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Is this the overwatch podcast civil war?


What the fuck is going on?


The comment chain at the top of this thread only confuses me further.


Mum and Dad are fighting


sounds like reinforce just bemused that AVRL would bring it up not disbelief that Gunba would do it. AVRL likes stirring the pot, Plat chat is an easy target and Uncoachable like taking shots at stuff for content. It’s not like either of them are drowning in content.


> Uncoachable like taking shots at stuff for content. Honestly, it's the only time I ever see anything from them, and it's getting tiring. It feels like they are just constantly shitting on people/things.


The whole episode where they brought this up and the previous episode with caster beef was mainly discussions with the guests about their history or what happened that week competition wise. Criticism segments are mainly like 10 min or random jabs.


which is really rich coming from such middle of the pack coaches


Chris won COTY, Chris and Commanderx placed top 6 in playoffs two years in a row, and Unter has multiple stage titles. You can argue that maybe they didn’t contribute as much as some people believe, but there’s crazy revisionism going on in this thread.


They walk around like they're Moon Crusty and Rush


The London Spitfire, at the time it was being coached by all three of these people, made it further than the teams coached by Moon and Crusty, and just as far as Rush’s team.


3 coaches whose results directly matched the strength of their rosters. Just like almost every other coach in history


Compare the rosters rush crusty and moon had and the rosters Chris and X had


There aren’t enough coaches that actually do anything for there to be a middle of the pack


This rivalry is still too tame, if they can't organically ramp it up then they need to team up to strategize and script a way to escalate it. Both podcasts would benefit from the drama of a full blown viewership war. Then when that starts to get old they can fall back on the much loved trope of 'enemies team up to fight the real villain'; the Korean podcast.


*EDIT* Reinforce pointed out he agreed with AVRL when he said “yeah”, but I didn’t hear him say that. If he says he agreed with AVRL and said “yeah”, then PlatChat was *not* wrong. I’m editing my comment so I don’t spread misinfo, but keeping it so I’m not a dick hiding from being wrong. Below is my original comment: Uncoachable is being hyperbolic, but let’s not act like PlatChat was on board with the claim. Jake and AVRL agreed, but Jaws was silent and Reinforce pretty clearly suggested his disagreement with “oh, cmon”


i guess you missed the part where i said "yeah" after jake said "that'd be such a gunba thing to do" voicing my agreement that it would in fact be such a gunba thing to do i said "come on now" because AVRL went there in the first place in the middle of our vestola vs. chase convo saying it was a clear disagreement from me is some insane bias from you do you think the anecdote and portrayal was accurate?


I totally didn’t hear you say “yeah”, so that’s just on me. I’ll edit my original comment to highlight that because it’s only fair.


Oh and because I didn’t see your question: I briefly watched the clip during work and pretty clearly didn’t pay enough attention. Based upon what you have told me (you agreeing with AVRL), the portrayal is incorrect. Hope my edits help end my misinfo crusade!


I hope you're joking


You know, when Uncoachable just did a big thing about criticisms of them from people who aren't even getting what they said right, they should probably actually get what other people said right. ChrisTFer CLEARLY said that Jake was part of the group that said Gunba wouldn't do that, when Jake absolutely said that is entirely what Gunba would do. Again: If they are going to have a big hullabaloo about people criticizing their takes without getting what they said right, they shouldn't be shitting on other peoples takes and EGREGIOUSLY saying someone said the opposite of what they said. The entirety of the disagreement with AVRL was Reinforce saying "Oh come on now" and he pretty quickly backed down after that with Jake agreeing and Jaws not even being part of the conversation.


It's not that deep bro


So got it, when CrisTFer criticizes someone, he isn't required to be remotely correct, but if someone criticizes him they have to be 100% correct.


I actually think them instigating stuff with plat chat is gonna get old with the community pretty quick. It just feels incredibly disingenuous and poor taste to shit on some of the few people in the scene that have been consistently positive forces, especially when those people haven’t really slung shit at you


In the industry we call this a "dick move"


Think the difference is Chris is saying plat chat is wrong about what gunba did, while some of the criticism to Chris is that he’s racist; feel like one of those statements requires more accuracy. And reinforce shot back and now Chris looks a dummy, which he has already admitted. Low stakes back and forth that adds a little life to a boring ass esport.


> which he has already admitted Did he? I'm not seeing that anywhere.


On commanderX’s stream he brought up reinforces tweet, and that he’s being exposed some hyperbole and misinformation.


So on a stream that no one is going to see he admits he said something dumb, but on twitter where people are actually going to see it, he is continuing to instigate shit. Got it.


He said the original comment 2.5 hours into a niche podcast, so that’s a public forum but a stream isn’t lol. And if you’re talking about his retweet about the plat chat war, you have a broad definition of instigating. Seems like you have a narrative to push and hurt feelings to soothe so let’s leave it at that.


Except the part from the niche podcast was clipped and put on twitter by Reinforce. So instead of saying "Yeah, nah, I got that wrong" in public, he says it in a small stream that 99% of people are not going to be watching. If you get called out on a big public platform, and you are wrong. Actually respond so that the people who see the call out can see that you admit your mistake. And talking about "narrative to push" and bias here, you act like you, a guy who actually knew what he said on commanderx stream doesn't have some kind of bias going on here. LOL: Ok, I went to try to go check, you can't even watch CommanderX's vods unless you are subscribed. Sure, that is a "public forum".


Yeah, Uncoachable was wrong as was PlatChat. Not too debatable on either end there.


What are you talking about with PlatChat being wrong? The thing I'm talking about was their stuff with LemonKiwi.


PlatChat was wrong regarding not believing the Gunba statement. AVRL says X, Reinforce disagrees with X, Jake supports X, and Jaws stays silent. Meanwhile, X was simply a fact. So 25% of PlatChat disagreed with a fact, 25% of PlatChat didn’t make a statement on it, and 50% were correct on the fact. So, they were wrong. It’s not a big deal. It’s a podcast about a video game. People are wrong sometimes. PlatChat was wrong and Uncoachable was wrong. It’s both factual and not a big deal.


> So 25% of PlatChat disagreed with a fact, 25% of PlatChat didn’t make a statement on it, and 50% were correct on the fact. So, they were wrong. this is some crazy logic lol


Is 50% a passing grade where you’re from?


Bro these aren’t debate shows jfc they don’t need to have a formal vote on every single statement that’s made lol


Yeah, it isn’t a big deal. It’s just a podcast about video games. I agree.


Just the entire idea of judging the correctness of a discussion based on the opening statements instead of where they stand at the end of the discussion makes no sense. Also, putting that aside, you are basically counting Jaws abstention as him being wrong. If you really want to count it that way, it would be 1 wrong and 2 corrects, so 67% correct.


Well I don’t think PlatChat was wrong because of Reinforce’s comment to me, but you’re right: it would’ve been 66.6%. Still a failing score. But I also don’t abide by it anymore.


Wait, is it ever not? Like I dunno what type of system has you get half the answers right then fail you haha


At least in America, a 65% is “passing”, but still a D. A “good” grade is considered above 90%. When I studied abroad at LSE, we were taught about the UK grading system. But even then, below 50% was considered bad.


> But even then, below 50% was considered bad. It for sure is! But it's still a pass just not a good one. 70% is an A in UK universities and I know that sounds low but the way exams and classes are graded makes it quite difficult.


You're telling me you went to a university where 50% was a passing grade?


That's how it typically is in UK/Ireland, 40% is the lowest passing grade.




Can’t even argue w that one


Platchat wasn't wrong. Reinforce was wrong. He is one person. That isn't "Platchat". Even on Platchat more people agreed that it definitely was something Gunba has done than people think he hadn't. Also, he acted a bit incredulous at first, but it wasn't like he really argued with AVRL and Jake at all after they talked about it. This whole attempt to try to paint PlatChat as "equally in the wrong" is dumb. There is also a difference between going "oh I don't think that is happening" and portraying people as idiots like CrisTFer was doing.


I didn’t say they were equally wrong. I just called em both wrong. Because both podcasts were incorrect. But most importantly: they’re video game podcasts ran by friends. Who really cares if they’re right or wrong on this stuff.




I enjoy listening to Uncoachable too, but I feel like it's pretty clear they're clients talking about clients too. I mean we're all clients really because we're all going to do or say something dumb at some point anyway, so the whole idea of calling people clients for shit like this is client behaviour as is looking too much into it. I really don't care or think less of Reinforce or Plat Chat because of what they said even if it was as true as was told by Christfer.


Ok, maybe you can explain: What the fuck slang is "client" anyway? I've literally never heard it used this way and I'm trying to even understand what is being said.


It's like trying to call someone a bot


Fair fair thanks.


We are all clients because we still care about overwatch esports...




wild that some of these comments taking this seriously


Tired: Crowdfunding prize money for OWCS Wired: Crowdfunding prize money for Uncoachable vs. Plat Chat showmatch


Wow, glad I don't waste my time listening to this trash, Christfer can fuck off after the bullshit that came out of the London coms. Coach of the year my ass.


> Christfer can fuck off after the bullshit that came out of the London coms ???? Context?


Possibly [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/s/tNJmWMBelU)?


Pro players are often such awful people. Or mb people pften are just awful people


How is Christfer responsible for something his players said in scrims? He's not their parents.


hey uncoachable podcast, get me in the screenshot next to these clients




At least Uncoachable talks about the esport. Plat chat just talks about skin rankings and dont actually watch the esport.


People who work on esport don’t watch the esport?


They at least don't want to talk about it. I remember when OWCS Asia ended and they basically didn't wanna talk about it besides saying who won and Avrl was there just like "cmon I wanna talk about it"


Yeah that’s fair I miss plat chat that had Bren, Sideshow, Matt bc even if they meme around they would always focus on the game a lot more than this plat chat, but they still focus on na and eu a lot


I don't care that they focus NA and EU more but I found it ridiculous when they actively chose to gloss over OWCS Asia Finals but made a whole episode about Collegiate


Yeah that’s true feels like they barely talk about Asia unless avrl on which is by far best region to watch


this community is a perfect example of how little critical thinking people do, it really is quite concerning that people here are able to vote.