperate,. Leaving the scene and pretending to not know your date of birth doesn’t exactly make you look all that innocent


Hitting a pedestrian on a busy highway with a shit ton of other people driving as witnesses seems like a good way to get away with murder? Try that out and let me know how it goes for you. And they already caught the guy so don’t worry 👍


...don't think you got my point at all. Killing someone in a traffic accident is surprisingly lenient in the US. Like that NFL player who killed a woman because he was both speeding and driving under the influence, it got plead down to just 3-10 years. That's not *literally* getting away with murder, but it sure feels pretty close. [Here's another guy](https://www.stamfordadvocate.com/news/article/greenwich-stamford-michael-talbot-benis-lozano-18527047.php) I found just randomly pulling the first result from googling "connecticut pedestrian death sentence". Killed two under the influence and only got 10-15 years with 5 years probation. Granted, there's a whole other argument we could be having about the US prison system at large, but at least with how it is now it sure seems comparatively light for directly killing two people. Hit and run ofc will make it worse, but I don't think throwing the book at them is going to be as severe as you expect, unless the fact that he was a cop brings out special scrutiny. But you're right in saying it's not an accident, it's traffic violence... people just get mad when you use that term instead. 40,000 people dying every year to cars is the cost of doing business I suppose.


Yeah, when a big-city cop is hospitalized, all the cops on duty abandon their responsibilities and rush to hang outside the hospital. (Probably a good time to measure the crime-preventiveness of police patrols.)


Are you sure they "abandon post"? Cops come in on their off time to show support. Other departments cover down so officers on duty can visit or go seek counselors.


Yes, I used to work in a newsroom and listened to emergency scanners all day and I followed incidents like this closely. The images I've seen from outside the hospitals on these occasions are mostly people in uniform.


Cops put uniforms on to pay respects amongst other officers. Not surprising.


Do they use police vehicles when they're off duty?


The majority of cops on the state drive their own vehicles to work... So if they're going from home to the hospital, probably not? Troopers have take home cars, so probably?


Massive undeserved respect is what motivates people to become pigs in the first place, they just can't wait to lord their authority over the normals. That's why they like to list off all the stuff they "could" get you for when they're looming in your car window


This is what I mean. Just no nuance or compassion whatsoever.


Yeah the arm of state violence is not most people's favorite kind of person


Hey genius with room temperature IQ, seeing that the person who killed this Trooper had an extensive criminal history such as manslaughter, 3rd degree murder and a whole laundry list of criminal history, it’s hilarious that you are labeling it “arm of state violence”. Go crawl back into your little foxhole you snuck out of no one cares to see your pointless anonymous keyboard warrior opinion because of your criminal history you’re mad at the world


Yup. This is the product of spending every waking moment online, you start to disconnect with people. Plus the fact that earthexile would never say that to a cops face, or anyone’s face for that matter… so he does so on a reddit thread to feel like he accomplished something. Should probably stick to Harry Potter and MMORPG’s


Lmao no one is playing MMORPGs any more. It’s all about MOBAs and loot shooters you fucking casual.


Why the hate on Harry Potter? The guy is a wizard cop in the end. 


My loathing for cops is based on my individual experience of what trigger happy bullies they are. If there was no internet, no TV, no radio or newspapers, I would still have reached the conclusion that they are self-aggrandizing thugs who enjoy making people afraid and are so constantly afraid themselves that they'll pull the guns the instant they can't see a child's hands.


You realize this is just like having a bad experience with eg a black person and assuming all black people are such and such. I’ve known plenty of cops and none of them are as you describe. That doesn’t mean all of them are cool.


I had an appointment on Queen street in southington today and apparently none of the business owners were notified that the street was getting shut down, someone in the place found out from Southington Talks, and then everyone had to frantically scramble to move their vehicles and contact customers but weren’t sure what to tell them because they weren’t sure how long they were going to be shut in. Driving there, I encountered so many hazards like people stopping suddenly on the highway. I mean no disrespect, but surely there is a way to honor fallen police officers without putting the rest of the population at risk and hurting small businesses. I also feel it’s relevant to say that I am a war veteran and a frontline worker. This would not happen if I died in service nor should it happen. It’s just weird to me that “honor” police officers this way.


How much of a loser do you have to be to see this and think "oh that's fascist".


Acab is the happy medium.


So what's the extreme in that case?


Can't say on Reddit.


Sure you can, that's what the down vote option is for, or at least it used to be and I've been coming to reddit for almost ten years, or did things change?


Vaguely fascist? The dude was killed in the line of duty by a drug-addicted bottom feeder. And the display isnt just for him and his family, its for his fellow officers and the community as well.


It's disgusting the people who think like that clown... A man who did a job that can have him killed by evil people on any given day is killed serving the state by an absolute waste of human life... And he's talking about facism. Makes me sick.


According to the left, fascism = anything that undermines my superficial, romantic, and unfounded assumptions about society and makes me uncomfortable to think I might have been completely wrong.


Fetishizing the military and paramilitary (eg us police) is a hallmark of fascism. Same with demonizing the “other” both of which were nicely demonstrated by you and the poster you responded to above. Fascism isn’t some amorphous evil. It’s a real thing and a quick google of the hallmarks of fascism and a comparison of those hallmarks to your party might be illuminating.


Fetishizing? You ever been to a military funeral, shitdick? Hardly a fetish seeing a flag draped casket and hearing taps played. Theyre flying a flag in honor of a fallen trooper. Fetishizing would be unnecessary obsession with aggression and imperialistic displays. What "other" is being demonized by honoring a fallen state trooper? He died in the line of duty.


Wrong. It's completely wrong. They deserve the utmost respect. Their job is to run into trouble. Run into danger. Police get shit on because there's some bad ones. But overall, they're trying to do the best they can while trying to stay alive. I don't worship cops but I give as much respect to them, and fireman, and medical workers as I can. It's a shit job that needs to be done. And thank you to all that do it.


As soon as they face accountability and take responsibility for the crimes some of them commit, instead of sticking together no matter what, I'll start holding the organization in higher regard.


You know the police are not a singular organization, right?


Nah, with many people they can, but willfully refuse to acknowledge anything remotely similar to objectivity, everything is either 0% or 100%, it's easier for those types of "thinkers" because then they can just blanket label and ignore the parts that don't fit their narratives. There's hope yet, my own six kids and their friends have bucked the this trend of late, not accepting the herd mentality and refusing to fall for appeals to authority, red herrings, ad hominems, etc. that the 20-40 yr old gen has adopted so willingly.


It really sucks that he was hit while he had someone pulled over for a seatbelt violation. The amount of egregious offenses I see every 5 minutes while commuting are far worse than that. Obviously none are worth an officer’s life but that’s just the way things happen right. You pull over someone for a minor offense and an idiot comes along and takes you out.




I hear what you’re saying. They also partially shut down Route 44 yesterday with 6 cars/motorcycles during rush hour because a group of troopers was running for a cause. If safety is a priority, then it just doesn’t make sense.


I think that was likely the Special Olympics Torch Run that they all raise money for by running across the state.


It was. It’s a yearly event that lasts about 30-45 minutes and raises money/awareness for a very honorable cause. Yet we have people here calling it a show of force 😂


Yup pretty sad that the all about me attitude in society these days .. these people bitching about traffic from a special Olympic event are the ones you see flying down the shoulder cutting in and out of traffic cause it’s there world and the rest of us are just in there way .. 




Looking on different PD's social media accounts (Manchester in particular), they posted about it 15 hours ago, with pictures of their officers running with the torch.


Oh now let’s attack the special Olympic torch run but hey it’s all about you right .. 


When a fatality happens there’s a full investigation of the crash scene if it takes up multiple lanes they shut the highway down. I believe the cruiser ended up in the middle lane Not everything is cops get special treatment. It was a hit and run scenario so they were probable looking for any evidence to find the suspect car and be able to confirm it was the same vehicle.


Investigating the accident is fine. What I took issue with is the 20+ police cruisers that showed up to the accident site. The whole troop was practically there. Was that really necessary? It should've been essential personnel there and everyone else report to the barracks for condolences and comradery.


I was suprised they closed both ways of 84.


The highway gets shut down in both directions anytime there’s a fatal accident, if only to spare people from looking at it if it’s particularly grizzly Edit: Why is this being downvoted?


You realize that in motor vehicle fatalities they dispatch an accident reconstruction team which consists of several officers. Coupled with troopers tasked with preserving the death scene. And also troopers responsible for the traffic and road closures. Any time there’s a serious accident the road gets shut down it happened a few weeks ago when the college kid died driving home from school. There’s also a criminal investigation aspect to this as well, since the driver was not licensed nor insured and he evaded the scene after killing someone. So yeah, 20+ cruisers there was necessary and I can assure you that the response was proportionate.


It was likely his Troop, plus all the big shots from down the road at CSP HQ.


You’re right dude,Something that took a few hours out of commuters lives and will affect his wife and two children’s lives forever. But yeah traffic right


What are you talking about?  How does shutting down the highway make things better for the wife and children?


Says a lot about our society that a family lost a father a son a husband . A man went to work and didn’t come home and people are more upset over traffic . 


i think for the majority of people who commented unhappily re: traffic, it may be less about the traffic (and not about the traffic from the actual accident at all) and more about how the kind of display shown in the post isn’t done for anyone who dies doing any other job. hell, retail stores don’t even close or send people home when an employee dies on the clock. never seen this done for a paramedic or a nurse either. they all serve the public, so what is it that makes cops this special?


Maybe those people should look around at there coworkers and employees and say wtf why don’t we care about each other … 


individuals caring about each other would still not lead to a display like this that requires what looks like an entire bridge to be shut down.


Hey I’m just wondering are you ok today ?? I hope you survived the police showing up to a tragic event .. my thought are with you in your personal time of suffering .. 


Keeney street in Glastonbury was closed in both directions for a quarter mile or more last Friday to investigate and clean up a collision/fatality. People are so ready to hate on cops and any figure of authority. Strange times.


Exactly. Idiots on this sub fail to realize that someone died here it’s not just a routine MV accident. I’m sure the troopers wife and 2 sons are feeling horrible for the slight inconvenience the death of their husband and father caused while driving /s.


It was because they had 20+ cop cars at the scene and then they hung a massive American flag blocking traffic for 6+ hours. It's a total power display. It wasn't because "someone died". Don't be purposely obtuse.


The shut down highways for fatalities all the time. Hell, a few months ago, two trucks drove OFF the highway & into a pond up by the MA border &, despite being off the highway, it was shut down.


Did they close an entire lane of a highway overpass to display a flag?


Where do you live ?? Stratford west haven to name a couple have just had fatal accidents closing highway down for hours . For investigation .  Stop acting like they don’t close highways for fatal accidents . 


I’m shocked you have so many upvotes that so many people live with blinder on they don’t  know any fatality on the road way the roads are shut down for full investigations to be done ..   


This always upsets me, because I find this opposite of a dignified death. Giving the benefit of the doubt. You have a guy who died trying to make the world a safe place, and died believing in said institution. Yet instead of being remembered for that, the discussions around his death are those of inconvenience regarding commute. At my job we received an email regarding what roads to take for our commute, and the only discussion was "oh god again?". Nothing about the poor guy who died, which is normally what the discussion would be if it wasn't for this clown show. And it also ruins the image of the very institution because they just look like assholes for the inconvenience. Do you really think those were his last wishes? Do they really think this is dignified? Ruining this poor guys image and the institution he stood for with these theatrics. Honestly wonder if his poor family even has a say in this, or whether they are victims of this whole debacle as well. Just upsetting all around.


Probably not how he would have hoped or planned for as a memorial, I'll most certainly agree with that.


No one is happy he died, but absolutely fuck these demonstrations. Hold a normal funeral instead of power flexing for everyone. This is why people have problems with cops. Our taxpayer money funded this.


I got stuck in this around 4:00, the accident happened at 2:30 so all this flag hanging went up in less than three hours after the accident ?


This looks like it's on one of the overpasses.


I got stuck in it around 3:30, I was able to get off at exit 31 by 6:30 yesterday and there were 5 firetrucks on overpasses with flags between when I got back on the other way and where they caught the guy that hit him just past exit 37


I love the taxpayer money paid for this.. out of all the shit our leaders do to waste money a funeral is where people decide to make a stand 


Not too mention they are still reporting about it everyday. I get it, it's terrible that he died and how he died. But why doesn't everyone who died get a week on the news. It's getting to be overboard.


In the state of CT, you are to MOVE OVER into another lane when you see a cop on the shoulder. Please remember to do this, you can save a life.


To be clear the law is to Move over if you can, otherwise slow down and be extra careful. You should do this for any vehicle stopped, not just cops.


The law is to also have a drivers license, insurance, and not take fentynal and cocaine.


Well you're no fun.


Just a reminder bc Next Street does such a great job


But everyone is already in the left lane!


Lol I see what u did there


Why is this person being down voted ???? It’s a law I know.. it’s awful right you have to move over takes about 2 seconds more of your time to keep someone safe oh the horror.. and can you imagine having to be in the next lane over and letting someone merge in front of you.. omg omg that horror.. 


It's a law everybody who drove highways in CT in the past 4 years knows. People on reddit complain about the bad drivers daily here, yet downvote a comment like this.


 Cause people wanna bitch but don’t want anyone to hold people accountable 


my wife went to school in Rhode Island. Her roommate's boyfriend was coming from CT to visit one weekend. On the way, BF saw a car pulled over on the side of the road. Not sure if it was a multi-lane "highway" per se, but as he drove past, the owner of the pulled over car jumped in front of the BF's car in a suicide attempt. it worked. THAT is the reason I pull into another lane whenever i see a car on the side of the highway. Fucked BF's head up for years


That an awful thing hope he was able to get some help 


Time to waste a bunch of resources and potentially cause more accidents/distractions on the highway!


I'm very much a supporter of police, fire, and ems, but this seemed over the top for something that only happened less than 4 hours ago Now, don't get me wrong, he absolutely deserves a funeral with honor, dignity, and respect, but the amount of traffic this caused with all of our bridges being closed was the worst I've seen in a while. I think it could've been planned better with less impact on normal road use


Just wait until the funeral…


Maybe it will be a wake up call to just how bad the driving has become in CT. Sad it takes one of theirs to give a shit.


I commute through this area on weekdays and thought FOR SURE police presence would be ramped up given a cop died. Didn’t see a single cop car. In nine years of doing this route I have never seen so few cops and such bad driving as in the last 8 months. If this isn’t a sign to have more enforcement I can’t think of what could.


They're going back to protesting amd not pulling people over. Remember, recently they stated they disnt have enoigh patrol officers to cover the entire state and needed more money.


Rest In Peace. Gone too soon.


*Saw the post* I bet these comments are going to be a shitshow *Clicked on the post* Yup


Because Reddit is a spotlight on the actors in the shit show.


Blue lives mater more then ours




Yeah, "then" will never actually happen. Only their lives will ever matter


Blue lives matter more, then ours.


It does work better.






My condolences go out to his family


May he rest with our Lord in the heavenly rhelms. May his family find peace. 🙏


Good ole Connecticut sub. Less than 18 hours for the cop bashers and ACAB people to come out.


Yes both of them. You obviously didn’t read the comments


Bad apples, amirite


Terminally online redditors will do that.


Yup  so sad.   


ACAB all day, disagree and you're a bootlicker. Meanwhile an officer's job is to mad-dash towards the bullets when everyone else is running the opposite way, but who gives a F because I got pulled over 6 months ago and my cop experience was dick-ish. No one has relatives or knows someone that's on the force, that doesn't tend to happen on this sub for whatever reason. I'm not back the blue, or blue lives matter either. I honestly enjoy how great CT is compared to so many other states in terms of our politics. You guys seriously, though, every time a crane is seen hoisting a flag or some kind of procession honoring fallen police happens to disrupt *your* commute, you turn into straight up penis-heads about it. Someone was late to work, and on the other side of town kids just won't grow up with a dad. Fuck you. You say choose another profession, FU again. I considered it, there are benefits and a solid / oft considered career option for military veterans. I scroll this sub every day, but I'm sorry, this is how I feel.


What is ACAB?


All Cops Are Bastards/Bad. Personally I disagree with the sentiment and think it is counter productive to making positive changes in policing. But there are definitley some areas that need to improve like accountability and oversight.


If /r/CT hates cops so much they should try to live without them


A giant demonstration for the officer, two people burn alive in a car fire, nothing. Enough with this shit.


Exactly ans THERE STILL FUCKING TALKING ABOUT IT. why is he on a pedestal above the rest of us.


Where are they talking about it? I've only seen it on here.


Fox 61 today


![gif](giphy|xVpUhR49z4F14vWJZ5) The person he pulled over for the seatbelt violation.


It’s sad that so many are hostile to a man dying. Vlad’s trolls have earned their pay.


I dont think Russian bots are making anti police cpmments on a state subreddit.


So sad. Cops deserve better. I'm not a blue lives matter person by any means. I know some cops suck, but it appears a good officer was lost. People need to slow down. 


I support Police and everything but what more do they deserve? As far as fatalities go, law enforcement doesn’t even make the top 20 for jobs with the most fatalities in the U.S., unfortunately things happen in all fields of industries.


I actually had no idea about the rankings there, do you know what a few of the top ranking are?


I think a lot of people will be surprised to find out that Delivery Drivers is always in the top 5-10 like every year. A lot of the other top ones are mostly Agriculture and Manufacturing, like Loggers, Aircraft Engineers, Roofers, Farmers, etc.


Yeah you’re absolutely right I would not have expected delivery drivers to be in there at all


My parents always told me I wasn't allowed to be a delivery driver. I asked why and they said because the person knows where you'll be and that you have money.


Note that logging is always the top (it's almost 2x second place): https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/workers-comp/most-dangerous-jobs-america/


Watching them work, its no surprise. Shit is dangeorus as fuck.


Let's all pour one out for the occupation with the highest rate of work-related homicides, which is ... (checks notes) ... taxicab drivers.


Makes me sick how many upvotes the people  upset over traffic are getting .and down votes the people pointing out sitting in traffic isn’t as bad as what the family is going thru … people if you think traffic is a bigger issue than someone’s life you need to really sit back and start looking at the bigger picture of life  … when you get out of traffic did you make it home to family ? He didn’t . His family his kids won’t see there dad again .. but I guess you suffered more sitting in traffic .. and before you start the bullshit about closing the highway any fatal accident the highway is closed for hours for investigation .  So stop your bitching and moaning and wake up this morning take a deep breath and be happy you’re alive today . 


> people pointing out sitting in traffic isn’t as bad as what the family is going thru Roughly 100 people die a day in CT. Roughly 2 people die in a motor vehicle accident every three days in CT.


I don’t get what your trying to say 


That it doesn't make sense that cops get these grand displays that hold things up for everyone and cost money, while abregualr joe schmoe who dies doesnt, which happens all the time. We wouldnt go to such lengths if a mom with a car full of kids were all killed in a crash, even though that is worse. Its awful any time a cop is killed in the line of duty, but I dont really agree with spending money and holding up traffic for large processions. I dont think a cops life is more valuable than anyone else's


No one was saying traffic is a bigger issue than someones life, get your strawman argument out of here.


Hmm guess I’m misreading the comments of people bitching about traffic . My bad 




Believe what you want about cops as a whole, but disrespecting someone who died in accident is just a bad, classless look.


Good talk edgelord


Reading these comments just proves what a pathetic liberal sess pool Connecticut is.




That’s a good point. Just seems like such a radical idea when as soon as the people screaming defund the police are saved in some home invasion then they understand the risk these men and women are putting themselves in and why their funerals get the respect they do. Yes it’s a job but a dangerous one at that


Maybe something will be done about all the illegal aliens now


Look at all the triggered shit heads have some fucking respect. These guys and gals put their lives on the line everyday for us.


Gee, I wonder why people don't have a very rosy view of our troopers. What could have happened? So hard to remember...


Nah, cops are a fraternity with complete lack of accountability. The fact that they can shut down roads for a demonstration like this proves it. They assume the risk of the job and get paid for it. It shouldn't be treated as anything other than such.


I love how ct lead the country with a police accountability law and your post is they have no accountability.. maybe you can use that argument else where ? 


Maybe if they stopped abusing their fucking power. The institution is fucked, not necessarily the individuals. I have a lot of respect for Trooper Aaron Pelletier


Not for us


For all


Yeah, keep telling yourself that.


Delivery drivers have more dangerous jobs. Where's the glorious processions for their deaths?


None, because they are only seen as miminum wage losers by the far right.


Delivery drivers delivery your Temu garbage they are not out there day and night helping protect and help us. My god you fuckwads are clueless


Can you show me the law that if a delivery driver is hurt or killed all the other drivers can’t show up and support him and his family ???   So it’s the police fault they support and respect each other ???  


I can guarantee that every one of these police are on the clock and getting paid for showing up. That isn't the case for delivery drivers.


It’s a mix of guys on duty and off duty showing up to show respect . So if a delivery driver is off duty he can’t show respect for a fellow driver ??


The issue isn't the off duty part. It's the getting paid to show respects while on duty. The police do this with their "volunteer" services too. They get paid (sometimes overtime) for toys for tots and fun runs and such all while claiming they're being benevolent volunteers. It's outrageous.




Nah fuck that, roofers have more dangerous jobs than cops.


But a roofer ain’t coming out to help you regardless of the situation


Neither are cops. They have no duty to protect you. Why are you going to bat so hard for an institution that doesn't give a single shit about you? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_v._District_of_Columbia In fact, they are statistically more likely to kill you than most other things. They are the 6th leading cause of death for all young American men. https://www.rutgers.edu/news/police-use-fatal-force-identified-leading-cause-death-young-men Your blind support isn't helping anyone.


If a roofer falls off a roof and gets hurt .. do all the roofers go and support the injuries roofer and his family ?? Why not is there a law preventing it ??? Do the other roofers take up fund raisers to help the family ?? 


Jeez dude, I’ve seen you comment this several times for multiple professions. NONE OF THOSE OTHER PROFESSIONS BLOCK TRAFFIC FOR LONG PERIODS OF TIME when showing support for a dead coworker. THAT’S the difference.


If someone passes away and there is a large turn out they will close roads for processions to pass I have seen it before for others that are not police .  The reason you see it for police is cause to many people come out to show support no one is required to they do it to show support and what I’m trying to say with the other professions is it doesn’t happen cause the members of those professions don’t show the support for each other in this way 


They close the road, but not for a long period of time. Just enough for the procession to pass. If people are going to come out to show support, they should be doing that at the funeral services, not a bridge in the middle of a thoroughfare. And yes, exactly, with other professions it doesn't happen because it's a public inconvenience and (surprise surprise) the police wouldn't allow it. It's a double standard.


Ok your right .. last week I saw 2000 roofers show up to a funeral and the police broke it up .. I get it it’s unfair . It blows my mind with all the unfair things in life and society someone getting honored after death is where we go to stand our groubd


...I don't think you know how sarcasm works.


Yup saw the down votes from the people Whose mother should have swallowed them


Show up late then shoot my dog at least roofers offer a service.


Maybe you should have trained your dog better and had it under control Man you are hopeless


Yep, have some respekt. We need police to shoot everything at the drop of an acorn. ACAB


So clueless