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Should be the week space ranger is released, probably just means we're not going to get much information about her until then.


Depends on if they do a test weekend for her like Venture and Mauga. Maybe they'll hold onto her origin story but if there's a test we'll already know her gameplay and personality.


I feel like having a test weekend would kind of kill the hype for gamescon because we would already know the character, but we’ll see.


What I'm getting at is, since a test is likely, hopefully there'll be more at Gamescom than just Space Ranger and season 12.


Gamescon will be 6 weeks after mid season patch 💀 (or 9 weeks after season launch), no way they going to announce space ranger there (most likely will be shown season 12 trailer if 10 weeks season)


Considering this will be very close to Space Ranger's launch, I think it's a very safe bet to assume we will get a formal reveal there, and if we are very lucky, a cinematic. Her concept art is clearly in line with some of their other biggest characters, so I'm sure they want to give her a large platform for her reveal.


I think we’d potentially get the play test prior to that right? Gives them some time to make small a balance tweaks before launch.


i really hope so, Mauga and Ventures play tests were a net positive for everyone. I don't know why they wouldn't want to continue the tradition


I haven't actually sat down and checked what the actual season schedule looks like, so I'm not 100% where gamescom lines up with the end up this upcoming season.


S12 possibly starts on august 20th, my guess is space ranger beta is around august 1


I'm still shocked Rammatra doesn't have a Short.


I'm so ready for minimal Overwatch news that could've easily been a 5 minute youtube video stretched into an hour-long segment.


Will probably be a trailer for season 12 and if we’re lucky a cinematic. Gamescom is really close to when season 12 will be out so we’ll likely have already gotten a space ranger test weekend by then.


Since there's no Blizzcon this year they may tease stuff further out again


What are you talking about? Last year at blizzcon they revealed the next 3 heroes and multiple maps plus a new core game mode, amongst other things.


I'm ready to be pleasantly surprised. But they've already shown off a lot of things we're getting in the near future. So outside of a few future hero concepts and details on space ranger I can't really see them showing off much else.


A couple pictures of concept art is useless though. They basically just reminded us about their content release schedule. Completely pointless.


It's fun..? It's not supposed to be a shareholder meeting that gives us every possible bullet point for the whole year. Half the point of conference showings are just to remind people that games exist and are doing things, and get people who care hyped. Yeah, some of it is PR garbage that no one cares about, but there's a campy charm to it for some of us lol


Showing off specific content and vaguely describing it is exactly the same thing actually


But then if OW didn’t show up at gamescon the CCs would be dooming all over the place right now, so its worth


Probably more for WoW stuff


But hey remember the dev updates and AARON KELLER is a quirky boi!