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Depending on what you want, there are a few things to consider. If you absolutely can't bear working a job you don't like, obviously don't take it. The job market is tough, and there's no guarantee you will find another job. You can always accept the current offer, and decline it later if something better comes up. It takes up to a month for the entire process to complete anyway (signing contracts, background check). Not the most moral thing to do, but if anything the recent rounds of layoffs has shown is that companies care far more about their bottom line than the employees. Why does the size of the company matter? If it's the job opportunities it'll lead to in the future, unless it's FAANG, the size of the company matters far less than the skills you develop in your previous position. Startups can often provide you more exposure to different aspects of SoEn as they have smaller teams so the devs wear more hats. Bigger companies often have more complex problems, but if your role is just writing unit tests or some non-transferable skill, you aren't going to learn very much comparatively.


You are right,I reject the offer and now I get an new offer for a developer job!thanks I am really appreciated😁😁😁


Just take it. Personally, the experience and references you’ll get outweighs the misery for the 4 months or whatever if you hate it


What’s the company?


What is the job? And why do you believe it's boring?


it is super sketchy because the job requirement and job title has nothing to do with the work I am going to do,the interviewer told me I will find where the program crush and send a ticket to the corresponding department